My Friend's Lower Secondary GP Checkpoint Research Paper

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Nowadays poverty is spreading so fast and one of the causes of poverty is

discrimination therefore people would be judgedon their race, gender or religion.
These days we see inequality based on race, gender, and other social characteristics
as not only unfortunate but unjust.

Global perspectives

Discrimination against people or groups based on race, religion, ethnicity or other

factors can foster segregation, which impoverishes the particular population who
cannot obtain access to fundamental needs for basic living.

The groups discriminated against include minorities, indigenous people and migrants.
Discrimination against these groups and poverty are connected in more ways than
one. Being discriminated based on race or gender has a direct impact on one’s
economic opportunity and makes it increasingly difficult to navigate familial, social
and economic institutions. Additionally, one’s low economic status can be a target for
discrimination causing a cyclical pattern between discrimination and poverty. (Borgen
Project, 2015)

National perspective

In America discrimination and poverty are a very common concept, sexism and
racism are one of the main elements. This investigation into effects of metropolitan-
area black population proportions on earnings inequality differs from previous studies
in two principal ways: It examines black population effects on gender as well as
black-white inequality; and it employs a hierarchical linear model for individual and
metropolitan area data from the 1990 Census. Principal findings are that greater
relative black population size is associated withone higher white earnings and lower
black earnings for men and women, and two reduced gender inequality among black
workers. Thus, black-white inequality is higher relative to gender inequality in labor
markets with greater black representation, which has important implications for the
study of interaction in stratification systems. (Philip N. Cohen,1998)

In fact women have the same seniority or work experience, they are often paid less
than their male colleagues. This inequity exists at all levels of employment.  Fair pay
legislation provides an important tool for remedying this inequity, but more
transparency is needed to ensure that employers are following the law and treating
men and women workers fairly. Gender inequality is one of the oldest most prevalent
forms of inequality in the world. Women in America are still 35% more likely than men
to be poor. In America, with single mothers at the highest risk. Currently, 35% of
single women with children live and raise their families in poverty. (Women and
Poverty in America | Legal Momentum)
Different perspectives

The same way poverty and discrimination is affecting the world it also has an impact
on America. With poverty being an issue for the world and America we cannot keep
on going with new generations because the more familieswe willhave the less
material support for them therefore we cannot raise kids, because you can’t raise an
infant or a childwith 5 dollars.

National and global both embrace gender inequality and racism

America deals with the earning of a person based on their gender and their race. It
also has a lot of

Global perspective deals with the same thing but with a higher percentage. But
poverty has a higher impact around the world, other countries than America

Source evaluation

The first article written by (Borgen Project, 2015) is unbiased and I think it’s fair and
neutral because he states statistics about discrimination against people.

(Philip N. Cohen,1998) facts are unbiased he talks about gender inequality and
discrimination how their earnings will be judged by their race or gender.

( Natalie Sherman,2018)The US has officially banned unequal pay for equal work
since 1963 what Natalie Sherman stated is unbiased because it’s an American law
from the 1960s

Problem solving

● Problem 1

Discrimination is very common and racism is one. A lot of people don’t have jobs
because of people’sperspectives on race, religion and gender

A lot of people in America are racist because of how their parents raised them.

Example if the parents mindset is against discrimination the child will grow up

thinking the same. ‘’Children have Never been very good at listening to their elders,
but they have never failed to imitate them’’.(James Baldwin.)
Discrimination can start at a young age children will imitate you in to thinking what is
right or wrong. Other people are races it not because they were surrouded by racist
people they just have their own reasons.
● How the problem can be solved
In order to solve this problem the US government needs to be involved or else no
one would care. It needs to be a community where people debate for their rights and
in this community
The People and the government need to agree on a law.

● Problem 2

Another issue is the income of a women The US has officially banned unequal pay
for equal work since 1963( Natalie Sherman,2018)
Since 1963 I dot really think that America will still obey this law till now. The law has
been up for almost 57 years and no one has brought it up. ‘’Women in America are
still 35% more likely than men to be poor. (Women and Poverty in America’’ | Legal
Momentum) this is evidence that the womens income is still not equal.

● How the problem can be solved

The Us government needs to renew the law.
The law has been up for 57 years so the US need to be reinformed that the
reis a laws taking that unequal pay for equal work is forbidden.


Poverty discrimination and inequality these three words always lead to one another.

Discrimination can lead to poverty inequality can lead to poverty.

So how does inequality and discrimination lead to poverty.

Now if we live in a society where people belive in stereotypes and people are
unequal because of their race,gender and religion then people are more likely to
become poor because they get judged.

And this affects the income of workers. A lot of workers complained about how their
partner got paid more, but they had the same duties

That’s how inequality affects and the same thing goes for discrimination

The person paying the workers might have a different perspective about the two
people one ca be a women and the other can be a man so their boss will state that
for him a man gets more credit because of his point of view of his inequality.
And that’s how inequality and discrimination lead to poverty.

What I have learned doing this research is that discrimination doesnt always talk
about race its that discrimination affect a lot like increasingly difficult to navigate
familial, social and economic institutions.



AVAILABLE AT : (Accessed :

JAMES BALDWIN, (no date) A quote by James Baldwin availableat :
listening-to-their?page=19 (Accessed: 9/03/2020)

 NATALIE SHERMAN (2018) America's answer to the gender pay gap available at : (Accessed : 4/03/2020)



(Women and Poverty in America | Legal Momentum, no date) available at: ) (Accessed :

Topic: Poverty and inequality

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