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Analysis of the Condition Based Monitoring System for Heavy Industrial

Krishna Kant Agrawal1, Prof. G.N.Pandey 2, Dr.Kannan Chandrasekaran3
Ph.D. Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India
Adjunct Professor, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India and Vice-Chancellor Arunachal
University of Studies, Arunachal Pradesh, India
CRM (Applied Met. & Pipeline research), Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Research & Development center, Faridabad, India
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Abstract - Condition monitoring of Industrial machines maintenance technique could be said as time-based
typically relies on being able to detect the disparity between preventive maintenance or planned maintenance, in which
a healthy machine and a faulty one. An accurate preventive maintenance is performed periodically
interpretation of a machine’s condition requires knowledge regardless of the status of a machine. With ongoing
of the effects of different operating conditions. Phrase
Condition monitoring is sometimes used in combination with
development of technology, different products have
predictive maintenance which is maintenance of machines become complex where good quality and reliability is
based on a signature that a problem is about to occur. In required. By scheduled maintenance irrespective of
current scenario many industries is replacing predictive current condition of machines makes this technique a lot
maintenance with run-to-breakdown maintenance and in expensive and in due course used to become a major
some cases with preventive maintenance, where mechanical expense of many industries. Due to which more efficient
parts are replaced periodically regardless of the machinery and advanced maintenance approaches which is
mechanical condition. There are a lot of practices available condition-based maintenance (CBM) are being
and discussed in this paper for condition monitoring but
measuring vibration is one of the most essential in detecting
and diagnoses any deviation from usual machine conditions. Fig 1 illustrates the correlation among cost of
Vibration monitoring of Machinery is the most effectual maintenance, residual useful life (RUL), and system
technique, used to track operating conditions of machines reliability [2]. As time of failure turn out to be zero,
which will further reduce maintenance costs and subsequent system went into breakdown status, time to failure of the
downtime caused by catastrophic failure of machineries of system come closer to zero, consistency of the system
the Industry simultaneously. This Research ponders upon decreases [2].Condition Based Monitoring have the
different condition based monitoring techniques available capability of accurately predicting remaining useful life
and state of the art development for identifying the most and system reliability is desirable as practical information
effective technique in diverse scenarios.
could be provided for choice of a better maintenance
Keywords -CBM, Vibration analysis, Predictive


Condition based maintenance techniques are gaining

increasing interest and has shown substantial growth for
current health monitoring of industrial machines that
advice maintenance decisions based on different
parameters including vibration, temperature, acoustic,
loose part and stator current monitoring, by analyzing
these optimal parameters it makes us achieve the exact
condition of the machine under monitoring. The major
purpose of implementing a condition based monitoring is
not only for planned maintenance rather to increase
productivity, degrade overall maintenance cost and
enhance safety. These techniques can also be used for
allowing the choice of most efficient technique to
minimize the operation cost. As the technology is
Fig 1. Correlation among RUL, maintenance cost, and reliability [2]
developing at a fast rate, different products are becoming
more complex, which eventually makes cost of preventive
A large amount of industrial machineries requires
based maintenance technique much higher.
condition based monitoring to increase availability and
The initial technique used for maintenance is safety of the equipments like temperature, acoustic and
breakdown maintenance, unplanned maintenance, which loose part monitoring. One such monitoring technique is
used to takes place on breakdown of machines. Further based on vibration analysis, vibration signature received

978-1-4799-1597-2/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE

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2013 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research

from different sensors deployed on those machines, that otherwise to prevent an instantaneous fault that requires
will enable to take decisions about the repair or immediate machine shutdown, and into some hazardous
replacement of a different machine parts, overhauls, and environment where human involvement could be life risk.
standard maintenance practices are made on the basis of Before selecting permanent monitoring system different
the precise condition of the machine. Suitable machine initial measurements must have to be made periodically
condition based monitoring measures will result in lower over a certain period of time as to become familiar with
maintenance costs and extended life of different the characteristics of the machine. This process eventually
machineries. Continuous monitoring of machineries like will make it possible to recognize the most appropriate
pump systems is the most effective practice to insure measurement parameter, frequency range, and interrupt
competent operation, able to prevent unexpected levels.
machinery failures, lessen repair costs and downtime, and
also able to provide early warning to avoid loss of III. ASSESSMENT OF DIFFERENT PARAMETERS
machinery. Specially, in process monitoring and control,
process data like pressure, humidity, temperature and Although there are some Condition maintenance
vibration strength measurements could be gathered techniques available in the present literature, there are still
through a sensing unit and can be transferred through some common extremes in current industrial scenario.
wireless to a Centralized server for operations and Initially to adopt a run-to-failure policy while the other is
administration. to apply a scheduled maintenance and replacement policy
New developments in diagnostic and prognostic regardless of state of the machine. In many cases, the
techniques, promising condition based maintenance above traditional maintenance policies, can be applied
architectures and standards, low-power wireless with satisfactory results. Though in many other situations
communications standards and mechanism e.g. Bluetooth when both techniques appears to be costly, condition
and IEEE 802.15.4, which enables the deployment of low- based maintenance is completely a superior choice than
cost distributed sensors nodes. the traditional ones.

II. DIFFERENT CATEGORIES OF CONDITION Advanced condition monitoring techniques have not
BASED MONITORING been implemented properly into an industrial scenario,
this might be due lack of past data, due to improper data
Condition monitoring systems are of following two types: collecting approach, lack of communication between
a) Periodic Condition Monitoring Systems theoretical developers and practitioners at industries, area
b) Permanent Condition Monitoring Systems of reliability and maintenance. For some industries its
quite difficult to implement it due to frequent change of
In a Periodic Condition Based Monitoring, which is technologies, business policies etc.
also identified as an off-line Condition Based Monitoring
where vibration of machines is analyzed at chosen time IV. MAJOR IDENTIFIED TECHNIQUE OF
intervals on specific points over the machines; and then CONDITION BASED MONITORING FOR
further analysis is done either in the field or could be MACHINES
performed at a laboratory. Different analysis techniques
are usually required to diagnose the fault and for long Different indentified techniques of condition
term analysis of trend. Scheduled monitoring on a precise monitoring with applications into specific fault
time interval used to give information at a very initial identification scenarios are discussed in this section.
stage, when failure is about to occur and used where very Following are major condition based monitoring
early warning of faults is desired, machines are quite techniques:
complex locations and measurements have to be taken at
multiple locations on a machine. a) Motor Current Signature Monitoring (MCSA)
In Permanent Condition Monitoring System which is b) Oil Analysis
also called an on-line Condition Monitoring system, c) Temperature Monitoring.
machine’s parameter is measured continuously and is d) Neural Network Based Monitoring.
constantly evaluated with different acceptable levels. The e) Acoustic Monitoring.
purpose of permanent monitoring system is to provide a f) Vibration monitoring
concern that machine is working in an unacceptable g) Loose parts monitoring
condition and to shutdown when machine goes beyond a
fixed safety limit, thereby avoiding different catastrophic
a) Motor Current Signature Monitoring (MCSA)
In this technique, sensors are mounted permanently at
In this technique, machine condition can be monitored
selected point, due to which such system used to become
by analyzing the different spectrum from machine’s
costly, usually implemented only on critical machines
current signature. Different varying in electric background
where no personnel are approachable, or to stop machines
mark are directly associated with the alteration in the
breakdown in order to avoid a catastrophic failure,
specific mechanical components of the machine by which,

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2013 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research

fault signature can be identified by motor current classification. Physical modeling and current knowledge
signature analysis technique [3]. There is a limitation that base for fault analysis is not sufficient enough to identify
in most of the cases bearing damage is not much a specific defect into a machine rather using a proactive
significant to produce a noticeable current fluctuations, modeling using a neural network could predict the state of
due to which it becomes quite difficult to discriminate the machine into different stages.
signatures from current fluctuations due to voltage
imbalances or stator faults. e) Acoustic Monitoring

b) Oil Analysis One of the useful techniques in condition based

monitoring is acoustic-based monitoring. It was the first
One of the most important to ensure that the machine to be developed as a Non-Destructive Testing technique
is in good condition is ensuring the oil examination for to detect different faults into a real industrial scenario.
maintaining the condition that machine. Many factors Specific acoustic sensors are deployed which are able to
such as machine, operating environment are important detect acoustic signals generated by the vibration waves
factors in the selection of a specific lubricant. The in wear or crack growth which is a transient impulse
application of Tribology is frequently referred to as an Oil generated in any solid matter which is under mechanical
Analysis in industries. or thermal stress [1].
A regular program of Oil Analysis of different parts Detection of fracture in parts of machines is a major
of a machine is a common Condition-Based Maintenance application of acoustic monitoring technique and
practice within industry, particularly in oil and gas consequently, the technique is be used as a means for a
industries where machines are a critical element. By quick condition based monitoring of damages into a bearing and
oil analysis by an expert or maintenance engineers on the shaft cracks. The technique of acoustic monitoring can be
Condition of their machinery and can make useful a measurement of machine sound also is engaged for
outcome for corrective/maintenance actions, such as detecting the defects in bearings. In general, the accuracy
adding oil/grease or to completely replace the component. varies with sound pressure and intensity [1]-[3].

c) Temperature Monitoring f) Loose parts monitoring

Temperature monitoring techniques are mostly used in This technique is performed in many industries on a
different high temperature and speed environment, usually regular basis. This work engage different sensors installed
heavy industries and industrial purpose tools. at several locations over machines. Both audio signals and
Temperature sensor consists of two metals which are noise are used for loose parts monitoring. The audio
joined together, and when exposed to some temperature signals enables alarms if any part of the system is found
difference generates a thermoelectric voltage which is significantly loose. The different alarm set points are
dependent on the specific material properties and selected on the basis of specific plant and the sensitivity
temperature difference [2]-[3]. of the loose parts monitoring machine. If an alarm is
Bearing related defects generate some excessive heat activated, sensor output data are analyzed to identify its
in the rotating apparatus of machines. Continuous size and location. Localization of a loose part is can be
monitoring of temperature difference of a housing, casing achieved by comparing signals from different sensor in
or lubricant is one of the effortless methods for fault various locations by identifying signal transmission times.
identification into machines by temperature analysis.
Machinery defects generate excessive heat which results g) Vibration monitoring
in deviation from the allowable temperature range into
rotating components [2]-[3]. Monitoring temperature of In recent years, predictive maintenance through
bearing housing is not very efficient for huge industrial vibration analysis has turn out to be the most significant
machinery scenario as small deviation into a temperature practices in industrial processes. By means of
becomes quite hard to detect. accelerometers/vibration sensors and many other similar
sensors with varied axis, the vibration of machinery is
measured and further to identify any deviations from the
d) Neural Network Based Monitoring
expected or normal performance. By this technique it is
Artificial neural networks are different mathematical simple to successfully identify the current status of
models inspired by the brain. This technique has been machines and many upcoming troubles by predicting the
used in fault diagnoses, pattern matching and condition of machines with industrial equipment and
classification of defects. Neural Network is capable to especially with rotating machinery.
model complex processes with multiple inputs and output
as required [5], [6]. The neural network model can learn Fig 2 shows different tools and techniques with
by observing the input and outputs, and adjusting internal functions as condition based monitoring technique.
weights in between the stages. Neural Network can
identify different patterns that can be later used for fault

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2013 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research

reducing maintenance cost, enhancing safety of operators,

lengthening equipment’s life, minimizing accident and
direct involvement of human into a hazardous
This exhaustive research clearly shows and concludes
that the Vibration Based Condition Monitoring is the most
effective form of condition monitoring. Different research
in past years demonstrates that digital signal processing
and neural network based intelligence techniques are
essential in developing a novel Condition monitoring
system. Owing to increasing benefits of advanced
computer practices and wireless communication
Fig 2. Condition monitoring of equipment and systems technique, digital signal processing is becoming the most
powerful tools for next generation of Condition based
V. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS monitoring which will operational with a high level of
sensitivity, intelligence, and most prominently with
Broad selections of different industrial sectors by cheaper alternatives.
means of varied monitoring techniques are represented in
this research, the condition based monitoring techniques ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
are most widely used in critical oil and gas industries. By
analyzing different parameters like of misalignment, This research work is supported and funded by
bearing and gear damage, etc of all the major techniques, research grants from Indian Oil Corporation Limited,
a conclusion has been drawn, which clearly shows that the Research & Development Center, Faridabad, India and
Vibration Based Condition Monitoring is the most Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad,
effective form of condition monitoring which covers most India.
of the conditions including excess noise, bearing damage,
out of balance etc of rotary machines which is clearly REFERENCES
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