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Risk Management Project Rolls and Responsibilities

Drew Spellman

OGL 421: Project Risk Management

Professor: Matthew Rogers

January 20, 2021


Risk Management Project Rolls and Responsibilities

My job as the Project Manager on this project is to work with a set of stakeholders within

the Tyrell Corporation to assist them in the inspection of their current website. This is so that we

can identify what key pages and content is needed, as well as to ultimately create a visually

appealing and responsive website that promotes the Tyrell Corporation’s line of products. Most

importantly we will be streamlining Tyrell Corporation’s brand-new Nexus-6 Replicant. For this

project, we will be referring to Lee A. Peters article, “The Work of a Project Team, Working

Together in Order to Work” which exemplifies the rolls and responsibilities that both the project

manager and the team must carry out in order to be successful.

Team Members

As instructed, we will be working closely with Eldon Tyrell, who is the president of the

company as well as our Executive Sponsor for the project. Moreover, I will be working closely

Mr. Tyrell’s assistant, Rachael, for ongoing and day-to-day updates and communication.

Together we will be securing access to resources (team members), such as content experts, sales

executives, web experts who will assist with design and functionality, and web developers who

will be coding to build the site and ensure that all requirements are fulfilled and meet the

standards of the business. Content experts will oversee what this new website needs to maintain

how the consumer views our products and ensures all aspects are relevant. The sales executives

will brainstorm ideas about how to sell our products to the consumer while our web experts will

be working on how the website appears to the consumer as well as the functionality of the page

and the manner that the consumer will navigate to view what we offer. Together, we need to be a

well-oiled machine and understand the responsibilities of each team member and how we can

assist each other. Peters tells us that, “Teamwork is anything that improves commitment,

communication, cohesion, cooperation and celebration within the team.” Further that, “the team

must cooperate. They must help each other out to achieve the mutual goal.” (Peters, L., 2001)

Understanding the needs of your team members will inevitably lead to the path of success on this

project and as the project manager, its my goal to ensure all members work as a team to develop

and launch the new website for Tyrell Corporation.

Anticipated Project Risks

With every project there we assume that we will be running into risks that may benefit

the project or impede the project. This project is no different, so bringing the team together to

brainstorm any risks that we can foresee is apart of the project lifecycle’s early stages. Peters

tells us that, “The people on the project again look to the project manager to take care of all the

processes.” (Peters L., 2001) This is not how I intend on completing this process, the best way to

analyse risk is to bring all party’s together to communicate from their aspect of the project

they’re working on. Together, each team member came together to complete a list of potential

risks they might run into. The list:

Department Risk Mitigation Plan

Ensure our product is delivering the

intended message and the brand is
Content Experts Messaging Misalignment not at stake of consumer confusion.
Work closely with stakeholders and
Mr. Tyrell to ensure we are meeting
Brand Inconsistency to guidelines of the brand.
Be fully knowledgeable about the
product as to not deliver
misinformation to the consumer in
Sales Executives Product Misinformation the products description.
Work closely and communicate with
the content expert team to
Sales and Marketing understand the marketing team's
Misalignment strategies and make sure they align.
Fully understand the market and
conduct deeper research into
Inadequate Sales Strategy consumer needs.
Fully understand how much activity
the website can handle and make
sure all parties are aware. Mitigate
Web Experts Website Crash Procedure damage by communication.
Be aware of the scope of the project
and carry out the project as planned.
It can be easy to add unnecessary
Web Developers Scope Creep features to the website.
Be conscious about the ability to
access the website and make
Cross-Platform Compatibility purchases on multiple platforms.

The list is a great starting point towards understanding what could go wrong during the project

and how we can remind ourselves to avoid the issues. Peters model of “Project Team Processes”

is a great tool to create an understanding between the team members and analyze the potential

risks from their point of view. By coming together and communicating with each other, the team

has shown they can rely on themselves and not only me as the project manager. Risks are known

to be an inevitable aspect of project management across all variances of projects but learning to

work as a team will help uncover some aspects that, if working as individuals, may have



Building a team can come with headaches and stress, but it doesn’t need to. Working

together to develop an understanding for each others’ positions can also open doors into

developing the understanding for potential risks that together, the team might have to face. As a

project manager, know that it’s not your reasonability to wear all the hats of the project and that

in order to build an efficient team, it requires close communication with management and other

resources, if you have them. There are many tools the team can use to realise and mitigate risks,

but communication and trust in each team member is the most crucial aspect; sometimes it falls

on the project manager’s shoulders to create this environment.



Peters, L. A. (2001). The work of a project team – working together in order to work.

Paper presented at Project Management Institute Annual Seminars & Symposium,

Nashville, TN. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

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