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Reading Lesson 3 Self reflection

The sentence frames I used for this lesson helped the students write their fun facts about
their favorite weather. Most of my students were able to write their fun facts with the sentence on
their own very well, but some of my weaker students in reading and writing ability needed more
assistance. When students were done watching their videos I had quite a few hands raised to help
them spell words. Also, I made sure to do a quick check-over of all the students' sentences for
recording their videos. This again was quite a time consuming project that would be helpful if
spaced out over a few days than done all at once.
Furthermore, it took longer to record each of their videos separately. I first gave them
each time to practice reading their sentence then informed them to use their loud voice.
Sometimes we had to re-record a few times because I wasn’t able to hear the students, which
ended up using a lot of time. Also, I had one student who was very shy to record her video and
ask if I could not play it for the rest of the students. I told her yes, which then helped her feel
more comfortable when recording the video just to practice presenting. Because this all took so
much time, I was not able to show their videos at the end of the lesson. Next, Tuesday is when I
will be showing all their videos.
Overall, the students loved watching their own videos and getting a chance to record their
weather reports in front of the green screen. I thought this was still a successful lesson, but in the
future would be better to plan for more time to get it all done in a timely manner. This was a
great lesson and hopefully I can reduce it in the future in my own classroom one day with even
more creative ways for students to interact with the text.

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