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Advice Paper

Exam No. B098463

Sport, Society and International Development

Advice Paper
for Canadian participation in sport

Course Organizer: Professor Grant Jarvie

Student No.: s1609952

Number of words: 2387

Date: 22-02-2017
Advice Paper
Exam No. B098463

It has been noticed that the relationship between medal success and growth in sports participation rates is false. Canada
can be regarded as a sample for showing this inaccurate link. In Summer Olympic Games, the medals that Canada won
had increased from 18(in 2004) to 22(in 2016); and it had an eight medals rise in Winter Olympic Games that from 17
(in 2002) to 25(in 2014). The growth of medals seems moderately, while it still can be seen a success for Canada
considering the difficulty of winning an Olympic medal. However, it is reported that the national sports participation
rates remained decline during this period1.

Promoting citizen sports participation is not an easy mission which can be achieved in the short term,not speaking of
a country with high participation rates before. The challenge for Canada is not improving the rates from low to high; it
is how to maintain and regain highly active sports participation. The government of Canada should find out reasons why
people do not engage in sports like before. According to those reasons and overlooked areas, the government may can
make proper policies and programmes to walk out of the dilemma

Accordance with the current situation, relevant evidence, and experience, Sport Canada can underpin future plans that
mainly focus on the following aspects: parent impacts, the elderly, gender gap, low socioeconomic group, education on
injury and health, immigrants and aboriginals. And specific suggestions for each aspect are provided in this advice paper.

Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research Paper.
Advice Paper
Exam No. B098463
Introduction So health and fitness are the most important benefits for
This paper provides an overview of the current situation participants from all age groups8.
and suggestions for increasing Canadian sports
participation. Sport and physical activity play a crucial Sport participation in Canada
role in the lives of Canadians, which is from creating a
sense of belonging and community, to producing National sports participation rates
tremendous health and emotional benefits4. Due to the According to General Social Survey(GSS)Time-Use data,
significance of citizens' participation in sport and the national sports participation rates of Canadians across
physical activities, recommendations presented here will all age groups has been declining since 1992. Particularly,
be welcomed by Sport Canada. the age of 15 and older had decreased steeply. In 2010,
26% of Canadians age 15 and older took part in sport
Sport Canada is an agency of the Department of Canadian regularly, which is a 17% decline over the past 18 years9.
Heritage. The priorities of it are providing Canadians with Although Canada hosted the Vancouver Winter Olympic
opportunities to take part in sport to embrace a healthy in 2010, the anticipation of increased participation did not
and active lifestyle and enhance high-performance appear by the end of 201510.
athletes' participation and success in competitions2. In
2013, Canadian Heritage published the fourth
investigation report which is in terms of Canadian sports
participation (the previous three were published in
1992,1998, and 2005)3. The report shows that the national
sports participation rates are little optimistic.

Understanding sport participation

Speaking of sports participation in Canada, sport was
defined as an activity that involves two or more
participants engaged for the purpose of competition. Government investments
While now, a number of physical and leisure activities fell The government of Canada has strategically invested in
within the scope as a "sport." Participation refers to a Canada's sport system to encourage sport participation
participant do a sport at least once a week during the and physical activities. These investments include
season or for a certain period of the year .
Allender, S., Cowburn, G. and Foster, C. 2006. Understanding
It is well known that physical activities are beneficial for participation in sport and physical activity among children and
people's psychosocial health, functional ability and adults: a review of qualitative studies. Health Education Research,
general quality of life . And it can reduce the risk of 21(6), pp.826-835.
coronary heart disease, prevent or slow the progression of Kenney, W. L., Wilmore, J. and Costill, L.D. 2015. Physiology of
cardiovascular disease, and control obesity and diabetes . Sport and Exercise, 6th ed. USA: Human Kinetics.
Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research
Government of Canada, Culture, history and sport. Paper.
9 Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research
Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research Paper. Paper.
4 10
Government of Canada. Concussions. Perks, T. 2015. Exploring an Olympic “Legacy”: sport participation in Canada before and after the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.
Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research Paper. Canadian Review of Sociology, 52(4), pp.462-474.

Advice Paper
Exam No. B098463
funding to help adolescents and under-represented groups just 20% which was below the national participation rate
(for examples: women and girls, persons with a disability of 26%15.
and Aboriginal peoples) through a number of activities
operated by Sport Canada11. Provincial/regional trend
Compared to 2005, sport participation rates declined in
Each year, nearly $62 miilion funding have been put into all eastern provinces in 2010. It was recorded that the
organizations such as Canadian Tire Jumpstart, largest decline appeared in Navo Scotia where
ParticipACTION and Physical health and Education participation rates fell from 32% to 21% over the five
Canada12, the organizations which has launched various years. In contrast, the participation of western Canada
activities and projects to help Canadian children and the increased. Alberta had a rise of 4%, followed by
youth access to sport and physical activities. Besides that, Manitoba (2%), British Columbia (1%)16.
Budget 2016 provided $1.4 million over two years to
allow the Public Health Agency of Canada to reduce the Differences by socioeconomic
incidence and impact of severe sports injuries . For households, sports activities are secondary needs
rather than essential needs. And participation in most
Gender gap sports always involves some fees, such as registration,
Although sports participation rates of both genders have equipment, uniform, coach, food, and so on. As a result,
declined over the years, Canadian men still prefer to do the amount of resources available for sport depends on
sport than women. During 1998 to 2005, the gender gap the amount of discretionary income after necessary needs
in sports participation was narrowed, but it has broadened are met. In 2010, the sports participation rates of
again in recent years. On the contrary, the gender gap in Canadian households whose income more than $80,000
tournament participation has been constantly narrowed. fell from 40% in 2005 to 33% in 2010. Even so, the rate
In 2010, 42% of the male, who regularly did sport, of 33% was about five times greater than the 7%
participated in tournaments, and this ratio had been steady participation rate of households with incomes of less than
since 1998. While female's participation in tournaments $20,00017. In particular, due to low socio-economic status,
had an increase to 40% compared to 33% in 2005, 29% aboriginal population have a worse performance than
in 1998, and 24% in 1992 . other group pf people on sports participation18.

Age Gap between Canadian-born and immigrants

Active sports participation decreased along with age. In Compared with people who immigrated prior to 1991,
2010, sports participation rates fell from 54% (15-19 immigrants who arrived in Canada after 1991 prefer to
years old group) to 17% (55 and over the years old). What take part in sport regularly. For Immigrants who moved
is worse, two-thirds of Canadian adult population were 35 to Canada between 2005 and 2010, the sports
years of age or older, while by 2011 this percentage participation rate for them is 25%19. Though sports
increased to 69%. And their sports participation rate was participation for immigrants just is a two percentage
points below the Canadian-born rate, racism still exists in
Government of Canada. Participation in sport. sport which impedes immigrants’ involvement in sports20.
15 Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research Paper.
12 16
Government of Canada. Role of Sport Canada. Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research Paper.
17 Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research Paper.
13 18
Government of Canada. Concussions. Heritage Canada. 2015. Sport Canada’s Policy on Aboriginal People’s Participation in Sport.
14 19
Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research Paper. Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research Paper.

Advice Paper
Exam No. B098463

Suggestions benefits25. According to such motivations, it would be a

good act for Sport Canada to build ballroom in every
Ø Considering families' impact community, meanwhile, sending professional coaches to
Family plays a crucial role in adolescents' sports teach and holding some dancing events. Compared with
participation. Reportedly, the participation rate for the other kinds of physical activities and sports, dancing is
adolescent with parental involvement in sport was higher not very intense and exhausted, but enjoyable for the
than the rate for adolescents without such parental impact elderly. And different styles of dance can provide various
in 2010 . This is because family support is one the vigorous forms of activity for older adults to suit the skills
determiners for them to do sport22. The current youth and limitations 26. Moreover, dance is a sort of group
actively seek their parents' opinion and always share activity, so it can offer more elderly adults opportunities
similar values . Therefore, some programmes that target to connect with others. This kind of interaction and
parents can be operated. Due to parents’ impact in support from others can encourage the elderly participant
children sports involvement, the participation rate for to insist on dancing.
parents increases, the rate for adolescents will raise as
well. Sport Canada can also manage some projects to Ø Filling the gender gap
provide children and their parent with opportunities to get Though female sports participant has increased in recent
involved in sports together. More parents may become the decades, the male is still the dominant27. The ironic area
role model for their children during the activity. Then of the gym may be a good sample to show such male
children will be inspired to do more sport as their parents. dominance. And this kind of dominance is one of the
hinders for the female to get involved in sport28. Recently,
Ø Focusing on the elderly the raise of the pink gym can be regarded as a good
It has been mentioned above that the sports participation solution. Some gyms have built a special area and
rate of 55 and over years old is the lowest one which is changed the color of the equipment into pink, which is a
17%. And statistics shows that this age group of the good way to attract women who only do aerobic exercise
Canadian population is continuously increasing . In and encourage women to get rid of feeling embarrassed
other words, Canada is facing the problem of the aging
population. Hence, it is significant to launch some Allender, S., Cowburn, G. and Foster, C. 2006. Understanding
projects or activities to attract this age-specific target participation in sport and physical activity among children and
group to take part in physical activities and sports. It is adults: a review of qualitative studies. Health Education Research,
researched that the main motivations for older adults to 21(6), pp.826-835.
do sport are social support, enjoyments and health Allender, S., Cowburn, G. and Foster, C. 2006. Understanding
participation in sport and physical activity among children and
Lee, K., J. 2013. Race and sport in Canada: Interesting Inequalities. adults: a review of qualitative studies. Health Education Research,
Journal of leisure research, 45(4), pp.563-568. 21(6), pp.826-835.
21 27
Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research Paper. Chalabaev, A., Sarrazin, P. Fontayne, P., Boivhe, J. and Clement-
Allender, S., Cowburn, G. and Foster, C. 2006. Understanding Guillotin, C. 2013. The influence of sex stereotypes and gender
participation in sport and physical activity among children and roles on participation and performance in sport and exercise:
adults: a review of qualitative studies. Health Education Research, Review and future directions. Psychology of sport and exercise,
21(6), pp.826-835. 14, pp 136-144.
23 28
Berger, E.I., O’reilly, N., Parent, M. M., Seguin, B. and Hernandez, Allender, S., Cowburn, G. and Foster, C. 2006. Understanding
T. 2008. Determinants of Sport Participation Among Canadian participation in sport and physical activity among children and
Adolescents. Sport Management Review, 11, pp. 277-307. adults: a review of qualitative studies. Health Education Research,
Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research Paper. 21(6), pp.826-835.

Advice Paper
Exam No. B098463
when exercising with men in the same area. This is positive changes for homelessness31. Meanwhile, it has
because the female-particular sports space can help also increased homelessness' sports participation in
women escape from pressure caused by being compared virtually. So some lesson and experience can be learned
with men. Due to sex differences, men have a better from this tournament. Accordance with Canadian context,
performance in some sports than women . At the same Sport Canada can organize a deviation event like the
time, pink is female's favorite color. Equipment in pink Province Cup or City Cup to motive low-income group,
can give the female a psychological hint that they belong and homeless people play street football or street
to this sport as well. From this example, organizing some basketball. Except for the prize for national winners, the
female-only activities will be helpful to include more provincial winner can be given some rewards as well, the
women in sport, the activities which are biased on female rewards which cater for their needs, such as gift card,
sports preferences. And using feminine elements can coupon, food. All of those awards will inspire them to
appeal to women from the psychological level. take part in the sport and the tournament. And because of
representing their own province, participants will have a
Ø Involving low socioeconomic people sense of pride, the feeling that will urge they keep playing,
As mentioned before, t the participation rate for lower even harder playing to prepare for the games.
income household is much lower than that for people with
high income. And the expenditure of sport is one of the Ø Education about health and injury
obstacles for lower income people participating in sport. Unclear guidelines will confuse people that whether the
Hence, some low-income people targeting projects and intensity and duration of sports that they do are efficient
measurements should be operated, in order to help this enough. Actually, World Health Organization (WHO)has
group of the population access to do sport or do more published relevant recommendations for age group. For
sport. Among the top six popularity sports (golf, ice example, alder adults should do no less than 150 minutes
hockey, soccer, baseball, volleyball, basketball) in moderate intense or 75 minutes relatively intense aerobic
Canada , soccer, volleyball, and basketball may be the physical activity a week32. Such clear standards about
most accessible sports for low-income people. Compared sports and physical activities should be educated in class
with others, those sports do not have any special and publicized via mass media.
requirements for equipment, except a ball. So more
indoor and outdoor basketball, volleyball and soccer The other thing that should be acquired by the public is
courts which are free, simple and small should be built in how to prevent and detect injuries. It is possible for
communities. And homeless people should be provided people to get injuries when doing sports, in particular,
some free equipment, training and so on. Besides that, some intensive sports with body contact. Nearly 64% of
hosting competitions, such as the Homeless World Cup, 10-18 years old youth, who visits hospital emergency
may be a good programme. departments, get injuries related to taking part in sports,
physical activities and recreation33. It is necessary to
The Homeless World Cup is an annual street football teach people how to protect themselves and avoid injuries
tournament since 2003. This event does bring some when doing sports. And people should know how to

29 31
Chalabaev, A., Sarrazin, P. Fontayne, P., Boivhe, J. and Clement- Homeless World Cup. ABOUT THE TOURNAMENT.
Guillotin, C. 2013. The influence of sex stereotypes and gender
roles on participation and performance in sport and exercise: tournament/
Review and future directions. Psychology of sport and exercise, World Health Organization. Global recommendations
14, pp 136-144. on physical activity for health.
Canadian Heritage. 2013. Sport Participation 2010 Research Paper.

Advice Paper
Exam No. B098463
do initial checkups and deal with some injuries by
themselves, so as to reduce tragic outcomes.

Ø Paying attention to immigrants and aboriginals

The government of Canada has invested various
programmes and supported some organizations to
increase national sports participation 34. However, there
are still short of some operational projects and
interventions which are more straightforwardly aimed for
immigrants and aboriginals35. As a country of immigrants,
the significance of immigrants and aboriginals should not
be ignored. And sport is an excellent tool for immigrants
and aboriginals to enter the mainstream of society. So, the
government should take more actions which are targeting
immigrants and aboriginals in the future plan.

Overall, this paper briefly summarizes some of the
current situation of Canadian sports participation,
highlights some overlooked aspects, and recommends
some promising solutions. The decline of national sports
participation rate cannot be ignored, even if the rising of
meddles in summer and winter Olympic games. This
paper is potential to contribute to rising Canadian sports
participation rate, the rate which is significant for a nation.
After all, highly active citizen sports participation not
only can be regarded as a guarantee for a high national
health level, but also can provide a substantial reserve
talent cultivation for enhancing elite sport, which will
help Canada maintaining the rising trend of Olympic
medals in the future.

Government of Canada. Concussions.
Government of Canada. Sport in Canada.
Government of Canada. Sport policies acts and regulations.

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