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北 京 奥 的 斯 电梯故障分析手册
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/12

Ring Car Board II With OCSS

Installation Parameters
Software Version : P2130313AAB

Jan 04, 2000

Otis document configuration number 80044


The “Initial Settings” specified for the parameters within this document are provided as a template for the
contracting process. These settings do not always represent the default settings for a specific contract and;
therefore, should not be used for that purpose.


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北 京 奥 的 斯 电梯故障分析手册
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

awarding of Statutory Damages of up to $100,000 (17 USC 504) for infringement and may result in further civil
and criminal penalties. All rights reserved.

Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
检查: 许 伟 斌
北 京 奥 的 斯 电梯故障分析手册
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

Revision History
Date Author Description
02 Feb 1994 •J. Stone 30005-15: Added MC-ICD(#217) to identify the number of bytes
received from MCSS.
10 Feb 1994 •D. Hughes 30005-224: Added RSLCFG(#210) for E335M RSL configuration.
10 Feb 1994 •D. Hughes 30005-224: Added LWTYPE(#211) for E335M RSL load weighing.
10 Feb 1994 • D. Hughes 30005-224: Added MDRYPE(#213) for E335M Manual Doors.
10 Feb 1994 • D. Hughes 30005-224: Added CC-DLY(#214) for E335M Manual Doors Car
Call Delay.
18 Feb 1994 •J. Stone 30005-242: Added EQOTYP(#212).
25 Feb 1994 •J. Collins 30005-230: Replaced the CARCAP parameter (#162) with the
GCB-EN parameter to enable/disable specific GCB features.
25 Feb 1994 •J. Collins 30005-253: Added the MIT-CK (#218) parameter to specify the type
of OCSS uppeak clock function.
28 Mar 1994 •J. Collins 30005-230: Converted document to use the installation parameter
28 Mar 1994 •J. Collins 30005-281: Removed the door information from the CTL-P
parameter. Replaced the CTLTYP parameter with the CTL-O
28 Mar 1994 •J. Collins 30005-282: Replaced the EN-HBP parameter with the HBP-P
parameter. Added the HBP-O parameter.
28 Mar 1994 •J. Collins 30005-278: Removed the CONFIG parameter. Added the EN-MOD
and SVT-PO parameters.
5 May 1994 •J. Collins 30005-5: Added hall lantern combinations to the HL-SET parameter
using type 8, 9, and 10.
9 May 1994 •J. Stone 30005-30: Replaced ISC with ISC-O and removed ISSINC and
10 May 1994 •J. Collins 30005-27: Added the Split Group Operation Bitmask Parameters:
SGO-C1, SGO-C2, and SGO-C3. Moved the Separate Riser and
Swing Car Parameters to the Dispatching Group.
12 May 1994 •J. Stone 30005-26: Added the Door Hold Button bitmask parameter DHB-O.
26 May 1994 •D. Hughes 30005-28: Added the Emergency Power Options bitmask parameter –
26 May 1994 J. Stone 30005-29: Added EN-FPD parameter to group 6.
26 May 1994 J. Stone 30005-25: Added RDTO-T, DTO-O, and DTC-O to group 3.
Renamed DTO-T to be FDTO-T.
27 May 1994 J. Stone 30005-228: SES inputs have selectable active states via FSKTYP.
10 Jun 1994 J. Stone 30005-25: Remove MDRTYP and CC-DLY parameters.
10 Jun 1994 J. Stone 30005-33: Updated EFS and EFS-CK parameters.
20 Jun 1994 J. Collins 30005-68: Modified CHN-TC to enable/disable traffic induced CHN.
08 Aug 1994 J. Stone 30005-86: Changed EN-ESB to SES-O and added definition.
Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
检查: 许 伟 斌
北 京 奥 的 斯 电梯故障分析手册
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

Date Author Description

12 Aug 1994 J. Stone 30005-93: Added ESB-XHC to Dispatching section.
15 Aug 1994 J. Collins 30005-35: Substantially modified the MIT and CHN Installation
Parameter interface.
19 Aug 1994 J. Stone 30005-77,78,239: Added SEC-O parameter for security.
22 Aug 1994 J. Stone 30005-79: Updated EMS-XC parameter.
24 Aug 1994 J. Collins 30005-9: Replaced MIN-C and MAX-C with CC-DT. Replaced
MIN-H and MAX-H with HC-DT.
25 Aug 1994 J. Collins 30005-90: Renamed SST-T to SST-DT. Added REV-DT to specify
reversal door dwell time.
26 Aug 1994 J. Stone 30005-91: Added EHS-T parameter to emergency grouping.
01 Sep 1994 J. Collins 30005-222: Converted EN-SHB to a bit mask and added the “L” bit to
enable/disable lanterns during separate riser operation.
13 Sep 1994 J. Stone 30005-81: Added SES-DR, moved SES parameters, and further
defined SES-O bits.
27 Sep 1994 J. Collins 30005-214: Added the CPC-O parameter to specify the link used for
the Car Position Contacts.
27 Sep 1994 J. Collins 30005-82: Renamed PI to PI-C. Added PI-H and PI-G. These
parameters specify PI types for each link.
27 Sep 1994 J. Collins 30005-106: Added DMPI-O to specify dot matrix PI Out Of Service
27 Sep 1994 J. Stone 30005-81: Updated EQO-BP to be SESPRO and reordered group 6.
30 Sep 1994 D. Hughes 30005-80: Added EPRCRn installation parameters to select order of
EPO rescue operation.
14 Oct 1994 D. Hughes 30005-120: Corrected definition of EN-HCR installation parameter.
17 Oct 1994 J. Stone Update bitmask initial settings.
19 Oct 1994 J. Collins 30005-128: Replaced the LWTYPE and MC-ICD parameters with the
MCSS-O parameter.
27 Oct 1994 J. Collins Fixed various initial settings.
31 Oct 1994 J. Collins 30005-133: Removed CPR-T parameter.
09 Nov 1994 J. Collins 30005-140: EN-MT5 parameter only enables/disables EMS type five
10 Nov 1994 J. Stone 30005-136: Added SMKTYP and redefined FSKTYP
10 Nov 1994 J. Stone 30005-137: Removed SES-DR and redefined the SES landing and
check parameters.
02 Dec 1994 D. Hughes 30005-147: Removed “D” bit from EPO-O parameter.
16 Dec 1994 J. Stone 30005-159: Renamed EN-MOD to EN-EMO.
16 Dec 1994 J. Stone 30005-160: Remove the P bit from the ISC-O parameter.
19 Dec 1994 D. Hughes Corrected initial setting of EPO-DC to 0.
03 Jan 1995 J. Stone Updated with corrections found by J. Hirsch.
25 Jan 1995 J. Collins 30005-178: Added GNGDLY to specify activation/deactivation delay
for down hall lanterns using HL-SET=3, 4, 6, 8, or 9.
25 Jan 1995 J. Collins 30005-177: Deactivate MIT Next Selected Car lantern at lobby if both
Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
检查: 许 伟 斌
北 京 奥 的 斯 电梯故障分析手册
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

Date Author Description

the “F” and “f” bits of MIT-O are zero.
07 Feb 1995 J. Stone Updates suggested by Jerry Hirsch.
10 Feb 1995 J. Collins 30005-191: Renamed EN-MT5 to EMS-O.
14 Feb 1995 J. Stone Update SEC-O parameter with Reserved.
15 Feb 1995 D. Hughes Changed initial settings for FDTO, RDTO to 20 and SB-DLY to 30.
21 Feb 1995 J. Collins 30005-205: Grouped all EZ parameters under the Rise Group.
03/27/95 J. Stone 30005-312: Added Chicago SES as type 06.
04/19/95 J. Collins 30005-318: Added ICA-HL to enable ICA hall lantern operation.
06/5/95 D. Hughes 30005-303: Modified SF_EPO installation parameter for use with
07/10/95 J. Collins 30005-74: Replaced the EN-CK parameter with the CLOS-O
parameter. Added the BUZ-T, OPEN-O, and DEL-T parameters for
freight doors.
07/25/95 J. Collins 30005-333: Swapped the D and C bits of the CLOS-O parameter.
07/26/95 J. Collins 30005-334: Added the “Z” bit to the SEC-O parameter to enable car
call card reader zoning.
08/23/95 J. Collins 30005-338: Clarified descriptions for HL-SET and ICA-HL.
08/26/96 H. Vela Adopted for P1630313AAA baseline.
09/12/96 H.C. Teoh Change software version to P1730313AAA and release date.
08/01/97 H.C. Teoh Add DruceGrove Speech Synthesizer install parameters.

24/01/97 H.C. Teoh Limit CPMT-DLY to 1.04 second maximum to prevent car position
message from interfering with other messages.
31/01/97 H.C. Teoh Add CLK-OPT to select the clock source for greeting message (Good
Morning / Good Evening).
13/01/98 L.H. Sim Add WCS-DT parameter for Wheelchair Service.
Add ‘W’ and ‘D’ bits of the existing EN-SHB parameter for the
Wheelchair Service.
09/02/98 L.H. Sim Add in a new PI type i.e. type 4 to the existing PI-C, PI-H & PI-G
parameter for S’pore DOT Matrix display.
13/02/98 L.H. Sim Add in new install parameter to group 3 for Door Open Switch mode:
03/03/98 L.H. Sim Update part number to P1130313AAB.
23/11/98 L.H. Sim Add in an new PI type i.e. type 5 to the existing PI-C, PI-H & PI-G
parameter for Otis Bangalore PI driven through RIB's dry contacts.
18/03/99 L.H. Sim Add in CLRCC-EN install parameter in Group 3. It provides the
enable options for Car Call Cancelled By Passenger operation.
02/06/99 L.H. Sim Add in a new PI type i.e. type 6 to the existing PI-C, PI-H & PI-G
parameter for OTIS 2000 7/16 segment PI interface.
04/01/00 L.H. Sim Add in an extra ‘O’ bit to the MCSS-O install parameter for active
high/low LW110 input selection.
06/9/25 严军 中文翻译
Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
检查: 许 伟 斌
北 京 奥 的 斯 电梯故障分析手册
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

Group 1: General OCSS

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
1-1 RCB-NO 1 Car Identifier群控的轿厢标识号
1 to 8 = car A to H

Car identifier in group.

1-2 EN-CON 0 Enable Contract Software允许执行定制软件的程序
0 = disable contract software禁止定制软件执行
1 = enable contract software允许定制软件执行

Determines if the contract software, contained in the contract EPROM

chips, should be executed.确定包含在EPROM中的定制程序是否可
1-3 EN-EMO 0 Enable Overlay Controller Functionality允许累加控制器功能
0 = disable overlay controller functionality禁止累加控制器功能
1 = enable overlay controller functionality允许累加控制器功能

This parameter should be enabled when the OCSS resides on an EMO

or TEMO. Once a full MOD controller is in place; for example, an
E411M or E311M controller, this parameter should be disabled.
1-4 SVT-PO 1 Service Tool Position Offset服务工具位置偏移
0 = service tool positions start at landing 0服务工具默认位置为0层
1 = service tool positions start at landing 1服务工具默认位置为1层

Specifies whether positions are displayed on the Service Tool starting

at landing 0 or landing 1.
1-5 #RINGS 1 Number Of Rings Used For Communication
1 = Use one ring for most communication to save CPU
2 = Use two rings for all communication

This variable specifies the number of rings to be used by the OCSS’s

to communicate with each other.
Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
检查: 许 伟 斌
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
1-6 R-BAUD 192 Ring Communications Baud Rate环形通讯波特率
96 = 9600 baud 9600波特
192 = 19200 baud 19200波特

Defines baud rate used for ring communications. Note that all the
cars in the group must have the same ring communications baud rate.
Also note that the controller power must be cycled for the change to
take affect.
定义用于环形通讯的波特率 ,注:所有群控中的轿厢必须有相同
1-7 EMS-O PL****** EMS Options
00000000 EMS选项
P bit = 0: disable EMS parameter passing不允许EMS参数传输
P bit = 1: enable EMS parameter passing允许 EMS参数传输
L bit = 0: transmit OCSS load states using ICD 4.1 or lower
用ICD4 .0或更低版本传输OCSS对重状态信息
L bit = 1: transmit OCSS load states using ICD 4.2 or higher
用ICD4 .2或更高版本传输OCSS对重状态信息

Systems with EMS v2.0 or lower must have parameter passing

disabled. Systems with an EMS configured as ICD 4.1 or lower must
have the L bit set to 0.
EMS2.0或更低版本要求系统必须禁止参数传输。配置了ICD4. 1或

Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
检查: 许 伟 斌
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
1-8 RSLCFG 0 RSL Configuration for E335M
0 = Car I/O read from car link, Hall I/O read from hall link, Group
I/O read from group link.
1 = Car I/O read from car link, Hall I/O read from car link, Group I/O
read from group link.
2 = Car I/O read from car link, Hall I/O read from car link, Group I/O
read from car link.
3 = Car I/O read from car link, Hall I/O read from hall link, Group
I/O read from car link.

Defines how the RSL links are configured for E335M systems.
1-9 SB-DLY 30 Stuck Button Processing Delay延时按钮操作延迟时间
0 to 255= process a stuck button every 0 to 255 seconds

Processes a stuck button periodically, so that the button will be

serviced occasionally.周期性的操作一个固定按钮 ,以便本层可以
1-10 CB-TYP 0 Car Button Type轿厢按钮类型
0 = default默认
1 = mechanical机械式
2 = touch tube发光触发式

Defines the type of car button mechanism.定义轿厢按钮机械装置的


Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
检查: 许 伟 斌
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
1-11 HB-TYP 0 Hall Button Type外呼按钮类型
0 = default默认
1 = mechanical机械式
2 = touch tube发光触发式

Defines the type of hall button mechanism.定义外呼按钮机械装置的

1-12 CPU-T 10 Free CPU Time Reading IntervalCPU扫描间隔时间
1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds 1至255秒

Defines the interval over which minimum free CPU measurements are
taken. This is for engineering use only - do not change.
1-13 FIELD1 0 Field Engineering Spare 1为现场工程师预留空位置1

Reserved for Field Engineering patches. Please report all patches to

OECF, so that Software Configuration Management can be
1-14 FIELD2 0 Field Engineering Spare 2同上

Reserved for Field Engineering patches. Please report all patches to

OECF, so that Software Configuration Management integrity can be
1-15 FIELD3 0 Field Engineering Spare 3同上

Reserved for Field Engineering patches. Please report all patches to

OECF, so that Software Configuration Management integrity can be
1-16 FIELD4 0 Field Engineering Spare 4同上

Reserved for Field Engineering patches. Please report all patches to

OECF, so that Software Configuration Management integrity can be
1-17 FIELD5 0 Field Engineering Spare 5同上

Reserved for Field Engineering patches. Please report all patches to

OECF, so that Software Configuration Management integrity can be

Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
检查: 许 伟 斌
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
1-18 FIELD6 0 Field Engineering Spare 6同上

Reserved for Field Engineering patches. Please report all patches to

OECF, so that Software Configuration Management integrity can be
1-19 FIELD7 0 Field Engineering Spare 7为工程师预留空位置7
10 - Prevents car button I/O modules from flashing.

Reserved for Field Engineering patches. Please report all patches to

OECF, so that Software Configuration Management integrity can be

Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
检查: 许 伟 斌
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

Group 2: Rise
No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
2-1 BOTTOM 1 Bottom Landing Position设定底层
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64

The bottom landing position the car is capable of reaching.

2-2 TOP 1 Top Landing Position设定顶层
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64

The top landing position the car is capable of reaching.

2-3 LOBBY 1 Lobby Landing Position大堂位置设定
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64

Lobby position for car.大堂所在层

2-4 LOB-T 40 Lobby Door Dwell Time大堂门保持时间
0 to 255 = 0 to 25.5 seconds

Door dwell time for all lobby calls.响应大堂外呼的门保持时间

2-5 EZ1BOT 255 Express Zone 1 Bottom Landing1号盲区底层
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled禁止

Defines the bottom landing of Express Zone 1.定义1号盲区的底层

2-6 EZ1TOP 255 Express Zone 1 Top Landing1号盲区顶层
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled禁止

Defines the top landing of Express Zone 1.定义1号盲区的顶层

Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
2-7 EZ1RSR 0 Express Zone 1 RSR Penalty 1号盲区的RSR时间限制
0 to 49 = 0 to 49 seconds 0~49秒

Defines the RSR Penalty for Express Zone 1. Should be set to the
number of seconds required to travel through Express Zone 1.
2-8 EZ1DLY 0 Express Zone 1 Lantern Delay 1号盲区信号灯延迟时间
0 = disable lantern delay禁止信号灯延迟
1 to 255 = enable lantern delay using the specified number of seconds

When enabled, the activation of the hall lanterns bounding Express

Zone 1 will be delayed the specified number of seconds. Hall
lanterns will activate half way through the express zone if this
parameter is not setup.
2-9 EZ2BOT 255 Express Zone 2 Bottom Landing同1号盲区
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled

Defines the bottom landing of Express Zone 2.

2-10 EZ2TOP 255 Express Zone 2 Top Landing同1号盲区
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled

Defines the top landing of Express Zone 2.

2-11 EZ2RSR 0 Express Zone 2 RSR Penalty同1号盲区
0 to 49 = 0 to 49 seconds

Defines the RSR Penalty for Express Zone 2. Should be set to the
number of seconds required to travel through Express Zone 2.
2-12 EZ2DLY 0 Express Zone 2 Lantern Delay同1号盲区
0 = disable lantern delay
1 to 255 = enable lantern delay using the specified number of seconds

When enabled, the activation of the hall lanterns bounding Express

Zone 2 will be delayed the specified number of seconds. Hall
lanterns will activate half way through the express zone if this
parameter is not setup.
Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
检查: 许 伟 斌
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
2-13 EZ3BOT 255 Express Zone 3 Bottom Landing同1号盲区
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled

Defines the bottom landing of Express Zone 3.

2-14 EZ3TOP 255 Express Zone 3 Top Landing同1号盲区
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled

Defines the top landing of Express Zone 3.

2-15 EZ3RSR 0 Express Zone 3 RSR Penalty同1号盲区
0 to 49 = 0 to 49 seconds

Defines the RSR Penalty for Express Zone 3. Should be set to the
number of seconds required to travel through Express Zone 3.
2-16 EZ3DLY 0 Express Zone 3 Lantern Delay同1号盲区
0 = disable lantern delay
1 to 255 = enable lantern delay using the specified number of seconds

When enabled, the activation of the hall lanterns bounding Express

Zone 3 will be delayed the specified number of seconds. Hall
lanterns will activate half way through the express zone if this
parameter is not setup.
2-17 TFPOS1 255 First Transfer Floor Position第一换乘站位置
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled禁止

Defines the Transfer Floor position between a higher rise group and a
lower rise group.定义高区群控和低区群控换乘的楼层。
2-18 TFPOS2 255 Second Transfer Floor Position同上
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled

Defines the Transfer Floor position between a higher rise group and a
lower rise group.
2-19 CFT-P 255 Cafeteria Landing Position餐厅位置
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 641~64层
255 = disable CFT禁用餐厅层

Cafeteria landing door time.就餐层位置

Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
2-20 CFT-NT 40 Cafeteria Door Time餐厅门保持时间
0 to 255 = 0 to 25.5 seconds
0~25.5 秒

Cafeteria landing door time.就餐层开门保持时间

2-21 INVERT 0 Inverted Rise倒置
0 = disable inverted rise不允许倒置
1 = enable inverted rise允许倒置

Enables the inverted rise feature. Note that many inputs and outputs
in the EEPROM must be inverted for this feature to work correctly.

Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
检查: 许 伟 斌
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

Group 3: Car Features

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
3-1 ANS 3 Anti-Nuisance Car Call Limit防捣乱呼梯数量
0 = disable ANS
1 to 255 = number of calls allowed before entering ANS

If more than the specified number of car calls is entered, ANS is

3-2 ATT 2 Attendant Operation Type司机操作类型
0,2 = no annunciator panel, start with DCB
1 = no annunciator panel, start with ISU/ISD or DCB
3 = annunciator panel, start with DCB
4 = annunciator panel, start with ISU/ISD or DCB

Determines type of Attendant operation.定义司机操作类型

3-3 ANNU-T 255 Annunciator Panel Buzzer Delay Time轿内层显报站钟延迟时间
0 to 254 = 0 to 254 seconds
255 = disabled禁止

Controls delay of annunciator panel call pending buzzer if a panel is

3-4 CTL-P 255 Car To Landing Position返回楼层位置
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disable CTL operation禁止返回楼层操作

Return position for car when Car To Landing operation is activated.


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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
3-5 CTL-O FRH***** Car To Landing Options轿厢返回楼层选项
10000000 F bit = 0: keep the front doors closed at the CTL position
F bit = 1: open the front doors at the CTL position
R bit = 0: keep the rear doors closed at the CTL position
R bit = 1: open the rear doors at the CTL position
H bit = 0: answer both car calls and hall calls when returning
H bit = 1: answer only car calls when returning

Defines the various options for Car To Landing operation.

3-6 DHB-O C******* Door Hold Button Option bitmask门保持按钮屏蔽选项
00000000 C bit = 0: Cancellation of the DHB Time via car calls is disabled
C bit = 1: Cancellation of the DHB Time via car calls is enabled

Defines various options for Door Hold Button operation.

3-7 DHB-T 120 Door Hold Button Time门保持按钮的时间
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds

Time that DHB will keep doors open


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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
3-8 ISC-O D*IBOCH* Independent Service Options bitmask
10000000 独立服务的操作屏蔽类型
D bit = 0: The Door Close Buttons are disabled as start buttons
D bit = 1: The Door Close Buttons are enabled as start buttons
I bit = 0: The ISU/ISD Buttons are disabled as start buttons
I bit = 1: The ISU/ISD Buttons are enabled as start buttons
B bit = 0: The Car Call Buttons are disabled as start buttons
B bit = 1: The Car Call Buttons are enabled as start buttons
O bit = 0: Car Call canceling on opening door state is disabled
O bit = 1: Car Call canceling on opening door state is enabled
C bit = 0: The ISS input is active high ISS输入高电位有效
C bit = 1: The ISS input is active low ISS输入低电位有效
H bit = 0: The ISSH input is active high ISSH输入高电位有效
H bit = 1: The ISSH input is active low ISSH输入低电位有效

Defines the various options for Independent Service operation.

3-9 LR-T 60 Light And Fan Relay Time灯和继电器的时间
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds 0~255秒

If car is idle longer than specified time, car fan and light are
extinguished until next call.如果轿厢待机超过规定时间,轿厢风扇和
3-10 EN-CCO 0 Enable Car Calls In Opposite Direction是否允许轿厢反向呼梯
0 = disable car calls in opposite direction
1 = enable car calls in opposite direction

Defines if car calls should be allowed in opposite car direction (car

calls behind car).定义是否可以选择与运行方向相反的内选
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
3-11 CC-DT 20 Car Call Door Dwell Time轿厢呼梯门保持时间
5 to 255 = 0.5 to 25.5 seconds

Specifies the door dwell time for car calls.

3-12 HC-DT 40 Hall Call Door Dwell Time外呼呼梯门保持时间
5 to 255 = 0.5 to 25.5 seconds

Specifies the door dwell time for hall calls.

3-13 SST-DT 55 Standing Stop Door Dwell Time轿厢和厅外同时呼梯开门等待时

5 to 255 = 0.5 to 25.5 seconds of door dwell

Specifies the door dwell time for hall calls which are answered by a car
which was stopped at the hall call position.
3-14 REV-DT 10 Reversal Door Dwell Time反向开门门保持时间
5 to 255 = 0.5 to 25.5 seconds of door dwell

Specifies the door dwell time for reversals.

3-15 ADA-T 0 ADA Lantern-Dwell Time外呼驻停时间
0 = disable ADA lantern-dwell feature禁止外呼驻停参数。
1 to 255 = enable ADA lantern-dwell feature with .1 to 25.5 second

When enabled, this feature extends the door dwell time for a hall call
stop, if necessary, to ensure that the interval from the time the lantern
was activated to the time the doors will close is equal to the ADA
lantern-dwell time.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
3-16 EN-NDG 1 Enable Nudging是否允许阻挡
0 = disable nudging禁止阻挡功能
1 = enable nudging允许阻挡功能

Enables nudging operation if doors are prevented from closing with

3-17 NDG-T 20 Nudging Time轻推时间
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds

If doors are delayed beyond specified time after opening, the doors will
nudge closed.如果开门后门延迟超过规定时间门将轻推关闭。
3-18 DCP-T 30 Delayed Car Protection Time轿厢延迟保护时间
20 to 255 = 20 to 255 seconds

If car is delayed from running for the specified time period, the car
enters DCP operation.如果轿厢受外力阻止运行的时间超过此时间,

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
3-19 DTC-O SBCFsbcf Door Time Close Protection Options 关门保护选项
00000000 S bit = 0: Standard DTC processing enabled for front
S bit = 1: Special DTC processing enabled for use with front doors
that utilize a retiring cam.
B bit = 0: Buzzer inactive for front door前门蜂鸣器禁用
B bit = 1: Buzzer sounds as front door closes当前门关闭时蜂鸣器响
C bit = 0: Front door triggers DTC with lack of DCL
C bit = 1: Front door does not trigger DTC with lack of DCL
F bit = 0: Front door triggers DTC with lack of DFC
F bit = 1: Front door does not trigger DTC with lack of DFC
s bit = 0: Standard DTC processing enabled for rear
s bit = 1: Special DTC processing enabled for use with rear doors that
utilize a retiring cam
b bit = 0: Buzzer inactive for rear door同前门
b bit = 1: Buzzer sounds as rear door closes同前门
c bit = 0: Rear door triggers DTC with lack of DCL同前门
c bit = 1: Rear door does not trigger DTC with lack of DCL同前门
f bit = 0: Rear door triggers DTC with lack of DFC同前门
f bit = 1: Rear door does not trigger DTC with lack of DFC同前门

Defines the various options for Door Time Close operation. Note that
the initial setting should be used for normal power operated doors and
that any variation from the initial setting should be used for
non-standard doors or doors which utilize a retiring cam.

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No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
3-20 DTC-T 30 Door Time Close Protection Delay关门保护的延迟时间
10 to 255 = 10 to 255 seconds

If doors cannot close within specified time, car will enter DTC
3-21 DTO-O SB**sb** Door Time Open Protection Options开门保护选项
00000000 S bit = 0: Standard DTO processing enabled for front
S bit = 1: Only issue a close command and exit DTO for front
B bit = 0: Buzzer inactive for front door
B bit = 1: Buzzer sounds as front door opens
s bit = 0: Standard DTO processing enabled for rear同前门
s bit = 1: Only issue a close command and exit DTO for rear同前门
b bit = 0: Buzzer inactive for rear door同前门
b bit = 1: Buzzer sounds as rear door opens同前门

Defines the various options for Door Time Open operation. Note that
the initial setting should be used for normal power operated doors.
3-22 FDTO-T 20 Front Door Time Open Protection Delay前门开门保护时间
8 to 255 = 8 to 255 seconds

If the front door does not open within specified time, car will enter
DTO operation.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
3-23 RDTO-T 20 Rear Door Time Open Protection Delay后门开门保护时间
8 to 255 = 8 to 255 seconds

If rear door does not open within specified time, car will enter DTO
operation. This must be defined even when a rear door is not
3-24 LDR 0 Enabled Limited Door Reversal光幕被挡后的开门特性
0 = full EDP full LRD
1 = limited EDP full LRD
2 = limited EDP limited LRD

Enables limited door reversal feature.允许有限门反转参数设定

3-25 EN-PMO 0 Enable Door Time Monitoring允许门时间监控
0 = disable PMO 禁止PMO
1 = enable PMO operation at all floors允许在所有楼层PMO操作
2 = enable PMO operation at all floors except lobby and cafeteria

Decreases door close time if doors are blocked after minimum door
close time.定义门被阻挡时的最小强制关门时间
3-26 REVCNT 255 Late Push Reversal Count阻挡关门(挡光幕)的次数
0 = late push will always cause a reversal遇阻挡即开门(不计次数)
1 to 254 = late push will cause a reversal the specified number of
255 = late push will never cause a reversal阻挡光幕无效

Allows the number of late push door reversals to be specified.

Nudging overrides the late push reversal.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
3-27 EN-DDO 0 Enable Non-Selective Door Operation允许非选择门操作
0 = disable DDO 禁止DDO
1 = enable DDO 允许DDO

Enables Non-Selective door operation. In normal mode, a car with

front and rear doors at the same landing will have both doors open
regardless of the call being served.允许非选择性门操作。在正常模式
3-28 DWL-NT 0 Hardware Door Dwell Sensor Door Time
0 = disable hardware door dwell sensor取消硬件门保持传感器
1 to 255 = 0.1 to 25.5 seconds 0.1~25.5秒

Time period for hardware door dwell sensor.

3-29 SPB-NT 0 Special DOB Door Time设定开门按钮开门时间
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds 0~255秒

Special DOB door time value.设定开门按钮的开门时间

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
3-30 CLOS-O CDPBcdpb Close Options关门选项类型
00000000 C bit = 0: Car Call Button does not cancel front door dwell time
C bit = 1: Car Call Button cancels front door dwell time
D bit = 0: Front DCB does not cancel front door dwell time
D bit = 1: Front DCB cancels front door dwell time
P bit = 0: Front doors close automatically
P bit = 1: Front doors require constant pressure front DCB to close
Requires the “D” bit to be set to one to work properly
B bit = 0: Front doors close without buzzer前门关闭时蜂鸣器不响
B bit = 1: Buzzer sounds for BUZ-T time before front doors close
c bit = 0: Car Call Button does not cancel rear door dwell time同前

c bit = 1: Car Call Button cancels rear door dwell time同前门
d bit = 0: Rear DCB does not cancel rear door dwell time同前门
d bit = 1: Rear DCB cancels rear door dwell time同前门
p bit = 0: Rear doors close automatically同前门
p bit = 1: Rear doors require constant pressure rear DCB to close
Requires the “d” bit to be set to one to work properly
b bit = 0: Rear doors close without buzzer同前门
b bit = 1: Buzzer sounds for BUZ-T time before rear doors close

Specifies various door close options during NOR operation and any
mode of operation which uses NOR operation. Note that the “P” and
“B” bits are intended for freight doors only!

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
3-31 BUZ-T 0 Buzzer Prior To Door Close Time门关闭时间到达前蜂鸣器鸣响
0 to 255 = 0 to 25.5 seconds 0~25.5秒

If the “B” or “b” bits of the CLOS-O parameter are set to one, this
parameter specifies the time the buzzer will sound prior to the door
closing. Note that this parameter is intended for freight doors only!
3-32 OPEN-O CH**ch** Open Options开门功能
00000000 C bit = 0: Front doors automatically open for a car call
C bit = 1: Front doors require front DOB to open for a car call
H bit = 0: Front doors automatically open for a hall call
H bit = 1: Front doors require front DOB to open for a hall call
c bit = 0: Rear doors automatically open for a car call同前门
c bit = 1: Rear doors require rear DOB to open for a car call同前门
h bit = 0: Rear doors automatically open for a hall call同前门
h bit = 1: Rear doors require rear DOB to open for a hall call同前门

Specifies various door open options during NOR operation and any
mode of operation which uses NOR operation. Note that this
parameter is intended for freight doors only!
3-33 DEL-T 0 Delete Call Time Due To Lack Of Door Open
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds

If the OPEN-O parameter is disabling the doors from opening, this

parameter specifies the time the car will wait for the doors to open
before the call is deleted and the car continues serving further demand.
Note that this parameter is intended for freight doors only!

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
3-34 WCS-DT 0 Wheelchair Call Door Dwell Time残疾人操纵盘内选门保持时间
5 to 255 = 0.5 to 25.5 seconds

Specifies the door dwell time for Wheelchair calls.

3-35 DOS-T 0 Buzzer Delay For Door Open Switch Mode(DOS)
1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds 1~255秒

Specifies the delay time for buzzer activation during DOS mode.规定
3-36 CLRCC-E 0 Car Call Cancelled By Passenger Options轿厢呼叫取消选项
N 0 = disable Car Call Cancelled By Passenger operation
1 = enable Car Call Cancelled By Passenger operation - Pressing the
respective CCB twice to cancel car call
2 = enable Car Call Cancelled By Passenger operation - Pressing the
ENABLE button and followed by respective CCB to cancel car

Enable Car Call Cancelled By Passenger operation.


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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

Group 4: Group Features

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-1 GROUP 1 Number Of Cars In Group群组的梯数
1 to 8 = 1 to 8 cars in group群组中有1~8个轿厢

Defines number of cars in group.定义群组中轿厢数量

4-2 MIT-ST 0 MIT Traffic Induced Start Time上高峰开始时间
0 = disable traffic induced MIT禁止包括上高峰在内的运输
1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds 1~255秒

Specifies the period in which two cars, with loads greater than or
equal to MIT-LD, must depart the lobby to begin traffic induced MIT.
4-3 MIT-T 0 MIT Timeout退出上高峰的时间
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds 0~255秒

Specifies the period in which no cars depart the lobby for MIT to be
4-4 MIT-LD 3 MIT Load上高峰负载
0 to 5 = load states 0 to 5负载状态0~5

Defines the load state which activates MIT. This load state is also
used to immediately dispatch a car from the lobby during MIT.
4-5 MIT-MN 0 MIT Minimum Variable Interval Dispatch Time
0 = disable minimum VID specification, assume 7 seconds
7 to 60 = 7 to 60 seconds 7到60秒

Specifies the minimum interval between the dispatching of cars from

the lobby during MIT operation.

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No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-6 MIT-MX 0 MIT Maximum Variable Interval Dispatch Time
0 = disable minimum VID specification, assume 7 seconds
7 to 60 = 7 to 60 seconds 7到60秒

Specifies the maximum interval between the dispatching of cars from

the lobby during MIT operation.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-7 MIT-O BDUNFf** MIT Options上高峰功能
00000000 B = 0: disable No Lobby Bypass for this specific car
B = 1: enable No Lobby Bypass for this specific car
D = 0: unselected cars will open their front doors
D = 1: unselected cars will close their front doors
U = 0: OCSS up-peak clock activates MIT after a car departs lobby
U = 1: OCSS up-peak clock immediately activates MIT
N = 0: disable next selected car禁止选择下一轿厢
N = 1: enable next selected car允许选择下一轿厢
F = 0: disable selected car lantern flashing
F = 1: enable selected car lantern flashing using FLK-T
f = 0: disable next selected car lantern flashing
f = 1: enable next selected car lantern flashing using FLK-T

Specifies various MIT options using a bit mask. All cars in the
group must have this parameter set to the same value, except for the
“B” bit, which can be different in each of the cars. NOTE: If the
Next Selected Car is enabled and both the “F” and “f” bits are zero,
the Next Selected Car will deactivate its lantern at the lobby.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-8 CHN-EN 0 CHN Enable允许通道功能
0 = disable CHN 禁止通道功能
1 = enable Static CHN允许静态的通道功能
2 = enable Fixed CHN允许固定通道功能
3 = enable Fixed Non-Rotational CHN允许固定的非转换的通道功

Enables CHN operation. Fixed CHN requires the sectors to be

stored in the EEPROM. Fixed Non-Rotational CHN requires sectors
to be stored in the EEPROM and cars to be assigned to specific
sectors in the EEPROM.
4-9 CHN-ST 0 CHN Traffic Induced Start Time通道功能触发启动时间
0 = disable traffic induced CHN禁止触发通道功能
1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds

Specifies the period in which two cars, with loads greater than or
equal to CHN-LD, must depart the lobby to begin traffic induced
4-10 CHN-T 0 CHN Timeout通道功能超时
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds

Specifies the period in which no cars depart the lobby for CHN to be
4-11 CHN-LD 3 CHN Load通道状态的负载
0 to 5 = load states 0 to 5

Defines the load state which activates CHN. This load state is also
used to immediately dispatch a car from the lobby during CHN.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-12 CHN-DT 10 CHN Dispatch Timeout通道状态派梯超时
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds

Specifies the period which must expire before a car is dispatched

from the lobby to serve demand in its sector.
4-13 CHN-EA 5 CHN Early Assignment通道的提前分派
1 to 9 = 1 to 9 RRT seconds

Specifies the period in RRT (dispatching) seconds at which the car

will attempt to assign a sector. This allows the ELD sector message
to be displayed early.
4-14 CHN-AT 30 CHN Assignment Timeout通道分派超时
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds

Specifies the period of inactivity before releasing an assigned sector

at the lobby, in an attempt to get a new, more active, sector.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-15 CHN-O HCBDU*** CHN Options通道功能设置
00000000 H = 0: hall ELD failures terminate CHN
H = 1: ignore hall ELD failures
C = 0: car ELD failures terminate CHN
C = 1: ignore car ELD failures
B = 0: disable basement sector during Static CHN
B = 1: enable basement sector during Static CHN
D = 0: up basement demand must depart at or below the lobby
D = 1: up basement demand is allowed to travel above the lobby
U = 0: OCSS up-peak clock activates CHN after a car departs lobby
U = 0:OCSS上高峰钟在派出一部电梯离开大堂后启动CHN功能
U = 1: OCSS up-peak clock immediately activates CHN
U = 1:OCSS上高峰钟立即启动CHN功能

Specifies various CHN options using a bit mask. All cars in the
group must have this parameter set to the same value.
4-16 CHN-T1 255 CHN Fixed Sector 1 Top LandingCHN第一固定区的顶层
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64 1—64层
255 = disabled 255=禁用

Specifies the top landing of fixed sector 1. If a basement sector is

desired, CHN-T1 must be set to the landing below the lobby. If no
basement sector is desired, CHN-T1 must be set to a position above
the lobby.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-17 CHN-T2 255 CHN Fixed Sector 2 Top LandingCHN第二固定区的顶层
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64 1—64层
255 = disabled 255=禁用

Specifies the top landing of fixed sector 2. Must be above CHN-T1.

If CHN-T1 specifies a basement sector, CHN-T2 must be above the
4-18 CHN-T3 255 CHN Fixed Sector 3 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled

Specifies the top landing of fixed sector 3. Must be above CHN-T2.

4-19 CHN-T4 255 CHN Fixed Sector 4 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled

Specifies the top landing of fixed sector 4. Must be above CHN-T3.

4-20 CHN-T5 255 CHN Fixed Sector 5 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled

Specifies the top landing of fixed sector 5. Must be above CHN-T4.

4-21 CHN-T6 255 CHN Fixed Sector 6 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled

Specifies the top landing of fixed sector 6. Must be above CHN-T5.

4-22 CHN-T7 255 CHN Fixed Sector 7 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled

Specifies the top landing of fixed sector 7. Must be above CHN-T6.

4-23 CHN-T8 255 CHN Fixed Sector 8 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled

Specifies the top landing of fixed sector 8. Must be above CHN-T7.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-24 CHN-A 0 CHN Sector Assigned To Car A分配CHN区域给A梯
0 = disabled 0=禁止
1 to 8 = sector 1 to 8 1—8区

Defines the sector assigned to car A, for Fixed Non-Rotational CHN.

4-25 CHN-B 0 CHN Sector Assigned To Car B同上
0 = disabled
1 to 8 = sector 1 to 8

Defines the sector assigned to car B, for Fixed Non-Rotational CHN.

4-26 CHN-C 0 CHN Sector Assigned To Car C同上
0 = disabled
1 to 8 = sector 1 to 8

Defines the sector assigned to car C, for Fixed Non-Rotational CHN.

4-27 CHN-D 0 CHN Sector Assigned To Car D同上
0 = disabled
1 to 8 = sector 1 to 8

Defines the sector assigned to car D, for Fixed Non-Rotational CHN.

4-28 CHN-E 0 CHN Sector Assigned To Car E同上
0 = disabled
1 to 8 = sector 1 to 8

Defines the sector assigned to car E, for Fixed Non-Rotational CHN.

4-29 CHN-F 0 CHN Sector Assigned To Car F同上
0 = disabled
1 to 8 = sector 1 to 8

Defines the sector assigned to car F, for Fixed Non-Rotational CHN.

4-30 CHN-G 0 CHN Sector Assigned To Car G同上
0 = disabled
1 to 8 = sector 1 to 8

Defines the sector assigned to car G, for Fixed Non-Rotational CHN.

4-31 CHN-H 0 CHN Sector Assigned To Car H同上
0 = disabled
1 to 8 = sector 1 to 8

Defines the sector assigned to car H, for Fixed Non-Rotational CHN.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-32 MOT-T 0 MOT Timeout下高峰超时
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 seconds 0—255秒

Defines timeout period for MOT operation. This time is also used
for the Traffic Induced MOT Start Time.
4-33 EN-UCB 0 Enable MOT Up Hall Call Bypass允许下高峰时旁路上外呼信号
0 = disable UCB for this specific car
0 =禁用
1 = enable UCB for this specific car
1 =允许设定轿厢的上外呼旁路

Enables MOT up hall call bypass for a specific car.

4-34 CNL 1 Number Of Cars Parking At Lobby停在大堂的电梯数
1 to 8 = 1 to 8 cars 1—8个轿厢

Selects the number of cars in the group to park at the lobby.

4-35 CNL-MN 0 Minimum Group Requirement For CNL > 1
当CNL> 1时要求的最小群控轿厢数
0 = disabled, no minimum group requirement
0 =禁用,无最小群控轿厢要求
1 to 8 = perform CNL > 1 if group has at least specified number of
1 to 8 =设置当CNL > 1执行时群控的最小轿厢数

If enabled, the group must contain the specified number of cars for
CNL > 1 to be performed. If the group falls below the specified
value, only 1 car will park at the lobby.
如果允许,当CNL > 1执行时群控必须包括的最小群控数。如果群

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-36 ELZ-P 255 Expanded Lobby Zone Position扩展大堂区的位置
0 or 255 = disable Expanded Lobby Zone
0 or 255 =禁止扩展大堂区
1 to 64 = enable Expanded Lobby Zone, ranges from LOBBY to
1 to 64 =允许扩展大堂区,范围从大堂到ELZ-P设置的层。

When enabled, the lobby zone will encompass the floors between
LOBBY and ELZ-P. Note that this parameter is only used during
Dynamic Zoned Parking. Fixed Zone Parking can specify an
expanded lobby zone through the Fixed parking zone definitions.
4-37 BPZ-EN 0 Enable Basement Parking Zone允许地下驻停区
0 = disable Basement Parking Zone
1 = enable Basement Parking Zone
1 =允许地下驻停区

When enabled, a parking zone between BOTTOM and LOBBY will

be created and 1 car will park in the zone. Note that this parameter
is only used during Dynamic Zoned Parking. Fixed Zone Parking
can specify a basement zone through the Fixed parking zone

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No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-38 BPZ-MN 0 Minimum Group Requirement For BPZ
0 = disabled, no minimum group requirement
0 =禁止,无最小群控电梯数限制
1 to 8 = perform BPZ if group has at least specified number of cars
1 to 8 =当BPZ执行时,最小的群控电梯数目

If enabled, the group must contain the specified number of cars for
BPZ to be performed. If the group falls below the specified value,
the basement parking zone will be eliminated. This parameter is
only used by the Dynamic Zoned Parking algorithm.
4-39 SIMPLX 0 Simplex Parking Operation单梯驻停操作
0 = park the car at its last stop驻停在上次运行停止的位置
1 = park the car at the lobby 驻停在大堂

Specifies simplex parking operation.设定单梯驻停操作

4-40 PRKDLY 0 Parking Delay驻停延迟时间
0 to 255 = delay the specified number of seconds before parking

When a delay is specified, the car will remain idle until that delay
expires before making a parking run. This causes a slower response
to return to an empty lobby zone.
4-41 FZP-EN 0 Enable Fixed Zoned Parking允许分区驻停
0 = disable Fixed Zoned Parking禁止固定分区驻停
1 to 8 = enable Fixed Zoned Parking with the specified number of
1 to 8 =允许固定分区驻停有设定数目的分区

When enabled, this parameter holds the number of Fixed Parking

zones to be used by the Fixed Zoned Parking algorithm.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-42 FZPMSK 12345678 Fixed Zoned Parking Disable Mask分区驻停的掩码
00000000 1 bit = if one, disable this car from parking in Fixed Parking Zone 1
1 bit =如果是1,禁止轿厢驻停在1号固定驻停区
2 bit = if one, disable this car from parking in Fixed Parking Zone 2
3 bit = if one, disable this car from parking in Fixed Parking Zone 3
4 bit = if one, disable this car from parking in Fixed Parking Zone 4
5 bit = if one, disable this car from parking in Fixed Parking Zone 5
6 bit = if one, disable this car from parking in Fixed Parking Zone 6
7 bit = if one, disable this car from parking in Fixed Parking Zone 7
8 bit = if one, disable this car from parking in Fixed Parking Zone 8

Disables a car from parking in a fixed parking zone. This is useful

for buildings with odd travel.
4-43 FZP-1B 255 Fixed Parking Zone 1 Bottom Landing第一固定驻停区底层位置
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings 1—64层
255 = disabled 禁止

Holds the bottom floor of Fixed Parking Zone 1.设定第一固定驻停

4-44 FZP-1T 255 Fixed Parking Zone 1 Top Landing第二固定驻停区顶层位置
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings 1—64层
255 = disabled 禁止

Holds the top floor of Fixed Parking Zone 1.设定第一固定驻停区的

4-45 FZP-2B 255 Fixed Parking Zone 2 Bottom Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the bottom floor of Fixed Parking Zone 2.

4-46 FZP-2T 255 Fixed Parking Zone 2 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the top floor of Fixed Parking Zone 2.

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No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-47 FZP-3B 255 Fixed Parking Zone 3 Bottom Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the bottom floor of Fixed Parking Zone 3.

4-48 FZP-3T 255 Fixed Parking Zone 3 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the top floor of Fixed Parking Zone 3.

4-49 FZP-4B 255 Fixed Parking Zone 4 Bottom Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the bottom floor of Fixed Parking Zone 4.

4-50 FZP-4T 255 Fixed Parking Zone 4 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the top floor of Fixed Parking Zone 4.

4-51 FZP-5B 255 Fixed Parking Zone 5 Bottom Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the bottom floor of Fixed Parking Zone 5.

4-52 FZP-5T 255 Fixed Parking Zone 5 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the top floor of Fixed Parking Zone 5.

4-53 FZP-6B 255 Fixed Parking Zone 6 Bottom Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the bottom floor of Fixed Parking Zone 6.

4-54 FZP-6T 255 Fixed Parking Zone 6 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the top floor of Fixed Parking Zone 6.

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No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-55 FZP-7B 255 Fixed Parking Zone 7 Bottom Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the bottom floor of Fixed Parking Zone 7.

4-56 FZP-7T 255 Fixed Parking Zone 7 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the top floor of Fixed Parking Zone 7.

4-57 FZP-8B 255 Fixed Parking Zone 8 Bottom Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the bottom floor of Fixed Parking Zone 8.

4-58 FZP-8T 255 Fixed Parking Zone 8 Top Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Holds the top floor of Fixed Parking Zone 8.

4-59 ARD-P 255 Automatic Return Position自动返基站位置
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64 1—64层
255 = disables ARD 禁止自动返基站

Automatic return position for car when there is no further demand.

4-60 ARDTYP 0 Automatic Return Operation Type自动返基站后的操作类型
0 = park with doors closed前门关闭后驻停
1 = park with front doors open保持前门开并驻停
2 = park with rear doors open保持后门开并驻停
3 = park with front & rear doors open前后门全开并驻停

Defines the door operation when the car parks at the specified ARD

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
4-61 TPOS-1 255 Cyclic Parking Test Position 1循环跑驻停楼层1
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64 1—64层
255 = Cyclic Parking Test disabled禁止循环驻停

First test position for Cyclic Parking Test. The Cyclic Parking test
only works when the opmode ‘PRK’ is enabled.
4-62 TPOS-2 255 Cyclic Parking Test Position 2循环跑驻停测试楼层2(解释同上)
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = Cyclic Parking Test disabled

Second test position for Cyclic Parking Test. The Cyclic Parking
test only works when the opmode ‘PRK’ is enabled.
4-63 TDELAY 255 Cyclic Parking Test Cycle Delay循环跑测试测试的延迟时间
0 to 254 = 0 to 254 seconds 0—254秒
255 = Cyclic Parking Test disabled禁止循环驻停测试

When set to a value other than 255, the car will cycle between the
specified test positions, and will wait the specified interval between
runs. The Cyclic Parking test only works when the opmode ‘PRK’
is enabled.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

Group 5: Dispatching派梯
No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
5-1 RDSP-T 20 Re-Dispatch Time重新派梯时间
20 to 255 = 2.0 to 25.5 seconds 2到25.5秒

Hall call re-dispatch timer.外呼重新派梯时间

5-2 V-RSR 1 Enable Variable RSR允许可变的RSR
0 = disable Variable RSR禁止可变的RSR
1 = enable Variable RSR (standard for all OCSS products)
1 =允许可变的RSR(已用于所有带OCSS的标准产品)

Enables Variable RSR dispatching.允许可变的RSR派梯

5-3 EN-SHB *SLWD*** Enable Separate Hall Buttons允许分离的外呼按钮
Bit * = 0: Reserved for future use预留位
Bit * = 1: Reserved for future use预留位
Bit S = 0: Disable separate riser operation禁止分离操作
Bit S = 1: Enable separate riser operation允许分离操作
Bit L = 0: Hall lanterns are enabled during separate riser operation
Bit L = 1: Hall lanterns are disabled during separate riser operation
Bit W = 0: Disable Wheelchair Service禁止轮椅服务
Bit W = 1: Enable Wheelchair Service允许轮椅服务
Bit D = 0: Disable the car travel direction memory for Wheelchair hall
Bit D = 1: Enable the car travel direction memory for Wheelchair hall

Selects whether rear hall buttons are used as a separate hall button riser
or Wheelchair Service hall button riser. Also, specifies various
separate riser operation and Wheelchair Service options. Only one of
the two services is supported at one time. Hence to enable the
Wheelchair Service, both ‘S’ and ‘L’ bits must be set to 0. Similarly to
enable the Separate riser operation, ‘W’ bit must be set to 0.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
5-4 ESB-XHC 255 Enable Hall Call Cancellation during ESB mode
0 - 254 = Hall calls are canceled after 0 to 254 seconds
255 = Hall calls are never canceled外呼永不取消

Defines the hall call cancellation options during emergency stop button
operation for a simplex car.定义单梯模式下打急停后外呼取消的模

5-5 SCOTYP 255 Enable Swing Car允许Swing Car
0 = enables swing car relays on hall link允许swing car操作时从井道
1 = enables swing car relays on group link允许swing car操作时从群
255 = disabled取消

Enables Swing Car Operation.允许Swing Car操作

5-6 SGO-C1 ABCDEFGH Split Group Operation Configuration 1 Mask分离群控操作配置1
A bit = If one, car A is a member of the group如设为1,轿箱A在群组
B bit = If one, car B is a member of the group. 同上
C bit = If one, car C is a member of the group. 同上
D bit = If one, car D is a member of the group. 同上
E bit = If one, car E is a member of the group. 同上
F bit = If one, car F is a member of the group. 同上
G bit = If one, car G is a member of the group. 同上
H bit = If one, car H is a member of the group. 同上

This parameter uses a bit mask to specify the cars in the group when
Split Group Operation Configuration 1 is active. Split Group
Operation requires additional setup.当分离群控操作的配置方案1被

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No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
5-7 SGO-C2 ABCDEFGH Split Group Operation Configuration 2 Mask同上
00000000 A bit = If one, car A is a member of the group.
B bit = If one, car B is a member of the group.
C bit = If one, car C is a member of the group.
D bit = If one, car D is a member of the group.
E bit = If one, car E is a member of the group.
F bit = If one, car F is a member of the group.
G bit = If one, car G is a member of the group.
H bit = If one, car H is a member of the group.

This parameter uses a bit mask to specify the cars in the group when
Split Group Operation Configuration 2 is active. Split Group
Operation requires additional setup.
5-8 SGO-C3 ABCDEFGH Split Group Operation Configuration 3 Mask同上
00000000 A bit = If one, car A is a member of the group.
B bit = If one, car B is a member of the group.
C bit = If one, car C is a member of the group.
D bit = If one, car D is a member of the group.
E bit = If one, car E is a member of the group.
F bit = If one, car F is a member of the group.
G bit = If one, car G is a member of the group.
H bit = If one, car H is a member of the group.

This parameter uses a bit mask to specify the cars in the group when
Split Group Operation Configuration 3 is active. Split Group
Operation requires additional setup.
5-9 HBP-P 255 Hall Button Protection Position外呼按钮保护位置
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings 1到64层
255 = disable Hall Button Protection 禁用外呼按钮保护

Defines the Hall Button Protection return position.定义外呼按钮保护


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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
5-10 HBP-O FR****** Hall Button Protection Options外呼按钮保护功能
10000000 F bit = 0: keep the front doors closed at the HBP position
F bit = 1: open the front doors at the HBP position
R bit = 0: keep the rear doors closed at the HBP position
R bit = 1: open the rear doors at the HBP position

Defines the Hall Button Protection options. At least one of the door
bits must be set.定义外呼按钮保护功能,至少其中的一个门的屏蔽
5-11 WCOTYP 0 Wild Car Operation Type野车操作类型
0 = Both directions上下方向均有
1 = up direction上方向
2 = down direction下方向

Determines direction of travel when cars are in wild car operation.

5-12 WCO-DT 80 Wild Car Operation Door Timer野车操作时的开门时间
0 to 80 = 8.0 seconds 0到8秒
81 to 255 = 8.1 to 25.5 seconds 8.1到25.5秒

Defines the time that car doors remain open when the car travels to a
floor as a result of wild car operation.定义野车操作模式下电梯到每
5-13 RAND-H 0 Random Hall Call Generator Time随机产生外呼的时间
0 = disabled 禁用
1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds 1到255秒

Defines the frequency for random generation of hall calls into the
5-14 RAND-C 0 Random Car Call Generator Time随机产生内选的时间
0 = disabled 禁用
1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds 1到255秒

Defines the frequency for random generation of car calls for the car.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
5-15 #CRWD 0 Number Of Hardware Crowd Sensors拥挤传感器的硬件数目
0 = disabled 禁用
1 to 5 = 1 to 5 landings have hardware crowd sensors1到5层有硬件传

Defines the number of landings in the group that have been equipped
with hardware crowd sensors.
5-16 % CRWD 0 Percent Of Active Crowd Sensors启动拥挤传感器的百分比
0 to 100 = 0 to 100 percent 0到100%

Defines the percentage of hardware crowd sensors that must be active

at a landing to indicate a crowd.定义多少百分比的时候轿箱拥挤传
5-17 CRWDF1 255 Crowd Sensor 1 Landing第一个拥挤传感器所在楼层
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings 1到64层
255 = disabled 禁用

Defines the first landing where hardware crowd sensors are installed
5-18 CRWDF2 255 Crowd Sensor 2 Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Defines the second landing where hardware crowd sensors are

5-19 CRWDF3 255 Crowd Sensor 3 Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Defines the third landing where hardware crowd sensors are installed.
5-20 CRWDF4 255 Crowd Sensor 4 Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Defines the fourth landing where hardware crowd sensors are installed.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
5-21 CRWDF5 255 Crowd Sensor 5 Landing同上
1 to 64 = 1 to 64 landings
255 = disabled

Defines the fifth landing where hardware crowd sensors are installed.
5-22 GCB-EN UDCI**** Group Controller Board Feature Enable Mask群控板允许特性屏
U bit = If one, enables GCB uppeak operation如果为1,则允许群控板
D bit = If one, enables GCB downpeak operation如果为1,则允许群
C bit = If one, enables GCB hall crowd operation如果为1,则允许群
I bit = If one, enables GCB ICA operation如果为1,则允许群控板

This parameter uses a bit mask to enable various GCB related features.
5-23 ADS-EN UDCR**** Advanced Dispatcher System Feature Enable Mask先进的派梯系
U bit = If one, enables ADS uppeak operation如果是1,则允许ADS上
D bit = If one, enables ADS door dwell operation如果是1,则允许
C bit = If one, enables ADS hall crowd operation如果是1,则允许
R bit = If one, enables ADS RSR Plus operation如果是1,则允许附加

This parameter uses a bit mask to enable various ADS related features.

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Group 6: Emergency
No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
6-1 EPO-P 255 EPO Return Position EPO(紧急电源操作)电梯返回的位置
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64 1到64层
255 = disables EPO 禁用紧急电源操作

EPO return landing. When EPO is activated, the car will return to
this position. Normally set to be the same as the lobby position.
6-2 EPCARS 1 Number Of Cars For EPO 进入紧急电源状态的电梯数
1 to 8 = 1 to 8 cars 1至8个电梯

Controls number of cars available for running under Emergency Power

6-3 EPCAR1 255 Priority Car 1 Under EPO 紧急电源下第一优先运行轿箱
1 to 8 = car 1 to 8 1至8号电梯
255 = disabled 255=取消

Defines the 1st priority car to run in normal operation while the group
is in Emergency Power Operation.设定在紧急电源状态下优先恢复
6-4 EPCAR2 255 Priority Car 2 Under EPO同上
1 to 8 = car 1 to 8
255 = disabled

Defines the 2nd priority car to run in normal operation while the group
is in Emergency Power Operation.
6-5 EPMANC 1 EPO Number Of Cars On Manual Operation手动紧急电源模式下
1 to 8 = number of manual EPO cars

Specifies the number of cars which can run on manual EPO.


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No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
6-6 EPO-DC 0 EPO Door Close Time紧急电源下运行时关门时间
0 = no EPO-DC 取消此操作
1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds 关门时间1至255秒

If set to a value other than 0, the doors will close after performing a
EPO return after the specified time period.
6-7 IGEPO 0 Enable Intergroup Emergency Power Operation允许群群组内紧
0 = disabled 禁用
1 = enabled 允许

Enables Intergroup Emergency Power Operation.允许群组内紧急电

6-8 IGDSTM 0 Intergroup Car Deselect Delay群组内电梯取消选定延迟
0 = disabled 禁用
1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds 1至255秒

Intergroup Emergency Power Operation car deselect delay. For

manual selection only.群组内紧急电源操作时选层取消的延迟,仅用
6-9 SF_EPO ABCDEFGH Split Feeder EPO bitmask分离紧急电源群控屏蔽位
0 in all bit locations = disables split feeder禁止分离
0 in some of the bit locations = those cars are not on this car’s feeder某
1 in some of the bit locations = those cars are on this car’s feeder某些

Enables split feeder operation.允许分离群控操作

6-10 PWRXFR 0 Enable Emergency Power Transfer Operation允许紧急电源转换
0 = Disable 禁用
1= Enable 允许

Enables the Emergency Power Transfer Operation which places cars in

the EPW mode prior to a transfer to or from standby power.
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No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
6-11 EPO-O FRL***** Emergency Power Operation Options紧急电源操作功能
F Bit = If one, the front door shall open at the rescue landing. 如果是1
R Bit = If one, the rear door shall open at the rescue landing.如果是1
L Bit = If one, the car shall use the next commitable landing for the
rescue landing.如果是1时,电梯将把下一楼层作为救
Enables the various options for Emergency Power Operation.
6-12 EPRCR1 0 Emergency Power Rescue Car 1紧急电源救援1号轿箱
0 = Disables 禁用
1 to 8 = Car 1 to 8 1至8号梯

Defines the first car to rescue during emergency power operation.

6-13 EPRCR2 0 Emergency Power Rescue Car 2同上
0 = Disables
1 to 8 = Car 1 to 8

Defines the second car to rescue during emergency power operation.

6-14 EPRCR3 0 Emergency Power Rescue Car 3同上
0 = Disables
1 to 8 = Car 1 to 8

Defines the third car to rescue during emergency power operation.

6-15 EPRCR4 0 Emergency Power Rescue Car 4同上
0 = Disables
1 to 8 = Car 1 to 8

Defines the fourth car to rescue during emergency power operation.

6-16 EPRCR5 0 Emergency Power Rescue Car 5同上
0 = Disables
1 to 8 = Car 1 to 8

Defines the fifth car to rescue during emergency power operation.

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No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
6-17 EPRCR6 0 Emergency Power Rescue Car 6同上
0 = Disables
1 to 8 = Car 1 to 8

Defines the sixth car to rescue during emergency power operation.

6-18 EPRCR7 0 Emergency Power Rescue Car 7同上
0 = Disables
1 to 8 = Car 1 to 8

Defines the seventh car to rescue during emergency power operation.

6-19 EPRCR8 0 Emergency Power Rescue Car 8同上
0 = Disables
1 to 8 = Car 1 to 8

Defines the eighth car to rescue during emergency power operation.

6-20 EFS 16 Emergency Fire Service Type紧急消防服务类型
0 = Reserved预留 1 = Automatic EFS自动消防服务
2 = Manual EFS手动消防服务 3 = ANSI 87美国87标准
4 = British Standard英国标准 5 = Reserved预留
6 = Chicago 1994 7 = Canadian Regional SES
支加哥1994 加拿大标准
8 = California Regional SES 9 = New York City Regional SES
加利福尼亚标准 纽约区标准
10 = Chicago Regional SES 11 = Hawaii Regional SES
支加哥区标准 夏威夷标准
12 = Detroit Regional SES 13 = ANSI 1989
底特律标准 美国89标准
14 = Canada 1990 15 = New York City 1993
加拿大90标准 纽约城市93标准
16 = Mass/ANSI 93 17 = Australia
马塞诸塞/美国93标准 澳大利亚标准
18 = Singapore 19 = Hong Kong
新加坡标准 香港标准
20 = Taiwan 21 = New Zealand
台湾标准 新西兰标准
Selects the type of Emergency Fire Service operation.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
6-21 EFS-CK 16 Emergency Fire Service Type Check紧急消防服务类型检查
0 = Reserved 1 = Automatic EFS
2 = Manual EFS 3 = ANSI 87
4 = British Standard 5 = Reserved
6 = Chicago 1994 7 = Canadian Regional SES
8 = California Regional SES 9 = New York City Regional SES
10 = Chicago Regional SES 11 = Hawaii Regional SES
12 = Detroit Regional SES 13 = ANSI 1989
14 = Canada 1990 15 = New York City 1993
16 = Mass/ANSI 93 17 = Australia
18 = Singapore 19 = Hong Kong
20 = Taiwan 21 = New Zealand

Check for EFS parameter.检查以上消防参数

6-22 EFO-P 1 EFO Return Landing Position消防楼层
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64, opens front door
101 to 164 = landing 1 to 64, opens rear door
201 to 254 = landing 1 to 54, opens both doors
Main SES recall landing.主要紧急服务回呼楼层
6-23 EFO-CK 1 EFO Return Landing Position Check消防楼层检查同上
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64, opens front door
101 to 164 = landing 1 to 64, opens rear door
201 to 254 = landing 1 to 54, opens both doors

Check for EFO-P parameter.检查EFO-P参数

6-24 ASL-P 2 Alternate Service Landing Position备降服务楼层
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64, opens front door
101 to 164 = landing 1 to 64, opens rear door
201 to 254 = landing 1 to 54, opens both doors
Alternate SES recall landing.主要紧急服务回呼楼层

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No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
6-25 ASL-CK 2 Alternate Service Landing Position Check备降服务楼层检查同上
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64, opens front door
101 to 164 = landing 1 to 64, opens rear door
201 to 254 = landing 1 to 54, opens both doors

Check for ASL-P parameter.检查ASL-P参数

6-26 ASL2-P 255 Secondary Alternate Return Landing Position第二备降楼层同上
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64, opens front door
101 to 164 = landing 1 to 64, opens rear door
201 to 254 = landing 1 to 54, opens both doors

Second alternate SES recall landing.

6-27 ASL2-C 255 Secondary Alternate Service Landing Position Check
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64, opens front door
101 to 164 = landing 1 to 64, opens rear door
201 to 254 = landing 1 to 54, opens both doors

Check for ASL2-P parameter.

6-28 EFO-DC 0 EFO Door Close Time消防状态门关闭时间
0 = disable EFO-DC禁用消防状态门关闭时间
1 to 255 = 1 to 255 seconds 1至255秒
If time is set, doors close after timer expires during EFO.
6-29 FSKTYP 2 Fire Service Smoke Sensor Type消防服务烟感类型
0 = Active high PhaseI switch and active high PhaseII switch
1 = Active high PhaseI switch and active low PhaseII switch
2 = Active low PhaseI switch and active low PhaseII switch
3 = Active low PhaseI switch and active high PhaseII switch
Determines the input state of the Fire Service smoke sensors.确定消防

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
6-30 SMKTYP E12M**** Fire Service Smoke Sensor Type消防服务烟感选项
E bit = 0: Building smoke sensor is active low大厦烟感低电位有效
E bit = 1: Building smoke sensor is active high大厦烟感高电位有效
1 bit = 0: Main landing smoke sensor is active low
1 bit = 1: Main landing smoke sensor is active high
2 bit = 0: Alternate landing smoke sensor is active low
2 bit = 1: Alternate landing smoke sensor is active high
M bit = 0: Machine room smoke sensor is active low
M bit = 1: Machine room smoke sensor is active high

Determines the input state of the Fire Service smoke sensors. Note
that these option may not be allowed for all fire codes. If this is the
case, the bits are ignored.
6-31 SES-O 12L***** Fire Service Options Bitmask消防功能掩码
00000000 1 bit = 0: Disable ESB override while on SES PhaseI operation
1 bit = 1: Enable ESB override while on SES PhaseI operation
2 bit = 0: Disable ESB override while on SES PhaseII operation
2 bit = 1: Enable ESB override while on SES PhaseII operation
L bit = 0: Disable software latching of the SES PhaseI inputs
L bit = 1: Enable software latching of the SES PhaseI inputs
Defines the fire service options. Note that these option may not be
allowed for all fire codes. If this is the case, the bits are ignored.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
6-32 SES-R 0 Fire Service PhaseI Recall Delay正常供电下消防服务信号返回延
0 to 254 = 0 to 254 seconds 0至254秒
Defines the delay before the car exits SES PhaseII operation to
perform an SES PhaseI recall. This parameter affects only those
codes which allow a delay during this feature of the SES operations.
6-33 SESOVR 0 Fire Service PhaseI Override Delay正常供电下消防优先延迟时间
0 to 255 = 0 to 254 seconds

Defines the delay before the car exits EHS, ISC, or ATT operation to
perform an SES PhaseI recall. This parameter affects only those
codes which allow a delay during this feature of the SES PhaseI
6-34 EN-FPD 0 Enable Fire Proof Doors允许消防门参数
0 = disable FPD
1 = enable FPD

Enables the fire proof door feature.允许消防门参数

6-35 SESPRO 0 SES Profile Selection正常运行曲线选择
0 = Use default profile
1 to 7 = Use specified profile选择1到7的特殊曲线

Defines the profile to be used when the car is on EQO operation with
SES PhaseI inputs active and when the car is to move during Taiwan
SES PhaseII operation with the doors unlocked.
6-36 EQOTYP 0 Earthquake Type地震类型
0 = Open doors always总是开门
1 = Open doors only at a landing with a valid position.
Defines when to open the doors at a landing while in EQO mode.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
6-37 AMF-P 255 About Mid-Floor Position中间层位置
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64 1至64层
About mid-floor position for EQO operation. This is the landing
position where the car and counterweight are next to each other.
6-38 EQMS-L 255 Earthquake Magnetic Sensor Zone - Lower Boundary
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled
Defines the lower boundary of the earthquake magnetic sensor used to
determine the landings NOT to check for a failed sensor.
6-39 EQMS-U 255 Earthquake Magnetic Sensor Zone - Upper Boundary
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled
Defines the upper boundary of the earthquake magnetic sensor used to
determine the landings NOT to check for a failed sensor.
6-40 EN-EPS 0 Enable Express Priority Service允许快速优先服务
0 = Enable Hospital Express Priority Service允许医院优先快速服务
1 = Enable Executive Priority Service允许管理者优先服务
2 = Enable Hospital Express Priority Service, remains on EHS until
no further car call demand
3 = Penthouse Priority Access阁楼优先服务
Defines the type of priority service that is activated when an express
service call is entered.
6-41 EHS-T 20 Emergency Hospital Service Timout紧急医院优先服务的时限
5 to 255 = 5 to 255 seconds 5到255秒
Defines the opmode deactivation delay to exit Emergency Hospital
Service after answering an express call.
6-42 PPA-P 255 Priority Penthouse Position阁楼优先服务位置
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled
Defines landing position for Priority Penthouse Operation.

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No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
6-43 EMT-P 255 Emergency Medical Technician Return Landing紧急医疗返回楼

1 to 54 = landing 1 to 54 (front doors open)1至54层且开前门
101 to 154 = landing 1 to 54 (rear doors open)1至54层且开后门
Specifies the return position for the car when Emergency Medical
Technician operation is activated. Either the front or rear doors can
be selected to open.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

Group 7: Security安全
No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
7-1 SEC-O LRD**GZ* Security Options安全选项
L bit = 0: Disables lobby door security override禁止大堂门安全优先
L bit = 1: Enables lobby door security override允许大堂门安全优先
R bit = 0: Disables secured door reopen禁止安全门重新开启
R bit = 1: Enables secured door reopen允许安全门重新开启
D bit = 0: Disables lobby recall when DOB at secured opening
D bit = 1: Enables lobby recall when DOB at secured opening
G bit = 0: Allows ISC to have access to landings secured by Generic
G bit = 1: Does not allow ISC to have access to landings secured by
Generic security禁止打独立开关后进入置密的安全楼层
Z bit = 0: Disables car call card reader zoning禁止内选读卡器区
Z bit = 1: Enables car call card reader zoning允许内选读卡器区

Enables various security options through a bitmask.允许通过屏蔽位

7-2 EN-CRC 0 Enable Card Reader Operation, Car Call (C)
0 = disable CRO禁止读卡器
1 = ETO CRO type 1 欧洲1型读卡器
2 = ETO CRO type 2 欧洲2型读卡器
3 = NAO CRO type 1 北美1型读卡器
4 = NAO CRO type 2 北美2型读卡器
5 = NAO CRO type 3 北美3型读卡器
6 = NAO CRO type 4 北美4型读卡器
7 = NAO CRO type 5 北美5型读卡器
8 = NAO CRO type 6 北美6型读卡器
9 = NAO secure and shutdown type 1北美置密和1型中断
>9 = no car calls allowed 不许内选
Enables card reader operation for car buttons, with all inputs located on
the car link.允许内选按钮的读卡器操作,所有的输入均取自轿箱侧

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
7-3 EN-CRH 0 Enable Card Reader Operation, Car Call (H)
0 = disable CRO
1 = ETO CRO type 1
2 = ETO CRO type 2
3 = NAO CRO type 1
4 = NAO CRO type 2
5 = NAO CRO type 3
6 = NAO CRO type 4
7 = NAO CRO type 5
8 = NAO CRO type 6
9 = NAO secure and shutdown type 1
>9 = no car calls allowed

Enables card reader operation for car buttons, with all inputs located on
the hall link.
7-4 EN-HCR 0 Enable Hall Call Card Reader允许外呼读卡器
0 = All hall calls allowed允许所有外呼
1 = Activation of card reader input (HCRC) allows hall calls.
2 = Activation of card reader input (HCRC) and the landing hall call
card reader input allows hall calls.

Enables card reader operation for hall buttons.允许外呼读卡器操作

7-5 SAR-P 255 Secure Return Position安全返回楼层
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disable SAR禁用自动返回楼层
Parks car at specified landing for some types of card reader security.
7-6 SAR-DR 0 Secure Position Door State 安全层门状态设定
0 = Park with both doors closed驻停时前后门全关
1 = Park with front door opened驻停时前门开
2 = Park with rear door opened驻停时后门开
3 = Park with both doors opened驻停时前后门全开
Defines the door states at the secure position used for CRL.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
7-7 PKS-P 255 Park And Shutdown Position锁梯位置
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disables

Specifies Park and Shutdown position.规定锁梯位置

7-8 PKS-O 0 Park And Shutdown Options锁梯时门的状态
0 = park with front and rear doors closed锁梯时前后门关闭
1 = park with front doors opened and rear doors closed
2 = park with front doors closed and rear doors opened
3 = park with front and rear doors opened
Defines the options available for the Park and Shutdown feature.
7-9 PKSTYP 0 Car to Landing Shutdown switch type
0 = The PKS input is active low锁梯信号输入为低电位有效
1 = The PKS input is active high锁梯信号输入为高电位有效
Defines the active state for the PKS input. This input places the car
into CTL mode to perform the CTL shutdown operation.
7-10 SACTYP 255 Secure Access Characteristics密码特性
SACTYP = XYZ where置密类型
X = 0: Must always be set to zero. 必须总设为0
Y = 0: Landing can be cleared at any time.楼层能在任何时候取消
Y = 1: Landing can be cleared only when secured.
Z = 0: Car calls to secured floors not allowed during Independent
Z = 1: Car calls to secured floors allowed during Independent
XYZ = 255: Disable car secure access operation禁止电梯置密操作
Determines the characteristics of Secure Access, such as when
landings can be cleared, or if Independent Service allows car calls to
secured landings.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
7-11 SAC-D1 0 Secure Access Digit 1第一置密数
1 to 9 = valid digit 1 to 9
First digit of secure access master code.第一个主置密密码
7-12 SAC-D2 0 Secure Access Digit 2同上
1 to 9 = valid digit 1 to 9
Second digit of secure access master code.
7-13 SAC-D3 0 Secure Access Digit 3同上
1 to 9 = valid digit 1 to 9
Third digit of secure access master code.
7-14 IST-P 255 Intermediate Stop Position中间层停止位置
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disable IST禁用此功能
Landing position for intermediate stop feature.中间层停止位置
7-15 RIOT-P 255 Riot Landing Position暴乱停层位置
1 to 64 = landing 1 to 64
255 = disabled
Landing position car will move to when Riot operation is entered.
7-16 EMS-XC DI****** EMS Security Options bitmaskEMS安全功能掩码
00000000 D bit = 0: Allow calls to remain upon activation of security
D bit = 1: Delete calls upon activation of security
I bit = 0: Disable ISC override of EMS security
I bit = 1: Enable ISC override of EMS security
Determines the EMS security options.设定EMS安全功能
7-17 GCBTYP 0 Button Type按钮类型


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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

Group 8: Signal Devices

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
8-1 PI-C 0 Position Indicator Type, Car Link轿内层显类型
0 = 7/16 segment PI 7/16段层显
1 = multilight PI using Remote Interface Board
2 = dot matrix PI without direction indicator
3 = dot matrix PI with direction indicator
4 = S’pore dot matrix PI through RIB’s dry contact.
5 = Otis Bangalore PI through RIB’s dry contact.
6 = OTIS 2000 7/16 segment PI.奥的斯2000型7/16段层显
Selects type of position indicator used on the Car link.
8-2 PI-H 0 Position Indicator Type, Hall Link外呼层显类型(同上)
0 = 7/16 segment PI
1 = multilight PI using Remote Interface Board
2 = dot matrix PI without direction indicator
3 = dot matrix PI with direction indicator
4 = S’pore dot matrix PI through RIB’s dry contact.
5 = Otis Bangalore PI through RIB’s dry contact.
6 = OTIS 2000 7/16 segment PI.

Selects type of position indicator used on the Hall link.

8-3 PI-G 0 Position Indicator Type, Group Link群控层显类型(同上)
0 = 7/16 segment PI
1 = multilight PI using Remote Interface Board
2 = dot matrix PI without direction indicator
3 = dot matrix PI with direction indicator
4 = S’pore dot matrix PI through RIB’s dry contact.
5 = Otis Bangalore PI through RIB’s dry contact
6 = OTIS 2000 7/16 segment PI.

Selects type of position indicator used on the Group link.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
8-4 EZ-LFT 15 Left Position Indicator Digit For Express Zone
0 to 9 = display character '0' to '9'显示0到9
10 = display blank space ' ' character显示空位置
11 to 36 = display character 'A' to 'Z'显示A到Z
37 = display dash '-' character显示减号
38 = display asterisk '*' character显示星号
Defines the left digit that is displayed when the car is traveling
through an Express Zone. The default display is 'EZ'.
8-5 EZ-RGT 36 Right Position Indicator Digit For Express Zone
0 to 9 = display character '0' to '9'
10 = display blank space ' ' character
11 to 36 = display character 'A' to 'Z'
37 = display dash '-' character
38 = display asterisk '*' character
Defines the right digit that is displayed when the car is traveling
through an Express Zone. The default display is 'EZ'.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
8-6 DMPI-O EPCISF* Dot Matrix PI Out Of Service Options (Hall Link PI Only)
* 点阵层显暂停服务功能(仅用于外呼侧)
0 Bit E = 0: EHS mode does not display Out Of Service message
Bit E = 1: EHS mode displays Out Of Service message
Bit P = 0: PKS mode does not display Out Of Service message
Bit P = 1: PKS mode displays Out Of Service message
Bit C = 0: CRL mode does not display Out Of Service message
Bit C = 1: CRL mode displays Out Of Service message
Bit I = 0: ISC mode does not display Out Of Service message
Bit I = 1: ISC mode displays Out Of Service message
Bit S = 0: INS mode does not display Out Of Service message
Bit S = 1: INS mode displays Out Of Service message
Bit F = 0: Car Failed to Start does not display Out Of Service
Bit F = 1: Car Failed to Start displays Out Of Service message
Defines when the Out Of Service message is allowed to be
displayed on the Dot Matrix PI on the Hall link. The Out Of
Service message is automatically displayed when the DMOOS
input is active, the car is initializing, the car is correcting, or the
car’s position is invalid.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
8-7 CPC-O CH***** Car Position Contacts Options轿箱位置触点功能
0100000 Bit C = 0: disable CPCs on Car link禁用轿箱侧位置触点功能
0 Bit C = 1: enable CPCs on Car link允许轿箱侧位置触点功能
Bit H = 0: disable CPCs on Hall link禁用外呼侧位置触点功能
Bit H = 1: enable CPCs on Hall link允许外呼侧位置触点功能
Indicates the link(s) on which to transmit the CPC01-CPC80
outputs. Note that if both the Car and Hall links are enabled, the
same addresses must be used for both links. At least one link must
be selected, even if the feature is not to be used.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
8-8 HL-SET 0 Hall/Car Lantern Setup大厅/轿厢灯设置
0 = Hall Lantern: advanced fixtures using RS4A gong board, lamp
and gong on separate pins, fixture automatically gongs twice for
down hall call. NOTE: This value is also used for hardware
controlled in car lanterns/gongs.
1 = Hall Lantern: lamp and gong on the same pins, fixture
automatically gongs twice for down hall call
2 = Hall Lantern: luxury fixtures using RS4 and chime board
3 = Car Lantern: lamp and gong on separate pins, down gong must
be activated twice to sound double gong
4 = Car Lantern: lamp and gong on same pins, down gong must be
activated twice to sound double gong
5 = Car Lantern: lamp and gong on same pins, fixture automatically
gongs twice when down signal is activated
6 = Hall Lantern: lamp and gong on the same pins, lamp must be
flashed twice to sound a down gong
7 = reserved预留位置
8 = Hall lantern combination. If “H” bit is 0, use HL-SET = 6. If
“H” bit is 1, use HL-SET = 2.
9 = Hall lantern combination. If “H” bit is 0, use HL-SET = 6. If
“H” bit is 1, use HL-SET = 0.
10 = Hall lantern combination. If “H” bit is 0, use HL-SET = 0.
If “H” bit is 1, use HL-SET = 2.
Defines hall/car lanterns used.定义轿内/外呼到站灯定义

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
8-9 EN-HLC 0 Enable Hall Lantern For Car Calls允许大堂灯/钟响应类型
0 = lantern/gong for hall calls only仅外呼呼梯灯和光钟才响应
1 = lantern/gong for hall calls and car calls外呼和内选均可使灯和
Enables hall lantern and gong for car calls.允许外呼到站灯和光钟
8-10 SACA-T 1 Selectable Advanced Car Assignment Time可选先进的轿箱派
0 = disable SACA
1 to 5 = enable SACA with 1 to 5 RRT seconds of advance
When enabled, the hall lanterns will be activated when the car is the
specified RRT time away from the landing. This feature must be
disabled on jobs where a Group Controller Board is performing
8-11 ICA-HL 0 ICA Hall Lantern Enable ICA外呼到站灯是否有效
0 = disable ICA hall lantern operation禁用外呼到站灯操作
1 = enable ICA hall lantern operation允许外呼到站灯操作
Enables ICA hall lantern operation. This feature is only supported
when HL-SET = 0, 1, or 2. No hall lantern combinations are
allowed. The Group Controller Board must be performing ICA for
this feature to be active. For HL-SET=1, the gongs must be
removed from the lanterns and replaced with in car gongs.
8-12 FLK-T 0 Flicker Hall Lantern闪烁型外呼灯
0 = disable flickering of hall lanterns禁止外呼灯闪烁
1 to 255 = flicker hall lanterns every .1 to 25.5 seconds
Enables flickering of hall lanterns and specifies the speed at which
lanterns are flickered. Flickering may be performed during MIT
and ICA. Only HL-SET = 0, 1, and 2 lanterns can be flickered.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
8-13 ENMDSG 0 Enable MOD Double Stroke Gong允许MOD型双响光钟
0 = disable MOD double stroke gong禁用MOD型双响光钟
1 = enable MOD double stroke gong允许MOD型双响光钟
Enables MOD double stroke gong feature.MOD型双响光钟的设置
8-14 GNGDLY 125 Gong Activation/Deactivation Delay For Down Hall Calls
100 to 255 = 400 milliseconds to 1.02 seconds (4 millisecond timer)
For HL-SET = 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9 ONLY!!! This parameter specifies
the delay between activation/deactivation/activation of down hall
lanterns and gongs.
8-15 ELD-T 3 ELD Blank Delay ELD黑屏延迟时间
0 to 255 = 0 to 255 minutes 0至255秒
Defines idle delay before the ELD display is blanked.
8-16 EN-SFR 0 Enable Signal Flicker允许信号闪烁
0 = disable SFR
1 = enable SFR
When enabled, flickers signal lamps. Required for some local
code requirements.

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
8-17 CC-LPT 0 Car Calls - Landing Passing Tone内选过层发声设置
0 = do not sound LPT for car calls, sound LPT for all floors
1 = sound LPT for car calls, sound LPT for all floors
2 = do not sound LPT for car calls, sound LPT for allowed floors
3 = sound LPT for car calls, sound LPT for allowed floors
4 = do not sound LPT for car calls, do not sound LPT for floors
5 = sound LPT for car calls, do not sound LPT for floors
Enables sounding of the Landing Passing Tone for car calls. Also,
indicates whether the Landing Passing Tone is sounded for all
floors, just the allowed (non-secured) floors, or no floors at all.
8-18 CPMT-DY 0 Car position message trigger delay轿箱位置信息触发延迟

0 : disabled禁用
1 - 10 : 104 ms to 1.04 second (step of 104 ms)104毫秒至1.04秒
The trigger for the car position message can be delayed anywhere
between the start of slow down and the end of door opening.
(NOTE : This parameter is only applicable to DRUCEGROVE
speech boards)
8-19 SPEECH 0 Speech Synthesizer Type语音合成类型
0 = no speech synthesizer installed未语音合成器安装
1 = Elevoa Speech Synthesizer Elevoa型电梯语音合成器
2 = DruceGrove Speech Synthesizer DruceGrove型语音合成器

8-20 CLK-OPT 0 Real-Time Clock Option实时时钟功能

0 = Real-time clock on-board板载实时时钟
1 = External real-time clock外部实时时钟

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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

Group 9: Motion
No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
9-1 MCSS-O BLO***** MCSS Options MCSS与OCSS通讯参数
00000000 Bit B = 0: Two byte messages sent from the MCSS to the OCSS
Bit B = 1: Four byte messages sent from the MCSS to the OCSS
Bit L = 0: Load weighing information received from the MCSS
Bit L = 1: Load weighing information received from RSL discretes
Bit O = 0: LW110 is active high input超载信号高电位有效
Bit O = 1: LW110 is active low input超载信号低电位有效
This bit mask enables/disabled various MCSS related features.
For jobs requiring Door Lock Failure, the four byte messaging should
be activated.
9-2 EN-XLT 0 Enable Floor Translation Table允许楼层表转换
0 = disabled
1 = enabled
When disabled, the OCSS assumes a 1:1 landing relationship between
the OCSS and MCSS. When enabled, the OCSS uses the floor
translation table, stored in EEPROM.
9-3 MG-PRO 0 Drive Special Profile Selection驱动可选的特殊曲线
0 to 7 = specifies profile type 0 to 7 0至7型的特殊曲线
255 = specifies default profile type使用默认曲线
Selects a user-defined drive profile. If MG-PRO is set to 255, profile
type 0 will be used as the default unless the group is on uppeak,
downpeak, or the MGPRO group request is active. If either of these
is active, the profile will switch to profile type 1.

Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

No. Symbol Setting Purpose and Range
9-4 MG-TIM 0 Motor Generator Time电机发电时间
0 = disabled
1 to 255 = 1 to 255 minutes
Defines the time car must remain idle for MG set to be powered down.
9-5 MG-DLY 2 MG Successive Start Delay电机成功启动延迟时间
1 to 255 = period of delay (see below)延迟间隔
Defines the amount of time the car will delay between placing the
power up request on the ring, and sending the “power up drive”
message to MCSS. Actual delay = (RCB_NO - 1) * MG-DLY *
定义电梯从接到启动要求到发到MCSS“POWER UP DRIVE”信息
的时间,实际时间=(RCB_NO - 1) * MG-DLY * 200ms.

Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

Index (Name, #, Page)

CHN-E, #4-28, 20
CHN-EA, #4-13, 18
—#— CHN-EN, #4-8, 18
#CRWD, #5-15, 27 CHN-F, #4-29, 20
#RINGS, #1-5, 5 CHN-G, #4-30, 20
CHN-H, #4-31, 20
CHN-LD, #4-11, 18
—%— CHN-O, #4-15, 19
% CRWD, #5-16, 27 CHN-ST, #4-9, 18
CHN-T, #4-10, 18
CHN-T1, #4-16, 19
—A— CHN-T2, #4-17, 19
CHN-T3, #4-18, 19
ADA-T, #3-15, 12
CHN-T4, #4-19, 19
ADS-EN, #5-23, 28
CHN-T5, #4-20, 19
AMF-P, #6-37, 33
CHN-T6, #4-21, 19
ANNU-T, #3-3, 11
CHN-T7, #4-22, 20
ANS, #3-1, 11
CHN-T8, #4-23, 20
ARD-P, #4-59, 24
CLK-OPT, #8-20, 42
ARDTYP, #4-60, 24
CLOS-O, #3-30, 15
ASL2-C, #6-27, 32
CLRCC-EN, #3-36, 16
ASL2-P, #6-26, 32
CNL, #4-34, 21
ASL-CK, #6-25, 31
CNL-MN, #4-35, 21
ASL-P, #6-24, 31
CPC-O, #8-7, 39
ATT, #3-2, 11
CPMT-DY, #8-18, 41
CPU-T, #1-12, 6
—B— CRWDF1, #5-17, 27
CRWDF2, #5-18, 27
BOTTOM, #2-1, 8 CRWDF3, #5-19, 27
BPZ-EN, #4-37, 21 CRWDF4, #5-20, 28
BPZ-MN, #4-38, 21 CRWDF5, #5-21, 28
BUZ-T, #3-31, 15 CTL-O, #3-5, 11
CTL-P, #3-4, 11
CB-TYP, #1-10, 6 —D—
CC-DT, #3-11, 12 DCP-T, #3-18, 13
CC-LPT, #8-17, 41 DEL-T, #3-33, 16
CFT-NT, #2-20, 10 DHB-O, #3-6, 11
CFT-P, #2-19, 9 DHB-T, #3-7, 11
CHN-A, #4-24, 20 DMPI-O, #8-6, 39
CHN-AT, #4-14, 18 DOS-T, #3-35, 16
CHN-B, #4-25, 20 DTC-O, #3-19, 13
CHN-C, #4-26, 20 DTC-T, #3-20, 13
CHN-D, #4-27, 20 DTO-O, #3-21, 14
CHN-DT, #4-12, 18 DWL-NT, #3-28, 15

Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

—E— EZ1DLY, #2-8, 8

EZ1RSR, #2-7, 8
EFO-CK, #6-23, 31 EZ1TOP, #2-6, 8
EFO-DC, #6-28, 32 EZ2BOT, #2-9, 8
EFO-P, #6-22, 31 EZ2DLY, #2-12, 9
EFS, #6-20, 31 EZ2RSR, #2-11, 9
EFS-CK, #6-21, 31 EZ2TOP, #2-10, 8
EHS-T, #6-41, 34 EZ3BOT, #2-13, 9
ELD-T, #8-15, 41 EZ3DLY, #2-16, 9
ELZ-P, #4-36, 21 EZ3RSR, #2-15, 9
EMS-O, #1-7, 5 EZ3TOP, #2-14, 9
EMS-XC, #7-16, 37 EZ-LFT, #8-4, 38
EMT-P, #6-43, 34 EZ-RGT, #8-5, 38
EN-CCO, #3-10, 12
EN-CON, #1-2, 5
EN-CRC, #7-2, 35
EN-CRH, #7-3, 35 FDTO-T, #3-22, 14
EN-DDO, #3-27, 14 FIELD1, #1-13, 6
EN-EMO, #1-3, 5 FIELD2, #1-14, 6
EN-EPS, #6-40, 33 FIELD3, #1-15, 6
EN-FPD, #6-34, 33 FIELD4, #1-16, 6
EN-HCR, #7-4, 36 FIELD5, #1-17, 7
EN-HLC, #8-9, 40 FIELD6, #1-18, 7
ENMDSG, #8-13, 41 FIELD7, #1-19, 7
EN-NDG, #3-16, 13 FLK-T, #8-12, 41
EN-PMO, #3-25, 14 FSKTYP, #6-29, 32
EN-SFR, #8-16, 41 FZP-1B, #4-43, 22
EN-SHB, #5-3, 25 FZP-1T, #4-44, 22
EN-UCB, #4-33, 21 FZP-2B, #4-45, 22
EN-XLT, #9-2, 43 FZP-2T, #4-46, 22
EPCAR1, #6-3, 29 FZP-3B, #4-47, 22
EPCAR2, #6-4, 29 FZP-3T, #4-48, 23
EPCARS, #6-2, 29 FZP-4B, #4-49, 23
EPMANC, #6-5, 29 FZP-4T, #4-50, 23
EPO-DC, #6-6, 29 FZP-5B, #4-51, 23
EPO-O, #6-11, 30 FZP-5T, #4-52, 23
EPO-P, #6-1, 29 FZP-6B, #4-53, 23
EPRCR1, #6-12, 30 FZP-6T, #4-54, 23
EPRCR2, #6-13, 30 FZP-7B, #4-55, 23
EPRCR3, #6-14, 30 FZP-7T, #4-56, 23
EPRCR4, #6-15, 30 FZP-8B, #4-57, 23
EPRCR5, #6-16, 30 FZP-8T, #4-58, 24
EPRCR6, #6-17, 30 FZP-EN, #4-41, 22
EPRCR7, #6-18, 30 FZPMSK, #4-42, 22
EPRCR8, #6-19, 30
EQMS-L, #6-38, 33
EQMS-U, #6-39, 33 —G—
EQOTYP, #6-36, 33 GCB-EN, #5-22, 28
ESB-XHC, #5-4, 25 GCBTYP, #7-17, 37
EZ1BOT, #2-5, 8 GNGDLY, #8-14, 41
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

GROUP, #4-1, 17 —P—

PI-C, #8-1, 38
—H— PI-G, #8-3, 38
HBP-O, #5-10, 26 PI-H, #8-2, 38
HBP-P, #5-9, 26 PKS-O, #7-8, 36
HB-TYP, #1-11, 6 PKS-P, #7-7, 36
HC-DT, #3-12, 12 PKSTYP, #7-9, 36
HL-SET, #8-8, 40 PPA-P, #6-42, 34
PRKDLY, #4-40, 22
PWRXFR, #6-10, 30
ICA-HL, #8-11, 40 —R—
IGDSTM, #6-8, 29
IGEPO, #6-7, 29 RAND-C, #5-14, 27
INVERT, #2-21, 10 RAND-H, #5-13, 27
ISC-O, #3-8, 12 R-BAUD, #1-6, 5
IST-P, #7-14, 37 RCB-NO, #1-1, 5
RDSP-T, #5-1, 25
RDTO-T, #3-23, 14
—L— REVCNT, #3-26, 14
LDR, #3-24, 14 REV-DT, #3-14, 12
LOBBY, #2-3, 8 RIOT-P, #7-15, 37
LOB-T, #2-4, 8 RSLCFG, #1-8, 6
LR-T, #3-9, 12
—M— SACA-T, #8-10, 40
MCSS-O, #9-1, 43 SAC-D1, #7-11, 37
MG-DLY, #9-5, 43 SAC-D2, #7-12, 37
MG-PRO, #9-3, 43 SAC-D3, #7-13, 37
MG-TIM, #9-4, 43 SACTYP, #7-10, 36
MIT-LD, #4-4, 17 SAR-DR, #7-6, 36
MIT-MN, #4-5, 17 SAR-P, #7-5, 36
MIT-MX, #4-6, 17 SB-DLY, #1-9, 6
MIT-O, #4-7, 17 SCOTYP, #5-5, 25
MIT-ST, #4-2, 17 SEC-O, #7-1, 35
MIT-T, #4-3, 17 SES-O, #6-31, 32
MOT-T, #4-32, 21 SESOVR, #6-33, 33
SESPRO, #6-35, 33
SES-R, #6-32, 32
—N— SF_EPO, #6-9, 29
SGO-C1, #5-6, 26
NDG-T, #3-17, 13
SGO-C2, #5-7, 26
SGO-C3, #5-8, 26
—O— SIMPLX, #4-39, 21
SMKTYP, #6-30, 32
OPEN-O, #3-32, 15 SPB-NT, #3-29, 15
SPEECH, #8-19, 41
SST-DT, #3-13, 12
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OCSS安装参数表 日期:2005/06

SVT-PO, #1-4, 5 —V—

V-RSR, #5-2, 25
TDELAY, #4-63, 24 —W—
TFPOS1, #2-17, 9
TFPOS2, #2-18, 9 WCO-DT, #5-12, 27
TOP, #2-2, 8 WCOTYP, #5-11, 27
TPOS-1, #4-61, 24 WCS-DT, #3-34, 16
TPOS-2, #4-62, 24

Translated by: YAN JUN Checked by: CHEN GUANG Approved by: XU WEIBIN
翻译: 严 军 陈 光 批准:
检查: 许 伟 斌

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