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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (2012) 239–243

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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / j e s p


Can happy mood reduce the just world bias? Affective influences on blaming
the victim
Liz Goldenberg ⁎, Joseph P. Forgas
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Do temporary moods influence people's tendency to blame victims for undeserved negative events? Based on
Received 22 December 2010 research on the just world effect and recent affect theories, this experiment predicted and found that positive
Revised 23 May 2011 mood decreased and negative mood increased people's motivation to blame innocent victims for their
Available online 23 July 2011
misadventures. Participants (N = 70) were induced into positive or negative mood by viewing films, and
subsequently read a newspaper article describing a random assault on either a fellow student (in-group
Social judgment
member) or a corporate employee (out-group member). Their reactions were assessed on three measures:
Mood attributions of responsibility, dissociation from the victim and character evaluations. Positive mood reduced
Attribution and negative mood increased the tendency to blame the victim, and in-group victims were blamed more than
Just world bias out-group victims. These results are discussed in terms of recent theories of affect and motivation, and their
implications for real-life social judgments are considered.
© 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction outcomes they deserve. Evidence that challenges the ‘just world’ view –
such as innocent persons being victimized – constitute a profound
Is the world a just place? Although we all would prefer to think so, psychological threat to this belief (Hafer, 2000). Motivated defensive
our belief in a just and predictable world is often challenged by news strategies, such as blaming the victim, may help to restore a sense of
that innocent people may suffer terrible misfortunes. According to the justice and predictability to one's world view. By blaming a victim a
fascinating literature on the ‘just world’ effect, people often cope with person can also bolster the cherished belief in individual mastery,
such threatening information by, paradoxically, blaming innocent reassuring themselves that it is within their power to avoid similar
victims for their misadventures (Lerner & Simmons, 1966; Lerner, misfortunes by acting differently (Dalbert, 2001).
1980). Although affect is likely to play an important role in motivated Several motivated justice-preservation strategies have been identi-
cognition in general (Trope, Igou, & Burke, 2006) and the ‘just world’ bias fied in the literature, such as attributing responsibility internally (to the
in particular (Lerner, Goldberg, & Tetlock, 1998; Thornton, 1984), there victim), dissociating from the victim, and forming negative character
has been no prior research on how pre-existing positive or negative evaluations (for a review, see Hafer & Begue, 2005). We shall look at all
moods may influence the motivation to blame victims. This experiment three measures here, and for our purposes, the term ‘blame’ will be used
sought to demonstrate that positive mood may reduce, and negative to refer to all three of these justice-preservation strategies.
mood increase the tendency to blame victims for their misfortunes. Belief in a just world is also positively related to psychological
adjustment and the ability to cope with one's misfortunes (Dalbert, 1999,
2001, 2002). People often experience negative affect when events
The just world effect challenge their belief in a just world (Lerner & Goldberg, 1999), and
blaming the victim is likely to be partly motivated by the need to alleviate
Although the term victim implies an innocent person suffering an the aversive affective state produced by encounters with injustice
adverse outcome, the idea that misfortunes are causally linked to a (Lerner & Goldberg, 1999; Thornton, 1984). It seems highly likely then
person's past transgressions has long been dominant in intuitive that pre-existing affective states may also influence just world
reasoning and in religious and moral theorising. Lerner (1980) attributions, yet this effect has not been examined previously. Instead
proposed the first psychological explanation for the seemingly of focusing on the affective consequences of exposure to such events, this
irrational ‘blaming the victim’ effect, suggesting that humans possess experiment will explore how antecedent positive and negative moods
a basic need to believe that the world is a just place and people get the may influence the tendency to blame victims for their misfortunes.
Thus, this study extends the recent literature on mood effects on
⁎ Corresponding author. judgments to a new domain, just world attributions. For the purposes
E-mail address: (L. Goldenberg). of this research, we may define moods as “low-intensity, diffuse, and

0022-1031/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
240 L. Goldenberg, J.P. Forgas / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (2012) 239–243

relatively enduring affective states without a salient antecedent cause information in their judgments (Bower, 1981; Forgas, 2002, 2006;
and little cognitive content” (Forgas, 1992, p.230). We focus on moods Forgas & Bower, 1987). Thus, as a result of mood congruence, positive
rather than emotions here, as mood states are more likely to be mood should reduce people's tendency to selectively encode and
subconscious, enduring and have more reliable and enduring remember the details of aversive events, decreasing the need to
judgmental consequences (Forgas, 2002) than do context-specific engage in defensive attributions.
emotions (Forgas, 2006). All three affect theories considered here lead to a convergent
Past research on the blaming the victim effect also found that prediction that positive affect should reduce, and negative affect should
defensive attributions are more likely when the victim is an in-group increase people's tendency to engage in defensive justice-preservation
member rather than an out-group member (Aguiar, Vala, Correia, & strategies by blaming the victim. However, as the blaming the victim
Pereira, 2008; Correia, Vala, & Aguiar, 2007), as the misfortunes of in- effect is largely a motivated bias intended to reduce discomfort and
group victims present a greater threat to one's just world beliefs restore the belief in a just world, the motivated mood as resource theory
(Correia & Vala, 2003). As the victim becomes more similar to the seems the most likely to apply here. In an attempt to obtain selective
observer, the threat to the belief in personal mastery and a just world evidence about these alternative theories, and clarify the mechanisms
increases. In the present study victim group membership was also responsible for the predicted effects, memory data (relevant to
manipulated by describing the victim as either an in-group member evaluating the mood congruence account) and processing latency data
(fellow student) or as an out-group member (corporate employee). (relevant to evaluating the information processing account) will also be
Extrapolating from previous findings, we expected that in-group collected here. Further, we also expected that in-group victims should
victims should be blamed more than strangers. be blamed more than out-group victims.

Mood effects on blaming the victim Method

Mood states have significant cognitive as well as motivational Overview, participants, and design
consequences for social judgments and behaviors (Forgas, 2006).
Recent research shows that moods can influence the valence of the 70 students (51 females and 19 males) participated in the
information people rely on (congruence effects; Bower & Forgas, experiment for course credit. The session was introduced as comprising
2001; Forgas, 1995, 2002), how they process information (processing two ‘unrelated’ studies, (a) a film evaluation study (in fact, the mood
effects; Bless & Fiedler, 2006), as well as influencing people's induction) and (b) a study of social judgments (in fact, the just world
motivational resources to cope with threatening information (mood study). First, participants watched either the positive or negative mood
as a resource effects; Ragunathan & Trope, 2002). While most prior induction video. Next, they read a newspaper article describing a
studies focused on the cognitive consequences of moods (Forgas, physical attack on either a fellow university student (in-group
1998), motivational effects received far less attention. There is some condition) or a corporate employee (out-group condition), and then
evidence that negative affect is one of the consequences of exposure provided judgments on three measures: attribution of responsibility,
to information that challenges just world beliefs (Lerner et al., 1998; dissociation from the victim, and, character evaluations. Participants then
Thornton, 1984). Blaming the victim may thus be partly motivated by completed questionnaires designed to assess CUED recall and recogni-
the need to alleviate an aversive affective state and restore justice tion memory for the content of the newspaper article. The procedure
(Thornton, 1984). There is some evidence that mood states can concluded with a debriefing when the effectiveness of the mood
motivate quite elaborate ego-defensive strategies, such as self- induction was also assessed. The study comprised a 2 (mood: positive or
handicapping (Alter & Forgas, 2007). It is rather surprising then that negative) × 2 (group membership: in-group or out-group) between-
there has been no prior research investigating how antecedent mood subjects design.
states may influence the blaming the victim effect.
There are three main theories that suggest that moods may exert The mood induction
an important motivational as well as a cognitive influence on how just
world attributions are formed (Forgas, 2006). (1) Motivational Participants watched 10-minute edited films ‘in order to select films
accounts such as the mood as resource theory suggest that positive for a later study’. In the positive condition they saw segments from a
mood may function as a motivational resource enabling individuals to comedy (Fawlty Towers), and in the negative condition they saw
deal with potentially threatening information (Raghunathan & Trope, excerpts from a sad film (Angela's Ashes). In addition, the induced mood
2002; Trope & Neter, 1994). This model is likely to apply to just world state was further reinforced by playing mood-consistent background
judgments as positive mood may act as a resource and thus reduce the music during the experiment (Eich & Macaulay, 2000). This was
need to engage in defensive blame strategies. Conversely, negative explained to participants by the experimenter as she will be ‘listening to
mood may increase the motivation to rely on justice-preservation music while completing other work’.
strategies. Thus, as exposure to injustice produces negative affect,
positive mood should reduce, and negative mood should increase the The social judgment task
motivation for people to engage in victim blame, in an attempt to
alleviate aversive affect (Dalbert, 2001; Hafer, 2000). Next, as part of the second, social judgments study participants
Moods also have cognitive consequences, for example, by were asked to read a newspaper article on the computer screen
influencing (2) information processing styles (Bless & Fiedler, 2006). reporting a recent random physical attack in a deserted lane where
Happy persons tend to focus more on pre-existing, internal informa- the victim was assaulted and severely injured by two strangers on his
tion, processing assimilatively, while sad persons pay more attention way home one night. The article was accompanied by an emotionally
to new, outside information, processing accommodatively (Forgas, evocative picture of the bloodied victim in a hospital bed. The victim
2011; Forgas, Goldenberg, & Unkelbach, 2009; Tan & Forgas, 2010). was described either as a current student at the university (in-group
This theory also suggests that greater attention directed at external condition) or a corporate employee working in a bank (out-group
aversive events in a negative mood may also increase the tendency to condition).
engage in defensive attributions, while positive mood should reduce Immediately after reading the article participants answered a
this effect. Finally, (3) mood congruence occurs (Forgas, 2002, 2006) series of eight questions presented in a random order on the computer
when moods selectively prime mood-congruent information in screen on a 1–8 scale. The questions measured three aspects of victim
memory, and people recall and use more affectively congruent blame: two questions assessed responsibility attribution (to what
L. Goldenberg, J.P. Forgas / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (2012) 239–243 241

extent could the victim have prevented what happened, how Attribution of responsibility
responsible was the victim for what happened). Two questions The effects of mood and victim group membership on attributions
assessed dissociation from the victim (would you behave the same way were examined in a 2 (mood: positive, negative)× 2 (victim group
in the same circumstances, how likely is IT that such events could membership: in-group, out-group) ANOVA. Group membership had a
occur to a personal friend). The final four scales assessed impressions significant main effect: the victim was judged as more responsible for
of the victim on bipolar scales measuring competence, respectability, the incident when described as a fellow student rather than a corporate
likeability and self-confidence. employee (M = 5.31, SD= 1.67 vs. M = 4.2, SD= 1.74; F(1,62) = 7.17,
p b .01). This result confirms that an attack on an in-group victim was
Memory tasks and processing latencies more threatening and more likely to result in victim blame compared to
an out-group victim, consistent with a stronger just world effect. We
Memory for the information presented in the newspaper article also found a significant mood main effect in the predicted direction
was also assessed using a cued recall memory task, followed later by a (Fig. 1). Participants in the positive mood condition blamed the victim
recognition task containing 8 original statements and 8 distracter significantly less (M = 4.28, SD= 1.71) than did those in the negative
statements. The time taken to read the newspaper article and reaction mood condition (M = 5.23, SD= 1.74), F(1,62) = 5.29, p b .025.
times for the 8 judgments concerning the victim were recorded by the
computer program used to administer the task. Dissociation from the victim measure
The 2 × 2 ANOVA of the dissociation measure also revealed a
significant main effect due to in-group vs. out-group status.
Manipulation checks and debriefing
Participants dissociated themselves more from the in-group victim
(M = 5.09, SD = 2.03) than the out-group victim (M = 4.03,
A careful debriefing concluded the procedure. Participants first
SD = 1.48), F(1,62) = 6.11, p b .016. Mood also had a main effect on
completed a ‘film evaluation questionnaire’ (in fact, the mood
the dissociation measure. Participants in the positive mood condition
validation) asking them how they felt immediately after watching the
dissociated themselves less from the victim (M = 4.13, SD = 1.69)
films on four nine-point bipolar scales (happy-sad; calm-aroused; good-
than did those in the negative mood condition (M = 5.0, SD = 1.9),
bad; relaxed-tense). Participants were also asked to write down the
F(1,62) = 4.14, p b .05, once again confirming that positive mood
occupation of the victim to check the effectiveness of the in-group/out-
reduced, and negative mood increased the tendency to display the
group manipulation. Great care was taken to remove any residual mood
‘just world’ bias by blaming the victim.
Evaluation of the victim
Results We found no main effects due to group membership, F(1,62) =
1.33, p N .05, or due to mood, F(1,62) = 2.9, p N .05, on the overall
Validation of the manipulations evaluation of the victim. This result indicates the absence of a basic
mood-congruent effect on these judgments, suggesting that mood
Three participants were excluded from the analysis as they indicated effects on attributions and dissociation were more likely to be due to
suspicion about the manipulations, and three further participants were motivational effects rather than a simple mood-congruent bias, an
excluded as their English competence was inadequate, leaving 64 issue that was explored further in additional analyses.
participants in the analysis. The four mood self-rating scales were
subjected to a principal components analysis, resulting in two Additional analyses and alternative explanations
components: mood valence (happy-sad; good-bad; relaxed-tense,
VAF = 67.1%), and arousal (calm-aroused, VAF = 22.9%). Ratings on the Further analyses were conducted to clarify the mechanisms
three valence scales were combined into a single affective valence responsible for these effects and to eliminate alternative explanations.
measure (Cronbach's α = .92). A t-test on the valence measure Although the mood-as-a-resource model provides the most concep-
confirmed that participants in the positive mood condition rated tually plausible account, it is possible that people in a positive mood
themselves as significantly happier (M = 1.81, SD= 1.43) than did blamed the victim less because either they (a) processed external
those in the negative mood condition (M = −2.63, SD= 1.1; t(62) =
13.89, p b .001), confirming that the mood induction was highly
effective. The mood induction did not influence self-reported arousal
levels (M = 0.16, SD= 2.44 vs. M = −0.75, SD= 2.02; t(62) = 1.62,
p N .05). The group membership manipulation was also successful, as all
participants correctly identified the victim's occupation.

Blaming the victim

The eight scales measuring blame for the victim were subjected to
a principal components analysis (Furnham, 2003; Maes, 1998), and
three components were identified. The first component was labelled
general evaluation, marked by four scales (respectability; compe-
tence; likeability; and confidence; VAF = 34.22%) that were combined
into a single measure (Cronbach's α = .79). This component captures a
key theoretical construct identified in the literature on blaming the
victim (Gruman & Sloan, 1983; Murray & Stahly, 1987). The second
component labelled responsibility attribution consisted of two items
(responsibility; capacity to prevent incident, VAF = 23.31%; Cronba-
ch's α = .68). Finally, the third component, dissociation from the victim, Fig. 1. Mood effects on blaming the victim: positive mood decreased, and negative
consisted of two items (would behave differently; wouldn't happen to mood increased the tendency to attribute responsibility to the victim as well as
a friend; VAF = 11.87%; Cronbach's α = .62). dissociate from the victim (average judgment for in-group and out-group targets).
242 L. Goldenberg, J.P. Forgas / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (2012) 239–243

information about the incident less carefully (the information- congruent effects. As the processing latency data indicated no difference
processing explanation), or (b) their positive mood selectively primed across the mood conditions, increased blaming the victim in negative
a more optimistic, benign interpretation of the event (the mood- mood and decreased blaming in positive mood was not due to the
congruence explanation). These possibilities were explored by differential processing of the target information. Further, mood-
analysing mood effects on the processing latency and memory data. congruence also cannot explain our findings, given the absence of any
mood-congruent effects on memory and evaluative judgments.
Processing latencies Therefore, the motivational account suggesting that positive mood
An ANOVA found no significant differences in time taken to read may act as a motivational resource when dealing with threatening
the story in the positive (M = 47.91 s, SD = 13.97 s) and negative information remains the most plausible explanation for our findings
(M = 48.28 s, SD = 14.53 s) mood conditions, F(1,62) = 0.01, p N .05. (Trope & Neter, 1994). Reduced blaming the victim in a happy
Similarly, no significant differences were found between the positive compared to a sad mood is consistent with the idea that positive mood
(M = 68.91 s, SD = 27.19) and negative (M = 59.72, SD = 15.87) mood can function as a resource, allowing happy people to more effectively
conditions in the time taken to complete the judgments, F(1,62) = cope with adverse and threatening information (Raghunathan &
2.73, p N .05. Thus, neither the reading latency nor the judgmental Trope, 2002; Trope, Ferguson, & Raghunathan, 2000). Prior work on
latency data support the hypothesis that mood-induced differences in the just world effect also favors a motivational rather than a cognitive
processing style could have been responsible for the observed effects. explanation. Several studies found that bolstering a person's motiva-
tional resources, such as offering social support, and increasing self
Memory measures worth allows individuals to better deal with threatening information
An ANOVA investigated mood congruent effects on memory by without resorting to victim blaming (Furnham, 2003). This experi-
analysing differences in the number of details recalled by happy and ment confirms that positive mood may function in a similar way, as a
sad participants, as coded by two raters (Cronbach's α = .89). Only resource that can reduce the motivation to blame the victim as a
negative details were analysed as the target story contained no justice-preservation strategy. The evidence we presented for such an
positive information. Results showed no significant mood congruence explanation here is somewhat indirect, and we recognize that
in memory between the positive (M = 14.7, SD= 3.83) and the negative alternative theoretical explanations may well be possible. Following
(M = 15.8, SD= 4.84) mood conditions, F(1,62) = 1.01, p N .05. A signal the demonstration of mood effects on the just world bias here, the
detection analysis of recognition data using a recognition test more detailed analysis of the precise strategies responsible for this
comprising 16 statements (8 original and 8 distracter items) revealed effect will be the task of further research.
no difference in recognition between the positive (d′ M = 4.84, Group membership also influenced the attribution of responsibility
SD= 1.82) and negative (d′ M = 5.19, SD= 2.04) mood conditions, F and dissociation from the victim, but not the overall evaluation of the
(1,62) = 0.51, p N .05. In addition, an analysis of recognition bias also victim. To the extent that the misfortunes of an in-group victim present a
failed to show any differences between the positive (β M = 7.47, greater threat to the belief that one lives in a just predictable world, it
SD= 2.21) and negative (β M = 7, SD= 1.95) mood conditions, F makes sense that participants felt a stronger need to blame, and
(1,62) = 0.81, p N .05. Thus, neither recall nor recognition memory dissociate themselves from an in-group victim. However, the absence of
results show any mood-congruent effect, suggesting that selective an interaction between mood effects and group membership suggests
attention to, and memory for mood congruent information was not a that the motivational benefits of positive mood in reducing the ‘blaming
source of the blaming the victim effect observed. the victim’ effect were sufficiently powerful to apply equally to in-group
When considered jointly, these results confirm that neither mood and out-group victims. Our results also suggest that responsibility
effects on processing style, nor mood-congruent effects on the attribution and dissociation were more effective techniques for
information remembered can explain the results, leaving the restoring just world beliefs than simply devaluing the victim as a person
motivational account as the most likely explanation of the results (Correia, Vala, & Aguiar, 2001; Karuza & Carey, 1984). The absence of
obtained. mood effects on the evaluation measure is also consistent with this idea.

Discussion Practical implications

Receiving information about the misfortunes of innocent people Exposure to information about adversity befalling innocent others
challenges our cherished belief in a just and predictable world. By is a daily experience that challenges our beliefs in a predictable and
assigning some blame to the victim it is possible to alleviate such fair world. This study was successful in showing that transient moods
distress and to maintain belief in predictability and personal control can play an important role in determining how people react to such
(Lerner, 1980). Overall, our results show that positive mood reduced, information. The common propensity to engage in victim blame
whereas negative mood increased people's tendency to blame the seems highly dependent on one's mood: happy persons are less likely
victim. We also found that, paradoxically, in-group victims were to engage in such strategies than are people in a negative mood, a
judged as more responsible for negative outcomes compared to out- finding with some interesting practical implications.
group victims. These findings have several interesting theoretical and For example, in legal and forensic settings exposure to graphic and
practical implications. threatening evidence may influence a juror's ability to remain
objective (Bright & Goodman-Delahunty, 2004; Diamond, 2006).
Theoretical implications The present study suggests that mood may exert an additional
influence on how such information is perceived and attributed. The
How well can the three theories we considered in the introduction common assumption by legal professionals that jurors make decisions
explain our findings? Previous research has shown that temporary based on rational processes is increasingly open to questioning
mood states can have a profound influence on cognitive and (Forgas, 2010). The finding that happy people are less inclined to
motivational processes in social judgments (Forgas, 2002, 2006), blame a victim may have important implications for the way news
influencing both the content and process of cognition, as well as affecting stories and political messages are interpreted in the electronic and
people's motivational resources to cope with adverse information print media. Affective influences on blaming the victim may also be
(Forgas, 2002, 2006; Trope et al., 2006). Overall, the present results important in organisational, clinical and educational settings where
are most consistent with a motivational explanation, as we found no the combination of mood and in-group vs. out-group victim status
evidence either for mood effects on processing strategies, nor for mood- may influence responsibility attributions.
L. Goldenberg, J.P. Forgas / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (2012) 239–243 243

Limitations and future prospects Dalbert, C. (1999). The world is more just for me than generally: About the personal
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Dalbert, C. (2001). The justice motive as a personal resource: Dealing with challenges and
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world bias demonstrated here can be highly sensitive to contextual and Dalbert, C. (2002). Beliefs in a just world as a buffer against anger. Social Justice
Research, 15, 123–145.
situational variables. There is scope in future studies to explore how Diamond, S. S. (2006). Beyond fantasy and nightmare: a portrait of the jury. Buffalo Law
situational factors such as the type of victim, the nature of the crime, the Review, 54, 717–763.
personal relevance of the incident and personality variables may interact Eich, E., & Macaulay, D. (2000). Are real moods required to reveal mood-congruent and
mood-dependent memory? Psychological Science, 11, 244–248.
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incorporate an intermediate, baseline neutral mood condition in order Forgas, J. P. (2006). Affect in social thinking and behaviour. New York: Psychology Press.
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