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Listening the information and write about it. And give your opininon too.


The auido mentions that oil is very important that it even caused wars throughout the twentieth
century. Some countries that has production, tries to control it to ensure that its riches remain. It is
mentioned that Saudi Arabia was one of the poorest countries in the world but with the Oil discovery
transformed it into a rich country Saudi Araba. Right now the United States is indicated to be the
largest oil producer where technology that uses high pressure water and sand is used to fracture
rock deep beneath the ground to extract oil. It is mentioned that world energy use will increase by
30% that energy must be much cleaner and also that if the world wants to prevent catastrophic
global warming this must be done.

The auido indicates that there is a race between countries to create new renewable technologies
that are more efficient to reduce pollution and become more energy self-sufficient. In this case,
China is the main country that uses coal and also the second largest in oil, but for now it leads the
world in energy. It is mentioned that China is the country that uses solar panels and uses electric
cars. It is mentioned in the auido that the countries have a very important motivation to be able to
have energy stability. Where China is moving fast and as far as the United States is concerned with
President Trump for energy independence. A recommendation is made that if countries use
renewable energy, there would be a reduction in global warming.


Oil is very important to the economy of many countries because of what it represents at the
monetary level. The problem is that there is a lot of contamination with the handling of oil and many
countries do not have oil. It is important that all nations use renewable energy to take care of the
planet and stop depending on oil. It is important that countries have to constantly renew

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