Lesson Plan 5 Finished and Completed

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TC Name:

Day & Date:

Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

The MLK Social Studies Went into depth and did this lesson plan together for me and another ST
Curriculum Standards
GSE (Georgia Standards of Excellence) / National Curriculum Standards
President Day
ISTE Technology Standard
President Day
Mode of Instruction
Face to Face / Online Synchronous / Online Asynchronous / Hybrid
Learning Objective/Goal(s)

Formative & Summative Assessment

Differentiation, Modification(s), & Accommodation(s)
President day
Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks to Support Diverse Learners’ Needs
Introduction or Student Spark (____Number of minutes)
President day
Body (____Number of minutes)
President day
Closure (____Number of minutes)

Facilitation & Safety


Layered Texts and Other Materials



TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:


Curriculum Standards
GSE (Georgia Standards of Excellence) / National Curriculum Standards
SS8H7- Evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia during the New South Era

A- Identify the ways individuals, groups, and events attempted to shape the New South; include the Bourbon.

Triumvirate, Henry Grady, International Cotton Expositions, and Tom Watson and the Populists

B- Analyze how rights were denied to African Americans or Blacks through Jim Crow laws, Plessy v. Ferguson,
disenfranchisement, and racial violence, including the 1906 Atlanta Riot.

ISTE Technology Standard

4 D - Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance, and the capacity to work with open-ended
Mode of Instruction
Face to Face / Online Synchronous / Online Asynchronous / Hybrid
Learning Objective/Goal(s)

1) Explain the importance of certain individuals/groups to Georgia’s economic, social, and political changes using
evidence from the videos and text.

2) Convey how Jim Crow south and racial tensions contributed to the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot using primary sources

3) Explain the effects of the Bourbons, Grady, Tom Watson, Jim Crow, Plessy v. Ferguson and the 1906 Atlanta Race
Riot through completing interactive notes, quality discussion contributions, and through a written assessment.

HRL Framework:

1) Students will learn more about their identities through understanding that the effects of Jim Crow effected them
black population in their own neighborhood which could have affected some of their families.

2) Students will gain skills by analyzing utilizing these primary sources to support their claim

3) Students will cultivate their intellect by explaining how the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot contributed to status of blackn
families in Atlanta today

4) Students will gain criticality conveying how this New South era gave rise to systemic oppression perpetuated by


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

the media and politicians which is still prevalent today.

Formative & Summative Assessment

1) Students will demonstrate their learning for each objective by completing frequent informal, formative
assessment such as entry/exit tickets in the form of padlets and google forms, a Venn diagram, and KWL chart.
These informal assessments will help me gauge student understanding and help students conceptualize the content
this week. Moreover, students will write a brief SWYK which will serve as their formal formative assessment.

2) Students will be evaluated using a scoring guide for their SWYK and google forms short answer response, 1
meaning that they did not thoroughly comprehend the prompt and should see me during office hours for
assistance, and 5 meaning that they thoroughly comprehended the content, and it is evident through their write.
Moreover, students will receive a passing grade if they accurately convey the similarities/differences through the
Venn diagram and completed the KWL chart.

3) Students will receive verbal feedback on their padlets and with their quality of discussion during class discussions.
Students will receive electronic written feedback on their SWYK, KWL chart, and Venn diagram. Students will have
the opportunity to utilize this feedback to revise and resubmit their assignments.

Differentiation, Modification(s), & Accommodation(s)

1) Instructional support for my special education students will differentiated process, in which they will have more
allotted time to work through the text and videos, as well as be able to work collaboratively to complete the
interactive notes that accompany the PowerPoint. Moreover, these students will have one answer in each of their
Venn diagram circles and their KWL chart to navigate what they should put in those circles/columns. Additionally,
they will have the choice to work collaboratively for their Venn diagrams. We will analyze fewer articles together in
my special education classes, but we will spend more time watching videos of people’s firsthand experiences of the
effects of Jim Crow; additionally, we will spend more time unpacking the articles/videos and the ramifications of
what we learned from the articles/videos.

2) Student specific differentiation support for the variety of students in my class will be done through using multiple
resources. My first couple of periods will analyze the videos and articles in our PowerPoint; however, for my latter
classes, they will have more reading comprehension texts to accompany the Venn diagram and the SWYK
Additionally, some students prefer to work in smaller groups at the beginning of each class, I will ask my students if
some of them would like to work through the articles in a breakout room with me or my MT; thus, differentiating

3) Furthermore, individual modifications and accommodations will vary for each student as they are all very
different people; however, depending on how my students perform and engage will inform me on how to modify
and accommodate my lessons to fit their specific needs. I do not have much official information about the needs of
specific modifications and accommodations for students; however, my first period does include REP students so we


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

will work in larger cooperative learning groups and have more time to complete warms up and assignments.

Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks to Support Diverse Learners’ Needs

Introduction or Student Spark (____Number of minutes)
1) To capture student interest, we will begin class with the song “feels like summer” by Childish Gambino. During
which, students will be complete their Warm-Up in padlet. Students will respond to the question “Use your
analytical thinking to infer how society in GA was after the Reconstruction era. Did the South continue to make
money through agriculture and. Farming? What group of people were doing the farming?”

2) To determine students’ thinking, I will ask them if the names Grady and Joseph Brown ring any bells? *Hint Hint*
They are the names of some schools in Atlanta. Has anyone heard in the news how APS is considering changing the
names of these schools? To leverage their thinking

3) To activate students’ thinking, I will display a picture and ask students to observe it. I will ask students to make
inferences about the South based on the graphic. “What do you all notice about this picture? Who is in the front?
What is in the back? What do you all think this implies?

Body (____Number of minutes)

1) After our brief discussion, we will proceed to go through the PowerPoint and complete our interactive notes. We
will begin with some background information on the three men that make up the Bourbon Triumvirate. After abrief
group read aloud, I will ask my students “based on this background information, what were three similarities these
men shared?” I will also ask my students “these men wanted to make the South similar to the North, how do you all
think this effected Georgia?” *Think money. Based on the background information, the Bourbon Triumvirate
wanted to make the South similar to the North. What was the main difference between the North and the South?
How did they make their money?”

2) We will proceed through the PowerPoint. We will participate in a read-aloud and the Bourbon Triumvirate and
watch a quick video. Subsequently, students will complete their interactive slide about the similarities of these men
and some questions pertaining to when they served. Then, we will return whole class to share our answers to
ensure everyone has the correct answers. After we watch the videos, group read the article on the Bourbon, and
answer our EQ’s collaboratively, I will allow students 5 minutes to fill out their compare and contrast form based on
what we learned about the Bourbon Triumvirate.

3) Subsequently, after we complete our interactive slide with our EQ’s and share a little information we have in our
compare/contrast charts, we will segway into our second main topic of the day – Henry Grady. I will inform students
that Henry Grady supported the Bourbon Triumvirate. With that being said, do you all believe Henry Grady believed
in the same concepts as the Bourbon Triumvirate? After a quick discussion, we will watch a quick video and listen
out for our EQs from the video. I will ask our EQs before the video as well as during the video before they reveal the
answer. Subsequently, we will return whole class and discuss our EQs collectively. Afterwards, we will utilize the last
5 min to fill in facts about Henry Grady into our Venn Diagram

4) During this time, I will be facilitating our read aloud, control the videos, and keep note of the answers of our
collective EQ answers then put the answer in the chat for the student to take down in their notes. During


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

transitions, we will have 90 seconds of dance music to stretch, get water/snack, etc

Closure (____Number of minutes)

1) Students will demonstrate their understanding of the lesson through responding participating in filling out our

interactive notes and completing their Venn diagram. Ideally, if students can accurately compare the

Bourbons and Grady, as well as complete their interactive notes, then they would comprehend our objectives for

day 4.

2) Next steps include students reviewing their Venn diagram and preparing for our warmup on day 4

Facilitation & Safety

 I will ensure my students know where to find and understand the instructions for our class activity
because I will write the instructions in the chat, as well as repeat them as many times needed because I
want 100% participation since the content is extremely insightful and takes place in areas they live in/
grew up around.

 I will respond to interruptions/disruptions by asking that student to only interrupt when they are asking
questions, seeking clarity on our content or instructions, or contributing to our class discussion. If the
student only interrupts to disrupt the class, I will inform them that unnecessary disruptions interfere
with their peers’. learning which is unfair; thus, I will mute their microphone and politely ask that they
use the “raise hand” button on zoom to be unmuted or to gain my attention. If they persist with the
interruptions, I will ask that they stay after class so I can gain insight as to why they were acting out
today. I will try to refrain from taking disciplinary, actions (unless necessary), because I know that
sending them to an administrator will do more harm, than good

 I will provide additional support for students who are disengaged or do not understand by putting them
in a breakout room with me so we can work as a group. As they are completing the assignments with
their, cooperative learning group, I will ask probing questions to get them thinking critically about this
content and how this connects to what we already know about this era and now. Additionally, I will stay
in the breakout room, to immediately answer questions or provide additional assistance to anyone that
are disengaged or confused.

 During transitions, I will play a dance beat (1 min and 30 sec), in which students will be allowed to dance,
stretch, get a snack, use the bathroom, etc. so they can have a brief break and fun before diving into our
next activity.

 I will use/reinforce classroom norms by asking students to respect each other and our time we have
together at the beginning of class and during transitions. If any student does not want to abide by our
norms, I will ask them to stay after class so we can have a conversation; thus, I will be able to learn why they


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

feel as though they cannot abide by our norms and we can come up with a plan on what we can do
differently next time.

 Prior to class, I will ensure students have access to our slides, video, etc. Moreover, I will organize break out
groups prior to the start of class to ensure we transition into break out rooms smoothly and efficiently.

 To support our learning objectives, students will work together with their cooperative learning groups
through breakout rooms so they can gain clarity from their peers on any question or concept they do not

Layered Texts and Other Materials

Intro song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1B9Fk_SgI0

Warm up: https://padlet.com/carthansydney4444/sxildll3zkkipxex

Powerpoint for this week : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11vj7cxprz5G_xrtNdzKljg-


Curriculum Standards
GSE (Georgia Standards of Excellence) / National Curriculum Standards
SS8H7- Evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia during the New South Era

A- Identify the ways individuals, groups, and events attempted to shape the New South; include the Bourbon.

Triumvirate, Henry Grady, International Cotton Expositions, and Tom Watson and the Populists

B- Analyze how rights were denied to African Americans or Blacks through Jim Crow laws, Plessy v. Ferguson,
disenfranchisement, and racial violence, including the 1906 Atlanta Riot.

ISTE Technology Standard

 Empowered Learner
-1C. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their
learning in a variety of ways.

 Digital Citizen
-2b. Students engage in positive, safe, legal, and ethical behavior when using technology, including social
interactions online or when using networked devices.


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

 Knowledge constructor
-3b. Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data, or other resources.

Mode of Instruction
Face to Face / Online Synchronous / Online Asynchronous / Hybrid
Learning Objective/Goal(s)
ASYNCHRONOUS WEDNESDAY Quizizz lesson over the Atlanta Race Riot of 1906

Formative & Summative Assessment

1) Students will demonstrate their learning for each objective by completing frequent informal, formative
assessment such as entry/exit tickets in the form of padlets and google forms, a Venn diagram, and KWL chart.
These informal assessments will help me gauge student understanding and help students conceptualize the content
this week. Moreover, students will write a brief SWYK which will serve as their formal formative assessment.

2) Students will be evaluated using a scoring guide for their SWYK and google forms short answer response, 1
meaning that they did not thoroughly comprehend the prompt and should see me during office hours for
assistance, and 5 meaning that they thoroughly comprehended the content, and it is evident through their write.
Moreover, students will receive a passing grade if they accurately convey the similarities/differences through the
Venn diagram and completed the KWL chart.

3) Students will receive verbal feedback on their padlets and with their quality of discussion during class discussions.
Students will receive electronic written feedback on their SWYK, KWL chart, and Venn diagram. Students will have
the opportunity to utilize this feedback to revise and resubmit their assignments.

Differentiation, Modification(s), & Accommodation(s)

1) Instructional support for my special education students will differentiated process, in which they will have more
allotted time to work through the text and videos, as well as be able to work collaboratively to complete the
interactive notes that accompany the PowerPoint. Moreover, these students will have one answer in each of their
Venn diagram circles and their KWL chart to navigate what they should put in those circles/columns. Additionally,
they will have the choice to work collaboratively for their Venn diagrams. We will analyze fewer articles together in
my special education classes, but we will spend more time watching videos of people’s firsthand experiences of the
effects of Jim Crow; additionally, we will spend more time unpacking the articles/videos and the ramifications of
what we learned from the articles/videos.

2) Student specific differentiation support for the variety of students in my class will be done through using multiple
resources. My first couple of periods will analyze the videos and articles in our PowerPoint; however, for my latter
classes, they will have more reading comprehension texts to accompany the Venn diagram and the SWYK
Additionally, some students prefer to work in smaller groups at the beginning of each class, I will ask my students if
some of them would like to work through the articles in a breakout room with me or my MT; thus, differentiating

3) Furthermore, individual modifications and accommodations will vary for each student as they are all very
different people; however, depending on how my students perform and engage will inform me on how to modify
and accommodate my lessons to fit their specific needs. I do not have much official information about the needs of
specific modifications and accommodations for students; however, my first period does include REP students so we


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

will work in larger cooperative learning groups and have more time to complete warms up and assignments.

Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks to Support Diverse Learners’ Needs

Introduction or Student Spark (____Number of minutes)
Powerpoint: complete slides 8-13 Jim Crow documents: https://www.icivics.org/viewpdf?
path=/sites/default/files/lesson_plan/Jim%20Crow_StudentDocs_0.pdf 1) With these documents, students will
read the short passages on pages 2 & 3, analyze the primary sources from pages 5-10, and complete the
activities on pages 9 & 10 which they will submit to Google Classroom as their grade for that day
Body (____Number of minutes)
I have already assigned this activity. Since we are on a timeline right now, this activity of the Atlanta Race Riot
of 1906 has a slide show and after two or three slides, there are questions.
Closure (____Number of minutes)
Students will complete assignments.

Facilitation & Safety

 I will ensure my students know where to find and understand the instructions for our class activity
because I will write the instructions in the chat, as well as repeat them as many times needed because I
want 100% participation since the content is extremely insightful and takes place in areas they live in/
grew up around.

 I will respond to interruptions/disruptions by asking that student to only interrupt when they are asking
questions, seeking clarity on our content or instructions, or contributing to our class discussion. If the
student only interrupts to disrupt the class, I will inform them that unnecessary disruptions interfere
with their peers’. learning which is unfair; thus, I will mute their microphone and politely ask that they
use the “raise hand” button on zoom to be unmuted or to gain my attention. If they persist with the
interruptions, I will ask that they stay after class so I can gain insight as to why they were acting out
today. I will try to refrain from taking disciplinary, actions (unless necessary), because I know that
sending them to an administrator will do more harm, than good

 I will provide additional support for students who are disengaged or do not understand by putting them
in a breakout room with me so we can work as a group. As they are completing the assignments with
their, cooperative learning group, I will ask probing questions to get them thinking critically about this
content and how this connects to what we already know about this era and now. Additionally, I will stay
in the breakout room, to immediately answer questions or provide additional assistance to anyone that
are disengaged or confused.

 During transitions, I will play a dance beat (1 min and 30 sec), in which students will be allowed to dance,
stretch, get a snack, use the bathroom, etc. so they can have a brief break and fun before diving into our
next activity.


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

 I will use/reinforce classroom norms by asking students to respect each other and our time we have
together at the beginning of class and during transitions. If any student does not want to abide by our
norms, I will ask them to stay after class so we can have a conversation; thus, I will be able to learn why they
feel as though they cannot abide by our norms and we can come up with a plan on what we can do
differently next time.

 Prior to class, I will ensure students have access to our slides, video, etc. Moreover, I will organize break out
groups prior to the start of class to ensure we transition into break out rooms smoothly and efficiently.

 To support our learning objectives, students will work together with their cooperative learning groups
through breakout rooms so they can gain clarity from their peers on any question or concept they do not

Layered Texts and Other Materials

Day 3: Asynchronous Wed

Jim Crow documents:


KWL chart: refer to iCollege submission

Powerpoint for this week : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11vj7cxprz5G_xrtNdzKljg-


Curriculum Standards
GSE (Georgia Standards of Excellence) / National Curriculum Standards
SS8H7- Evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia during the New South Era

A- Identify the ways individuals, groups, and events attempted to shape the New South; include the Bourbon.

Triumvirate, Henry Grady, International Cotton Expositions, and Tom Watson and the Populists

B- Analyze how rights were denied to African Americans or Blacks through Jim Crow laws, Plessy v. Ferguson,
disenfranchisement, and racial violence, including the 1906 Atlanta Riot.


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

ISTE Technology Standard

 Empowered Learner
-1C. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their
learning in a variety of ways.

 Digital Citizen
-2b. Students engage in positive, safe, legal, and ethical behavior when using technology, including social
interactions online or when using networked devices.

 Knowledge constructor
-3b. Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data, or other resources.

Mode of Instruction
Face to Face / Online Synchronous / Online Asynchronous / Hybrid
Learning Objective/Goal(s)
Analyze how rights were denied to African Americans during the New South era and the roles of Booker T.
Washington and W.E.B. Dubois in regaining those rights IOT evaluate key political, social, and economic
changes that occurred in Georgia during the New South Era.
Formative & Summative Assessment
1) Students will demonstrate their learning for each objective by completing frequent informal, formative
assessment such as entry/exit tickets in the form of padlets and google forms, a Venn diagram, and KWL chart.
These informal assessments will help me gauge student understanding and help students conceptualize the content
this week. Moreover, students will write a brief SWYK which will serve as their formal formative assessment.

2) Students will be evaluated using a scoring guide for their SWYK and google forms short answer response, 1
meaning that they did not thoroughly comprehend the prompt and should see me during office hours for
assistance, and 5 meaning that they thoroughly comprehended the content, and it is evident through their write.
Moreover, students will receive a passing grade if they accurately convey the similarities/differences through the
Venn diagram and completed the KWL chart.

3) Students will receive verbal feedback on their padlets and with their quality of discussion during class discussions.
Students will receive electronic written feedback on their SWYK, KWL chart, and Venn diagram. Students will have
the opportunity to utilize this feedback to revise and resubmit their assignments.

Differentiation, Modification(s), & Accommodation(s)

1) Instructional support for my special education students will differentiated process, in which they will have more
allotted time to work through the text and videos, as well as be able to work collaboratively to complete the
interactive notes that accompany the PowerPoint. Moreover, these students will have one answer in each of their
Venn diagram circles and their KWL chart to navigate what they should put in those circles/columns. Additionally,
they will have the choice to work collaboratively for their Venn diagrams. We will analyze fewer articles together in
my special education classes, but we will spend more time watching videos of people’s firsthand experiences of the
effects of Jim Crow; additionally, we will spend more time unpacking the articles/videos and the ramifications of
what we learned from the articles/videos.

2) Student specific differentiation support for the variety of students in my class will be done through using multiple
resources. My first couple of periods will analyze the videos and articles in our PowerPoint; however, for my latter


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

classes, they will have more reading comprehension texts to accompany the Venn diagram and the SWYK
Additionally, some students prefer to work in smaller groups at the beginning of each class, I will ask my students if
some of them would like to work through the articles in a breakout room with me or my MT; thus, differentiating

3) Furthermore, individual modifications and accommodations will vary for each student as they are all very
different people; however, depending on how my students perform and engage will inform me on how to modify
and accommodate my lessons to fit their specific needs. I do not have much official information about the needs of
specific modifications and accommodations for students; however, my first period does include REP students so we
will work in larger cooperative learning groups and have more time to complete warms up and assignments.

Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks to Support Diverse Learners’ Needs

Introduction or Student Spark (____Number of minutes)
1) To capture student interest, we will begin class with a song titled “get down on it” by Kool & the Gang. We will
complete a brief warm up in padlet

2) To determine student’s thinking, I will remind them of our current unit. I will introduce a brief discussion asking
“Speaking of New South, which newspaper journalist coined this term? This journalist helped a couple of men from
this group gain a seat in Government through advocating for them through his newspaper, who were these men?
These men make up what group? What did these men believe in, what were some of their similarities? What else
did they believe in in terms of economics.? (ways to make money)

3) To activate student thinking, I will ask students “these men believed in Industrializing the South, but with
Industrializing the South, what group of people are affected most by industrializing the South? Which group is left
out of the deal with the South becoming industrialized? Think about how the South made their money during the
civil war?”

Body (____Number of minutes)

Our discussion will segway into the farmers being left out of the “New South” concept of industrializing the South. I
will ask students how they believe the farmers felt about influential figures such as the Bourbon Triumvirate and
Henry Grady attempting to industrialize the South. I will begin with a hypothetical question “imagine you are a great
chef that specializes in fancy fudge. One of your friends suggest you all go into business: you make the fudge,
another friend markets it, and one friend sells it. Then one day, your friends that sell and market the fudge say they
want to get their mom to make the fudge because she can do it more efficiently and make them more money. How
would that make you feel?” After a very brief discussion, I will say “that is exactly how the Southern farmers felt
when the Bourbons and Grady started industrializing the South. These farmers felt as though the industries would
not even have a business if it were not for their farms. These farmers felt they were being completely disregarded
and left out of the deal; however, they needed someone with a background in politics to advocate for them. That
brings us to today’s topic: Tom Watson and the Populists” 2) Subsequently, we will progress into our PowerPoint
presentation and watch the quick video Tom Watson. During this video, we will have a few EQs in which we will
listen out for during the video. Students will have access to these EQs via their interactive chart in their notes. After
we finish the videos and collaboratively answer EQs, I will ask students “How did Tom Watson feel about farmers?
How do you all believe he felt about black people, especially towards the end of his career?” After our brief
discussion, students will do a show what you know (SWYK) as their exit ticket. In this SWYK, students will be


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

instructed to use their Venn diagram to write one paragraph about how the Bourbons, Grady, and Watson effected
GA politically, economically, and socially. How did the influence of these men effect GA’s economy? GA’s society?
GA politically? More specifically in terms of the black community, how did the actions of these men effect the black

Closure (____Number of minutes)

Students will demonstrate their understanding of today’s objectives through their SWYK exit ticket. Ideally,
students should be able to summarize how the Bourbons and Grady wanted to bring business to the South
through industrializing; yet , Grady failed to mention the racism and KKK in his newspapers as well as how Tom
Watson championed the old Southern agricultural way of life which was the basis of the Populist Party but
towards the end of his career he shared his white supremacist views. All of which contributed to the growing
racism which would eventually unfold into our topic in which we will cover day 2) The next day is day 3 which is
our asynchronous day. Students will be instructed to complete the International Exposition, Jim Crow Laws,
Plessy v. Ferguson, and disenfranchisement portions and interactive notes in our PowerPoint. Moreover, they
will be given two short reading comprehensions with primary sources to analyze of the Jim Crow Era. With
those sources, they will complete a KWL (at least 3 in each column) chart showing what they knew about Jim
Crow before analyzing the photos and the reading comprehension, what they wanted to know before
reading/analyzing the documents, as well as what they learned after they did the activity. Discussing our KWL
will be our warmup for day 4
Facilitation & Safety
 I will ensure my students know where to find and understand the instructions for our class activity
because I will write the instructions in the chat, as well as repeat them as many times needed because I
want 100% participation since the content is extremely insightful and takes place in areas they live in/
grew up around.

 I will respond to interruptions/disruptions by asking that student to only interrupt when they are asking
questions, seeking clarity on our content or instructions, or contributing to our class discussion. If the
student only interrupts to disrupt the class, I will inform them that unnecessary disruptions interfere
with their peers’. learning which is unfair; thus, I will mute their microphone and politely ask that they
use the “raise hand” button on zoom to be unmuted or to gain my attention. If they persist with the
interruptions, I will ask that they stay after class so I can gain insight as to why they were acting out
today. I will try to refrain from taking disciplinary, actions (unless necessary), because I know that
sending them to an administrator will do more harm, than good

 I will provide additional support for students who are disengaged or do not understand by putting them
in a breakout room with me so we can work as a group. As they are completing the assignments with
their, cooperative learning group, I will ask probing questions to get them thinking critically about this
content and how this connects to what we already know about this era and now. Additionally, I will stay
in the breakout room, to immediately answer questions or provide additional assistance to anyone that
are disengaged or confused.

 During transitions, I will play a dance beat (1 min and 30 sec), in which students will be allowed to dance,
stretch, get a snack, use the bathroom, etc. so they can have a brief break and fun before diving into our
next activity.


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

 I will use/reinforce classroom norms by asking students to respect each other and our time we have
together at the beginning of class and during transitions. If any student does not want to abide by our
norms, I will ask them to stay after class so we can have a conversation; thus, I will be able to learn why they
feel as though they cannot abide by our norms and we can come up with a plan on what we can do
differently next time.

 Prior to class, I will ensure students have access to our slides, video, etc. Moreover, I will organize break out
groups prior to the start of class to ensure we transition into break out rooms smoothly and efficiently.

 To support our learning objectives, students will work together with their cooperative learning groups
through breakout rooms so they can gain clarity from their peers on any question or concept they do not

Layered Texts and Other Materials

Intro song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qchPLaiKocI

Warm up: https://padlet.com/carthansydney4444/jspbt1vmocv0bf7q

Powerpoint for this week : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11vj7cxprz5G_xrtNdzKljg-


Curriculum Standards
GSE (Georgia Standards of Excellence) / National Curriculum Standards
SS8H7- Evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia during the New South Era

A- Identify the ways individuals, groups, and events attempted to shape the New South; include the Bourbon.

Triumvirate, Henry Grady, International Cotton Expositions, and Tom Watson and the Populists

B- Analyze how rights were denied to African Americans or Blacks through Jim Crow laws, Plessy v. Ferguson,
disenfranchisement, and racial violence, including the 1906 Atlanta Riot.

ISTE Technology Standard



TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

 Empowered Learner
-1C. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their
learning in a variety of ways.

 Digital Citizen
-2b. Students engage in positive, safe, legal, and ethical behavior when using technology, including social
interactions online or when using networked devices.

 Knowledge constructor
-3b. Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data, or other resources.

Mode of Instruction
Face to Face / Online Synchronous / Online Asynchronous / Hybrid
Learning Objective/Goal(s)
Analyze how rights were denied to African Americans during the New South era and the roles of Booker T.
Washington and W.E.B. Dubois in regaining those rights IOT evaluate key political, social, and economic
changes that occurred in Georgia during the New South Era.
Formative & Summative Assessment
1) Students will demonstrate their learning for each objective by completing frequent informal, formative
assessment such as entry/exit tickets in the form of padlets and google forms, a Venn diagram, and KWL chart.
These informal assessments will help me gauge student understanding and help students conceptualize the content
this week. Moreover, students will write a brief SWYK which will serve as their formal formative assessment.

2) Students will be evaluated using a scoring guide for their SWYK and google forms short answer response, 1
meaning that they did not thoroughly comprehend the prompt and should see me during office hours for
assistance, and 5 meaning that they thoroughly comprehended the content, and it is evident through their write.
Moreover, students will receive a passing grade if they accurately convey the similarities/differences through the
Venn diagram and completed the KWL chart.

3) Students will receive verbal feedback on their padlets and with their quality of discussion during class discussions.
Students will receive electronic written feedback on their SWYK, KWL chart, and Venn diagram. Students will have
the opportunity to utilize this feedback to revise and resubmit their assignments.

Differentiation, Modification(s), & Accommodation(s)

1) Instructional support for my special education students will differentiated process, in which they will have more
allotted time to work through the text and videos, as well as be able to work collaboratively to complete the
interactive notes that accompany the PowerPoint. Moreover, these students will have one answer in each of their
Venn diagram circles and their KWL chart to navigate what they should put in those circles/columns. Additionally,
they will have the choice to work collaboratively for their Venn diagrams. We will analyze fewer articles together in
my special education classes, but we will spend more time watching videos of people’s firsthand experiences of the
effects of Jim Crow; additionally, we will spend more time unpacking the articles/videos and the ramifications of
what we learned from the articles/videos.

2) Student specific differentiation support for the variety of students in my class will be done through using multiple
resources. My first couple of periods will analyze the videos and articles in our PowerPoint; however, for my latter
classes, they will have more reading comprehension texts to accompany the Venn diagram and the SWYK
Additionally, some students prefer to work in smaller groups at the beginning of each class, I will ask my students if


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

some of them would like to work through the articles in a breakout room with me or my MT; thus, differentiating

3) Furthermore, individual modifications and accommodations will vary for each student as they are all very
different people; however, depending on how my students perform and engage will inform me on how to modify
and accommodate my lessons to fit their specific needs. I do not have much official information about the needs of
specific modifications and accommodations for students; however, my first period does include REP students so we
will work in larger cooperative learning groups and have more time to complete warms up and assignments.

Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks to Support Diverse Learners’ Needs

Introduction or Student Spark (____Number of minutes)
1) To capture student interest, we will begin class with the song “Old Jim Crow”, by Nina Simone. As we are
listening to this song, I will share a photo that shows typical Jim Crow propaganda, and we will analyze it during
this time. We will do a “notice and observe” so students can point out what they see in the photo 2) To
determine student’s knowledge, I will ask everyone to share one thing they put in their “L” column own their
KWL. Subsequently, I will say “with what we heard your classmates say about what they learned from our
documents during our asynchronous day, what does this photo mean? Why are black people being depicted
that way? 3) To activate student thinking, I will ask them “Jim Crow laws mandated that white people and black
people stay separated. How do you all think this worked out in Atlanta? Especially during the early 1900’s?”
Body (____Number of minutes)
1) After our brief discussion, I will inform students that Jim Crow indeed created separate facilities for blacks
and whites if they were “separate but equal.” I will begin the lesson by saying, “Although this was degrading to
black people, they made do with the laws and abided by them. Black people lived in congregated
neighborhoods within Atlanta, spent most of their money at black owned establishments, and tried to stay
away from white people as much as they could, especially since the KKK tended to lynch black people, especially
men, for being black on a Sunday. So, the result of black people spending money within their community gave
rise to some black businesses. So much so, that a black owned barbershop, owned by a man named Alonzo
Herndon (which we will learn about next week) was one of the most established and well-off businesses for the
black person during this time. Herndon made a living for himself beginning as a barber and his barbershop was
located off Poplar St right here in the city. Herndon was so well known that he even had white customers. A
good majority of black businesses were doing exceptionally well considering the circumstances. How do you all
believe this made white people, especially poor white men, feel?” 2) After we discuss that question, because I
know it was a hefty one, I will reveal to my students that a lot of white people during this time were very racist.
“During the 1906 Governor’s race between 2 men that both owned Atlanta newspapers, they utilized their
newspapers to increase their chances of winning the Governor’s race and increase sales; however, the stories
they reported were lies. They reported stories of black men assaulting white women. With all that being sad,
how do you all believe white men, especially the KKK, responded to this?” 3) After our discussion, I will present
a Prezi about the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot. This Prezi is filled with primary sources, maps, and an interactive map
which will walk through exactly where the riot occurred. During the Prezi, I will stop frequently and ask
questions to ensure students understand. Once we conclude the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot Prezi, we will proceed
to our other PowerPoint and read the brief slide on the race riot and complete the “delete the inaccurate
statement” portion 4) Subsequently, we will debrief what we learned from today and students will complete a
Google Form exit ticket to ensure their understanding
Closure (____Number of minutes)
1) Since today was very content filled students will demonstrate their understanding through their quality of


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

discussion as well as through their brief exit ticket. Today’s content was very relevant, so I did not feel the need
to require them to take as many notes; however, they will be instructed to go back through today’s prezi and
our PowerPoint to ensure their understanding because we will have a quiz on day 5 2) Next steps include
reviewing all their interactive notes, including the Venn diagram and KWL chart because we will have a brief
review session tomorrow then
Facilitation & Safety
 I will ensure my students know where to find and understand the instructions for our class activity
because I will write the instructions in the chat, as well as repeat them as many times needed because I
want 100% participation since the content is extremely insightful and takes place in areas they live in/
grew up around.

 I will respond to interruptions/disruptions by asking that student to only interrupt when they are asking
questions, seeking clarity on our content or instructions, or contributing to our class discussion. If the
student only interrupts to disrupt the class, I will inform them that unnecessary disruptions interfere
with their peers’. learning which is unfair; thus, I will mute their microphone and politely ask that they
use the “raise hand” button on zoom to be unmuted or to gain my attention. If they persist with the
interruptions, I will ask that they stay after class so I can gain insight as to why they were acting out
today. I will try to refrain from taking disciplinary, actions (unless necessary), because I know that
sending them to an administrator will do more harm, than good

 I will provide additional support for students who are disengaged or do not understand by putting them
in a breakout room with me so we can work as a group. As they are completing the assignments with
their, cooperative learning group, I will ask probing questions to get them thinking critically about this
content and how this connects to what we already know about this era and now. Additionally, I will stay
in the breakout room, to immediately answer questions or provide additional assistance to anyone that
are disengaged or confused.

 During transitions, I will play a dance beat (1 min and 30 sec), in which students will be allowed to dance,
stretch, get a snack, use the bathroom, etc. so they can have a brief break and fun before diving into our
next activity.

 I will use/reinforce classroom norms by asking students to respect each other and our time we have
together at the beginning of class and during transitions. If any student does not want to abide by our
norms, I will ask them to stay after class so we can have a conversation; thus, I will be able to learn why they
feel as though they cannot abide by our norms and we can come up with a plan on what we can do
differently next time.

 Prior to class, I will ensure students have access to our slides, video, etc. Moreover, I will organize break out
groups prior to the start of class to ensure we transition into break out rooms smoothly and efficiently.

 To support our learning objectives, students will work together with their cooperative learning groups
through breakout rooms so they can gain clarity from their peers on any question or concept they do not


TC Name:
Day & Date:
Subject Area & Grade Level:
Number of Students in Class:

Layered Texts and Other Materials

Intro song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky380OFxZhM

Prezi: https://prezi.com/view/l66en5Rz6LDDR1u8k3eY/

Google forms exit ticket:


Powerpoint for this week : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11vj7cxprz5G_xrtNdzKljg-

Muhammad, G. (2020). Cultivating Genius: An Equity Framework for Culturally and Historically Responsive
Literacy. Scholastic.


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