Fournier Equiv Pore Aspect Ratio Carb Res AAPG2018

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The equivalent pore aspect ratio AUTHORS

as a tool for pore type prediction François Fournier ~ Centre Européen de

Recherche et d’Enseignement des
Géosciences de l’Environnement, Aix-
in carbonate reservoirs Marseille University, Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique, Institut de Recherche
François Fournier, Matthieu Pellerin, pour le Développement, College de France,
Quentin Villeneuve, Thomas Teillet, Fei Hong, case 67, 3, Place Victor Hugo, F-13331
Emmanuelle Poli, Jean Borgomano, Philippe Léonide, Marseille, France;
and Alex Hairabian François Fournier received his M.Sc. degrees
from the Nancy School of Mines (France) and
from the Institut Français du Petrole and
a Ph.D. in carbonate sedimentology from
ABSTRACT Aix-Marseille University, France. After an
experience in oil companies as an exploration
The equivalent pore aspect ratio provides a tool to detect pore
geologist in France and Angola, he joined
types by combining compressional and shear wave velocities, the carbonate reservoir team at Aix-Marseille
porosity, bulk density, and mineralogical composition of car- University as an assistant professor in 2005.
bonate rocks. The integration of laboratory measurements, well His research focuses on the relationship
logs, and petrographic analysis of carbonate rocks from various between sedimentology, diagenesis, and
depositional and diagenetic settings (Lower Cretaceous presalt seismic expression of carbonate reservoirs.
nonmarine carbonates from offshore Brazil; Lower Cretaceous
Matthieu Pellerin ~ Total E&P Americas,
shallow-water platform carbonates from southeast France; and LLC, 1201 Louisiana Street, Suite 1800,
Upper Cretaceous deep-water carbonate from the Gargano Houston, Texas 77002; matthieu.pellerin@
Peninsula, Italy) allowed the acoustic signature of a wide range of
pore types to be quantified. The equivalent pore aspect ratios are Matthieu Pellerin received his M.Sc. from the
shown to be independent of pore volume and mineralogy. They Institut Français du Pétrole in Paris. He joined
can, therefore, be regarded as relevant parameters for discrimi- Beicip in 2004 in Brazil and then Total in 2007,
nating selected pore network architectures in carbonate reservoirs. where he held different positions as petroleum
Interparticle and intercrystalline microporosity and macroporosity explorationist in France, Norway, and the
may include a variety of distinct pore network structures and United States. His experience in carbonate
a wide range of acoustic signatures depending on particle shape, settings was built on conducting
multidisciplinary approaches integrating
nature of contacts, packing, and cementation (intergranular
sedimentology, rock physics, and seismic
macroporosity in a densely packed granular sediment, secondary interpretation. Lacustrine carbonates became
pseudofenestral, etc.). The acoustic response of moldic pores his focus in the last 4 years.
appears to be mainly controlled by the shape of the dissolved
allochems. The present work reveals also that correct pore type Quentin Villeneuve ~ Centre Européen
de Recherche et d’Enseignement des
detection from acoustic and porosity measurements is highly
Géosciences de l’Environnement, Aix-
dependent on the pore type classification used. A selection of
Marseille University, Centre National de la
petrographic and diagenetic features to be considered for the Recherche Scientifique, Institut de Recherche
construction of a suitable pore type classification is proposed to pour le Développement, College de France,
improve the detection of the pore type effect on the acoustic case 67, 3, Place Victor Hugo, F-13331
properties of carbonate reservoirs at plug and well log scale. Marseille, France;
Quentin Villeneuve received his M.Sc. in 2016,
from Aix-Marseille University, France. He is
currently a Ph.D. student at Aix-Marseille
Copyright ©2018. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
University, France. His research focuses on
Manuscript received January 25, 2017; provisional acceptance April 17, 2017; revised manuscript received May
10, 2017; revised manuscript provisional acceptance September 14, 2017; 2nd revised manuscript received
pore type prediction, petroacoustics, and
September 18, 2017; final acceptance October 18, 2017.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 102, no. 7 (July 2018), pp. 1343–1377 1343

seismic expression of Brazilian presalt INTRODUCTION
carbonate reservoirs.
The detection of pore network architectures and related diage-
Thomas Teillet ~ Centre Européen de
Recherche et d’Enseignement des netic features from seismic data are a major challenge for
Géosciences de l’Environnement, Aix- hydrocarbon exploration in carbonate settings. The acoustic pro-
Marseille University, Centre National de la perties of carbonate reservoirs at core analysis or wire-line log
Recherche Scientifique, Institut de Recherche sampling resolution are largely controlled by pore space architec-
pour le Développement, College de France, ture that is structured by depositional processes and by subsequent
case 67, 3, Place Victor Hugo, F-13331 diagenetic modification of the sediment (e.g., Anselmetti and
Marseille, France; Eberli, 2001; Eberli et al., 2003; Kenter et al., 2007). In addition,
Thomas Teillet received his M.Sc. in 2016, from the seismic expression of carbonates is strongly driven by the three-
Aix-Marseille University, France. He is currently dimensional (3-D) distribution of elastic properties at larger scales
a Ph.D. student at Aix-Marseille University, (~1–100 m [~3–300 ft]) that results from the depositional archi-
France. His research focuses on the effect of
tecture of the carbonate system and from its diagenetic evolution
diagenesis and pore space evolution on the
seismic expression of Cenozoic Southeast Asian (Fournier and Borgomano, 2007). Seismic interpretation and
carbonate buildups and Mesozoic carbonate seismic inversion methods in highly heterogeneous sedimentary
platforms from the Middle East. systems such as presalt nonmarine carbonate systems, shallow
marine carbonate platforms, and deep marine gravity-driven sys-
Fei Hong ~ Total E&P Recherche &
tems require a multiscale approach integrating sedimentologic,
Development, Avenue Larribau, F-64000
diagenetic, rock physics, and seismic data (e.g., Fournier and
Pau, France;
Borgomano, 2007; Janson et al., 2007; Zhao et al., 2013). In this
Fei Hong received her Ph.D. in geophysics from
context, the quantification of the effect of pore network archi-
Peking University, China, in 2005. After
a postdoctoral experience at Institut Français
tectures on the acoustic properties and its isolation from other
du Pétrole, she joined Total in 2007. She has parameters such as mineralogy, porosity, and large-scale hetero-
had different assignments in seismic geneity (size > wavelength acoustic source) are essential for ex-
processing, seismic velocity building, and tracting depositional and diagenetic patterns from seismic data.
geology and geophysics interpretation in For a given mineral composition, velocities in carbonates
France and subsidiary. She joined the display an overall decreasing trend with increasing porosity but
carbonate research team in 2016 and is in exhibit generally a wide scattering of values for a given porosity
charge of the seismic characterization (Anselmetti et Eberli, 1993; Eberli et al., 2003; Verwer et al.,
subproject. Her research focuses on the
2008). Such a scattering in velocity values has been interpreted as
(digital) rock physics, seismic inversion, and
seismic characterization. expressing a pore type effect (Anselmetti and Eberli, 1999), hence
the idea of defining a deviation log (Anselmetti and Eberli, 1999)
Emmanuelle Poli ~ Total E&P Recherche that represents the deviation between a measured velocity and
& Development, Avenue Larribau, F-64000 a reference velocity curve that is given by the time average equation
Pau, France;
(Wyllie et al., 1956). Assuming proper depth shifting between logs
Emmanuelle Poli received her Ph.D. in and cores, and representative mineralogy, the deviation log iden-
carbonate sedimentology from Bourgogne tifies the gap between theoretical and observed compressional wave
University, France, in 1997. She is currently
(P-wave) velocities for selected pore types. Other methods aim to
head of the Carbonate Research and
Development team at Total, Pau, France. quantify the relative abundance of selected pore types by means of
petroacoustic numerical (e.g., Saleh and Castagna, 2004; Xu and
Jean Borgomano ~ Centre Européen de Payne, 2009) or synthetic rock (Wang et al., 2015) models using
Recherche et d’Enseignement des idealized pore shapes such as spheres or ellipsoids. Such approaches
Géosciences de l’Environnement, Aix- allow the relative abundance of soft, stiff, and reference pores to be
Marseille University, Centre National de la
estimated from porosity and velocity measurements but fail to
Recherche Scientifique, Institut de Recherche
pour le Développement, College de France, establish connections with the actual nature of pores as defined by
case 67, 3, Place Victor Hugo, F-13331 the petrographic study of carbonate rocks.
Marseille, France; One difficulty in the detection and quantification of pore
types from acoustic data is commonly the choice of the relevant

1344 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

pore classification to be used. Indeed, the conventional pore type Jean Borgomano earned his Ph.D. in carbonate
classes commonly used in carbonate reservoir studies, such as geology in 1987 from Aix-Marseille University,
those derived from the Choquette and Pray (1970) classification, France. He worked for Shell International as
are generally poorly discriminated in velocity–porosity plots a carbonate geologist in exploration–
production (1988–2003). As a professor, he
(Weger et al., 2009). Digital image analysis (DIA) methods
led the Carbonate Reservoir Laboratory at
(Weger et al., 2009; Archilha et al., 2016) have been shown to Aix-Marseille University. He worked as
significantly improve the prediction of velocity from porosity, a carbonate expert in Total (2013–2015) and
but linking quantitative parameters derived from DIA and pet- then returned as a professor at Aix-Marseille
rographic attributes and related depositional or diagenetic pro- University. His research focuses on the
cesses is still a challenge. characterization and geological–numerical
In addition, in carbonate rocks with high contents in dolomite modeling of carbonate reservoirs.
and silica, P-wave and shear wave (S-wave) velocities are strongly Philippe Léonide ~ Centre Européen de
influenced by the mineral composition (Rafavich et al., 1984; Recherche et d’Enseignement des
Anselmetti and Eberli, 1993; Kenter et al., 1997). In such rocks Géosciences de l’Environnement, Aix-
the pore type signature of acoustic properties is largely overprinted Marseille University, Centre National de la
by the mineral composition (Anselmetti et al., 1997). The de- Recherche Scientifique, Institut de Recherche
convolution of the mineral and pore network signal is, therefore, pour le Développement, College de France,
required for the detection of pore types from acoustic properties case 67, 3, Place Victor Hugo, F-13331
Marseille, France;
in such carbonates.
On the basis of the integration of well log data, laboratory Philippe Léonide received his Ph.D. in
measurements, and petrographic analysis of thin sections from sedimentology in 2007 from Aix-Marseille
University, France. He joined the
three carbonate systems (lacustrine carbonates from the Brazilian
sedimentology and marine geology group at
Lower Cretaceous presalt interval, Lower Cretaceous shallow the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University
marine platform carbonates from southeast France, and Upper (2009–2011). He is currently an assistant
Cretaceous deep-marine redeposited carbonates from Italy), the professor in carbonate sedimentology at
present study aims to (1) quantify the relative influence of the Aix-Marseille University. His research
mineralogy, porosity, and pore geometry on acoustic properties focuses on evolution of carbonates through
of carbonate reservoirs in various depositional and diagenetic time, which have importance for the
settings; (2) detect pore types and diagenetic fabrics from po- characterization of petrophysical properties
in the carbonate systems and reservoirs.
rosity and acoustic property measurements by means of a proxy
named equivalent pore aspect ratio (EPAR; Fournier et al., 2011); Alex Hairabian ~ Centre Européen de
and (3) provide rules for the construction of relevant pore type Recherche et d’Enseignement des
classifications based on petrographic attributes that are suitable Géosciences de l’Environnement, Aix-
for acoustic property characterization and prediction in carbon- Marseille University, Centre National de la
ates. The three studied databases have been selected with a view to Recherche Scientifique, Institut de Recherche
pour le Développement, College de France,
cover a wide range of depositional and diagenetic settings and to
case 67, 3, Place Victor Hugo, F-13331
integrate a large variety of pore network structures. Marseille, France;
Alex Hairabian received his Ph.D. in carbonate
sedimentology and three-dimensional
DATABASE AND METHODS numerical modeling of reservoirs at the
University of Aix-Marseille (France) in 2014.
The Carbonate Rock and Acoustic Database He has worked as a postdoctoral researcher
at The University of Texas at Austin (2016–
The present work is based on the integration of acoustic mea- 2017). His research interests mainly focus
surements and petrographic studies from three carbonate reser- on carbonate slope systems and
voirs: (1) coquina and spherulitic carbonates from the Lower deep-water carbonates.
Cretaceous presalt interval, offshore Brazil (Figure 1); (2) Lower
Cretaceous shallow marine rudist-bearing limestones deposited in
the so-called Urgonian platform from Provence, southeast France


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (Figure 2); and (3) Upper Cretaceous deep-water redeposited
We gratefully acknowledge Total for the carbonates from the Gargano Peninsula, Italy (Figure 3). The
access to the presalt data from Brazil and the presalt database includes cores, side wall plugs, thin sections, and
permission to publish this work. This paper well logs from two wells located offshore Brazil. Results from the
significantly benefited from stimulating Provence and Gargano case studies are based on the laboratory
discussions with many Total staff members in acoustic database published by Fournier et al. (2014) and
research and operational business units. We Hairabian et al. (2014), respectively, and on a revision of the pore
also thank Eni for having funded the work of typing for the corresponding samples.
Alex Hairabian and for their contribution to
The identification of the depositional and diagenetic features
the acquisition of the Gargano limestones
database. and the definition of pore types are based on the macroscopic
observation of carbonate rock samples and on the analysis of thin
sections using polarized light microscopy. The thin sections have
been scanned and point-counted, on the basis of 400 points per
thin section, to estimate the relative proportion of macropore
types. Microporosity was estimated as the difference between
measured porosity and macroporosity as estimated by point
counting. The microstructure of micritic media and associated
micropore spaces has been characterized by scanning electron
microscope (SEM) observations. Micropores were defined as
pores with diameter less than 10 mm (Cantrell and Hagerty,
1999); macropores have diameter greater than 10 mm. Vugs were
defined as dissolution voids significantly larger than the mean
grain size. Additionally, in the case of the presalt database, bore-
hole images have been used to detect larger pores (>5 mm), such
as vugs and open fractures, that are not captured by thin-sectioned
plugs. The amount and the nature of the studied samples are
summarized in Table 1.
For the subsurface presalt database, P- and S-wave velocities,
bulk density, fluid, and mineral composition of the rocks are
determined from well logs at depths corresponding to the position
of thin-sectioned plugs. The depth of the plugs has been accurately
tied with well log depths using borehole imaging. Velocities of dry
rocks are computed by using the Gassmann (1951) fluid sub-
stitution relationship. Mineral bulk and shear moduli were taken as
the average of the lower and upper Hashin–Shtrikman bounds
(Hashin and Shtrikman, 1963), given the mineral composition of
the sample. Effective bulk moduli of fluid mixtures are calculated
using a model of patchy distribution of fluids (arithmetic average
of fluid moduli). Mineral and fluid physical parameters (bulk and
shear moduli and density) are displayed in Table 2.
For the Provence and Gargano databases, porosity values were
determined using helium pycnometry methods with ultrasonic
P- and S-wave velocities being measured on dry samples using
a laboratory transducer arrangement, at various confining pres-
sures. The measurement protocol for these samples is detailed in
Fournier et al. (2014) for the Urgonian limestones from Provence
and in Hairabian et al. (2014) for the Gargano samples. The ul-
trasonic velocities integrated in the present paper were measured
at 40 MPa (~5800 psi).

1346 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

matching the dry bulk and shear moduli, respectively,
derived from laboratory measurements or well logs
with differential effective medium (DEM) models of
a solid phase (mineral) containing dry oblate sphe-
roidal inclusions: aK and am are therefore the aspect
ratio of an oblate spheroid that is equivalent to the
actual pore network with regard to the bulk modu-
lus and shear modulus, respectively, of the rock.
Aspect ratios derived from DEM, self-consistent, and
Kuster–Toksöz (KT) approaches have been shown to
only display very small differences (Fournier et al.,
2011; Wang et al., 2015) that are less than 0.02 (for
porosity >30% and aspect ratio <0.3), but DEM and
KT methods have been demonstrated to better adapt
to rocks containing large secondary pores (Wang et al.,
2015). The aK and am parameters are equivalent to
the K-EPAR and m-EPAR defined by Fournier et al.
(2011) and are renamed in the present work to avoid
confusion with elastic moduli. The EPAR approach is
summarized in Figure 4. As stated by Fournier et al.
(2011, 2014), EPARs should not be considered as
descriptors of the actual pore shape but as petroa-
coustic parameters allowing the pore type effect on
acoustic properties to be quantified.
In the present study, the acoustic response of
Figure 1. (A) Location map of offshore Brazil basins. (B) Chro- pore architectures is calibrated by means of a com-
nostratigraphic framework of the Lower Cretaceous deposits from bined analysis of laboratory measurements, well logs,
offshore Brazil (after Moreira et al., 2007). Barrem. = Barremian;
and thin sections from plugs. The uncertainties
Berrias. = Berriasian; Hauter. = Hauterivian; Valang. = Valanginian.
related to such approach are as follows.

The Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio Approach 1. They are related to laboratory-measured or well
log–derived velocities, porosity, and mineral
The computation of effective property models such composition of rocks.
as differential effective models (Cleary et al., 1980;
Norris, 1985; Zimmerman, 1991) has been com-
monly used to model the velocity–porosity and elastic
moduli–velocity relationships and to relate them to
pore structures in various marine and continental
carbonate settings (e.g., Fournier and Borgomano,
2009; Xu and Payne, 2009; Zhao et al., 2013). To
quantify the effect of pore architecture on the
acoustic properties, a petroacoustic index, EPAR,
is used and discussed in the present study. As de-
fined by Fournier et al. (2011), the EPAR a of a
carbonate rock is defined as the aspect ratio of an
oblate spheroid (i.e., ratio of the polar to equatorial
lengths) that is acoustically equivalent to the ac-
tual pore network. The EPAR is actually a set of Figure 2. Location map of Urgonian limestone outcrops and
two parameters, aK and am, that are calculated by sampling localities in southeast France (after Fournier et al., 2014).


Figure 3. (A) Geological set-
ting Gargano Peninsula, Italy
(after Hairabian et al., 2014);
(B) Lithostratigraphic column of
Upper Cretaceous carbonates
from the Gargano base-of-slope
domain. Cenoman. = Cen-
omanian; Coniac. = Coniacian;
L = lower; M = mid; Maastricht. =
Maastrihtian; U = upper; Sant. =

2. The scales of investigation are 0.01–10 mm for thin GEOLOGICAL SETTINGS

section compared with 1–10 cm (~0.4–4 in.) for
a plug size and 0.1–1 m (~0.3–3 ft) for conven- Lower Cretaceous Presalt Lacustrine Carbonate
tional wire logs. Reservoirs (Offshore Brazil)
3. The nature of the investigation is two-dimensional
for thin sections versus 3-D for the laboratory Upper Barremian–lower Aptian coquinas (Jiquia lo-
measurement on plugs and for the wire logs. cal stage) and Aptian spherulitic carbonates (Alagoas
4. Spatial uncertainty is caused by core to log shifting local stage) are among the most prolific and most
in the case of the subsurface presalt database. promising carbonate reservoirs of the presalt in-
terval from the Brazilian margin (Formigli, 2007). The
In the case of the subsurface presalt database, to Brazilian margin started to form in the Early Cretaceous
limit the uncertainty related to the scale of inves- during the breakup of Gondwana. The chronostrati-
tigation, borehole imaging was used to detect larger graphic framework of the Lower Cretaceous deposits
(>5 mm) pores that may not be captured on thin from offshore Brazil is summarized in Figure 1B.
sections. The uncertainty related to sample positioning Thick carbonate deposition occurred in the upper
was also significantly reduced by correcting the plug part of the lower synrift sequence that corresponds
depth by using borehole images. In addition, the pres- to the Brazilian Jiquia stage and to the international
ent approach does not consider possible effects of P- upper Barremian–lower Aptian interval (Carvalho
and S-wave anisotropy. et al., 2000). It is characterized by significant

Table 1. Summary of the Database Used in the Present Work

Number of Studied Velocity and Porosity

Case Study Thin Sections Measurements Reference
Lower Cretaceous presalt coquina facies, Brazil 60 Well logs This paper
Lower Cretaceous presalt spherulitic facies, Brazil 261 Well logs This paper
Lower Cretaceous (Urgonian) limestone, southeast 107 Laboratory measurements Fournier et al. (2014)
Upper Cretaceous redeposited carbonates, Italy 40 Laboratory measurements Hairabian et al. (2014)

1348 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

Table 2. Physical Parameters of Minerals and Fluids

Mineral/Fluid Bulk Modulus Shear Modulus Density (g cm-3)

Calcite 71 GPa (10 · 106 psi) 30 GPa (4.4 · 106 psi) 2.71
Silica (quartz) 38 GPa (5.5 · 106 psi) 45 GPa (6.5 · 106 psi) 2.65
Dolomite 95 GPa (13.8 · 106 psi) 45 GPa (6.5 · 106 psi) 2.87
Water 1.7 GPa (0.14 · 106 psi) — 1
Oil 0.5 GPa (0.07 · 106 psi) — 0.8

development of mollusk-rich carbonates, the so- reported onshore within the coquina interval in the
called coquina facies (Carvalho et al., 2000; Buckley Sergipe–Alagoas Basin (Thompson et al., 2015).
et al., 2015). The synrift sub-Alagoas unconformity is A detailed model for the formation and diage-
overlain by a carbonate-dominated interval (Alagoas netic evolution of the nonmarine presalt spherulitic
stage) that is characterized by the development of reservoirs from Brazil has been proposed by Wright
excellent carbonate reservoirs including spherulitic and Barnett (2015) and Tosca and Wright (2015).
facies, stromatolites, travertine, and tufa buildups. The They consider that the spherulitic reservoirs are
thickness of the intra-Alagoas carbonate reservoirs can mainly derived from the diagenetic evolution of
reach 500 m in the area (Wright and Barnett, 2015). an initial sediment that is composed of calcitic spher-
Coquina carbonates are widespread presalt res- ulites that formed coevally with a labile Mg-silicate
ervoirs known on the Brazilian margin, from the gel (stevensite) under suitable geochemical condi-
Santos to the Sergipe–Alagoas Basins and on the West tions in low-energy, volcanically influenced lakes
African margin from the Kwanza to Gabon Basins (Tosca and Wright, 2015). Subsequent changes in
(e.g., Abrahão and Warme, 1990; McHargue, 1990; lake water alkalinity promoted the dissolution of
Thompson et al., 2015). Coquina reservoirs are stevensite, thus releasing various chemical compo-
mollusk-dominated grainstones to rudstones that are nents that triggered a set of diagenetic transformations
interpreted to have been deposited in nonmarine in the sediment (dolomitization, silica cementation
lacustrine environments (Carminatti et al., 2009), and replacement, and calcite dissolution).
although evidence of marine incursions has been

Lower Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian)

Shallow-Water Marine Carbonates from
Provence (Southeast France)

In Provence (southeast France), the late Hauterivian

to early Aptian interval represents the main phase of
development of the shallow-water, rudist-bearing,
Urgonian platform (Masse, 1993). In terms of age,
depositional environments and facies, pore types
and reservoir properties, the Urgonian limestones
from Provence are considered as relevant outcrop
analogs of some Middle East carbonate reservoirs
such as those of the Thamama, Kharaib, and Shuaiba
Formations (Borgomano et al., 2012). Urgonian
limestones from Provence are dominantly micro-
porous (Fournier et al., 2011), but moldic and in-
Figure 4. Principles of the equivalent pore aspect ratio (EPAR) tergranular porosity may also represent a significant
approach. The aK and am parameters are the EPAR calculated proportion of the pore volume in such reservoirs
from the bulk and shear modulus, respectively. (Borgomano et al., 2012; Fournier et al., 2014). A


scenario of the pore space evolution in the Urgonian Lower Cretaceous Presalt Coquinas (Offshore Brazil)
limestones from Provence (southeast France) has been The database consists of 60 samples of bivalve-
proposed by Léonide et al. (2014). (1) Microporous dominated, grain-supported carbonates with vari-
limestones have been interpreted to develop by micrite ous silica contents (up to 45%) and generally low
neomorphism processes in a meteoric shallow-burial proportions of dolomite, up to 11% but typically less
setting probably during a regional subaerial exposure than 3% (Figure 6). Two major depositional textures
event (Albian–early Cenomanian). (2) Tight limestones are identified from the studied samples: (1) molluscan
resulted from early marine or meteoric cementation of rudstones (Figure 7D, E) dominated by flat and
the intergranular macropores and intercrystalline mi- commonly whole shells of bivalves and (2) molluscan
cropores. (3) Dissolution of aragonitic shells occurred grainstones–rudstones dominated by subrounded,
during early (syn-Urgonian) phases of subaerial ex- abraded pieces of broken bivalve shells (Figure 7F).
posure, whereas a later phase of leaching of possible A remarkable diagenetic feature of the present
telogenetic origin led to microporosity enhancement rock database is the near absence of mechanical and
and moldic to vuggy porosity development. chemical compaction features even in poorly ce-
mented coquinas (Figure 7D). In most of the studied
samples, sparry calcite cements occlude partially
Upper Cretaceous Deep-Water Redeposited (Figure 7D) or entirely the intergranular space of the
Carbonates from the Gargano Peninsula (Italy) poorly compacted coquinas (Figure 7E). The pres-
ence of reworked pebbles of silicified coquinas in
The studied limestones are exposed close to the town some samples (Figure 7C) suggests evidence for an
of Monte Sant’Angelo (Figure 3) in the Gargano early phase of silica cementation and silica replacement
Peninsula (southeast Italy), which is now part of the (microquartz). In addition, thick rims of silica cements
relatively undeformed foreland of the Appennine and subsequent blocky calcite cements are commonly
thrust belts (Funiciello et al., 1991). The Gargano found to occlude entirely the interskeletal pore space
Peninsula is, together with the Maiella Mountain, an (Figure 7A, B). Significant dissolution of bivalve shells
extensively investigated area where the plaform-to- is observed from a large proportion of the studied
basin transition of an Upper Cretaceous carbonate samples (Figure 7A, F). Sparry calcite, microquartz,
system is exposed onland. The stratigraphic frame- and sometimes dolomite rhombs are present within
work of the Upper Cretaceous limestones from the the resulting moldic pores (Figure 7C, F).
Gargano Peninsula is summarized in Figure 3B. The The identification of the textural and diagenetic
studied carbonate samples exclusively consist of features allows three dominant pore types to be
deep-water (several hundred meters of water depth) recognized from the presalt coquina database. In
base-of-slope carbonates, including debris flow, grain molluscan rudstones with flat and whole shells, when
flow, turbidite, and hemipelagic sediments, deposited calcite or silica cementation are reduced, a primary
at the foot of fault-related escarpments bounding interskeletal macroporosity (IG1 pore type) may be
the Apulian platform (Masse and Borgomano, 1987; preserved (Figures 5, 7D). In addition, the dissolution
Hairabian et al., 2014). of flat and whole bivalve shells in cemented coquinas
generates moldic pores (MV1 pore type) of very
elongated shape (Figures 5, 7C). In contrast, when
RESULTS subrounded, abraded pieces of bivalves are leached,
the resulting moldic pores (MV2 pore type) are nearly
Petrographic Features and Pore Typing spherical to moderately elongated (Figures 5, 7F).

The descriptive pore type classification used in the

present paper is summarized in Figure 5. Pore type Lower Cretaceous Presalt Lacustrine Spherulitic Reservoirs
classes have been attributed on the basis of a semi- (Offshore Brazil)
quantitative estimation of pore type abundance using The studied database consists of 261 samples of
point counting on thin sections. The pore type classes grainy carbonates with silica and dolomite content
are defined as a function of the dominant pore type. ranging from 0% to 45% and from 0% to 95%,

1350 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

Figure 5. Summary of the
descriptive pore type

respectively (Figure 8). Dominant grains are spher- growth may mimic sutured or concavo-convex con-
ulites that consist of millimeter-scale grains made of tacts (Figure 9B, C).
dense radiating fibrous calcite (Figure 9C). They are In both fabrics, the intergranular space may dis-
of various shapes, although nearly spherical mor- play a variety of phases: (1) pores, (2) dolomite
phologies are dominant. Grains displaying shrublike rhombs, (3) silica cement, and (4) relicts of clay matrix.
structures are present in very low proportions in a few Intergranular porosity may be significant (up to
samples. In a purely descriptive way, two types of 25%) in both loosely packed and densely packed
spherulitic fabrics are identified on the basis of the spherulitic sands (Figure 9A, B). Relicts of clay are
density of grains and nature of the grain contacts: (1) present in very small proportions (<1%) between
densely packed spherulitic sand with irregular-shaped spherulites in a few samples (Figure 9A). A remark-
spherulites with long contacts and (2) loosely packed able diagenetic feature of the presalt spherulitic
spherulitic sand with nearly spherical spherulites, reservoir is the high proportion of small-sized (50–
floating or displaying point contacts. 100 mm) dolosparite rhombs (Figure 9C–E) within
The difference in packing between the two spheru- the interspherulite space. Silica cements are also
litic fabrics probably results from distinct growth common and display a layered (centimeter-thick) or
patterns (density of the nucleation loci and spherulite patchy (centimeter-scale) distribution within the
growth velocity) of the spherulites in the initial sed- spherulitic intervals (Figure 9E). Finally, dissolution
iment, but the effect of subsequent mechanical and features affecting partially or entirely the calcitic
chemical compaction cannot be ruled out. The im- spherulites have been evidenced (Figure 9F).
portance of compaction is difficult to establish from As a result of the petrographic analysis, five major
the petrographic observations of the present data- pore types have been identified from the Brazilian
base because grain impingement during spherulite presalt spherulitic reservoir. The intergranular porosity


Figure 6. Presalt coquina samples (offshore Brazil). (A) Definition of lithological classes. (B) Dry bulk modulus–porosity plot. (C) Dry
shear modulus–porosity plot.

can be subdivided into two distinct pore types de- Lower Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian) Shallow-Water
pending on grain packing and the nature of the grain Marine Carbonates from Provence (Southeast France)
contact: (1) the IG2 pore type (Figure 5) is defined In the present study, the rock and thin section ma-
as the (secondary) intergranular macroporosity in terial from the database published by Fournier et al.
a densely packed spherulitic sediment with dominant (2014) (107 samples) has been reinvestigated to
long contacts, and (2) the IG3 pore type (Figure 5) make the pore type classification consistent with that
corresponds to the (secondary) intergranular mac- of the other databases integrated in the present work.
roporosity in a loosely packed spherulitic sediment The analysis of a large collection of SEM pictures from
(= pseudofenestral pores). In dolomite-rich samples, the studied samples allowed a revision of the classi-
the intercrystalline porosity (IC pore type) is domi- fication of microporosity. The database is made of
nant (Figures 5, 9C). In samples with dominant pure limestones (%CaC03 > 98%) exhibiting various
intercrystalline pore type, total porosity may reach depositional textures (wackestone, packstone, grain-
25%. In a few dolomite-rich samples, together with stone, and rudstones). All samples display various
intercrystalline pores, elongated and corrugated proportions of intercrystalline micropores located
thread-like pores (Figures 5, 9D) are present (ICb within micritic grains or matrix, and a large proportion
pore type) within the interspherulite space. Finally, of the studied samples are exclusively microporous
the dissolution of calcitic spherulite led to the devel- (Figure 10C). Three main micrite fabrics have been
opment of nearly spherical moldic pores (MV2 pore identified, each with specific types of intercrystalline
type; Figure 5). microporosity. In most of the tight limestones (<9%),

1352 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

Figure 7. Brazilian presalt coquinas (offshore Brazil). (A) Blue epoxy and Alizarin stained thin section photomicrographs under plane-
polarized light of a bivalve rudstone showing one phase of isopachous rim of silica cement (s) around grains and a phase of blocky sparry
calcite cement (c). (B) Same view as (A) under crossed-polarized light. (C) Blue epoxy and Alizarin stained thin section photomicrograph
under natural light of a cemented bivalve rudstone with a reworked silicified intraclast (intra.). The silicified intraclast is also composed of
a bivalve grainstone–rudstone. The interskeletal pore space is entirely filled with c, whereas a large proportion of the bioclasts are leached
(m). (D) Blue epoxy stained thin section photomicrograph under natural light of a poorly cemented bivalve rudstone with well-preserved
interskeletal macroporosity in coquina porosity (is), whereas mechanical and chemical compaction features are lacking. (E) Blue epoxy
stained thin section photomicrograph under natural light of a tightly cemented bivalve rudstone showing a significant development of MV1
moldic porosity (m). (F) Blue epoxy and Alizarin stained thin section photomicrographs under plane-polarized light of a skeletal
grainstone–rudstone composed of subrounded pieces of bivalves. The interskeletal pore space is entirely occluded by c, whereas
a large proportion of the skeletal grains are leached (MV2 pore type [m]). Scarce dolomite rhombs (d) are present within moldic pores.
See Figure 5 for pore type definitions.


Figure 8. Presalt spherulitic samples (offshore Brazil). (A) Definition of lithological classes. (B) Dry bulk modulus–porosity plot. (C) Dry
shear modulus–porosity plot.

both matrix and micritized allochems exhibit densely association with with vuggy micropores (Figure 5).
packed euhedral to subhedral crystals of micrite A common feature of the related micrite microfabric is
(= mosaic micrite). The related microporosity (MP1 the coalescence of micrite particles that leads to the for-
pore type) consists, therefore, of very narrow and mation of larger (5–10 mm) aggregates (Figures 5, 11D).
elongated spaces located between the crystal faces As established by Fournier et al. (2014) and
(Figures 5, 11E). Microporous limestones (up to 24%) confirmed by the present study, macropores in Urgo-
exhibit two micropore types related to two distinct nian limestones from Provence include mainly inter-
micrite microfabrics. The micropore type MP2 is granular and moldic to vuggy pores. The intergranular
actually a micropore type association including in- porosity is preserved preferentially in coarse-grained
tercrystalline microporosity between loosely packed grainstones and rudstones and consists of a resid-
euhedral to subhedral micrite particles and vuggy mi- ual space after partial cementation of the sediment
croporosity (Figures 5, 11A–C). In the MP2 pore type (Figure 10A). The resulting pores are relatively
association, intercrystalline micropore size ranges from equant with isolated voids located in the center of the
0.5 to 2 mm. Vuggy micropores are defined as pore intergranular pore space (IG4 pore type; Figure 5).
spaces that are located within a micritic medium and Moldic pores derive from various phases of dissolu-
whose size is larger than the size of the micrite par- tion of aragonitic and calcitic grains (Figure 10B) and
ticles (1–2 mm) and less than 10 mm. The MP3 pore are generally nearly spherical voids (MV2 pore type;
type association consists of interparticle microporos- Figure 5). In some cases, the moldic porosity can be
ity between leached, subrounded micrite particles, in enlarged, thus leading to the developments of vugs.

1354 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

Figure 9. Brazilian presalt spherulitic reservoirs (offshore Brazil). (A) Blue epoxy stained thin section photomicrographs under natural
light of a spherulitic sand (spherulites [sph.]) with leached matrix (black arrow indicates relicts of clay matrix) and secondary intergranular
porosity (secondary pseudofenestral intergranular macroporosity after matrix leaching pore type [sip]). (B) Blue epoxy stained thin section
photomicrographs under natural light of a densely packed spherulitic sand (sph.) showing a narrow (secondary) intergranular pore space
(intergranular macroporosity in a densely packed granular sediment pore type). (C) Blue epoxy and Alizarin stained thin section
photomicrographs under crossed-polarized light of a spherulitic sand (sph.) whose intergranular pore space is filled with dolomite rhombs
(d). A significant intercrystalline porosity (intercrystalline macroporosity in porous dolosparite pore type) occurs between d. (D) Blue epoxy
and Alizarin stained thin section photomicrographs under plane-polarized light of a spherulitic sand (sph.) with d infilling the intergranular
pore space. Within the intergranular space, thread-shaped corrugated pores (intercrystalline macroporosity in porous dolosparite in
association with secondary thread-shaped pores pore type [tp]) are present and may represent molds of leached clay laminae. (E) Blue
epoxy and Alizarin stained thin section photomicrographs under plane-polarized light of a spherulitic sand (sph.) with d infilling the
intergranular pore space and patches of silica cements (s). (F) Blue epoxy stained thin section photomicrographs under natural light of
a spherulitic sand (sph.) with intergranular d showing significant leaching of some sph. (moldic to vuggy porosity in a cemented grainstone-
rudstone with nearly spherical grains pore type [m]).


Calcitic cements may partially occlude the moldic
and vuggy porosity.

Upper Cretaceous Deep-Water Redeposited Carbonates

from the Gargano Peninsula (Italy)
The present work is based on the revision of the pore
type classification for a data set of 56 pure limestone
samples (>95% CaCO3) that have been collected in
deep-water redeposited carbonates (Upper Creta-
ceous, Gargano Peninsula, Italy) and published by
Hairabian et al. (2014). Depositional facies include
(1) lithoclastic breccias, (2) bioclastic packtones to
grainstones, (3) interbedded packstones and wacke-
stones, and (4) pelagic lime mud with coccoliths
and planktonic foraminifers. The analysis of SEM
pictures performed on the studied samples has led
to the revision of the pore type scheme proposed
by Hairabian et al. (2014) and to the identification
of four types of microporosity. As for the Urgonian
limestone database, in low-porosity limestones, the
dominant microfabric is a densely packed (= mosaic)
micrite associated with the MP1 micropore type
(Figures 5, 11E). Grain-supported (grainstone–packstone)
microporous limestones include intercrystalline and
vuggy microporosity in euhedral to subhedral micrite
(MP2 micropore type; Figure 5), intercrystalline, and
vuggy microporosity in subrounded to coalescent
micrite (MP3 micropore type; Figures 5, 11F, G). In
contrast, microporous pelagic lime muds (Figure 11C)
are characterized by interparticle and intraskeletal micro-
porosity in porous, coccolithophorid-derived euhedral
micrite (MP4 micropore type; Figures 5, 11H).
An intergranular, pseudofenestral macroporosity
in loosely packed carbonate sands (IG3 pore type;
Figure 5) has been recognized in various packstones–
grainstones that are devoid of cements but display
patches of micrite matrix (Figure 12A). In partially
Figure 10. Blue epoxy stained thin section photomicrographs cemented grainstones, the IG4 intergranular porosity
under plane-polarized light of Urgonian limestones (Barremian–
has been also identified. Nearly spherical moldic pores
Aptian) from Mont-de-Vaucluse area, Provence (southeast
France), showing the main pore type associations. (A) The
(MV2 pore type; Figure 5) related to the dissolution
partially cemented intergranular macroporosity in a granular of calcitic and aragonitic bioclasts are common in
sediment pore type: well-sorted skeletal grainstone showing the Gargano limestones (Figure 12B).
the partial occlusion of the intergranular pore space (ig) by a first
phase of isopachous rim cement and by a poorly developed, second
phase of sparry calcite cement (c). (B) Well-sorted skeletal grainstone Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratios for Selected
(Caramanica Formation) showing leached bioclasts (moldic mac- Dominant Pore Types
roporosity [m]) and c occluding the intergranular pore space. (C)
Well-sorted peloidal grainstone with microporous micritized The EPARs aK and am have been computed for all the
grains and c occluding the intergranular pore space. studied samples from petroacoustic data and from

1356 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

Figure 11. (A–D) Scanning electron microscope photographs of Urgonian limestone samples from Provence (southeast France). (A)
Micritized grain (peloid) surrounded by sparry calcite cements (sp) and showing loosely packed micrite particles, vugular pores (white
arrows), and intercrystalline microporosity (intercrystalline and vuggy microporosity in porous, loosely packed recrystallized euhedral/
subhedral micrite [MP2] micropore type). (B) Close-up of (A) showing the euhedral morphology of the micrite particles, the vuggy
micropores (white arrows), and the intercrystalline microporosity (MP2 micropore type). (C) The interparticle and vuggy microporosity in
leached, subrounded, coalescent micrite (MP3) micropore type: microporous micritized grain (peloid) showing coalescent to subrounded
micrite (black arrows) and vuggy micropores (white arrows). (D) Detail of coalescent, subrounded micrite particles. (E–H) Scanning
electron microscope photographs of the Upper Cretaceous limestones from the Gargano Peninsula (Italy). (E) The intercrystalline mi-
croporosity in densely packed or cemented (= mosaic) micrite micropore type: low-porosity, densely packed euhedral to subhedral
(= mosaic) micrite. (F) The MP3 micropore type: highly porous subhedral to subrounded to coalescent micrite (incipient coalescence of
micrite particles indicated by black arrows) associated with intercrystalline and vuggy (white arrows) microporosity. (G) Detail of coalescent,
subrounded micrite particles. (H) The interparticle microporosity in porous, coccolithophorid-derived euhedral micrite micropore type: highly
porous euhedral micrite with relicts of coccolithophorids (white arrows).


mineral composition of rocks. Dominant pore types
have been identified for all of the samples from
petrographic analysis of rocks and thin sections. Dry
bulk and shear moduli, porosity, and mineralogy that
represent the inputs of the aK and am computations
are plotted in Figure 6 for the presalt coquinas and in
Figure 8 for the presalt spherulitic facies. For the
distinct databases, dominant pore type domains and
associated thresholds have been defined in aK–
porosity and am–porosity plots. Thresholds separate
domains of maximum density of samples belonging to
a given pore type class. Overlaps between samples of
distinct pore type classes may indicate that dis-
tinct pore architectures may display similar acoustic
behavior or may result from mixture effects be-
tween two or more individual pore types.

Lower Cretaceous Presalt Lacustrine Coquinas (Offshore

Two domains of dominant pore types can be iden-
tified on the aK–porosity plots (Figure 13A).

• Domain I is characterized by low aK values (<0.13):

95% of the samples are dominated by interskeletal
macroporosity (IG1 pore type) or by moldic po-
rosity after dissolution of full and flat-shaped bi-
valve shells (MV1 pore type).
• Domain II is related to samples with aK values
greater than 0.13: 95% of the samples are dominated
by moldic pores displaying moderately elongated to
nearly spherical shapes (MV2 pore type).

An important result of the aK–porosity plots is

the lack of correlation, for a given dominant pore
type, between aK and porosity.
Figure 12. Blue epoxy stained thin section photomicrographs The am–porosity plots (Figure 13B) and aK–am
under plane-polarized light of Upper Cretaceous base-of-slope (Figure 13C) plots shows no significant variations in
limestones from the Gargano Peninsula (Italy), showing the main am with porosity and aK changes, respectively.
pore type associations. (A) Well-sorted packstone–grainstone
(Nevarra Formation [Fm.]) with partially dissolved micrite matrix
and resulting secondary (pseudofenestral secondary pseudofenes- Lower Cretaceous Presalt Spherulitic Reservoirs (Offshore
tral intergranular macroporosity after matrix leaching) intergranular Brazil)
porosity (black arrow). Significant microporosity may exist within the Three domains of dominant pore types can be
partially preserved matrix (white arrow). (B) Poorly sorted skeletal
identified on the aK–porosity plots (Figure 13A).
grainstone (Caramanica Fm.) showing leached bioclasts (moldic
macroporosity moldic to vuggy porosity in a cemented grainstone-
rudstone with nearly spherical grains [m]) and sparry calcite cement • Domain I is characterized by low aK values (<0.13):
(c) occluding the intergranular pore space. (C) Microporous mud- 95% of the samples have dominant intercrystalline
stone (Nevarra Fm.) with fragments of planktonic Foraminifera. macroporosity (IC and ICb pore type) or intergranular

1358 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

porosity in densely packed grainy sediment (IG2
pore type).
• Domain II is related to samples with aK values
ranging from 0.13 to 0.18 that are characterized by
dominant secondary intergranular (pseudofenes-
tral) porosity (IG3 pore type: 90%) and in places
rounded moldic pores (MV2 pore type <10%).
• Domain III is characterized by the higher aK values
(>0.18) at a given porosity and corresponds to
samples with dominant moldic porosity (MV2
pore type) only.

Similarly to the coquina case study, the

aK–porosity plots shows that no correlation exists
between aK and porosity, for a given dominant pore
A large overlap of the various pore types is visible
on am–porosity plots (Figure 14B).
On aK–am plots (Figure 14C), samples exhibit
a relatively asymmetric distribution. Most of the
samples with dominant intercrystalline macroporosity
(IC) or intergranular porosity (IG2 and IG3) have
aK values lower than am. In contrast, moldic samples
have aK higher than am.

Lower Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian) Shallow-Water

Marine Carbonates from Provence (Southeast France)
Two main domains can be defined from the
aK –porosity plots (Figure 15A).

• Domain I is defined by low values of aK (<0.22) and

is related to dominantly microporous samples.
Within this domain, two categories of samples are
Figure 13. Presalt coquina facies (offshore Brazil). (A) Equivalent
recognized: (1) low-porosity limestones (porosity
pore aspect ratio calculated from well log–derived bulk modulus
<9%) with densely packed (= mosaic) micrite in (aK), as a function of porosity. (B) Equivalent pore aspect ratio
matrix or in micritized allochems (MP1 micropore calculated from well log–derived shear modulus (am), as a function
type) that display low aK values, ranging from 0.09 of porosity. (C) Plot of aK–am. Samples are labeled as a function of
to 0.13, and (2) microporous limestones (porosity dominant pore type. IG1 = interskeletal macroporosity in coquina;
up to 24%) with intercrystalline and vuggy mi- MV1 = moldic porosity in a cemented, flat-shaped bivalve coquina;
MV2 = moldic to vuggy porosity in a cemented grainstone-rudstone
croporosity in loosely packed micrite (MP2 and
with nearly spherical grains.
MP3 micropore types) with aK values ranging from
0.11 to 0.22.
• Domain II is characterized by high aK values As for the presalt coquinas and spherulitic facies
(>0.22) and is dominated by samples with nearly case studies, no correlation exists between aK and
spherical moldic pores (MV2 pore type) or with porosity.
residual intergranular porosity in partially cemented Similar zonations are visible on am–porosity plots
grainstones (IG4 pore type). (Figure 15B) with domain I (am < 0.13) characterized


Figure 14. Presalt spherulitic
facies (offshore Brazil). (A)
Equivalent pore aspect ratio cal-
culated from well log–derived
bulk modulus (aK), as a function
of porosity. (B) Plot of aK–am.
(C) Equivalent pore aspect ratio
calculated from well log–derived
shear modulus (am), as a func-
tion of porosity. (D) Plot of aK
and am as a function of silica and
dolomite volume fraction for
samples with dominant pseudo-
fenestral pores (secondary
pseudofenestral intergranular
macroporosity after matrix
leaching [IG3]). (E) Plot of aK
and am as a function of silica
and dolomite volume fraction
for samples with dominant in-
tercrystalline pore type (in-
tercrystalline macroporosity in
porous dolosparite [IC]). Samples
are labeled as a function of
dominant pore type. IG2 = in-
tergranular macroporosity in
a densely packed granular
sediment; ICb = intercrystalline
macroporosity in porous
dolosparite in association with
secondary thread-shaped pores;
MV2 = moldic to vuggy porosity in
a cemented grainstone-rudstone
with nearly spherical grains.

by dominant micropore types MP1 and MP2 and Upper Cretaceous Redeposited Deep-Water Carbonates
domain II (am > 0.13) dominated by rounded moldic from the Gargano Peninsula (Italy)
pores (MV2), partially cemented intergranular pores The petroacoustic signatures of the pore types are
(IG4) and MP3 micropores. identified on the aK–porosity and am–porosity plots
As illustrated by the aK–am plots (Figure 15C), (Figure 15D, E). The low-porosity (<6%) limestones
the variations of am follow closely those of aK, except with tight mosaic micrite (MP1 micropore type) are
for the samples with dominant moldic pores and characterized by relatively low aK values (<0.16).
intergranular pores. Microporous limestones with intercrystalline and

1360 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

Figure 15. (A–C) Lower Cretaceous shallow-water marine carbonates (Urgonian platform, Provence, France). (A) Equivalent pore aspect
ratio calculated from well log–derived bulk modulus (aK), as a function of porosity. (B) Equivalent pore aspect ratio calculated from well
log–derived shear modulus (am), as a function of porosity. (C) Plot of aK–am. Samples are labeled as a function of dominant pore type.
(D–F) Upper Cretaceous deep-water redeposited limestones (Gargano Peninsula, Italy). (D) Equivalent pore aspect ratio calculated from
well log–derived bulk modulus (aK), as a function of porosity. (E) Equivalent pore aspect ratio calculated from well log–derived shear
modulus (am), as a function of porosity. (F) Plot of aK–am. Samples are labeled as a function of dominant pore type. IG3 = secondary
pseudofenestral intergranular macroporosity after matrix leaching; IG4 = partially cemented intergranular macroporosity in a granular
sediment; MP1 = intercrystalline microporosity in densely packed or cemented (= mosaic) micrite; MP2 = intercrystalline and vuggy
microporosity in porous, loosely packed recrystallized euhedral/subhedral micrite; MP3 = interparticle and vuggy microporosity in leached,
subrounded, coalescent micrite; MP4 = interparticle microporosity in porous, coccolithophorid-derived euhedral micrite; MV2 = moldic to
vuggy porosity in a cemented grainstone-rudstone with nearly spherical grains.


vuggy microporosity (MP2 micropore types) display space by early phases of calcite or silica cemen-
a very narrow range of aK (0.17–0.22). Samples with tation that probably occurred prior to mechanical
leached subrounded to coalescent micrite (MP3 pore compaction. Moldic porosity developed as a result
type) have aK values ranging from 0.16 to 0.25. of one or various phases of aragonite and calcite
One sample with intercrystalline microporosity in dissolution (Figure 7E, F). In the Campos Basin,
coccolithophorid-dominated euhedral micrite (MP4 moldic porosity development has been interpreted
pore type) displays an aK value of 0.20. Pseudofe- to occur in meteoric vadose environments dur-
nestral porosity is characterized by moderately high ing early, repeated phases of subaerial exposure
aK (0.12–0.23), overlapping the range of values for (Bertani and Carozzi, 1985) or during a post-
MP2 and MP3 micropore types. Moldic porosity depositional exposure event by fault-controlled mete-
(MV2 pore type) and residual intergranular porosity oric water circulation (Castro, 2006). The distinction
in partially cemented grainstones (IG4 pore type) are between MV1 and MV2 pore types (Figure 5) is
characterized by higher aK with values ranging from mainly related to the shape of the dissolved bioclasts
0.19 to 0.39 and from 0.31 to 0.46, respectively. On and is, therefore, mainly driven by transport and
am–porosity plots, micropores (MP1, MP2, MP3, and depositional processes (bioclast fragmentation and
MP4) and intergranular pores (IG3 and IG4) are abrasion).
characterized by low am values (<0.20), whereas for
higher am values (>0.20), only rounded moldic pores
have been observed (Figure 15E). Lower Cretaceous Brazilian Presalt Spherulitic Facies
Also indicated by the Urgonian limestone data- As interpreted by Tosca and Wright (2015) and
base, the variations of am closely follow those of aK Wright and Barnett (2015), the mineral composition
(Figure 15F), for microporous (MP1, MP2, MP3, and and the pore space of presalt spherulitic reservoirs
MP4 micropore types) and pseudofenestral (IG3) but derive from the diagenetic evolution of an initial
differ significantly for samples with dominant moldic sediment composed of a Mg-rich clay (e.g., stevensite)
pores (MV2) and partially cemented intergranular matrix in which calcitic spherulites have grown.
pores (IG4). Such Mg silicates are easily destabilized, probably in
a very early stage of diagenesis, by pH and pCO2
fluctuations (Tosca and Wright, 2015). As a conse-
DISCUSSION quence, such Mg-rich clays are very prone to dissolve,
thus leading to the development of a secondary in-
Pore Network Evolution and Pore Type Genesis tergranular porosity between the spherulites. The
structure of such a secondary intergranular porosity
Lower Cretaceous Brazilian Presalt Coquinas largely depends on the packing of spherulites. The
Pore network evolution in coquinas was controlled by dissolution of the Mg clay matrix in a sediment
various stages of calcite and silica cementation that with loosely packed spherulites leaves large pores
occluded partly or entirely interskeletal pore space. (Figure 9A, E) that are commonly larger than the
The presence of silicified coquina intraclasts reworked average grain diameter, relatively equant in shape or
within bivalve grainstones–rudstones (Figure 7C) slightly elongated parallel to depositional laminations.
suggest that a phase of silica cementation and replace- Such pores, as documented by Terra et al. (2010),
ment occurred very early in the diagenetic history. In are named pseudofenestral pores (IG3 pore type;
addition, early phases of silica or calcite cementation Figure 5). In contrast, in densely packed spherulitic
have probably largely impeded the effect of sub- sediments, the dissolution of Mg clay generates rel-
sequent mechanical and chemical compaction (Figure atively narrow pores (Figure 9B) between spherulites
7D). The factor of early silica cementation in the pre- that correspond to the IG2 pore type. Although the
servation of porosity has been mentioned for the density of spherulite packing is probably largely
presalt coquinas from the Campos Basin (Bertani controlled by primary, depositional parameters, the
and Carozzi, 1985; Abrahão and Warme, 1990). hypothesis of an effect of mechanical and chemical
The IG1 intergranular pore type (Figure 5) mainly compaction cannot be ruled out. In addition, the
results from a partial occlusion of the interskeletal dissolution of stevensite released various chemical

1362 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

Figure 16. Synthesis of the diagenetic transformations affecting in situ spherulitic facies (Lower Cretaceous, Santos Basin, offshore Brazil)
and resulting dominant pore types. (A) Diagenetic and pore space evolution from an initial Mg clay with sparse spherulites. (B) Diagenetic
and pore space evolution from an initial Mg clay with densely packed spherulites.

components that generated a set of diagenetic of spherulite calcite dissolution and of moldic porosity
transformations (Tosca and Wright, 2015) that (MV2 pore type) development. Another possible
strongly controlled the pore space evolution. The consequence of the stevensite dissolution is the ex-
release of Mg2+ favored the cannibalization of Ca2+ cellent preservation of the pseudofenestral porosity
and induced the formation of dolomite in the inter- that may have been favored by the release of water
spherulite space. Such a process is interpreted to be and related overpressure that may have limited the
the origin of intercrystalline porosity (IC pore type) effect of mechanical and chemical compaction.
development in spherulitic reservoirs. In dolomite- Patterns of pore network evolution and pore type
rich spherulitic reservoirs, corrugated, thread-shaped genesis of spherulitic reservoirs are summarized in
pores (ICb pore type) may occur and are interpreted Figure 16.
as resulting from a later phase of dissolution of clay
laminae. The release of SiO2 caused by stevensite Lower Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian) Shallow-Water
dissolution may also trigger patchy silica cementation Marine Carbonates from Provence (Southeast France)
within the interspherulite pore space. Finally, the Scenarios of diagenetic and pore network evolution of
release of H+ by Mg clay leaching is possibly the origin the Urgonian limestones from Provence have been


proposed by Léonide et al. (2014) and Fournier et al. because micritized grains and micrite particle do not
(2014). According to these interpretations, highly mi- show evidence of mechanical and chemical com-
croporous limestones are considered to have developed paction. The euhedral to subhedral nature of some
as a result of micrite leaching and neomorphism in microporous micrites (Figure 11F) suggests that MP2
a meteoric shallow-burial setting probably during a re- micropore type formed as a result of micrite neo-
gional mid-Cretaceous (Albian–early Cenomanian) morphism processes. The subrounded shape and the
subaerial exposure event. The resulting micrite micro- coalescence of micrite particles (Figure 11G) clearly
fabric consists of a poorly packed euhedral to subhedral indicate that dissolution processes are the origin of
micrite showing intercrystalline and vuggy micropo- the MP3 micropore type. This also supports the in-
rosity (MP2 micropore type; Figures 5, 10A–C). Later terpretation of a secondary origin (matrix dissolution)
phases of meteoric (telogenetic?) dissolution induced for the intergranular pseudofenestral pore type IG3
corrosion and coalescence of micrite particles, thus because preserved patches of matrix always display
leading to the MP3 micropore type (Figures 5, 10D). In MP3 microporosity in the corresponding samples
contrast, after Léonide et al. (2014) porosity reduction observed under SEM. Finally, the pristine preservation
in tight limestones is the result of an early marine or of coccolithophorids together with the euhedral na-
meteoric cementation of the intergranular macropores ture of micrite particles (Figure 11H) are strongly
and intercrystalline micropores in matrix and micritized indicative of excellent preservation of a primary in-
grains. Such processes led to the development of the terparticle porosity (MP4 micropore type).
densely packed, mosaic micrite microfabric and the
corresponding MP1 micropore type. The intergranular
pore type IG4 (Figures 5, 10A) is the result of the partial Petroacoustic Significance of the Equivalent
occlusion of the intergranular space by an early iso- Pore Aspect Ratio
pacheous rim cement and by later sparry calcite ce-
ments formed during burial. Finally, the MV2 moldic The detection of pore types from acoustic properties
pore type may have developed at two distinct stages of in highly diagenetically modified carbonates requires
the diagenetic evolution: (1) aragonitic bioclasts were the definition of a petroacoustic index that would be
dissolved during early (intraformational) subaerial dependent on pore network architecture only and
exposure events and (2) micritized, microporous that would be independent of pore volume and
calcitic allochems were leached during later phases of mineral composition. The equivalent pore aspect
meteoric diagenesis (telogenesis?). One can, therefore, approach does not aim at determining a proxy of the
regard the interparticle and vuggy microporosity in actual geometry of pores but at calculating the aspect
subrounded coalescent micrite (MP3 micropore type) ratio of an ideal spheroid that is acoustically equiv-
from microporous peloidal grainstones as an inter- alent with the actual pore network. A remarkable
mediate pore type between the MP2 micropore type property of the EPAR derived from bulk modulus
and the MV2 moldic pore type in response to calcite (aK) is its lack of correlation with porosity for a given
dissolution processes. dominant pore type, for all of the identified dominant
pore types, and for all of the case studies investigated
in the present work (Figures 13–15). The aK–porosity
Upper Cretaceous Deep-Water Redeposited Carbonates plots allow various domains of dominant pore types to
from the Gargano Peninsula (Italy) be distinguished, and the boundaries between such
Although no detailed paragenesis of the Gargano domains are independent of porosity. The compila-
limestones has been provided by previous authors tion of aK and porosity values for selected classes of
some analogies exist with the Urgonian limestones pore types (Figures 17, 18) leads to the same con-
from Provence in terms of pore type genesis. The clusion that aK is a parameter that is not dependent
micropores types MP1, MP2, and MP3 have been on porosity and mineralogic composition and that
recognized in both case studies. The tightly packed displays relatively narrow and constant ranges of
intragranular micrites in cemented grainstones values that allow selected dominant pore type to
and associated MP1 micropore type (Figures 5, be discriminated. Figures 17 and 18 also show the
11E) likely result from microcementation processes complexity of carbonate pore network detection:

1364 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

Figure 17. Synthesis of the acoustic signature of intergranular pores (Brazilian presalt, Urgonian limestone, and Gargano limestone). (A)
Equivalent pore aspect ratio calculated from well log–derived bulk modulus (aK)–porosity plot. Samples are labeled as a function of
dominant pore type. (B) Histograms of aK values for the distinct intergranular pore types. IG1 = interskeletal macroporosity in coquina;
IG2 = intergranular macroporosity in a densely packed granular sediment; IG3 = secondary pseudofenestral intergranular macroporosity
after matrix leaching; IG4 = partially cemented intergranular macroporosity in a granular sediment.

intergranular and moldic pore types in aK–porosity Figure 19 illustrates the interdependence of
are overlapping, and the particular position would not mineralogic and pore type effect on acoustic prop-
always reveal the exact pore type but instead two erties of carbonate reservoirs. In Brazilian presalt
optional pore types. The three micropore types MP1, spherulitic reservoirs, dolomite-rich carbonates typi-
MP2, and MP3 display a moderate overlap (Figure 18A) cally correspond to samples with dominant inter-
that may express a continuum of microstructures. crystalline macroporosity (IC) and therefore with
Another remarkable property of the EPARs is depleted aK average value compared with samples
the lack of correlation between aK and mineral with pseudofenestral pores (IG3). As a consequence,
composition. For example, in the spherulitic res- a sample with dominant IC pore type has a higher
ervoir case study, regardless of the silica and dolomite content and therefore a higher mineral bulk
dolomite volume fraction, aK fits within the same modulus compared with a pseudofenestral spherulitic
range of values, from 0.12 to 0.2 for samples with limestone (IG3) but at the same time a lower aK. The
dominant pseudofenestral pores (Figure 14C) and opposite effect of both higher mineral bulk modulus
from 0.03 to 0.17 for samples with dominant in- (95 GPa [~1.38 · 107 psi] for dolomite compared with
tercrystalline porosity (Figure 14D). 71 GPa [~107 psi] for calcite) and lower aK results in an


Figure 18. Synthesis of the
acoustic signature of micropo-
rosity and moldic porosity (Bra-
zilian presalt, Urgonian
limestone, and Gargano lime-
stone). (A) Equivalent pore as-
pect ratio calculated from well
log–derived bulk modulus
(aK)–porosity plot for micropo-
rous samples. Samples are la-
beled as a function of dominant
micropore type. (B) Histograms
of aK values for the distinct mi-
cropore types. (C) Plot of aK–
porosity for samples with moldic
porosity. Samples are labeled as
a function of dominant pore type.
(D) Histograms of aK values for
the distinct moldic pore types.
MP1 = intercrystalline microporosity
in densely packed or cemented
(= mosaic) micrite; MP2 = inter-
crystalline and vuggy micropo-
rosity in porous, loosely packed
recrystallized euhedral/subhedral
micrite; MP3 = interparticle and
vuggy microporosity in leached,
subrounded, coalescent micrite;
MP4 = interparticle microporosity
in porous, coccolithophorid-derived
euhedral micrite; MV1 = moldic
porosity in a cemented, flat-shaped
bivalve coquina; MV2 = moldic to
vuggy porosity in a cemented
grainstone-rudstone with nearly
spherical grains.

almost unchanging bulk modulus for the spherulitic related to the nature of the diagenetic transformation
reservoir at a fixed porosity. Such a combined effect of involved (and not intrinsically to the mineralogy).
mineralogy and pore type probably largely explains As defined before, aK is basically a parameter
why, in the bulk modulus–porosity plot for presalt that allows quantifying the scattering of bulk moduli
spherulitic reservoirs (Figure 8B), dolomite-rich sam- values at a given porosity. This parameter needs,
ples cannot be separated from the calcite-rich samples. therefore, to be compared with the dry pore space
It is therefore important to separate the purely min- stiffness that is a well-known parameter in rock
eralogic control on acoustic properties (because of the physics (Mavko et al., 1998). The dry pore space
specific bulk and shear moduli for the distinct min- stiffness is representative of the stiffness of the
erals) from the pore network control that is closely whole pore network and is dependent of the pore

1366 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

Figure 19. (A) Differential ef-
fective medium bulk modulus
models for a homogeneous solid
host of various mineralogic
compositions containing dry
spheroidal inclusions (aspect
ratio of the spheroid [a]).
Brazilian presalt carbonate
samples with pseudofenestral
(secondary pseudofenestral in-
tergranular macroporosity after
matrix leaching [IG3]) and
intercrystalline (intercrystalline
macroporosity in porous dolo-
sparite [IC]) dominant pore
types are reported on the bulk
modulus–porosity plot. The
overlap between pseudofenestral
domain (gray area) and in-
tercrystalline domain (dashed
area) is related to a combined
effect of mineralogy and pore
compressibility. (B) Histograms
of equivalent pore aspect ratio
calculated from well log–derived
bulk modulus (aK) values for
carbonate samples from the
Brazilian presalt, dominated by
IG3 and IC pore types.

abundance and pore volume. As highlighted by DEM models of spheroidal inclusions) are compared
Mavko and Mukerji (1995), a constant pore shape is with those calculated at constant dry pore stiffness.
not equivalent to constant pore space stiffness, thus In addition, Figure 20B clearly shows that for a rock
illustrating the effect of elastic interaction (O’Connell containing idealized spheroidal pores of a given
and Budiansky, 1974). Indeed, a pore located in aspect ratio, the dry pore stiffness significantly
the neighborhood of many other pores is effectively decreases with increasing porosity. In contrast, as
softer than an isolated pore. This effect is illustrated discussed before, aK is a parameter that is related to
in Figure 20A, where bulk modulus–porosity rela- pore type and is independent of pore volume. As
tionships for constant aspect ratio (computed from a consequence, aK should be regarded as being


Figure 20. (A) Comparison between dry bulk modulus–porosity relationships computed for constant spheroid aspect ratio a (differential
effective medium [DEM] models) and for constant dry pore space stiffness. (B) Dry pore space stiffness plotted as a function of porosity for
a calcitic rock containing spheroidal inclusions of various aspect ratio a. Computations are based on a DEM approach. Note the decreasing
trend of dry pore stiffness with increasing porosity, regardless of the pore aspect ratio. (C) Dry pore space stiffness plotted as a function of
porosity for a rock of various mineralogical compositions and containing spheroidal pores of constant aspect ratio a = 0.15. (D)
Compressional wave (P-wave) velocity plotted as a function of porosity for a calcitic rock containing brine-saturated spheroidal pores of
various aspect ratio a (DEM models: full) and compared with the time average equation. Note that up to a porosity of 30%, the time average
equation approximates DEM models for spheroidal inclusions of aspect ratio ranging from 0.10 to 0.15. (E) The P-wave velocity deviation
plotted as a function of porosity for a calcitic rock containing spheroidal inclusions of various aspect ratio a. Computations are based on
a DEM approach. Note the significant increase in velocity deviation with increasing porosity for pore aspect ratios greater than 0.15 and less
than 0.10. (F) The P-wave velocity deviation plotted as a function of porosity for a rock of various mineralogical compositions and containing
spheroidal pores of constant aspect ratio a = 0.15.

1368 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

Figure 21. (A) Cross plot of
dry pore stiffness and porosity for
samples with dominant intercrys-
talline or intergranular macropores.
(B) Cross plot of compressional
wave (P-wave) velocity deviation
and porosity for samples with
dominant intercrystalline or inter-
granular macropores. (C) Cross plot
of dry pore stiffness and porosity for
microporous samples. (D) Cross
plot of P–-wave velocity deviation
and porosity for microporous
samples. (E) Cross plot of dry pore
stiffness and porosity for samples
with dominant moldic macropores.
(F) Cross plot of P-wave velocity
deviation and porosity for samples
with dominant moldic macropores.
IC = intercrystalline macroporosity
in porous dolosparite; IG1 = inter-
skeletal macroporosity in coquina;
IG2 = intergranular macroporosity
in a densely packed granular sedi-
ment; IG3 = secondary pseudofe-
nestral intergranular macroporosity
after matrix leaching; IG4 = partially
cemented intergranular macro-
porosity in a granular sediment;
MP1 = intercrystalline microporos-
ity in densely packed or cemented
(= mosaic) micrite; MP2 = in-
tercrystalline and vuggy micro-
porosity in porous, loosely packed
recrystallized euhedral/subhedral
micrite; MP3 = interparticle and
vuggy microporosity in leached,
subrounded, coalescent micrite;
MP4 = interparticle microporosity
in porous, coccolithophorid-derived
euhedral micrite; MV1 = moldic
porosity in a cemented, flat-
shaped bivalve coquina; MV2 =
moldic to vuggy porosity in
a cemented grainstone-rudstone
with nearly spherical grains.

representative of the compressibility of individual for a dolomitic host compared with a calcitic host.
pores. In addition, as illustrated by Figure 20C, the One consequence of the strong dependence of the
dry pore space stiffness also depends on the mineral dry pore space stiffness on porosity and mineralogy is
content of the solid host: at a given porosity and for its limited ability to discriminate pore type associa-
a given pore shape, the dry pore space stiffness is higher tions in contrast to aK, in the case of carbonate rocks


with wide ranges of porosity and mineral composition whereas for a given pore type association, there is no
such as the presalt spherulitic reservoirs (Figure 21A) trend of changing aK with porosity. Such an effect
or the lower Cretaceous microporous limestones clearly indicates that in presalt spherulitic carbonates
from Provence and Gargano (Figure 21C). porosity changes are coupled with changes in pore
The equivalent aspect ratio derived from the types. The decrease in aK is related to a transition from
shear moduli appears to be also independent of po- samples with dominant pseudofenestral (IG3) porosity
rosity (Figures 13–15) and mineralogy (Figure 13D, to samples with dominant intercrystalline (IC) or in-
E). It generally displays narrower ranges of varia- tergranular porosity in densely packed sediment (IG2).
tion and has a variable potential for pore type dis- Decreasing trends of aK with decreasing porosity in
crimination. In the Urgonian and Gargano limestone spherulitic reservoirs may be, therefore, related to an
case studies, similar pore type domains can be iden- infill of the pseudofenestral pore space by dolomite
tified from both aK–porosity and am–porosity plots rhombs or by an increase in spherulite grain packing.
(Figure 15). In contrast, for the presalt coquinas In dominantly microporous carbonates, aK–porosity
(Figure 13) and spherulitic reservoirs (Figure 14) the relationships help quantifying the effect of diagenetic
am parameter does not allow the various pore types processes when changes in porosity are related to changes
to be distinguished. In a general way, samples with in pore structure. Low-porosity (0%–7%) mosaic mi-
dominant intergranular and intercrystalline porosity crites (MP1 micropore type) result from cementation of
together with samples dominated with microporos- the intercrystalline micropore space (Fournier et al.,
ity show am values typically less than 0.2 (Figures 2011) and correspond to low (0.05–0.16) aK values. In
13–15). In contrast, samples with dominant contrast, intercrystalline and vuggy microporosity in
rounded moldic porosity exhibit a large range of am euhedral to subhedral micritic medium (MP2 micro-
values (0.08–0.65). In the samples from the Urgonian pore type) developed by dissolution and neomorphism
and Gargano limestones, where am values are typically of a microporous micrite precursor and is associated to
high (>0.13 and up to 0.65), moldic porosity is typi- higher porosity (6%–21%) and aK values (0.13–0.24).
cally located in tightly cemented grainstones (Figures Finally, highly microporous subrounded to coalescent
10B, 12B). In contrast, in the presalt spherulitic micrites with MP3 micropore types result from the
and coquinas reservoirs, where am values are low dissolution of a calcitic micrite precursor with MP2
to moderate (0.08–0.20), moldic porosity is com- micropore type. The latter diagenetic transformation
monly associated with preserved intergranular porosity led to a significant increase in porosity (17%–26%) and
(Figure 7F) or intercrystalline porosity (Figure 9F). The moderate increase in aK. The aK–porosity plots may
occurrence of well-connected interparticle microand be, therefore, used to detect selected diagenetic
macropores may, therefore, strongly lower the shear pathways (microcementation, neomorphism, and
moduli and the am values, even if present in minor leaching) affecting microporous carbonates from
proportions. As a consequence, although aK appears well logs if training data sets (e.g., integrated pet-
to be mainly controlled by dominant pore types that rographic analysis and acoustic measurements from
can be easily captured by petrographic analysis of rocks cores) are available.
(thin sections, SEM), am may be strongly influenced
by the occurrence of quantitatively minor pore
types or by more subtle microstructural elements that Pore Type Detection from Acoustic Data:
may require more quantitative approaches (e.g., com- Relevance of the Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio
puted tomography [CT] scan, nuclear magnetic
resonance [NMR]) to be characterized.
Uncertainties on Pore Type Domain Predictions
Uncertainties on pore type prediction from EPAR
depend mainly of the calibration between petro-
Depositional and Diagenetic Trends in
Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio–Porosity Plot graphic parameters and acoustic properties. They are,
therefore, dependent on the database used for the
In presalt spherulitic reservoirs, an overall trend of aK calibration and on the pore types present in the
decrease with porosity decrease is visible (Figure 14A), studied reservoir. For example, in the spherulitic

1370 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

Figure 22. Blind test of pore type detection from the equivalent pore aspect ratio (EPAR) approach on a cored interval from a presalt spherulitic reservoir (Lower Cretaceous, offshore

Brazil): a 92% match is achieved between pore type domains derived from EPAR calculations and those resulting from core and thin section analysis. The equivalent aspect ratio aK has
been calculated from compressional and shear wave sonic logs, porosity, and mineralogical logs (derived from quantitative interpretation of well logs). IC = intercrystalline macroporosity
in porous dolosparite; IG2 = intergranular macroporosity in a densely packed granular sediment; IG3 = secondary pseudofenestral intergranular macroporosity after matrix leaching;
MV2 = moldic to vuggy porosity in a cemented grainstone-rudstone with nearly spherical grains.

reservoirs from the presalt, the results of the cali- correspond to positive deviations and (2) intercrystal-
bration between petrographic parameters and EPAR line macroporosity (IC), intercrystalline micro-porosity
indicate that 95% of the samples with aK less than in mosaic micrite (MP1), and intergranular pores in
0.13 belong to IG2 or IC pore class (= pore type coquinas (IG1) as well as in densely packed spherulites
domain I). For aK ranging from 0.13 to 0.18, 90% of (IG2) display low to moderate aK values (0.05-0.15)
the samples belong to IG3 pore class (= pore type and display zero to negative deviation (Figure 21B,
domain II), whereas for aK > 0.18, 100% of the D). However, the main differences between the results
samples have a dominant moldic to vuggy (MV2) from the present database and the Anselmetti and
porosity (= pore type domain III). One can, there- Eberli (1999) predictions are (1) MP2, MP3, and MP4
fore, expect a prediction of the pore type domain micropore types correspond to significantly posi-
with a confidence level greater than 90%, by using tive deviations (Figure 21B), (2) pseudofenestral in-
the EPAR approach on presalt spherulitic reser- tergranular porosity (IG3) exhibits also highly
voirs. This is confirmed by the blind test (Figure 22) positive deviations (Figure 21D), and (3) moldic
performed on a cored interval (not integrated in the pores in flat-shaped bivalve coquinas (MV1) show neg-
calibration phase) because it displays a 92% match ative deviations (Figure 21F). These differences illus-
between observed and predicted dominant pore trate the large diversity of pore network structures and
type domains. Mismatches between EPAR-based acoustic signatures within a given pore type class such as
predictions and observed pore types occur mainly intergranular, moldic, or intercrystalline. In addition,
at the transition between diagenetic zones (char- the velocity deviation can be used to predict pore types
acterized by distinct porosity, pore type, and min- only for a given lithology and at a fixed porosity. In-
eralogy) and are largely caused by an effect of well deed, a major limitation of the deviation log approach
log vertical resolution. is its strong dependence on porosity and mineral-
ogy. For a given mineralogy (e.g., calcitic), veloc-
ity deviation values significantly vary with porosity
Comparison with Velocity Deviation Methods changes (Figure 20E). If one considers an idealized
The variability of velocity values at a given porosity is spheroidal pore of aspect ratio greater than 0.15,
known to reflect the different rock-physical signatures the velocity deviation is very low at low porosity
of pore types (Anselmetti and Eberli, 1993; Eberli (<10%) and becomes significantly positive (>500 m/s
et al., 2003). The velocity deviation log (Anselmetti [1640 ft/s]) at higher porosity. In addition, as illus-
and Eberli, 1999) that calculates the departure of trated in Figure 20F, at a fixed porosity and for a given
the sonic velocity from the velocity predicted by the pore shape (e.g., a spheroid with an aspect ratio of
Wyllie time average equation (Wyllie et al., 1956) 0.15), velocity deviation is higher in dolostones com-
for a given porosity and mineralogy is used to quantify pared with limestones. The overlap between velocity
the variability of velocities at equal porosity and to deviation in spherulitic reservoirs with high dolomite
predict pore types from well logs. The velocity de- content (IC pore type) and those, dominantly calcitic,
viation was shown to be zero for carbonates with with pseudofenestral porosity (IG3 pore type) illus-
poorly intergranular or intercrystalline porosity, trates such a mineralogic dependence (Figure 21B).
whereas positive deviations were revealed to be caused As a consequence, the equivalent aspect ratios that
by stiff pores such as moldic or intrafossil porosity. As are not dependent on porosity and mineralogy should
illustrated in Figure 20D for a purely calcitic rock and provide more refined predictions of pore types in
for porosities ranging from 0% to 30%, the P-wave carbonates than the velocity deviation approach.
velocity–porosity relationship predicted by the Wyllie
time average equation is very close to the DEM models Relevance of the Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio for Elastic
of oblate spheroidal pore inclusions for an almost Properties Modeling of Carbonate Rocks
constant aspect ratio (0.10–0.13). The results of the The Xu and Payne (2009) approach has been proven
present database are, therefore, consistent with some to be a powerful method for the quantification of the
of the findings of Anselmetti and Eberli (1999): (1) pore shape effect on carbonate acoustic properties
nearly spherical moldic pores (MV2) are characterized and for the inversion of pore type from acoustic
by high equivalent aspect ratios (aK typically >0.15) and measurements and seismic data (Zhao et al., 2013). In

1372 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

the model, the total pore volume is divided into four Xu–Payne approaches are therefore highly comple-
pore types: (1) clay-related pores, (2) interparticle mentary if, for each carbonate case study, the petro-
pores, (3) microcracks, and (4) stiff pores. One graphic or diagenetic nature and the corresponding
limitation of the Xu–Payne approach is the diffi- equivalent aspect ratio of the reference pores as well as
culty to link such predefined pore types with actual that of stiff and soft pore end-members are calibrated.
pore networks and with petrographic or diagenetic
features of carbonate rocks. In this approach, in- Petroacoustic Signature of Carbonates:
terparticle pores are considered as reference pores What Kind of Pore Typing Approach Should
and are assumed to correspond to aspect ratios We Adopt?
averaging 0.15. Such a value is close to the narrow
range of equivalent aspect ratios representing the The detection of pore types from acoustic properties
time average equation (0.10–0.13) in a calcitic, is highly dependent on the adopted pore type clas-
siliceous, and dolomitic host and therefore to the sification. As evidenced by Weger et al. (2009), the
reference pore definition of Anselmetti and Eberli traditional Choquette and Pray (1970) classification is
(1999). In the present study, reference pores are not suitable for discriminating properly pore types
defined as pores with equivalent aspect ratios aK trends from velocity–porosity relationships. The
ranging from 0.10 and 0.15 to integrate the ranges of present database and the use of the equivalent aspect
the velocity deviation and Xu–Payne approaches. ratio approach have shown that a given Choquette
As previously discussed, interparticle pores may and Pray pore type may include a variety of pore
actually include a wide range of pore structure and network structures and a wide range of acoustic
acoustic behavior from soft (IG1 and IG2) to stiff signatures (Figures 17, 18). For instance, the
(IG4) pores (Figure 17). As a consequence, a correct interparticle pore type class includes very soft pore
use of the Xu–Payne approach requires an accurate networks (IG1 and IG2) but also very stiff pore
petrographic and diagenetic definition of the so- spaces (IG4). The acoustic properties of carbonates
called reference pores. According to Xu and Payne with dominant microporosity have been commonly
(2009), the reference line is assumed to model the reported to be fairly well modeled by time average
compressional-wave velocity–porosity relation- equation and such a pore type has been assumed to
ship for a rock containing only interparticle pores represent a reference pore type (Anselmetti and
that are regarded as reference pores. From the Eberli, 1999; Eberli et al., 2003; Weger et al., 2009).
present database, reference pores (i.e., samples with However, if one considers the diversity of micropore
equivalent aspect ratio ~0.15) could correspond to structures that can be integrated within the definition
various actual pore types such as pseudofenestral of microporosity sensu Choquette and Pray (1970),
pores (IG3) or micropores (MP1 and MP2). Sam- more diverse acoustic behaviors can be observed.
ples with velocities above the reference line are Micropores have been commonly considered to be
considered to contain stiff pores that are modeled softer than most macropore inclusions (i.e., Fournier
as spheroids with high aspect ratio and assumed and Borgomano, 2009; Weger et al., 2009; Lima Neto
to represent rounded molds or vugs. From our et al., 2014). From the present study, only the in-
database such samples would represent carbonate tercrystalline microporosity in densely packed euhedral
rocks containing dominant rounded moldic pores or to subhedral micrite (MP1) can be regarded as ranging
vugs (MV2) or also partially cemented intergranular from soft to reference pore (equivalent aspect ratio
pores (IG4). In contrast, samples with velocities ranging from 0.10 to 0.15). In contrast, mixed inter-
below the reference line are considered to contain crystalline and vuggy microporosity (MP2 and MP3
a mixture of reference pores and microcracks. As micropore types) belong to the stiff pore domain. Such
a consequence, flat-shaped bivalve coquina reser- contrasting behaviors are consistent with the results of
voirs with preserved intergranular space (IG1) or El Husseiny and Vanorio (2015), who demonstrated
with moldic pores (MV1) as well as spherulitic car- that micopororosity in carbonates can make the rock
bonates with dominant intercrystalline porosity (IC) either compliant or stiffer. Finally, only rounded moldic
or densely packed intergranular porosity (IG2) might pores (MV2) can be considered as stiff pores (pores with
be misinterpreted as cracked rocks. The EPAR and equivalent aspect ratio >0.15), whereas moldic pores in


Figure 23. Effect of selected
petrographic parameters (grain
shape, grain packing, grain con-
tact, and cements) on equivalent
pore aspect ratio calculated from
well log–derived bulk modulus
(aK) for carbonates with domi-
nant intergranular porosity and
link with pore type classification.
IG1 = interskeletal macroporosity
in coquina; IG2 = intergranular
macroporosity in a densely packed
granular sediment; IG3 = sec-
ondary pseudofenestral inter-
granular macroporosity after
matrix leaching; IG4 = partially
cemented intergranular macro-
porosity in a granular sediment.

flat-shaped bivalve coquinas (MV1) can be regarded as As evidenced for coquina reservoirs, the inter-
ranging from soft to reference pores. granular pores in poorly cemented flat-shaped bivalve
As a consequence, to construct a pore type clas- rudstones (IG1) are flat pores whose shape is obvi-
sification that is relevant for the detection of pore- ously controlled by the morphology of the skeletal
related petroacoustic signatures in carbonates, a set of grains. The low equivalent aspect ratios aK for IG1
petrographic parameters that are believed to affect the pore type is related to the high compressibility of such
acoustic properties of rocks must be integrated. In such flat pores. Low aK values for IG2 pore types are in-
an approach, the Choquette and Pray pore type classes terpreted to result from the very narrow pore space
represent a first-order ranking in the proposed located between densely packed spherulites and ad-
classification. As previously discussed, equivalent ditionally to local calcite dissolution at the sutured
aspect ratios represent an index of the pore-related grain contact. Equivalent aspect ratio aK in secondary
petroacoustic signature of carbonate rocks and are fun- pseudofenestral pores (IG3) ranges from reference
damentally controlled by the pore network architecture. pore values (0.10–0.15) to stiff pore values (>0.15).
For the interparticle pore type class, four main petro- Such a variability is interpreted to result from dif-
graphic parameters are integrated in the pore type ferent dominant grain contacts: pseudofenestral
classification: (1) grain shape, (2) grain contact, (3) spherulitic reservoirs are stiffer for dominantly long
grain packing, and (4) nature of cements. grain contacts and softer for point contacts. In

1374 Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio of Carbonate Reservoirs

addition, the relatively loose packing of spherulite is effect on acoustic properties of carbonate rocks
the origin of the formation of relatively large and and for the detection of pore types from porosity and
equant pores (pseudofenestral pores) after stevensite acoustic measurements.
dissolution, thus enhancing the stiffness of such an
intergranular pore space. Finally, the isopacheous 1. The equivalent aspect ratio derived from the bulk
and drusy calcite cementation around grains signifi- modulus (aK) can be regarded as a proxy of the
cantly stiffen the contact between grains and tends also stiffness of individual pores and is independent of
to form equant pores in the center of the intergranular the density of pores and of the solid host mineralogy.
pores (IG4). Both of these parameters enhance the 2. The aK is controlled by the pore network and solid
stiffness of the intergranular pores and therefore favor network architectures.
high aK values. In contrast, patchy cementation has no 3. The independence of aK with regard to porosity
significant effect on the equivalent aspect ratio because and mineralogy makes this approach a relevant tool
it does not modify the pore network structures of the for detecting pore types in carbonates reservoirs
residual pores in noncemented area. In Figure 23, the with wide ranges of porosity values and mineral-
main factors controlling the acoustic signature of in- ogic compositions.
tergranular pores and their effect on the equivalent
aspect ratio aK are summarized. The present work revealed that the terms “ref-
Similarly, three dominant factors are interpreted erence pores” as well as “stiff pores” and “soft pores”
to affect the acoustic signature of micropores: (1) may represent a large variety of actual pore types. A
morphology, (2) packing, and (3) coalescence of mi- major recommendation regarding petroacoustic mod-
crite particles. As discussed by Fournier et al. (2011), eling in carbonates is to calibrate, for each case study, the
euhedral micrite microfabrics favor the development petrographic or diagenetic nature and the corresponding
of flat, narrow, and, therefore, compressible in- equivalent aspect ratio of the reference pores and of the
tercrystalline micropores between the plane crystal stiff and soft pore domains.
faces, particularly in the case of a dense packing of mi- Finally, the success of pore type detection methods
crite particles (mosaic micrite). Subhedral to subrounded appears to be highly dependent on the adopted pore
micrite microfabrics may be regarded as reference pores type classification. The Choquette and Pray (1970)
by analogy with intergranular macroporosity in poorly pore type scheme includes too large of a variety of
consolidated sands. The development of secondary pore network structures to be correctly discriminated
microvugs within micrite matrix or micritized grains from acoustic and porosity data.
leads to the apparition of larger, equant pores, thus The present study shows that the quantification
enhancing the stiffness of such a micropore network. of the pore type effect on acoustic properties requires
In addition, micrite coalescence tends to stiffen the a pore type classification scheme that includes additional
contact between micrite particles and, therefore, in- petrographic parameters such as grain and pore shape,
creases the micropore space stiffness. nature of grain contact, occurrence and nature of ce-
Finally, from the present study, the shape of dis- ments, and packing of particles (allochems and crystals).
solved allochems (from flat-shaped to nearly spher- Further challenges in the EPAR approach will be (1) to
ical) appears to represent the dominant control on the determine the microstructural factors affecting the am
acoustic signature of moldic pores. parameter, (2) to integrate NMR and CT scan analyses
(pore size distribution and pore shapes) to quantita-
CONCLUSION tively support the descriptive pore type classification,
and (3) to test the applicability of the proposed pore
An extensive database of laboratory and subsurface type detection approach for seismic data.
acoustic measurements coupled with a detailed
petrographic analysis of carbonate rock samples pro-
vided new insights into the acoustic signature of pore
types in carbonate reservoirs from various depositional Abrahão, D., and J. E. Warme, 1990, Lacustrine and associ-
and diagenetic settings. The EPAR appears to be ated deposits in a rifted continental margin-Lower Creta-
a relevant method for quantifying the pore type ceous Lagoa Feia formation, campos basin, offshore Brazil, in


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