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10/03/2021 Alejandro Alvarez Martinez



1. Make a prediction ( hypothesis ) use the title.


The information will deal with natural disasters such as earthquakes,

tsunamis, hurricanes and other disasters that keep us on our toes. It will be
possible to observe the characteristics of each disaster as well as the
consequences. The text will inform the strategies to face natural disasters.

2. Make a aprediction ( hypothesis ) use the title and the picture


The text will inform about the tragedy generated by a hurricane in a city in
the United States. Heavy rains and flooding will be caused by the waves
due to evaporation. There will be a temperature of 26 ° C on the surface of
the ocean to create a hurricane.The number of victims who died will be
analyzed. The news will be limited to the affected area. The indications of
the authorities will be mentioned. It will be alerted if the hurricane will arrive
in a devastating way.
3. Make a aprediction ( hypothesis ) use the title and picture


The news is about a tornado that is close to reaching a city. There will be a gust of
wind that will join in a vortex of force creating a tornado which will be lifted
generating a tornado. The police will continue to monitor carefully helping to
evacuate the danger zone. Probably the tornado destroys the entire area shown in
the image so many people will die. The tornado will affect the majority of the
population, creating problems with communications and creating conflicts with the

4. Make a aprediction ( hypothesis ) use the title and the picture


The information will be analyzing the blizzards caused by a system of low

temperatures in New York. There will be sub-zero temperatures generating snow
that will sweep through the city. The blizzards will affect the most popular areas of
the city, generating ineffectiveness. The instructions of the authorities will mention
the shelter at home to avoid accidents. It is believed that perhaps most of the
streets are affected in such a way that there is no way out of the house.

5. Make a aprediction ( hypothesis ) use the title and the picture


The tsunami will arrive without warning, due to the displacement of the water from
the love due to detachment or earthquakes. The tsunami will arrive with a speed of
1000 km / h. Everything will start with small telluric movements until reaching larger
ones. The tsunami will start with waves of 5 m and go up to 200 m. The tsunami
will not stop. The tsunami will hit the city causing a lot of damage to the buildings.
Many people will die as surviving a tsunami is difficult. Recovering from damage
will be difficult because the tsunami will be devastating. Various bodies of people
will be found just as living people will be found in the rubble.

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