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jairo banguero
28 de septiembre
valentina tamayo 16


1. Name and label the cnidarians body shapes. (X3)

mesoglea mouth
medusa polyp

tentacle tentacle




2. Distinguish between the vocabulary terms in the following pair: polyp, medusa and jellyfish. (X3)
the difference is that polyp is in the ground and cant move, medusa its a type and jellyfish is the term they use for all of them.
3. How do people benefit from cnidarians? (X2)
they are a lot of ways including the tourism for coral reefs and the way the use the to study and use them for decoration.
Place a check in the correct box to identify each statement as a characteristic of a
sponge or cnidarian. (X5)

9. In jellyfishes, the medusa is the sexually reproducing phase because it

A. produces cnidocytes
B. reproduces by mitosis
C. produces eggs and sperm
D. produces polyps
10. A cnidarian nervous system is called a nerve net. When touched, a cnidarian responds by
contracting its body. Is this response regulated by the cnidarian’s brain?
A. Yes. All nerve impulses are transmitted through the brain.
B. Yes. The brain controls the nerve net
C. No. The cnidarian’s brain is not involved in reflexive actions.
D. No. Cnidarians do not have brains

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