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PT. Cilsy Fiolution Indonesia - ​

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atau seluruh isi dokumen ini tanpa seizin pemilik yaitu PT. Cilsy Fiolution Indonesia. Konten
Silabus ini adalah hak cipta dari PT. Cilsy Fiolution Indonesia dan dilindungi oleh

1 - Silabus Kelas Kuasai Google Cloud Platform -

Section 1 : Pengenalan Google Cloud Platform

1. The Big Picture of GCP

2. Key GCP Services
3. GCP Services

Section 2 : Mulai Menggunakan GCP

1. Signing up with GCP

2. GCP Platform Resources
3. Interacting with GCP
4. Demo: Using Google Cloud Shell

Section 3 : Layanan-layanan GCP Compute

1. Overview of GCP Compute Services

2. Google App Engine
3. Google Compute Engine
4. Google Kubernetes Engine
5. Google Cloud Functions
6. Demo - Launching a GCE Instance
7. Use Cases for GCP Compute Services

Section 4 : GCP Storage Services

1. Overview of GCP Storage Services

2. Google Cloud Storage
3. Persistent Disks
4. Cloud Filestore
5. Demo - Storing Data in GCP
6. Use Cases for GCP Storage Services

Section 5 : GCP Network Services

1. Overview of GCP Network Services

2. GCP Network Service Tiers
3. Load Balancers
4. VPC
5. Hybrid Connectivity
6. Demo - Configuring HTTP Load Balancer
7. Studi kasus lain GCP Network Services

Section 6 : Identity and Access Management

1. Overview of IAM

2 - Silabus Kelas Kuasai Google Cloud Platform -

2. Cloud IAM Identity
3. Cloud IAM Permissions
4. Cloud IAM Roles
5. Key Elements of Cloud IAM
6. Demo - Members, Roles, Permissions
7. Service Accounts
8. Demo - Cloud IAM Service Accounts
9. When to use Cloud IAM?

Section 7 : GCP Database Services

1. Introduction to SQL for BigQuery and Cloud SQL

2. Google Cloud SQL
3. Google Cloud Bigtable
4. Google Cloud Spanner
5. Google Cloud Memorystore
6. Demo - Provisioning Google Cloud SQL Instance
7. Use Cases of GCP Database Services

Section 8 : Cloud Monitoring

1. Overview Monitoring
2. Create monitoring and logging system
3. Checking logs

Section 9 : Kubernetes Engine on Google Cloud Platform

1. Cluster orchestration with Kubernetes Engine
2. Creating a Kubernetes Engine Cluster
3. Deploying an application to the cluster

3 - Silabus Kelas Kuasai Google Cloud Platform -

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