Text MC SKK 2019: Assalamu'alaikumwr - WB

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Inggris: Merah

Indonesia: Hitam

Text MC SKK 2019


Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillahirabbilalaamiin


Waalaaaliihiwahsohbihiadzma’iin. Ammaba’du

The Honourable,

The Honourable, Sahabat Ahmad Sabiqul Musofa as the Principle of PMII Metro.

The Honourable, Sahabat Wulandari as the Principle of KOPRI PMII Metro.

The Honourable, Sahabat Lailatus Safitri as the Head of Organizing Committee.

And all of the audience.

First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of his blesses and mercies,
we can come together, without any obstacle here with healthy condition.

Secondly, Praise and salutation always be upon to our prophet, Muhammad

SAW, the last messenger, the best figure of this universe. The person who was able to
save us from the darkness to the lightness.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are “Master of Ceremony”. We would like to bring you in the
great agenda namely “Opening Ceremony of Sekolah Kader KOPRI” with the theme
“Intelektual Muda Sebagai Generasi Emas Berencana”

Ladies and gentlemen, ..............................

1. For the first agenda is Opening. Lets open our agenda by reciting ummul qitab
together. Li Rridhooillahifisyafa’atiRasulillahsya’iulillahilahumulfatihah

2. The next agenda is reading holy qur’an. Please Welcome to Fahmi Aly as the reader of
holy qur’an.

3. The next agenda is singing the National Athem of Indonesia and Mars PMII. For
the audience I please you to come forward.
4. The third agenda is some speeches. The first speaker, please welcome to sahabat
Lailatus Safitri as the head of project. Time is yours

For the second speaker, please welcome ...........................as.....................Time is yours.

For the third speaker, please welcome ...........................as.....................Time is yours.

Thank you for the speaker who give great speeches. May it will be usefull. Ladies and
gentlemen... going to the next agenda.

5. Next agenda is praying. Please for Sahabat Billy Fatkhur Rohman to come forward to
lead the praying.
6. Well, for the last agenda is Closing. Let us close this agenda by reciting
hamdallah together.

Finally, from the deep of our heart we do an apologize for all of the mistakes while in
presenting this event. Thank you very much for your great attention and…

Wallahul Muafieq Ilaa Aqwamith Thorieq

Wassalamualaikumwr. Wb.

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