Reflection 4

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Ximena Mejia Gonzalez

Friday Reflection
TQS #1: Fostering Effective Relationships
A teacher builds positive and productive relationships with students, parents/guardians,
peers, and others in the school and local community to support student learning.

Out of the three choices provided, TQS #1 has been significant to my sense of

satisfaction with the personal progress I have made thus far. It reinforces my philosophy that

learning can’t be as meaningful if the relationships are not present. Like the assistant principal at

my school has mentioned to me, even though high school students are older, just like in

elementary school, they want their teacher to care for them. Showing students that you genuinely

care about them, as students and as people, will create a positive environment, and they will want

to be in your class; they will want to come and learn with you because they know they are safe

when they are around you. Getting to know students personally has also allowed me to provide

my students with activities that serve their learning and personal needs and allow for a deeper

level of learning to occur free of worries and anxiety. For example, today, aside from the whole

class activity I had planned, I prepared an independent review for the two students I know are not

comfortable with group work. While they got settled for class, I mentioned to them that I had not

assigned them to a group because I knew that on previous occasions, they had mentioned that

they disliked group work (for a variety of reasons, but the main one being anxiety). I informed

them they could still participate if they wished, but I didn’t want to assign them to a group and

make them feel pressured to participate. The student I talked to thanked me and smiled so hard I

could see it through their masks. I know it was a minor adjustment on my part, but to them, it

meant a lot. Actions like these set a president, and next time they need anything, they will feel

more comfortable coming to me because they know I listen and care about them, which will

allow for a better learning environment to flourish.

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