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dereket's fullbody routine brahs

Monday - Wednesday - Friday

Squats 3x6-10
Flat Bench Presses 3x6-10
Incline Bench Presses 3x6-10
Wide Grip Pullups 3x6-10
Barbell Rows 3x6-10
Lying French Press / Standing Barbell Curl 3x6-10
Tricep Pushdown / Seated Dumbbell Curl 3x6-10
Lateral Raises 3x10-12
Standing Calf Raises 3x10-25
Deadlift 5x5 Ramped to one working set

- Deadlifts can be alternated with 3x6-10 Stiff Deadlifts and/or Leg Curls . There
will be days that you are too tired to Deadlift, and would rather focus on
Hamstring Isolation. Deadlifting heavy three times a week is unnecessary and can
burn you out. You can Deadlift just once a week if you desire.

- Flat Bench Presses must be performed with a Barbell. Incline Bench Presses can
alternate Barbell & Dumbbell, or be Dumbbell only. Either will work. This is your

- You do not have to do both superset arm exercises. Feel free to only choose Lying
French Press & Barbell Curls. This is simply geared toward people who don't want
their arms lagging. Just pick Lying French Press & Standing Barbell Curl if you
don't want to do 2 bicep/2 tricep movements each time

- Some people do not perform well when they start their training session with
Squats. You are welcome to put them at the END of upper body training. In other
words, finish your Upper Body first; then perform Squats/Calves/Deadlifts so you
can leave the session after the very taxing lower body work.

- If you want to be in the gym more than 3 days a week because you have OCD about
being in the gym, or because doing Upper and Lower body in the same session is too
difficult for you; simply take the last 3 exercises and perform them on separate
days. You will split the session into 2 days, and end up being in the gym 6 days a
week while doing the same workload . I don't suggest this, but since I already know
it will be asked, I have already addressed it.

- Do Abdominal work or Rotator Cuff therapy work at your discretion. You don't need
to ask about it.

- Progression is simple. Use the same weight until you can perform all the reps
inside the desired rep range. I wrote 6-10 to give you flexibility.
3x6-8 for the big compound lifts will be ideal. 3x8-10 for movements like Wide Grip
Pullups would make more sense, but if you want to stay in the lower rep range, then
go for it. Tricep/Bicep work can be either/or ; you can even have the main
Tricep/Bicep movement be 3x6-8, and the second one be 3x8-10 (The same goes for the
Flat/Incline Bench). Keep Lateral Raises & Calf Work & Deadlifts the way they are.

Quick Example: Trainee Benches 185x8,7,5 . Next session he will try 185 again.
Trainee Benches 185x8,7,6. Now he can increase the weight to 190 and start over

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