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Bolt Group Design Ver W2.4.

00 - 25 Mar 2008
Title : Default Connection Created: 20/4/2021 9:43:32 PM

Design to : SABS 0162 - 1993

Bolt Type Bearing Bolts
Analysis Type Non-Linear
Bolt Grade 8.8
Bolt Diameter (mm) d 12
Shear Planes Double Shear
Columns of Bolts nc 2
Rows of Bolts nr 3
Column Spacing (in) a1 2
Row Spacing (in) a2 3
Force (kip) F 100
Force Angle (°) ß 270
Force Horizontal Offset (in) x 5
Force Vertical Offset (in) y 3

100 kip
nc = 2 5

Design Code : SABS 0162 - 1993

Analysis : Non-Linear
nr = 3

Bolt Grade : 8.8

Shear Planes : Double Shear

The capacity of a single bolt is :

φb = 0.67
Ab = 0.175in2
f u = 116ksi
Vr = 0.75 . 0.60 . φb. m . Ab. f u = 12.241 kip

The capacity of the group is 30.62 kip

The applied ULS force is : 100 kip

Bolt Shear Design Failure

Due to failure no Bolt Forces can be given

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