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The Gift

No greater gift have I received

than that which was given by Him to me.
He did not have to sacrifice;
He did not have to give His life.

He did not bow, did not give in

so by His grace He lives again.

So now this gift of love I take to heart

and when from this sinful world I depart,
I can safely say that I am saved
from the arms of death eternal, because of the gift He gave.

Take a look

To take a look at you

through the eyes of another,
sometimes takes
a bit of an effort.
For you can not ever see
the way someone sees you,
the way they perceive you.
And when you speak,
do they really believe you.
If you ever dare try,
to look through the eyes
of the beholder,
then you would be bolder,
the better to shoulder
the responsibility of knowing,
without they ever showing,
what effect you have on their lives.

Think twice, maybe thrice
about your actions in
Think once
for the other person.
How will they act?
Think twice
for how you will react,
to their actions.
Think again
of the consequences.

What happens next

is up to you.


I conscientiously and devoutly
continue my sojourn to daily confer
upon each individual whatever their wanton requirements be.
I continue unceremoniously without vain repetition
and with no aspiration whatsoever, to have them reciprocate.
I question not myself as to the ulterior motive
for my generosity, if there be any.
Never do I ponder what it avails me to engender
the gratuitous behavior I continuously purport.
I continually reflect upon the nature of my person
and I discover neither malice nor revulsion as I
contemplate the meaning of this generosity.
I have discovered that the nature of my person
is one that is sought by the multitude
but is entertained by few.

As the good book says, "Do unto others as you would

have them do unto you.”

I do
Separation from the familiar,
whether abrupt or gradual,
creates moments of stress,
but leaves memories residual.
things taken for granted,
elicit regret
and leaves you to wonder
if you could forget.
the things left undone,
the words left unsaid.
what you could've done differently
are now cold and dead.
Regrets as we walk through the graveyard
of our lives in the past,
we wish we could change things
to make them all last.
so here's to the future
as we go along.
learn from the past
and write a new song
so that when you look back
at this day you're now in
you can say to yourself
'I wouldn't change a thing.’

Silence, they say, is golden. I do believe it's true.
when you take time out to ponder all the things that bother you.
Sometimes you need a moment just to sit down and reflect
on the things that you have done to achieve the goals you've set.

Once you've not burned all the bridges that you've crossed
throughout your life,
then you know that you've succeeded in defeating every rife
situation you've encountered as you've struggled every day.
And in silence take the time out to our God above to pray.

For He made the world in six days, then He sat down to rest.
As He considered his creation, He knew He'd done his best.
He saw that what He'd made was good, that it would last a while.
If you were there you might have seen his bright and cheery smile.

So on every sabbath day as you relax to take a break,

just remember that the Lord above did not make a mistake.
He knew what He was doing when He made this gorgeous place
so that we could see the beauty of His majesty and grace.

Silence they say is Golden, I do believe it's true,

when you take time out to think of how much he did for you.
And remember in your quiet time to make sure you don't forget
how He's kept you going thus far and He isn't finished yet.

Be quiet

Peaceful, chilling, taking it easy.
Walking, talking to myself.
Feeling myself as part of it all.
Not knowing, no emotions showing.
No one hears my loneliness.
Does any one really care?
Each one doing their own thing.
Not really aware of each other.
We're all here for a time.
What do we do with what we have?
Do we share it or
do we keep it all to ourselves?
Would someone please answer?
Too many questions going
through my mind. Take it easy
No one to answer.
Who do I turn to
for comfort of my soul?
Who would listen to my cries?
Does anyone know anything
that may help my wounded heart?
Can anyone hear me at all.
I forgot!
I am...
Peaceful, chilling, taking it easy.
Walking, talking to myself.

My opinion

I have been given dominion,

at least it's my opinion,
but that does not give me the right to take a life.
I cannot create it,
yet still I berate it,
with immoral behaviour, deception and strife.
If I have dominiom,
then it's my opinion,
that I should be much more considerate.
For being given such power,
I then should tower,
and be careful not to be so indelicate.
For God said to man,
Yes, this is my plan.
That you should have rule over all.
so then take this gift,
and with it uplift,
'til the day I return to call.
So man, understand,
that it was God's plan,
for all of us to have dominion.
Not at all of each other,
but to share with one another,
all the earth. At least, that's my opinion.

I Know God

I know God, yes, I know God.

I've seen Him many times.
He knows me way better than I know Him though.
But, there are some things I don't like about him!
Wait, he must be mad you say!
No, I'm not mad, just honest, and, I'll tell you why.
I don't like Him because...
He embarrassed me,
but, He didn't humiliate me.
He exposed me yet did not impose on me.
He hurt me but did not torture me.
He made me lonely but never left me alone.
He bribed me but I had to work for it.
He despised me but did not deride me.
He let me fall but caught me on the rebound and nurtured my wounds.
He suckled me, then, pushed me out of the nest to fend for myself.
He fulfills all my needs and helps me with my wants.
He plays at all my fears yet lights my way in the dark.
Yes, I know God! You know Him too.
After all, think: How many things do you not like about Him?

The Light
The light is not hidden,
nor is it refused
to those who intend
its power to use.
I seek not to find
but merely to know,
if the light will at some time
the meaning of life to me show.
The powers of darkness
can not ever be
as honest and true
as the light's purity.
So I long for the day
when the light on me shines
to emblazon my life
with its power sublime.

He walks with his head down contemplating,
thinking hard and concentrating,
that his life is not worth living,
all the effort not worth giving.

Holds his head up sees her flitting,

wonders with his eyebrows knitting.
Watches her as she lays sitting
on the flower by the paling.

He sits to watch what she is doing.

Hears a dove above him cooing.
Does not know what keeps her going.
He must watch her without moving.

Growing pa She settles on a leafy branch.

He leans his head and holds his stance.
Knows that if he shifts his glance
he will miss this single chance.

She is slow in her manoeuver

never falters in her labor.
He forgets the time, the hour.
She wraps herself up in the flower.

Then the thought comes to him swiftly

as he realizes what's awry.
She was just a caterpillar knitting,
soon she'll be a butterfly.

He holds his head up concentrating,

no longer wondering, contemplating,
that his life is not worth living
for it means he's simply changing.

The things we take for granted often seem so very vague,
we use them every day without paying much attention.
We become creatures of habit, repetition is the norm.
We always succumb to the cure and not list to the prevention.

For example; let us take the way in which we breathe...

our chests expand as we exhale without thinking of the action.
Our hearts beat mightily to keep blood flowing day and night.
Without a thought the blood circulates with each contraction.

As we speak the words are formed without us knowing how.

We blink our eyes repeatedly; there has to be a reason.
Our heads turn to determine the direction of a sound.
Our skin is shed as easily as flowers bloom in season.

When we walk we all move in a predetermined pattern.

Muscles contract and expand to make sure that all limbs work.
While through all this, deep down inside our food is being digested
and the entire thing coordinates precise, without a quirk. For granted
Now tell me, did we do this of our own volition?
Did we set all this unconsciously in motion?
Can we tell what happens from one moment to the next?
Can we dictate the next reaction to the way our muscles flex?

The unconscious mannerisms and our subconscious condition

is by no means a small feat nor merely happenstance as thought.
All the things that we experience throughout our daily lives,
have been ordained by higher power and were by this power wrought.

So the next time that you sneeze, or cough or even blink an eye,
think upon the many actions and reactions now at play.
Think upon the fact that without GOD none of this could ever happen.
Think upon His holy name and for these 'for granteds' you should pray.

Show me a sign
that 'tis you I hear
and not my own thoughts
as I now fear.

For he is a liar
a bender of truth
and I am no longer
living in youth.

So tell me in faith
in truth and in love
that the voice that I hear
comes from above.


A prayer

I have no claim to being good or even being Godly

But I do believe that I am here to always help some body.
I am a sinful soul at best whose soul needs so much cleansing.
And all the while I seek this goal my help I am dispensing.
To you I say though with remorse that I have made some choices.
They're not the best, I must confess, but still my soul rejoices.
Forgive me Lord for I have sinned and come short of your glory
But this I know and I am sure - you already know my story.
These little bits of prayer I say, may not be to your liking
But understand please if you will, my prayers are all inviting.
Inviting you to understand that I am true and honest
when I pray, not every day, but I do pray at my best.
I don't know if you hear me though but still I pray in hope
that you always will hold me close and with my little cope.
Does this make sense? I hope it does as I say this believing
that you some day would hear my prayer and do not find me wanting.
As I continue on my quest to understand you daily
I hope you don't against me hold my wantonness and frailty.
I finish this with heartfelt pain that I could not do better
as in your sight I may not be pleasing to my creator.

Life can be so demeaning
to make you want to quit.
And many times you wonder
if it's even worth the trip.
You wonder if it's worth it all
you swear and tear your clothes
you wonder why you have to die.
But no one really knows.
Sometimes you want to end it all
other times you simply fight
and through it all you wonder why
your day has turned to night.
You have to face your worries
and you have to face your fears.
You have to sulk a little and
you have to shed some tears.
It's awful how we have to live
and more so that we die.
And when you wonder at it all
the pain you can’t deny.
You wonder why it has to be
so sad for you alone Fear not 1
you never see the other guy
has worries of his own.

We quarrel with each other,
we blame everybody else
but put yourself in the others' shoes
You'd see just how they felt.
And if by chance you come upon
a problem worse than yours
you put that person out of mind
and close up all your doors.
You think your problem is much worse
than you could ever bear,
you sulk all day and cry all night
Fear not 2 you worry and you fear.
You think you'll never overcome
or it will never go away
but don't despair my lucky friend
for help is on the way.
'Fear not!' Said He, 'For I am Lord,
and I am always near.
I would never give to you,
much more than you could bear.'
'Fear not!' said He, 'For I am yours
and will always ever be.
I love you now and always will.’
‘Fear not, fear not!’ Said He.


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