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BAM Berlin

New Standard Practices on Digital RT

- essential parameters determining image quality -

Uwe Ewert, Uwe Zscherpel, Mirko Jechow

t@b d

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 1
- New standards on Computed Radiography and radiography with Digital
Detector Arrays have been developed and partly published.
- Some key requirements are discussed for the major standard organizations:
- The proof of minimum image quality by image quality indicators in radiography
is the basis for technical safetyy and contractual agreements
g in industry
y and will
not be changed.
- The essential parameters for optimization and prediction of step hole visibility
are introduced and discussed
- Three essential parameters for image quality in Digital Radiology (DR) are:
- Signal to noise ratio (SNR)
- Specific
S ifi contrast
t t (µ
( eff)
- Basic spatial resolution (SRb).
- Discussion of the requirements for detector qualification and selection.
- Information on the implementation of the essential parameter concept in the new
standard practice EN ISO/DIS 17636-2: “NDT of welds — RT— Part 2: X- and
gamma ray
g y techniques
q with digital
g detectors” and in the ASTM E 2033 ((draft: CR
practice) and E 2597 (DDA qualification) and E 2698 (DDA practice).
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 2
Overview of Standards on Digital Industrial Radiology
EN 13068 Radioscopy
EN 14096, ISO 14096 Film Digitization
EN 14784 CR ((2005)) Part 1: Classification of Systems,
y , Part 2: General
Goes to ISO, revision required principles, becomes ISO 16371
ISO 10893-7 (2010) Steel tubes – NDT of welds with DDA and (CR)
New ISO/DIS 17636-2 NDT of welds: CR and DDA to substitute EN 1435
New ISO draft: corrosion and Practice with film, CR and DDA for double wall and
wall thickness measurement tangential technique
ASME (BPVC, S.V, XI) CR Radiography (CR) with Phosphor Imaging Plates
ASTM CR (2005) Classification (E 2446-05), Long term stability (E2445-
Revision required 05), Guide (E 2007-10), Practice (E 2033-06)
ASTM DDA (2010) Characterization (E 2597-07), Guide (E 2736-10),
act ce (E
( 2698-10),
698 0), Long
o g Term
e Stab
ty ((E 2737-10)
3 0)
ASTM DICONDE (2010) Standard Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication
(data format) Non-destructive Evaluation (DICONDE)
2663 08 E 2699
(E 2663-08, 10 E 2669
2699-10, 10 E 2738
2669-10, 10 E 2767
2738-10, 10 )
ASTM E 2422-05, E 2660- Digital reference image catalogues,
April 2012,
10, E 2669-10
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital
light alloy, titaniumRadiology
and steel castings
Basic Requirements for Film Radiography
g y
in all National and International Standards

All film based standards require:

• Minimum optical Density (e.g. D > 2.0)
• Maximum
M i fil
film system
t class
l ((e.g.  ISO C4)
• Maximum unsharpness ((< 0.1 mm,, FFD/FOD))
• Minimum IQI perception (e.g. > W14, < H3)

What are the correct requirements for film replacement by

Digital Radiology?
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 4
Article 2 (Radiographic Examination)

Mandatory Appendices
I In-Motion Radiography
II R l Ti
Real-Time R
di i EExamination
i i
III Digital Image Acquisition, Display, and Storage for Radiography and Radioscopy
IV Interpretation, Evaluation, and Disposition of Radiographic and Radioscopic Examination
Test Results Produced by the Digital Image Acquisition and Display Process
V Glossary of Terms for Radiographic Examination
VI Digital Image Acquisition, Display, Interpretation, and Storage of Radiographs for
Nuclear Applications
VII Radiographic Examination of Metallic Castings
VIII Radiography
g p y Using
g Phosphor
p Imaging
g g Plate
IX Application of Digital Radiography

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 5
ASME Section V Article 2 Radiographic Examination 2007

W 13
W 12
W 11
W 10
W 09
W 08
W 07
W 06
W 05
W 04
W 02
W 01

CEN wires

ASME requires
q basically y the
minimum IQI-Visibility for digital radiography only!
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 6
Basic Requirements for IQI Visibility of
International Standards in Comparison
y = 17,687x-0,483
y = 15,711x-0,48
p Holes,, ISO/DIS 17636-2,, EN 1435
y = 11,112x-0,505 Plate Holes, ASME BPVC SC V Ar. 2
Plate Holes, ASTM E 1742, E 2104,
on [%]

E 1025
s Resolutio

A 22,

EN 1435-class A and
ISO 17636-class A are
about equivalent
Wall T

y = 5,851x-0,402 ASTM E1742, E 2104,

EN 1435-class B and
y = 4,2561x-0,406 ISO 17636-class
17636 class b are
Wires ISO/DIS 17636-2,
1 636 2 EN 143
1435 about equivalent below
0,30 t=12 mm (1/2“)
1,00 10,00 100,00

Penetrated Wall Thickness [mm]

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 7
Influence of Image Noise on
Detail Visibility

Contrast Contrast

Signal Signal
(base material) (base material)

Length Length

Notch visible! Notch not visible!

Contrast/Noise is high
g Contrast/Noise is low
Signal/Noise is high Signal/Noise is low
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 8
Effect of System Class in Film Radiography

Lost of information / perception of flaws

 Fine grained film,

 slow Imaging plates D  Coarse grained film,
 fast imaging plates
Film system C1 C5 C6
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 9
Noise Sources in Radiographic Images

Typical noise sources in digital radiography:

1. EXPOSURE CONDITIONS: Photon noise, depending on
exposure dose (e.g. mAs or GBqmin). This is the main factor!
SNR increases with higher exposure dose.
2. Limitation for the maximum achievable SNR:
1. DETECTOR: Structural noise of DDAs and Imaging Plates
also called fixed pattern noise (due to variations in pixel to
pixel response and inhomogeneities in the phosphor layer).
1. Crystalline structure of material (e.g. nickel based steel,
2. Surface roughness of test object

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 10
Noise in Dependence on Exposure Time

Normalized at constant contrast

CNR and SNR increase with increasing
g exposure
p time due to
improved photon statistics
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 11
Human Observer Model: Perception Threshold PT
Wh t do
What d you see?
? Detector = 50 µm pixel size
or magnification technique
Noise = 1000
0 5T 1T
0.5T 2T 4T 8T Signal = 30000  Large area flaws are better
CNR = 2.5 visible than small ones at
same Contrast-to-Noise
CNR = 1.25  Each row has indications
with same CNR = Cdepth
d th/

CNR = 0.625  Each column has holes

Flat bottom holes of different depth
p and diameter with same diameter
2T = 0.5 mm / 0.02”
SRb image = 50 µm
Calculated CNRmin = 1

Alateral C
Cdepth PT - human perception threshold
PTconst  Alateral – area of just visible indication
SRb   Cdepth – mean contrast of just visible indication
 - noise of image g ((N))
Rose approach, 1946 SRb – basic spatial resolution (effective pixel size)
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 12
Image Quality in Digital Radiology
- the 3 Essential Parameters for Visibility of IQIs -

The 3 essential parameters:

Contrast to noise
 Signal
Si l tto noise
i ratio
ti (SNR)
ratio (CNR)
 Specific contrast (µeff)
Normalized signal to
 Basic spatial resolution (SRb)
noise ratio (SNRN)

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 13
Essential Parameters for Calculation of Just
Visible IQI 1 T Hole Diameter
The essential parameters are: µeff, SNR and SRb?

New Formula { Depends on Hardware: effective pixel size

Focal spot
p size, source size
image SNR - Signal to noise ratio
SR µeff – specific contrast,
d visible  PT  b
effective attenuation coefficient
 eff  SNR SRb – effective pixel size in the image,
basic spatial resolution of image

} {
M t i l Exposure time
keV, Source type Tube current, Activity
Scattered radiation Detector efficiency
Screens and filters S
t D t t Distance
Di t

PT  2,8
2 8 for 1T-holes
1T holes ; slightly dependent on
viewing conditions and operator
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 14
Comparison of Calculated and Measured Image Quality
Dependence on tube kV d = PT*/square_root(µ(kV,w) ▪ SNR(GV))

undMeasured Image
gemessene Quality
Calculated IQI visibility from measured CNR
W 14
in mm

Diameter of Visible wires

s (mm)

Diameter of visible wires (digital filter)

SRb = const.
IQI eleme

Diameter of Visible hole normalised by 2.5

W 15 Diameter of Visible hole normalised by 2.5 (digital filter)

Calculated IQI visibility from calc CNR



W 16

Calculated just visible wire

of the jser


W 17
Just visible wire diameter and  of the just visible1T-hole, 132 mAmin
1 m SDD
determined by 3 operators,
operators with and without image processing

19 mm Fe
(high pass filter) UR 1, DynamIx HR
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 kV 240

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 15
Qualification of Imaging Plate Systems by the Visibility of
46, E 747, E 1025)
IQIs and/or EPS calculation from µeff, SNR and SRb
EPS – Procedure is proposed for CR qualification
in the new ASTM E 2033 draft and the Draft on “Practice for the Use of …
Computed Radiology for Aerospace Casting Inspections” (USA: MAI – group)
e ASTM E 74

- The EPS (equivalent penetrameter sensitivity) measurement is based on E 746

- A smooth ¾ inch (19 mm) steel plate with a set of plate holes is radiographed at 200
kV in ≥ 1 m distance
sitivity (see

- Other IQIs are on the plate

to increase the information
on image
g response.
ameter sens

 The exposure is performed

with different mAs settings
 Two graphs are generated
PS= equivallent penetra

see next page

 Verification of equation:

d visible  PT 
 eff  SNR E 746
PT depends slightly on operator and viewing conditions
New fformula

µeff for 200 kV and 19 mm Fe is about 0,05 mm-1

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 16
Example: EPS test with DÜRR HD CR scanner at
20 µm pixel size

Do you see the holes?

¾” (19 mm) steel plate, 200 kV

1 mm steel step for
CNR  0.8
measurementt off µeff

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 17
Visibility of EPS holes (E 746)

Do you see the holes?

CNR  0.8
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 18
New Formula for Conversion of SNRN Measurements to
EPS Values and Working Range for CR (ASTM Draft E 2033)

 PT’ is about 2▪100 for visibility of the 2 T hole of IQIs corr. to ASTM E 1025
 EPS by ASTM E 746 with 200 kV, t = 19 mm Fe plate and µeff = 0.05 mm-1

PT ' SRbimage
Plateau area defines the EPS 
ki range ttestplate
l µeffff  SNR

Level II E 2033 Draft

Level I
 EPS = 15%

EPS= equivalent penetrameter sensitivity (see ASTM E 746, E 747, E 1025)

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 19
Requirements for Digital Detector Arrays

Exceeding Film Quality with

High Contrast Sensitivity Technique

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 20
Qualification of Digital Detector Arrays
- Management of Underperforming Pixels -
6.2.1 Definition and Test of Bad Pixels:
A bad pixel can be corrected if it has at least 5 good neighbors
6 2 1 1 Dead Pixel Over Responding Pixel Under Responding Pixel Noisyy Pixel Non-Uniform Pixel Persistence/Lag Pixel Bad Neighborhood Pixel

6.2.2 Types or Groups of Bad Pixels:

6 2 2 1 Single Bad Pixel Cluster of Bad Pixels A cluster without anyy CKP is well

correctable. A cluster with CKP is labeled a
relevant cluster.
6 2 2 5 A single bad line segment is a
special irrelevant cluster.

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 21
Qualification of Digital Detector Arrays
DDAs are qualified by different tests of ASTM E 2597.
Five relevant parameters shall be provided:
 Basic spatial resolution (SRb)
 Specific Material Thickness Range
 Efficiency
 Image lag
 Contrast sensitivity

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 22
Measurement of Contrast to Noise Ratio in DDA Practice
b ASTM E 2698

Noise • CNR shall be measured in the

I=contrast 4T hole for
f prooff off image quality.
• A minimum CNR of 2.5 is
required by ASTM E 2698.
• This value needs to be revised!

ASTM E 1025

I CNR = 66.7
C = I = 473
Noise = 71
SNR = 155
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 23
Verification of CNRmin for ASTM Standard Practice
 ASTM Draft, “Practice for the Use of Digital Detector Arrays and Computed
Radiology for Aerospace Casting Inspections” and E 2698 “Standard
Practice for Radiological Examination Using Digital Detector Arrays”
Arrays require
for digital images with DDAs in the 2T IQI hole:

CNRmin  2.5
 But CNRmin for all digital images can be described more accurate by the

10  SR image
CNRmin  b
diameterIQI  hole
Based on old Rose equation

 The ASTM E 2698 value (CNR = 2.5) is optimized for testing of thin objects with
thickness < ½” and typical DDAs in the range of 0.1 mm < SRb < 130 µm.

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 24
BAM 5, 8mm steel

FujiFilm IX25
SNRN ~ 265

DDA Technology
provides better image
Best (slowest) NDT film quality than film with a
spec a ca
b at o

Images high pass

filtered for better

PerkinElmer 1620
SNRN ~ 1500
Magn. = 3.5
DDA exposure
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 25
Requirements of ISO/DIS 17636-2

NDT of welds — RT— Part 2: X- and gamma ray

q with digital
g detectors

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 26
Key Technologies for Film Replacement
• Computed Radiography (CR) with storage
phosphor imaging plates

• Digital Detector Arrays (DDA)


April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 27
New Standard Proposal
EN ISO 17636-2
17636 2
Radiographic testing of welds with digital detectors.
Most important parameters that are regulated by this standard:
I. Minimum score for wire type or step-hole type Image Quality
Indicators (IQI’s) in function of test technique (similar to ASME)
II. Maximum image unsharpness requirements (SRb = Basic Spatial
Resolution, determined using a duplex wire gauge)
III. Choice of tube voltage or gamma source in function of object
composition, penetrated thickness and detector
IV Minimum normalized Signal
IV. Signal-to-Noise
to Noise ratio (SNRN) requirements
– Determine SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) and SRb
– Anti-scatter filter type
yp & thickness
– Source-to-Detector Distance requirements
– New testing geometries
V. New compensation principles
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 28
Minimum IQI score for wire type or step-hole
type IQI
IQI scores taken
from EN1435

Potential Issues
• Same requirements
q for
wire type and step hole
IQI’s as in EN 1435 and
ISO 19232-3
• New
N exceptions
ti ffor
isotopes for double
wall inspections
– 10 mm < w  25 mm :
1 wire or step-hole
value less for Ir192
– 5 mm < w  12 mm:
1 wire or step-hole
step hole
value less for Se75

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 29
Selection of X-Ray Tube Voltage and Influence of µeff

Compensation principle I:
Image Quality = f (µeff ▪ SNR)

Diagram on selection
Di l ti off
maximum tube voltage
applies for film only (ISO

Selection of maximum tube voltage for

application of digital detectors:
- CR, Class B: reduce kV by 20%
- Well calibrated DDAs: increase kV
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 30
New European standard proposal
ISO 17636-2
Mi i
Minimum SNRN and
d anti-scatter
ti tt filt

• Concept SNRN was taken

from EN14784-1.
• Minimum values are
tabulated in function of
radiation energy
gy and
object thickness, similar to
table 2 of EN14784-2.
• Front lead screens are
reduced to maximum
values only except for
hi h energy.

April 2012,
Ewert et al. StandardsHigher SNRRadiology
in Digital N requirements than in EN14784-2
New European standard proposal ISO 17636-2
Maximum detector or image unsharpness (SRb)

0 040

SRb concept taken from EN14784-1

April 2012,
Ewert et al. IQI scores
Standards relaxed
in Digital compared with EN14784-2
Measurement of Interpolated Basic Spatial Resolution
Duplex wire IQI
EN 462-5
ISO 19232-5
19232 5
ASTM E 2002
• Determination of the basic
spatial resolution in each
production radiograph is not
required but recommended.
• SNRN controls
t l sufficiently
ffi i tl QI, 90 kV,
the image quality at a given
pixel size. DD, smalll focus
• The detector unsharpness
ex Wire IQ

udetector shall be controlled

by reference exposures with
the duplex wire IQI.
1m SD

• The interpolated basic

spatial resolution is

iSRb  12  utotal
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 33
Compensation Principle (II)

Compensation of high detector unsharpness by increased SNR

• Unsharp digital systems may be applied for NDT if they enable
to compensate the missing sharpness by increased SNR.
• Th
Thatt means, achieves
hi a digital
di it l system
t nott the
th required
i d
visibility of the separated duplex wires, it can be used for
NDT, if one or two single wires more than required (see
tables B.1 –B.12 of ISO/DIS 17636-2) can be seen clearly in
the digital image for one or two missing duplex wire pairs.
p of 3 wires vs. wire p
pairs requires
q agreement
of contracting parties.
• Compensation principle (II):
• High detector unsharpness can be compensated by
increased SNR 34

Compensation Principle II
April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards
Compensation forin Digital
Higher Radiology by Increased SNR
New European standard proposal
ISO/DIS 17636-2
Example : new compensation principle II
Interesting for detectors with higher unsharpness

Compensate missing spatial resolution by increased single

wire sensitivity:
• A lower spatial resolution i.e. a lower double wire score (D)
may be compensated by a higher single wire sensitivity i.e.
higher single wire score (W).
• Max. two (or three) single/double wire scores may be exchanged.

Not Required: OK: OK OK

OK by agreement
Duplex wire score D13 D12 D11 D10 D9
Single wire score W13 W14 W15 W16 W17

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 35
• New standards were developer for digital industrial radiography for detector qualification, quality
assurance and standard practices.
• Image quality depends on the essential parameters: (specific) contrast µeff, achieved SNR and
basic spatial resolution SRb.
• For practical application further parameters have been included for DDAs, as contrast sensitivity,
efficiency, image lag and material thickness range.
• SNR and EPS improve with exposure time but they are limited by a maximum achievable SNRmax
value which is limited by the design of the imaging plate (fixed pattern noise) or DDA calibration.
• The operator increases the contrast sensitivity by the exposure time and tube current up to a
certain EPS p
plateau,, which defines the recommended g grey
y value working
g range
g for CR ((ASTM E
2033, new draft).
• DDAs achieve a significant better contrast sensitivity with correct detector calibration than film
radiography. The prove of image quality requires CNR measurements (ASTM practice E 2798).
• New standard practices have been developed for CR and Radiography with DDAs. Basic
requirements are defined by EPS, SNR, SRb and CNR depending on the technology.
• ISO/DIS 17636-2 defines additionally compensation principles for the standard practice and
minimum requirements for wire and step hole IQIs
• 3 compensation principles (3rd one for DDAs only) are described in the standard.
• ISO/DIS 17636-2 defines minimum requirements for detector SRb, depending on the material
thickness to inspect

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 36

European Projects:

with 33 Partners, 11 countries
2005 – 2009

High Energy Digital Radiography
2009 – 2011

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 37

t@b d

April 2012,
Ewert et al. Standards in Digital Radiology 38

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