Activity#1: The Boss'S Daughter As Applicant

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As a head of the Human-Resource Department, you received a phone call from your
boss who was also the board president and your godfather, asking to determine
whether or not you received his daughter’s application for a current job opening. You
indicated that it had, indeed, come in, but that the closing date for the paperwork/filing
of applications had passed. “oh”, he said, “you are not going to let a qualified
candidate be excluded because of a closing date, are you?” Then he added quickly,
“but let me not interfere. As you hung up the phone, you replayed the conversation in
your mind and pondered the implications. Later that day, your senior manager asked
to see you. Despite offering him a chair, he choose to stand by the door that he had
just closed and said, “I hear that the boss daughter has applied for the opening. You
are going to consider her, are you? She worked here years ago, and there were
problems. The place will be up in arms if you take her back”. He smilingly added, “I
just wanted to let you know and to help”. Then he turned on his heel and left.


If you were faced with this situation, how are you going to resolve the dilemma?

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