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G superlative adjectves

V the weather
P consonant groups
What’s the coldest place in the world?

a Look at the photos. Where do you think the places are?
b Read the article and complete each heading with a phrase.
The coldest The highest The hottest

Read the article again. Answers these questions.

1 Wh ere do people near a lot of cotton clothesi
2 Where is a good place to play
gold 3 Where do people sleep on the
4 Where can you have a problem with your nose?
5 Where do you need to be careful in spring? because we can't go out
6 Where is a bad place to drink a lot of alcohols

d In pairs, guess the meaning of the e C e five new words

Check with your teacher or a dictionary. ho to learn from the
os article.
Jonathan Ospina M3B

a) photo one: Africa

photo two: America

photo three: Asia

b) 1. The hottest country in the world

2. The highest capital city in the world

3. The coldest place in the world

c) 2. La paz

3. mail

4. Yakutia

5. Yakutia

6. La paz

D) Cotton: Algodon

Roof: Techo

Sea level: Nivel del mar

Breathe: Respirar

Altitude: Altitud

Hit: Pegar

Freezer: Congelador

Nose: Nariz

Snow: Nieve

Highlighted: Destacado
E) Surprisingly: Asombrosamente

Dehydrated: Deshidratada

Conditioning: Acondicionamiento

Autumn: Otoño

Further: Más

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