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Mayur Agrawal, Subodh Gawade, Jagrutee Gawande, K.T.Talele

Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
Mumbai, INDIA

Abstract—Modulated Complex Lapped Transform defined by p (n, k) = pc (n, k) − j ps (n, k), where j is an
(MCLT) is a complex extension of the modulated lapped imaginary number and
pcn, k =  hn cos[n + k +  ]
transform (MLT). MCLT is a particular kind of a 2x π
oversampled generalized DFT filter bank, whose real part
corresponds to MLT. This property is used for efficient  
psn, k =  hn sin[n + k +  ]
noise cancellation, noise reduction and coding. For a  
length-M MCLT, the direct transform algorithm is based Where h (n) is the window function. Thus, we can also write
on computing a length-2M fast Fourier transform (FFT) X (k) = Xc (k) − j Xs (k), with j=√−1
plus M butterfly-like stages, without data shuffling. That
reduces the number of operations and memory accesses Xck = ∑ 
 xnpcn, k (3)
needed to compute the MCLT.
We see that Xc (k), the cosine components of X (k), are the
Keywords-mclt MLT of x (n). The window h (n) can be designed in many
ways, and a common choice is,
The modulated complex lapped transform (MCLT) is a hn = − sin[n +  ] (4)
cosine-modulated filter bank that maps overlapping blocks 

of a real-valued signal into complex-valued blocks of

The inverse MCLT can be computed via the reconstruction
transform coefficients. Thus, the MCLT performs a
Yn = βc ∑
$ Xckpcn, k + βs ∑$ Xskpsn, k (5)
frequency decomposition that is similar to that obtained 
with the commonly-used Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
filter bank. The main advantage of the MCLT over DFT
filter banks is that the MCLT allows for three simple Where the coefficients β c and β s can be chosen in several
reconstruction formulas, using all coefficients, only the ways:
cosine coefficients or only the sine coefficients. That can be (1) βc = 1 and βs = 0 (cosine only)
useful in audio enhancement and encoding systems; for (2) βc = 0 and βs = 1 (sine only)
example a noise reduction module can be implemented in (3) βc = βs = ½
the MCLT domain, and after enhancement only the cosine
coefficients need to be sent to an encoder. In fact, the
MCLT cosine coefficients comprise the modulated lapped One disadvantage of the fast MCLT algorithm is that it does
transform (MLT) coefficients for the same signal, and the not use a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) directly. It maps the
MLT is quite popular in audio coding [1]. In MLT, the MCLT into DCT-IVs, which can be computed via length-M/2
transform coefficients are real and so they do not explicitly complex FFTs, but through a process that requires data
carry any phase information. The MCLT has been used in shuffling. Data shuffling means additional data buffer reads
applications where magnitude-phase decomposition is and writes, which can take a considerable fraction of the total
needed, as well as interfacing to coding systems, such as in processing time, especially in general-purpose processors,
audio watermarking, audio stream identification, acoustic where access to data memory is relatively slow (compared to
echo cancellation and microphone array beam forming. access to internal CPU registers). We now describe a new
MCLT algorithm that uses a single length-2M real FFT, with
no additional data shuffling. We start by assuming that M is
II. MODULATED COMPLEX LAPPED TRANSFORM even, and that the window function h (n) is the common sine
A length-M MCLT of a length-2M signal block x (n) is window, which can be written as a sum of two complex
defined by [1] exponentials.
Xk = ∑ 
 xn ∗ pn, k (1)
 ! (
ℎ& = − sin[& +  ' ] = − [)8+2& + 1 −
Where the frequency index k varies from 0 to M – 1, n is the )8+−2& − 1] (6)
time index, and p (n, k) are the analysis basis functions,
Where WM(r) is the common notation for the complex
exponential used in Fourier transforms, namely

( π.
WM(r)= exp  
On further calculation we get,

X(k) = jV(k) + V(k+1) (7)

V(k) = c(k) * U(k) (8)
c(k) = W8(2k + 1) * W4M(k)

/0 =  ∗ ∑ '
2 1& ∗ )2+0& (9)
We recognize U (k) as a normalized2 2M-point FFT of the
input block x (n). Then, it is clear from (7) and (8) that the Figure 2: Flow graph of the new fast inverse MCLT algorithm. The
input MCLT coefficients are combined to form a new set of
MCLT coefficients X(k) can be obtained by first computing coefficients; those are then sent to an inverse real FFT to generate the
the FFT of the input vector to obtain U(k) and then output signal. Arrows with hollow heads mean multiplication by –j,
performing the additional operations with the factors c(k), as and the shaded boxes represent the special mappings in.
shown in Figure 1. The coefficients c (k) satisfy |c (k)| = 1, 0.4
Input Signal

thus they are rotation operations [2]. That guarantees good

numerical properties of the algorithm, i.e. rounding errors
due to fixed- precision arithmetic have a minimal influence 0.2

on the final result.




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
x 10

Figure 3: Signal corrupted by echo

Figure 1: Flowgraph of the fast MCLT algorithm

Similar calculations and derivation is done for inverse
MCLT. The flow graph for inverse MCLT is

Figure 4: Signal obtained after applying MCLT

using FFT
Output Signal









0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
x 10

Figure 5: Noise Reduction by MCLT.

Thus we have implemented noise reducer using MCLT with

spectral subtraction [3]. The original speech was captured
near a noisy PC. We can see that the SNR is very low for
the above signal. In the result it shows that the SNR has
considerably increased & noise also reduced. More
importantly, the processed file has fewer artifacts than the
results obtained by using standard DFT filter banks.

A new filter bank structure with complex-valued sub-bands,
which is referred to as MCLT - modulated complex lapped
transform is introduced. The MCLT is a simple extension of
the MLT, obtained by using both cosine and sine
modulations. This generates a subband structure that is 2x
oversampled in the frequency domain, because for every
new M real valued input samples the MCLT computes the
MCLT complex-valued frequency components. Using the
DCT-IV and DST-IV, we present fast algorithms for the
MCLT. They show that the MCLT has about twice the
complexity of the MLT

[1] H. S. Malvar, “A modulated complex lapped transform

and its applications to audio processing,” Proc. Int. Conf.
Acoust., Speech, Signal Process., Phoenix, AZ, Mar.
1999, pp.1421–1424.
[2] H. S. Malvar, Signal Processing with Lapped
Transforms. Boston, MA: Artech House, 1992.

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