Intasc Standards Final

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InTASC Standards

By: Keri Mallon

InTASC Standard 1
Knowledge of Subject Matter

The teachers make learning meaningful, and a good learning

environment for students by understanding central concepts,
tools of inquiry, and structures of disciplines.
InTASC Standard 1
• During student teaching when I was planning a lesson, I would
make sure to use a variety of tools and techniques. I would also
always make sure that everyone felt heard in a lesson, I would call
on a variety of students and it was always a safe place to speak.
InTASC Standard 2
Knowledge of Human Development

Intellectual Development Social Development Personal Development

Understanding how students learn and develop, and

providing opportunities that support their intellectual, social
and personal development.
InTASC Standard 2
• When you are assigning assignments to students you want to make sure that the
assignment is at the right level for the student so that they are able to grow.
Sometimes you have to make two different versions of something so that it will
better meet the needs of your students. You also want to make sure that even
with COVID the students are able to build relationships with their classmates. I
have done this by putting students into breakout rooms on zoom to work
together, and if they are in class they can also join the zoom. Then you are
helping to build those relationships even if they aren’t in person.
InTASC Standard 3
Adapting Instruction for Individual Needs

Understanding how students differ in their approaches to

learning and providing them with opportunities that are
adapted to their diverse learning needs.
InTACS Standard 3
• I have provided differentiated instruction for all of my lessons, but especially for
my content lessons (social studies and science). For these lessons we have all
of our students in the classroom including the students that get pulled out for
every other subject. This means that there is an even greater amount of diverse
learning needs. I have 3 students that need 1 on 1 support for the activities after
instruction and need a lot of scaffolding. Then there are other students who can
fly through everything. I make sure that I provide two different levels for activities
and exit tickets.
InTASC Standard 4
Multiple Instructional Strategies

Understanding that students need a variety of instructional

strategies to encourage the development of critical thinking,
problem solving, and performance skills.
InTASC Standard 4
• When I am planning what I am going to teach I make sure that I use a variety of
instructional strategies so that I meet the needs of all the students. For my social
studies lessons in particular I would start by reading in the book, then I would
make a PowerPoint that covers the key points from the pages that I just read. I
would also have videos to go with it, and I would provide an exit ticket at the end
of every lesson to check for understanding.
InTASC Standard 5
Classroom Motivation and Management Skills

Understanding individual and group motivation and

behavior to create a learning environment that allows
positive social interactions, active engagement in learning,
and self-motivation.
InTASC Standard 5
• I have a really good understanding of individual and group motivation. As
a group I try to make the learning environment as fun as possible. We do
not shut down anyone's ideas and we are open to everyone participating.
I want to make sure that everyone has a say in the discussion. For
individual motivation, there is one student in particular that had a lot of
trouble with this. I was working with student everyday, he had a poor
demeanor when walking around, he needed support for everything, he
would guess for answers, and he would not work on anything unless I
was standing next to him. As he started to become more comfortable I
started to provide less support and tell him that he really does know what
he is doing. His confidence level was very low and he didn’t talk or
participate much. Now he is like a whole new student, he raises his hand
and gets his work on his own, even though he does have me check it
InTASC Standard 6
Communication Skills

Using a variety of verbal, nonverbal, and media

communication techniques to be able to foster active
inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction.
InTASC Standard 6
• I was able to have the students collaborate on a bunch of different levels. We
would have little projects or assignments that we would have them work in
groups for. With COVID having groups became a little difficult, especially with
some students online and some in person. If we ever did groups we had
everyone join the zoom and I just split everyone into breakout rooms. One media
technique that I used that provided active inquiry was Nearpod, this allowed me
to get direct feedback on if they were understanding the information. I also used
discussion posts in schoology so that they could answer the question and be
able to see what other people said and comment.
InTASC Standard 7
Instructional Planning Skills

Planning you instruction based on the knowledge of subject

matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals.
InTASC Standard 7
• As a fourth grade team we did really
well with this one. We would plan out
the content that would need to be
taught for each subject that week
based on the curriculum. All of the
fourth grade classes are all very
different in the levels of our students.
Even though there are certain things
that we have to cover we have
students at all different levels, so
something that may work for one
class may not always work for
InTASC Standard 8
Assessment of Student Learning

Understanding and using formal and informal assessments

to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social,
and physical development of the learner.
InTASC Standard 8
• Social studies was one of the subjects that I taught almost the entire time I was
at student teaching. I gave exit tickets each day to check their understanding.
Then at the end of a lesson there would be a little mini quiz to check for
understanding of a greater amount of content. Some of the chapters that we
covered were very long, and if there was important content that was covered we
would play review games to go over them. The bill of rights and the constitution
were both things that we went over a bunch of times, and in review games.
InTASC Standard 9
Professional Commitment and Responsibility

Continually evaluating the effects of his/her choices and

actions on others (students, parents, and other
professionals in the learning community) and seeking out
opportunities to grow and get better.
InTASC Standard 9
• As a teacher I am always trying to grow
and get better. I will take any help and
advice I can get. I asked about seeing
some pull out rooms around the school
such as learning support, ELD, reading
support, and gifted. I want to know what
they are going over and how they are
helping the students when they are being
pulled from classrooms. You also want to
make sure that when you are interacting
with students or even sending an email to
a parent that you think about how
professional it looks. You want to make
sure you are representing the school and
yourself well at all times.
InTASC Standard 10

Fostering relationships with school colleagues, parents,

and agencies in the larger community to support students
learning and well being.
InTASC Standard 10
• It is so important to build relationships with people all around the
school. You are one big community so you should all know each
other and be there to help people out. I personally could go to any
of the people in the office, the guidance counselor, support
teachers, and any of the special teachers for any help or
assistance. I have made myself known and will strike conversation
with anyone I see.

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