Business Project Group 5

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Group 5

 Atika Marentek
 Aurilia Warouw
 Agtjoh Rumapea
 Michelle Kaunang
Business Project

Project Selection : Rumah Sehat (Provides supplements and medicines for free to people who
are underprivileged)

Project Value Proposition :

- Target Customer : Our target is underprivileged people
- Customer needs: Underprivileged people who need help to maintain their health during
the pandemic until government give the vaccine
- Product name : Supplements, Vitamin ,Medicine , Milks for kids
- Market Category : We will provide several types of medicines, vitamins ,supplements
and milks to increase their immune system to avoid corona virus.
- Competition : free health care program from the government
- Unique differentatition : What makes us different, apart from providing free medicines,
we also open donations in general to the community to help our fellow humans in need .

Our group choose this project because beside we want to help underprivileged people to
increase their immune system to avoid corona virus, we also expect this project can reduce
the number of covid patient.

Report minutes of meeting:

Meeting Date: Wednesday,10 March 2021
Attendance: 4 person
- Atika Marentek
- Aurilia Warouw
- Agtjoh Rumapea
- Michelle Kaunang
Facilitator: Zoom meeting , Whatsapp Group
Time : 09.00 – 10.00
Minute Items Time
Think about the project 09.00 – 09.10
Think about our value 09.10-09.45
Make a report and type on 09.46-10.00
Microsoft word

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