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Dual Autos

>Tidal Roar = AOE

>Rip Current = E1 Tankbuster
>Left or right wave + Undersea Quake = Stay mid close to wall
>Temporary Current = Close left or close right (same as normal)
>Drenching Pulse = Stacked AOE markers (at 1) + two lines of 4 along the wall edge
>Temporary Current = Close left or close right
>>>MAELSTROM (Boss Away)
>Same as normal but order is boss charge 1 appears, puddles grow, boss charge 2
appears leaving one safe zone, 2nd puddles appear and 1st disappear, 1st boss
charge, 2nd puddles grow, 2nd boss charge
>Boss reappears
>Tidal Roar = AOE
>>>TSUNAMI (1st mechanics phase + aoe damage)
>1 Tank gets line, line aoe shoots the front of the character knocking everyone
back dealing small damage
>Everyone except tank with line aoe has a debuff that must be cleansed by being
knocked back
>Undersea Quake = destroy mid
>Split into two groups of 4 (1 tank 1 heals 2 dps) one for each side of the arena
>Temporary Current = Close left or close right, one group has to dodge away (if
the head is close to your side) and other goes close
>Need to stay stacked as water donut aoe is going to fire out (Same aoe as Chaos
tsunami phase)
>Tidal roar = AOE
>Rip Current = E1 Tankbuster
>Temporary Current = Close left or close right, one group has to dodge away (if
the head is close to your side) and other goes close
>Platform is rebuilt
>Tidal Roar = AOE
>>>REFRESHING SHOWER = Boss power up
>Tidal Rage = Tidal Roar 2
>Left or right wave + Undersea Quake = Stay mid close to wall
>Temporary Current = Close left or close right, immediately follows it up with a
second temporary current so if close right run close left, etc.
>Drenching Pulse = Stacked AOE markers (at 1) + two lines of 4 aoes along the wall
edge, aoes stay
>Temporary Current = Close left or close right, immediately follows it up with a
second temporary current so if close right run close left, etc.
>Platform is rebuilt
>>>MAELSTROM 2 (Boss away)
>1st puddles appear, 1st boss charge appears, 1st puddles grow, 2nd boss charge
appears and 2nd puddles appear, 3rd boss charge appears, 1st puddles disappear, 2nd
puddles grow, 1st boss charge = (Due to 3 charges 1st boss charge will be through
the safe spot to avoid charges 2 and 3, everyone must run into the charge after it
happens to find the safespot) 3rd puddles appear and 2nd boss charge, 3rd boss
charge everyone can now start moving front to the boss again, 3rd puddles grow
>Tidal Rage = Tidal Roar 2
>Rip Current = E1 TB
>Everyone stacks in the front right corner and baits AOE like the Paradise Lost
cheese strat (stop/aoe/move)
>Flare marker appears but keeps running with group
>Temporary current = Flare runs to the back of the arena to dodge, group runs
close left or close right, follows up with second temporary current
>Line stack marker appears before second temporary current, flare marker person
stays at the back and dodges.
>Once second temporary current resolves everyone runs mid for the line stack
>Line stack = 5 hard hitting beams
>Tidal Rage = Tidal Roar 2
>Tidal Rage = Tidal Roar 2
>Drenching Pulse = Stack at 1, bait 4 aoes in a line again but can be baited closer
to the wall
>Undersea Quake = Destroys the sides, if done correctly the aoe puddles will be off
the platform and destroyed
>One dps will have knockback, runs to front center of boss, everyone behind to get
knocked back safely
>After knockback tanks run front left and front right.
>1 DPS and 1 HEALER will get a frontal cone aoe and must face/hit the tank
diagonally opposite them, but before this they will be hit by an aoe
>To deal with this there will be two groups of 3 (1 healer 2dps), once hit by the
sharable aoe, all dps an healers that aren't hitting a tank with a cone aoe run and
stack at 1 (middle front of the boss), then the cone aoes resolve and everyone
stacks back at 1
>1 DPS will have the same line knockback from Tsunami 1 and must stand at the back
of the stack at 1 to knock everyone forward to edge
>1 TANK will have the same knockback but it will fire in reverse
>The other tank will have a massive lethal aoe
>Post the DPS knockback both tanks will run to the front stopping behind the
group. The tank with line knockback will stand infront of the tank with aoe and
knock him back to the south edge
>AOE TANK will hug the back edge and group will hug north edge to avoid getting
hit by AOE
>AOE TANK rushes back to the front
>Temporary Current = Close left or close right, immediately follows it up with a
second temporary current so if close right run close left, etc.
>Platform is rebuilt
>Tidal Rage = Tidal Roar 2
>Tidal Rage = Tidal Roar 2
>Rip Current = ED1 Tankbuster
>Stack at 1 to drop aoes
>Split into the same groups from Tsunami 1
>Both tanks will get a flare marker which they take to their side and back
>Stack in your respective groups for a stack marker as the flares resolve
>Undersea Quake destroys middle
>Tanks get repeatedly hit by conal aoes so must stand close to front edge
>One dps will get tethered and stands slightly back from the boss close to the
destroyed middle
>Tether dps will be hit by a spell and drop a puddle and then move to the edge
>One of the two people left per group must run into the puddle and soak it before
running back to the boss
>The tether will be hit again and it repeats with the other person soaking the
puddle and the tether dps running to original spot
>This repeats 4 times
>Temporary Current = Close left or close right, one group has to dodge away (if
the head is close to your side) and other goes close
>Temporary Current = Close left or close right, one group has to dodge away (if
the head is close to your side) and other goes close
>Tidal Rage = Tidal Roar 2
>Platform is rebuilt
>Tidal Rage = Tidal Roar 2
>Tidal Rage = Tidal Roar 2
>Tidal Rage = Tidal Roar 2

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