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Name: Emily Hilscher Grade: 5th Subject: History

Lesson Title: Treating Everyone With Kindness Date: 03/04/2021

Unit Level Goals:

Students will learn about the impact of MLK, African American Culture, and acceptance of others.
State Mandated Standard(s):
SS5H6 Describe the importance of key people, events, and developments between 1950- 1975.
a. Analyze the effects of Jim Crow laws and practices.
b. Explain the key events and people of the Civil Rights movement: Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Montgomery Bus Boycott, the March on
Washington, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, and civil rights activities of Thurgood Marshall, Lyndon B. Johnson, Cesar Chavez, Rosa Parks, and Martin
Luther King, Jr.
c. Describe the impact on American society of the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr

IEP Goals to be Addressed in Lesson:

Students will sit and participate in the assignment, Students will work on tasks independently with verbal prompts. Student will participate in
group discussion. Student can write a paragraph based on a given prompt.

Lesson Objectives: Assessment(s): Planned Feedback:

The students will read the poem and decipher Informal: The students will have a class While we do the agree and disagree
the meaning behind what is being said. The discussion on the Agree/Disagree statements statements I will ask the students why they
students will develop the understanding of and I will see their understanding of the agree or disagree with certain statements.
different cultures in America. The students concepts. While the students read the poem we will go
will reflect and understand the impact of Formal: The students will create a flyer though it together and annotate. We will
African Americans on America. touching on the end of segregatuion and define terms they do not know and explain the
explaining the current impacts of African references so that they have a fuller
American cultured based on the poem. It will understanding. After the poem I will ask the
include a picture and have written parts based students if they have changed their mind on
on prompts. any of the agree or disagree statements and to
explain why or why not. Then as we transition
into their assignment I will explain what it is
and give them a laminated example to pass it

Key Communication Skills Required: Vocabulary to be Taught: Use of Vocabulary and/or Communication
Asking for help, communicating with peers in James Brown Skill in the Lesson
class discussion, writing thoughts out, Martin Luther King Jr While we are discussing the poem and doing
responding to a prompt or cue, making sense Segregation the agree and disagree statements these terms
out of a poem, starting and stopping Freedom will show up and we will define them. The
communication, answering questions, Jazz students will later use these terms in their
expressing frustration. Peaceful Protest formal asessment
Instructional Resources & Materials: Use of Technology: Assistive Technologies:
The poem: “What if There Were No Black Smartboard- used to show presentation The students can use the computers, pencil
People?” Computers- students will have the option to grips, We will have written and verbal
Paper either handwrite or use the computer for the assessments.
Colored Pencils/Crayons/Markers formal assessment.
Planned Supports: The students that need additional support with writing will have access to a computer that they
can type their responses on. The poem will be explained in depth and I will write the
annotations on the poem with the smart board for all of the students to see.
Differentiated Instruction Strategies: The students will have the option to do their assignment digitally or physically based on what
they prefer. The lesson has a serires of different kinds of assignments, group discussion, large
group discussion, and individual assignments. This diffrenetion in the type of lesson will allow
the students to learn on multiple different platforms.
Planned Collaboration with Others: We have collaborated on planning the lesson and creating the materials for the assignments.
This lesson will be taught in a coteaching classroom. The co-teacher will teach the agree and
disagree statements, I will do the annotations with the poem. She will explain the assignment
and once he students start to work I will float closely to the sped students to further assist them.
Management Considerations The students will go to one side of the room or the other based on if they agree or diasagree on
the statement. This will allow the students to get up and walk around some during the lesson.
The students will each get their own copy of the poem so they can write their own annotations.
We will do the assignment at the student’s desks. While the students are independently
working the teachers will float around and help the students. While one teacher is teaching the
other teacher will be going around keeping the students on task and helping the students that
may need something or might have missed something.
Introduction to Lesson/Activate Thinking: Hook:
We will play the agree and disagree game. This will provide discussion and conversation about
the topic and introduce the topic to the group. If the students agree with a statement they will
stand on one side of the room, and if they disagree they will stand on the other. The statements
will be on the powerpoint presentation. (15 min)

Connection to Background knowledge or Previous Learning:

This will connect to their prior knowledge on MLK, segregation, previous ideas about these
Body of Lesson/Step-by-Step Introduce and Model New Knowledge:
Procedures/Teaching Strategies As a class the students will read the poem “What if There Were No Black People?” first
individually. When the students first read it individually they will mark the poem with certain
symbols provided on the board. Then as a class we will go through the poem and explain each
part of the poem. We will annotate it on the board and write all important notes on the side so
that the students will be able to keep up and understand what is going on. (7-10 min).

Guided Practice:
Then as a class we will go through the poem and explain each part of the poem. We will
annotate it on the board and write all important notes on the side so that the students will be
able to keep up and understand what is going on. We will then put all of the agree and disagree
statements back on the board and see if the students changed any of their opinions. (25 min).

Independent Practice:
We will introduce the assignment of the flyer where the students will talk about the impact of
black culture has had on today’s age and time. Their assignment will focus on the end of
segregation and the impact and how society is working on acceptance of all people. The
students will start working/brainstorming for this assignments(10 min)
Lesson Closure: Review Standard/Summarize Learning:
The assignment that the students will start will refresh what they learned in class.

Connection to Tomorrow’s Lesson:

The students will continue to work on this assignment tomorrow in class.

Specific Learning Plan link from Tolerance:

Powerpoint Link And PDF link:

Treating Everyone
With Kindness.pdf

Below is the print out of the Poem

What if There Were No Black People?
By Sam Mauricette

If there were no black people what would happen to soul?

We’d have R & B with no ‘B’, now that’s blues for y’all.

And if we didn’t have the blues nor the swing of jazz,

the world would never know what it missed and could have had.

The sounds of Ella, Teddy Pen on tracks with Mr. Coltrane,

James Brown and the opportunity to let freedom reign.

Martin Luther King had a dream we found the word equal,

minus the word blacks, the world lacks that new sequel.

Add the word facts, countless stacks, history acts

as though we were never here though we are the word impact.

Imhotep my soul and mind for we were once kings,

building pyramids after Sphinx, and traffic lights for traveling.

I know why the caged bird sings, Maya Angelou wrote such things,

our contributions to the future are beyond breathtaking.

Let the world know if it was never blessed with the darker tones,

melodies would never be the same,

and neither would the soul.




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