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The General Formulas and Simple Techniques of 2 Integration 2.1. General Formulas Besides Fi, Fo, P, and P; the following list of the general formulas is needed in solving more types of integrals. Note that the integrals that we have solved are purely simple algebraic expressions. Now, we will study how to solve more challenging types of algebraic expressions. Furthermore, we have to study and. solve integrals involving transcendental functions like exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and inverse trigonometric functions. List of formulas: wt : s2 3c one n+l I: futde= f= tole c i “4c a>0, att Ing Li: fetau =e"+C I: foosudu = sinu +C Te fin udu = -cosu+C i: Jsce? udu = tanu+C Scanned with CamScanner The General Formulse and ot le flso? ud = cot +C : ye Joccutan uu = secu +C = I: fosemootuay = -cseu +C he © soud =inpeow + tan + lw a Josema'= ~Injosew +cota|+C 2.2 Integration by Substitution : Algebraic Functions In using any formula found in the list ofthe general formulas, we use the simple technique called integration by substitution. This technique simplifies and makes the solution to problems using the basic formulas and properties easier. This is shown in the following examples. Scanned with CamScanner ——__Imrarton by Subatition : Algebraic Functions 15 Example 1: Evaluate {(2x-1)'de. Wo +f Solution by basic formulas and properties: Jlee-t'de = fe? —1207 +6x—Iae bremmntng ant? ce JQe-1Pde = 2x" ae 43x? 240 ~* Solution using substitution or change of variable: Jx-ifae ket w=2x-1 Finding the differential we get du=de or ‘pdu=de 1 after substituting « to 2x-1 So, f(@x-1)ae =f ya tnd Kduiods 1p, ay fv by property 1 4 =Ptsc applying I, Scanned with CamScanner The General Formulas ‘Simple Techniques of Integration lia =cut +C 3" =(x-1)' 4c after replacing back w by 25, 8 ; st J@x-1) ae (ax-1)'+C Tt may seem that the ion i to execute, but this method prefered n cnet second solution is harder is | : JQx-1)" ae ‘Which is seemingly impossible if we will still use the basic formulas and properties, Let us show the solution using substitution or change of variables. Since 1 u=2x-] and qdu = ae, ‘we will get f@x-1Pae «= fu” Fu ~ 50, f2x-1)Pde =e era" +c which is very easily done. Scanned with CamScanner Integration by Substitution : Algebraic Function® 17 Example 2: Evaluate fx(7—5s°)'de. * Solution: let, w= 7-Sx? du =-10xde gy ~ dda = nae Rewriting the integral, and using the substitutions, u& 7—5x? and ~ shan = nde, we will get fx-50')'ae : --i{t}e after using I, Example 3: Solve the integral faint yoosydy . Solution: let ow =siny du = cos ydy Scanned with CamScanner 1g _The General Formules and Simple Techniques of Integration 9 Example 4: Solvethe integral [(+e')e'de , Solution: © let. = w=14et du=e'dz Jere =furan [lrerP era Example §: Evaluate [(2x?+1) x’de Solution: lt 22x" 41 du=6x'de or Ld = xd We first rewrite the integral into JQe +1) -x? xe Scanned with CamScanner Integration by Substitution : Algebraic Functions 19 then from u=2x? +1 we solve for x° as follows : u-1=2x" ~ op Now using the following substitutions, u=2x? +1 the integral will be JQ? +1) x xa =fu( a 2A ays =i" (Gu-4)+C Scanned with CamScanner The General Formules and Simple Techniques of Integration si)ber +1)-4kec © Jee + eae = hee a) -ec Exercises ‘ ni ; "aluate the following integrals using the formula ly : Y * JG-2x)'ae let w=3-2r §*fukChas) du = 2d du ~Sade 2D JrQr sae ; let W=8x" 47 gs v (ay sae ey Sut du nee Scanned with CamScanner ——______tramiton by Subetntion: Agebralo Functions _ 2]. 3) yay? +10y lee w= 2y? +1; du=4ydy ; § Su? Gu) “4 ) [ee : fe +3) eee Fe i lee wa 4xt 43; du=8xdr, =f inue de = £yn(ak4s) © Scanned with CamScanner ‘Toe General Formulas and Simple Techniques of itegrslor 5) O42 4 3) fe w= 243 M-3=2h y Faryaylh oo) ° du = Atal Pp “3 0 ab fu #508 OD) (4a a | “elu Cus) du “AC sth) gu 24 un “Th, 3 AE - aw), > (alu -ay 4( jt 1 HW) (TUp)c + By (233? (at’gat-so)ac So (24358 (wag c | | HK SG) du =f ut? du 2303 so ( \ b %. freee ae ie waz du = dz (= 3Gal ag \ Scanned with CamScanner 1) Stan? xsec? xde lee ow = tan §-Je au du = sec? de “y +0 i : WX 4G 8) fede tt w= 0012; du = Dose? Onde Me = ese? Dede cot® 2x 2 si ic: in ur 4 . “ In ol 40 WE y fovet t

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