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Educational Philosophy

I believe teaching is one of the most important jobs in the world, and teachers need to work hard
to provide the best support they can for students. It is the teachers’ job to provide the students
with an education that gives them the chance to be the best individual they can be and to try to
guide the students into finding things they are passionate about. Students need teachers to engage
them and provide exciting and meaningful lessons and activities in class, but they also need
teachers to outline the rules and enforce them.
I believe teachers need to find a balance between strict and open, honest, and engaging. They
need to be able to encourage students to be themselves and feel safe in the classroom, by doing
so themselves, but also need to prevent anyone from disrupting other students learning and
harming an open classroom environment.
Students learn best when the teacher cares about the topic, has knowledge on it, and provides
them with interesting lessons. Teachers, therefore, need to always be learning themselves,
expanding their knowledge on what they are teaching, and bringing the passion for that topic and
learning into the classroom. It is also important to be creative with lessons and try to scaffold
them, so it is not too hard or too easy for specific students. Teachers also need to be creative in
bringing technology and FNMI learning into the class, so that students get varied perspectives
and tools for learning. It is important to also find the balance in this though, as some students do
not enjoy technology and need traditional forms of learning to be successful.
I also believe teachers need to teach for themselves too, not just the students. Teachers should
love their job and have fun doing it; they should show their students this to help in better
engagement for them and a more enjoyable career for the teacher.
As I become a teacher my goal is to be open to students and encourage a caring classroom
environment. However, I would like to teach physical education and need to strictly enforce rules
for everyone’s safety, which is a difficult but rewarding balance to navigate. I also feel my
agricultural background will play a role in my teaching and I hope to one day implement some
agricultural education for students.

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