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Think about your country over the past five years, what it is like now, and how it
might change in the next five years. Include the following topics in your essay.
● lifestyles and the standard of living
● the economy
● the government
relations with other countries
(Write with the help of following clues)

Lifestyles and the standard of living:

Is entertainment inside or outside the home?

Are people health conscious?

Are they concerned about eating well and keeping fit?

Do people travel abroad often? Where? Do people mostly work in offices? or

from home?

Full or part-time work?

The economy:

What is the current rate of inflation?

What is the rate of unemployment?

What is the current interest rate in commercial banks?

What is the exchange rate relative to the dollar/euro/pound sterling?

How have the exchange rates changed over the last few years?

The government:

Is the government stable?

How well are elections organized?

How often policies within a party change?

Relations with other countries:

How is the relation with neighboring (SAARC) and overseas countries?

Which country do they most often do business with?

Does good transport play a key role, or are personal contacts more important?

2. Report the various stages of a labour dispute, from early discontent through to a
satisfactory solution.
A labour dispute is the outcome of the differences between the employer and the
employees or a body of employees (union) regarding the terms of employment or
non-employment (i.e. conditions of labour), cooperation between them is essential
for success of any firm. The maintenance and promotion of industrial peace is an
essential requirement for harmonious industrial relations system. Accordingly,
labour policy prescribes measures to secure and sustain cooperation by limiting the
chances of conflict between management and union. However, in spite of such
policies in favor of cooperation, the workers and employers are often found in
conflict situations even in firms known for jajsgood labour-management relations.

Various stages of dispute settlement have been suggested ranging from negotiation
to judicial settlement of dispute. In theory, the labour dispute resolution system
should be a linear process: consultation, mediation, arbitration, litigation in court of
first instance, appeal, etc. In reality, however, the process is much more fluid with
the emphasis being placed by the authorities at all stages on mediation rather the
more formal arbitration and litigation procedures. Thus, even if a case does make it
to a labour dispute arbitration committee (LDAC) or the civil courts, those
institutions will often still urge the parties to a agree to a mediated settlement rather
than issue a formal ruling. 

The popular four-stage framework begins with an informal “consultation” between

the two parties. If the consultation stage fails to resolve the dispute or is simply
ignored, the two parties can move on to mediation or more formal arbitration. And
if a worker plaintiff is dissatisfied with the result of an arbitration hearing, they can
bring the case to the civil courts for adjudication. The current emphasis on
mediation in labour disputes reflects a shift towards mediated settlements as a

3. Write, giving reasons, what would you do in the following situation?

You have a brilliant idea which you tell your colleagues. One of these colleagues presents
your idea to your boss without acknowledging that it was your idea.
(Write using zero and first conditional sentences)

A business idea is a concept which can be used for commercial purposes. It typically
centers on a commodity or service that can be sold for money, according to a unique
model. I work in a company where new idea of business matters a lot. If I find myself
in the above mentioned situation, I will take different steps.

If my colleagues present my idea to my boss without acknowledging that it was mine,

I will directly talk to the boss and colleagues about the issue. It is because I believe
things can be solved by talking about themselves. If the colleagues accept the fact, I
will not make a fuss. If not, ………………………………..

4.Give instructions for someone who is going to look after your garden or your pet. The
instructions and explanations should be clear and simple, and they should take into
account different circumstances that might arise. Also write a suitable introduction and a
suitable conclusion.
Dear Sushila

As both my wife and I are leaving the house for a week, you are fully responsible
to look after the garden and lovely puppy. You most of the works to be done.
However, I would like to remind you the dos and don't dos shortly.

First, our Puppy is very naughty, handle it with great care. Follow its timetable
for eating and defecation. ……………….

5.Write about a supermarket that you know well.

Include some facts about the company, and details of any recent trends and changes.
Bhat-Bhateni is a leading supermarket and departmental store chain in Nepal
located in my locality. Since 1984 A.D, Bhat-Bhateni has grown from a ‘single
shutter’ 120 sq. ft. cold store to become the leading supermarket and departmental
store chain in Nepal, and the highest tax payer in the sector since 2008 A.D. with
more than 40,000 customers daily.There are currently Nine (9) stores conveniently
located in central Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Pokhara. 
Bhat-Bhateni offers a full range of 120,000 products from almost 1000 local and
international suppliers, including a wide range of groceries, fresh fruits and
vegetables; a broad range of leading international liquor, toiletries and cosmetics
brands; and an extensive choice of kitchenware, clothing, sports, toys and electrical
items. Furthermore, both premises include excellent value jewellery stores that
offer a wide range of gold and silver ornaments in both traditional and modern
styles.With an impressive growth history Since 1984, Bhat-Bhateni has developed
a reputation for continuous improvements, every day low price and a product offer
second to none. There are currently Nine(9)  stores Centrally located in
Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Pokhara valley. The Pokhara Store which is in my
locality was opened in 2012.All stores are open from 7:30am to 8:30pm, 7 days per
week and offer a full range of 120,000 products from 1000 local and international
suppliers. More than 40,000 people visit the stores daily and benefit from a 7-day
return/exchange policy. With over 2,500 combined store staff, consistent
merchandising and assured customer service is guaranteed. Bhat-Bhateni Group
operates as a private limited company. It has been a successful family business
since the establishment and has been the largest tax payer in the retail sector since
2008 A.D.

An exciting new offer is available from this August for our customers to apply for
a Bhat-Bhateni Club Card, “a loyalty card” of Bhat-Bhateni Super Market. We can
apply for a club card at any Bhat-Bhateni Stores or visit the website to download
application forms. All purchases on standard priced products that total Rs. 500 or
more will accumulate points. For every 500 rupees spent, 1 point is awarded which
is equivalent to at least 6.5 rupees of shopping vouchers. These vouchers will be
awarded at the end of each quarter, if more than 200 points has been accumulated.
Additionally, surprise gifts can be sent on special occasions.

6. Rewrite these sentences to make them more concise:

i. It is necessary that you take every precaution when preparing to bungee bumping.
ii. An examination of the accident area was made by the police.
iii. It is not impossible that he could have done it.
iv. Helping the reader to understand what has been written is basically pretty
v. Achieving a high level of precision when writing is a skill that takes time to
i. Take care when preparing to bungee jump.

ii. The police examined the accident area.

iii. He could have done it.

iv. Helping the reader to understand is important.

v. Writing precisely takes time.

7. How far do differences in behaviour relate to national characteristics?
Personal behaviour and national characteristics are quite different things.
Behavior refers to the organized ways of thinking and acting that express the
person's beliefs, opinions, attitudes and values. Manners reflect social norms and
the demands of the social context.

Whereas the term “national character” is used to describe the enduring

personality characteristics and unique life styles found among the populations of
particular national states. This behavior is sometimes considered on an abstract
level, that is, as cultural behavior without actual reference to necessarily different
personality modalities. It may also be considered as motivated by underlying
psychological mechanisms characteristic of a given people.

National character may be a social construction, but personality traits are rooted
in biology. Take a very strong handshake, spend too long on small talk, showing
appreciation, too much apology etc are some personal behaviour. On the other
hand, unity in diversity, cultural harmonies etc are national characteristics.

Many differences in behaviour are often a result of different characters

(confident/shy, unwilling to face conflict, wanting to be approved etc) rather than
specific national traits. …………………………………………………………….

8. Write a letter to your friend explaining why you and your family cannot accept an
July 14, 2015

Pokhara, Nepal

Dear Rosella,
How are you doing? 
When I got your letter last week, I realized we haven‘t talked in months. Thank
you so much for including the pictures of your new house and inviting us to visit
you in India this summer.
I’ve always wanted to go there, but I'm afraid we be able to make it this summer.
Maybe you can visit us instead in Australia? We moved to the coast 3 months ago
and I've decided to quit my office job. Instead we are now running a small café in
a historic beach house. 
It's quite exciting, but also a lot of work: I get up at 5 a.m. every morning and we
usually close after 11 p.m. The house was quite run down when we bought it, but
now it looks fantastic. Obviously, I can't close the café for several weeks during
summer as we just opened a few weeks ago.
 We also adopted a puppy named "Spotty" who we can't take on the trip.
I’ve attached a few pictures to the letter and I hope they will convince you to
come here this summer. Just let me know.
Hopefully see you soon,

Best wishes,


9.Write a paragraph on how to make coffee or tea.

 Tea is a very popular drink in the modern world. Man cannot think a single day
without tea. It is not so difficult to make a cup of tea. People take either milk tea
or raw tea.  To make milk tea, first make tea-leaves, milk, sugar, and water ready.
Then, In a kettle boil one cup full of water. After that In a clean cup, take 1½ tea
spoon of sugar and 1tea spoon condenses milk or 1 table spoon liquid milk. Then
put 1½ tea spoon of tea leaves in the boiling water and let it brew of minutes
more. Then pour the liquor into the cup through a strainer. After stirring with a
spoon the tea should be ready for drinking.

10. Write a memo to all the staff of a large company, suggesting ways of economizing on the
use of paper and electricity in the office.
Memo from:  Managing  director  To:  Staff member
Ref. No  IGN/NN/66 Date:-  29th March 2015 
While market is suffering still from recession time, we are not also for from this
disease.  Use of available resource in proper manner is very essential for us.
While we have agreed in principle to try and cut down on staff, there are two
serious problems in the Buying Department. 
Firstly the clerk in charge of ordering from the stores is also responsible for the
utilizing of paper. Because at the end of the month, when most people want to pay
the bill from the stores, and on the other hand require information from the files,
he is unable to keep up with the demand. For utilizing the paper and electricity we
should shut down his/her electric gadgets like computer printer, fax machine. So I
suggest we try to reorganize his job. Proper use of paper and electricity can save
million of company pay packages. Our company has austerity drive. 
To recover from this time, I want you to economize the use of paper & electricity.


Managing  director

11.Complete the sentences:

i. If it hadn’t rained, more people ___.
ii. If you work hard, you ___ a promotion.
i. If it hadn’t rained, more people would have come.

ii. If you work hard, you will get a promotion.

12.Write two sentences expressing appreciation.

i. That's very kind. I'd love to come. What time does it start?

ii. Yeah, that sounds good.

13. Complete the sentences using appropriate linking words:

i. You could pay by direct debit. ___ the payment can be made by cash.
ii. It is six weeks since we put in our order. ___ we receive the goods by the end of
this week, we will be forced to cancel.
i. You could pay by direct debit. Alternatively the payment can be made by cash.

ii. It is six weeks since we put in our order. Unless we receive the goods by the end of
this week, we will be forced to cancel.

14. Complete the sentences with one of the words in brackets:

i. Could you tell me how to get to your office? (actually, possibly)
ii. I wanted to ask you a couple of things. (just, possibly)
i. Could you possibly tell me how to get to your office? (actually, possibly)
ii. I just wanted to ask you a couple of things. (just, possibly)

15. Match the words brand and image with the definitions below:
i. A type of product or groups of products sold using a particular name, which is often
the name of the company that produces them.
ii. The impression that a person, an organization, or a product, etc. gives to other
people or to the public.
i. Brand
ii. Image

16. Decide which countries you are going to be visiting and write down the itinerary/schedule
for the week.
I am going to be visiting India for a week-long fact finding tour related to my study.
Here is my itinerary/schedule for the week:

Itinerary/Schedule: My Study Visit to India (as at July 14, 2015)

Date Places and Event

Sun 15 August Fly to Delhi, contact to embassy

Sun 16 August Visit to Delhi University, consultation in library

Sun 17 August Move to Banaras by train, visiting Hundu shrines

Sun 18 August Free day

Sun 19 August Move to Mumbai, observation of three school

Sun 20 August Return to Delhi, document compilation

Sun 21 August Visit to embassy, departure

17. Change the following into reported speech:

‘You walk straight down this road until you get to a big church on the left,’ said Angela.
‘Then you turn right, walk along for about a hundred yards, and you’ll see the post office
on the left.’
Angela explained to me how to get to the post office.

18. Put in an apostrophe where one is necessary in the following sentences:

i. Johns brothers wife went to the grocers for us.
ii.This car cant be my parents because theirs is quite old.
i. John's brother's wife went to the grocer's for us.
ii.This car can't be my parents' because theirs is quite old.

19. Put an appropriate word or phrase in the following sentences to bring out the relationship
between the parts:
i. Late at night buses and trains can be dangerous. ___, if you want to avoid trouble,
take a taxi.
ii. The tour will include visits to several places of interest, ___, the Patan Museum and
the Krishna Temple.
i. Late at night buses and trains can be dangerous. In other words, if you want to avoid
trouble, take a taxi.

ii. The tour will include visits to several places of interest, for instance, the Patan
Museum and the Krishna Temple.

20. Put the following sentences in the right order:

i. To start with, make sure that everything is switched off.
ii. It is also a good idea at this point to check that the gas cylinder isn’t empty
iii. Lighting a calor gas heater is easy and safe if you follow these simple instructions.
iv. Now, turn the tap on the top of the gas cylinder to ON.
i. Lighting a calor gas heater is easy and safe if you follow these simple instructions.

ii. To start with, make sure that everything is switched off.

iii. It is also a good idea at this point to check that the gas cylinder isn’t empty

iv. Now, turn the tap on the top of the gas cylinder to ON.

21. Suggest suitable punctuation for the following sentences

i. The garden was decorated with coloured lamps the house itself was adorned with
paper chains.
ii. They made two important decisions the oldest houses would be pulled down the
more recent ones would be repaired
i. The garden was decorated with coloured lamps; the house itself was adorned with
paper chains.

ii. They made two important decisions: the oldest houses would be pulled down; the
more recent ones would be repaired

22. Complete the following passage using the words and phrases given:
(1)___ the film we meet a young man who is obviously unhappy. We follow the man
through various experiences which gradually change his picture of himself, although (2)
___ they do not make him happier. But (3) ___, he meets a young girl, and he falls in love
with her. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you what happens right (4) ___ because I fell asleep
before it finished.
(1) In the beginning of, First in, At the beginning of
(2) firstly, at the beginning, at first
(3) at the end, lastly, at last
(4) at last, finally, at the end
At the beginning of the film we meet a young man who is obviously unhappy. We follow
the man through various experiences which gradually change his picture of himself,
although (2) at first they do not make him happier. But (3) at last, he meets a young
girl, and he falls in love with her. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you what happens right
(4) at the end because I fell asleep before it finished.

Thank You.

Evaluation Paper
The Business Communication course contains two components:
I. Business English, and
II. II. Problem - solving Approach to Writing Skills.
The weightage for the first component is 50% and the second component is 50%.
Prescribed Books
Harding, Keith, and Adrian Wallwork. International Express: Student’s Book Upper-
Intermediate (with Pocket Book and DVD-ROM). Oxford: OUP, 2007.
Coe, Norman, Robin Rycroft, and Pauline Ernest. Writing Skills: a problem-solving
approach. Cambridge: CUP, 1983.
*Questions will be set covering all the prescribed books.
* The question s will be of three broad types:
1. Comprehensive/Analytical type: 2 questions each of 15 marks (3 questions will be given):
[2x15 = 30]
The questions may be on Comprehension (listening scripts can also be used from
International Express) or any long answer or essay type question based on the textbooks.

2. Descriptive/Short answer type: 5 questions each of 10 marks (6 questions will be given):

[5x10 = 50]
The questions from International Express will be selected from language focus, word power,
skills focus, and focus on functions; and from Writing Skills on formal and informal letters,
reports, brochures and guides, articles, instructions, paragraphs, selection and ordering, text
comparison, text based on conversation or on visual information writing a story, and business
letters and memos.

3. Brief/Objective type: 10 questions each of 2 marks (12 questions will be given):

[2x10 = 20]
The questions from International Skills will be selected from the grammar and functional
English sections of the Pocket Book as well as from other sections of the book like language
focus, word power, skills focus and focus on functions. Questions from Writing Skills
will be selected from punctuation, scrambled sentences, linking words and attitude words,
reporting words, and other types of exercise.
* The distribution of questions will be as follows:
1. Comprehensive/Analytical type:
one question from International Express
one question from Writing Skills
one question from International Express and/or Writing Skil

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