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Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1200 (2021) 113245

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Influence of thermo-diffusion and dissipation thermo on the characteristics

of optimized mixed convective radiative laminar flow with
chemical reaction
Yun-Xiang Li a, M. Ijaz Khan b, *, Sohail A. Khan c, M. Waqas d
School of Science, Hunan City University, Yiyang 413000, PR China
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Riphah International University, I-14, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics, Quaid-I-Azam University, 45320, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
NUTECH School of Applied Sciences and Humanities, National University of Technology, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan


Keywords: Numerical simulation in radiative flow of mixed convection laminar fluid with entropy generation by a porous
Mixed convection stretched surface is analyzed. Energy expression for Joule heating, dissipation and thermal flux is addressed.
Porous medium Vital characteristics of diffusion-thermo and thermo diffusion are also studied. Irreversibility communication is
Viscous fluid
develop through thermodynamic second law. Entropy optimization is calculated. Chemical reaction is also
Bejan number
Entropy generation
deliberated. Nonlinear PDEs are changed to ordinary differential equations through similarity variables. Optimal
Thermal radiation homotopy analysis technique is instigated to construct the convergent solution. Salient characteristics of
Soret and Dufour effects involved variables for entropy optimization, temperature, velocity, concentration and Bejan number are delib­
Viscous dissipation and chemical reaction erated. Velocity gradient, heat transfer rate and Sherwood number are addressed. For larger suction parameter
the velocity increases. Velocity raises for higher estimation of porosity parameter. An increment occurs in
temperature against Dufour number. For rising values of radiation parameter the temperature upsurges. Higher
Soret number leads to the concentration decay. Both entropy rate and Bejan number are augmented for radiation
effect. Velocity gradient enhances for larger magnetic and porosity parameters. Nusselt number is improved via
radiation parameter and Brinkman number.

1. Introduction Mahdy [1] studied the Soret and Dufour impacts in MHD flow of viscous
liquid by a wavy surface. Thermo-diffusion in magnetohydrodynamic
Phenomenon in which particles are transported in a multi-factor unsteady convective flow of viscous materials with irreversibility due to
combination computed by gradient of temperature is known as rotating cone is presented by Hayat et al. [2]. Dufour and Soret effect in
thermo-diffusion mechanism. The Dufour and Soret impacts play sig­ magnetohyrodynamic flow of Walters-B liquid filling porous medium is
nificant role when large density difference holds in flow regime. When highlighted by Mahabaleshwar et al. [3]. Ren and Chan [4] discussed
heat and mass conduction occur instantly in liquid motion then the the diffusion-thermo and thermal-diffusion behaviors in double-
relation amongst driving potentials and fluxes are of more composite diffusive convective viscous liquid flow in a vertical cavity. Soret and
nature. This occurrence follows continuous deviation in the concentra­ Dufour effects in unsteady peristaltic flow of Prandtl liquid with viscous
tion of one species than compared to others in chemical process. The dissipation is demonstrated by Hayat et al. [5]. Time-dependent mag­
Dufour and Soret effects are useful in combined thermal and solutal netohydrodynamic radiative flow of viscous liquid with diffusion-
transfer in binary system for transitional atomic weight gases. Moreover thermo and thermal-diffusion is addressed by Okuyade et al. [6].
the solutal and thermal transportation in a permeable medium have Mudhaf et al. [7] analyzed time dependent convective flow with Dufour
been forced by experimental and theoretical exploration for remarkable and Soret characteristics inside porous trapezoidal enclosures. Unsteady
applications in energy-storage units, geothermal systems, nuclear waste mixed convection magnetohydrodynamic flow of viscous liquid with
repositories, heat insulation, catalytic reactors, drying technology etc. diffusion-thermo and thermal-diffusion over porous stretchable surface

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Ijaz Khan).
Received 10 March 2021; Received in revised form 25 March 2021; Accepted 27 March 2021
Available online 1 April 2021
2210-271X/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y.-X. Li et al. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1200 (2021) 113245

is examined by Raveendra et al. [8]. Hayat et al. [9,10] analyzed the ( )2

∂T ∂T ∂T ∂2 T Dm KT ∂2 C μ ∂u 16 σ∗ T 3∞ ∂2 T
dissipative flow of viscous liquid subject to an exponentially curved +u +v =α 2 + +( ) + ( )
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂y Cs cp ∂y2 ρcp ∂y 3 k∗ ρcp ∂y2
surface. Reddy and Chamkha [11] presented the unsteady MHD flow of
viscous material subject over porous surface with Dufour and Soret σB20 2
+ u,
effects. ρcp
Entropy generation is applied to improve the system performance. (3)
Entropy rate is caused by Joule heating, heat flux, mass flux, dissipation,
molecular vibration and thermal radiation etc. Larger entropy genera­ ∂C ∂C ∂C ∂2 C Dm kT ∂2 T
+u +v = Dm 2 + − kr (C − C∞ ) (4)
tion in any system there are more probabilities of irreversibilities in that ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂y Tm ∂y2
system and consequently significance of that closed system decreases. To
For t > 0 we have
make any closed systems for good efficiency we intend to reduce the
entropy rate. An irreversible phenomenon destroys the performance of a u = uw , v = V0 , T = Tw , C = Cw at y = 0
thermodynamical system, intended to do efficient work and as a results u→0, T = T∞ , C = C∞ when y→∞
entropy production occurs. Entropy optimization tells us about the flow
Here (x, y) indicate the Cartesian coordinates, μ the dynamic vis­
and distribution of energy. It helps to improvement the importance of
cosity, (u, v) the velocity components, σ the electrical conductivity, ρ the
numerous engineering and electronic devices development. Initially
density, βt the thermal expansion coefficient, ν the kinematic viscosity, g
Bejan [12] modified the entropy optimization analysis technique in
the gravitational acceleration, βc the solutal expansion coefficient, T the
order to minimize and estimate the entropy generation. Selimefendigil
temperature, α the thermal conductivity, Dm the mass diffusivity, Tw the
and Oztop [13] demonstrated the irreversibility exploration in MHD
wall temperature, K the permeability of porous medium, T∞ the ambient
natural convective flow of nanoliquid on curved shaped partition. Nu­
temperature, kT the thermal diffusion ratio, Cs the concentration sus­
merical simulation for nanoliquid flow with irreversibility examination
ceptibility, σ∗ the Stefan -Boltzman constant, C the concentration, k∗ the
and natural convection is exemplified by Zhou et al. [14]. Seth et al. [15]
mean absorption coefficient, Cw wall concentration, Tm mean fluid
explored behavior of irreversibility in MHD flow of carbon nanotube
temperature, C∞ the ambient concentration and kr the reaction rate.
based nanoliquid subject to Darcy-Forchheimer porous medium.
Qayyum et al. [16] analyzed the Dufour and Soret effect in viscous liquid
[ ] ⎫
flow with irreversibility and chemical reaction subject to impermeable cx
cν cx2 ⎪

rotating disk. Irreversibility exploration in carbon nanotube (single and u= f ’ (η), v = − f (η), T = T∞ + Tw θ( η ) ⎪

(1 − λt) (1 − λt) 2ν(1 − λt)2 ⎬
multi-walls) based Darcy-Forchheimer nanoliquid with dissipation ef­ [ ] ,
fect through stretchable disks is highlighted by Khan et al. [17]. Mag­ cx2

ϕ(η), η = ⎪
netohydrodynamic and irreversibility effects in convective flow of C = C∞ + Cw
2ν(1 − λt)2 ν(1 − λt)
y ⎪

viscous liquid is demonstrated by Yousofvand et al. [18]. Kefayati [19]
discussed behavior of Soret and Dufour in MHD flow of non-Newtonian
liquid with entropy rate through porous cavity. Characterization of one obtains
chemical reaction and entropy rate in peristaltic tangent hyperbolic
A ˝
liquid flow within a curved channel is seen by Farooq et al. [20]. Irre­ f ’’’ + ff ˝ − f ’2 − ηf − (M + A + Fr )f ’ + Gt θ + Gc ϕ = 0, (7)
versibility and activation energy in Ree-Eyring nanoliquid flow is
demonstrated by Hayat et al. [21]. Some relevant studies are highlighted A
in Refs. [22–36]. (1 + Rd)θ˝ − Prf ’ θ + Prf θ’ − Prηθ’ − 2PrAθ + PrDf ϕ˝ + Brf ˝2 + MBrf ’2
In this study we address the characteristics of magnetohydrodynamic = 0,
mixed convective flow of viscous liquid by a permeable stretching sheet.
Dufour and Soret characteristics are examined. Joule heating, radiation
and dissipation are addressed in energy expression. Irreversibility A
′ ′ ′

analysis and binary chemical reaction are accounted. Nonlinear ordi­ ϕ′′ + Scf ϕ − Scf ϕ − Scηϕ − 2ScAϕ + ScSrθ′′ − γScϕ = 0,
nary system is calculated by optimal homotopy analysis technique }
(OHAM) [37,38]. Prominent behavior of various variables on entropy

f (0) = s, f (0) = 1, θ(0) = 1, ϕ(0) = 1
optimization, velocity, concentration Bejan number and temperature

f (∞) = 0, θ(∞) = 0, ϕ(∞) = 0
are deliberated. Surface drag force, gradient of temperature and mass ( ) ( )
transfer rate via several flow variables are studied. Here A = λc indicates the unsteady parameter, Fr = ν(1−Kcλt) the
( ) ( )
σ B20 (1− λt)
2. Statement of problem porosity parameter, Gt = gβ2c t Tw x
ν the Grashof number, M = cρ
( ) ( )
Magnetohydrodynamic convective flow of viscous liquid by a porous the magnetic parameter, Df = DνCmsKcTp TCww the Dufour number, Pr = αν
stretching sheet is addressed. Fluid filling the porous medium. Thermal ( ) (
radiation, dissipation and Joule heating in energy expression are scru­ the Prandtl number, Gc = gβ2c c Cw x
the solutal Grashof number, Ec =
tinized. Dufour and Soret effects are accounted. Irreversibility analysis ) (
( )
in reactive flow is scrutinized. We denote u = uw = (1−cxλt) as stretch­
T w cp
the Eckert number, Br( = PrEc) the Brinkman number, Rd =
) ( ) (
ing velocity. Magnetic field of constant strength (B0 ) is exerted. ∗ 3
16 σ T∞
the radiation parameter, Sc = v
the Schmidt number, λ =
The governing expression satisfy are 3 k k Dm

) ( )
kr (1− λt)
∂u ∂v the chemical reaction parameter and Sr = DνmCKwTTTmw the Soret
+ = 0, (1) c
∂x ∂y
∂u ∂u ∂u ∂ u σB20 ν
+u +v = ν 2 − u− u + gβt (T − T∞ ) + gβc (C − C∞ ), (2)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂y ρ K

Y.-X. Li et al. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1200 (2021) 113245

3. Entropy modeling

Nux Re−x 1/2 = − (1 + Rd)θ (0).
Entropy generation is
( )( )2 ( ) ⎫ 5.3. Sherwood number
k 16 σ ∗ T 3∞ ∂T μ ∂u 2 μ 2 σ B20 2 ⎪

SG = 2 1 + ∗ + + u + u ⎪

T∞ 3 k k ∂y T∞ ∂y KT∞ T∞ ⎬
, (11) Concentration gradient (Shx ) is
( ) ( )2 ⎪

RD ∂T ∂C RD ∂C ⎪
⎪ ( )2 ( )
+ + ⎭ 2ν (1 − λt) 2ν
T∞ ∂y ∂y C∞ ∂y Shx = jw , (21)
c D m Cw c
Dimensionless version is
Mass flux jw is defined as
1 1 α2 ( )
NG = α1 Re(1 + Rd)θ’2 + Brf ’’2 + Fr Brf ’2 + MBrf ’2 + LReθ’ ϕ’ + LRe ϕ’2 . ∂C
2 2 α1 jw = − Dm (22)
(12) ∂y

4. Bejan number

Shx Re−x 1/2 = − ϕ (0).
Mathematically ( )
In above expression Rex = uwν x denotes the local Reynold number.
Irreversibility heat and mass transfer
Be = , (13)
Total Irreversibility
6. Solutions

α1 Re(1 + Rd)θ’2 + LReθ’ ϕ’ + LRe αα21 ϕ’2 The initial approximations and linear operators for OHAM solution
Be = are
α1 Re(1 + Rd)θ + ’2 1
Brf ’’2 + 1
F Brf ’2
2 r

+ MBrf ’2 + LReθ ϕ +’
LRe αα21 ϕ’2

(14) f0 (η) = 1 + s − e− η , ⎬
θ0 (η) = e − η
( ) ⎭
ϕ0 (η) = e− η ,
SG ν2 (1− λt)3 T∞
in which NG = kc2 x2 Tw
shows the entropy generation rate,
( ) ( ) ∂3 ∂ ⎫
Tw Cw Lf = − ,⎪

α1 = the temperature difference parameter, α2 =
T∞ the con­ C∞ ∂η ∂η ⎪
3 ⎪

⎪ ⎪
( ) ⎬⎪
centration difference parameter and L = RD(C0k− C∞ ) the diffusion Lθ = 2
− 1, (25)
∂η ⎪

⎪ ⎪
parameter. ∂2

Lϕ = 2 − 1, ⎭
5. Engineering quantities
5.1. Skin friction coefficient }
Lf = [c0 + c1 eη + c3 e− η ], Lθ = [c4 eη + c5 e− η ],
s (26)
Lϕ = [c6 eη + c7 e− η ],
It is defined by

Cfx =
(15) in which ci (i = 1, 2, 3, ..., 7) shows the arbitrary constants.
ρu2w Letting ħf , ħθ and ħθ as the secondary variable and q the embedding
with shear stress τw as variable q ∈ [0, 1].
⃒ Zeroth order deformation problems is:
τw = μ ⃒⃒ (16) (1 − p)L1 [F(η; p) − f0 (η) ] = pħf Rf Lf [F(η; p) ], (27)
∂y y=0

Finally we can write (1 − p)L2 [θ(η; p) − θ0 (η) ] = pħθ Rθ Lθ [θ(η; p) ], (28)

Cfx Re2x = f ′′ (0) (1 − p)L3 [φ(η; p) − φ0 (η) ] = pħϕ Rϕ Lϕ [ϕ(η; p) ], (29)

′ ′ }
F (0; p) = 1, F(0; p) = s, F (∞; p) = 0, θ(0; p) = 1,
5.2. Nusselt number (30)
θ(∞; p) = 0, ϕ(0; p) = 1, ϕ(∞; p) = 0.

It is given by Definitions of operators are

( )2 ( ) ( )2 ( )⎫
2ν (1 − λt) 2ν ∂3 F(η;p) ∂2 F(η;p) A ∂2 F(η;p) ∂F(η;p) ∂F(η;p) ⎪

Nux = qw , (18) Lf = 3
+F(η;p) − η − − A ⎪

c kTw c ∂η ∂η2 2 ∂η2 ∂η ∂η
( ) ( ) ⎪
∂F(η;p) ∂F(η;p) ⎪

with heat flux qw by − M − Fr +Gt θ(η;p)+Gc φ(η;p), ⎪

∂η ∂η
( ) ( )
∂T 16 σ∗ T∞ ∂T
qw = − k − . (19)
∂z 3 k∗ ∂y
We finally have

Y.-X. Li et al. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1200 (2021) 113245

( ( ) ) ⎫
∂2 θ(η; p) ∂2 θ(η; p) ∂θ(η; p) ∂F(η; p) A ∂θ(η; p) ⎪

Lθ = + Rd + Pr F(η; p) − Pr θ(η; p) − Prη ⎪

∂η 2
∂η2 ∂η ∂η 2 ∂η ⎬
( )2 ( 2 )2 (32)
∂ φ(η; p) ∂F(η; p) ∂ F(η; p) ⎪

− 2PrAθ(η; p) + PrDf 2
+ MBr − Br , ⎭
∂η 2 ∂η ∂η

( ) ( ) ⎫
∂2 ϕ(η; p) ∂ϕ(η; p) ∂F(η; p) A ∂ϕ(η; p)
Lϕ = + Sc F(η; p) − Sc ϕ(η; p) − Scη − 2ScAϕ(η; p) ⎪

∂η2 ∂η ∂η 2 ∂η
∂2 θ(η; p) ⎪

+ScSr − γScϕ(η; p) ⎪


The problem for mth order are [ ( ) ]2

1 ∑ k ∑m ∑m
ε = Nθ f (ζ), θ(ζ) , (43)
L1 [fm − χ m fm− 1 ] = ħf Rfm , (34) m
k + 1 i=0 j=0 j=0 η=iδη

L2 [θm − χ m θm− 1 ] = ħθ Rθm , (35) [ ( ) ]2

1 ∑ k ∑m ∑m ∑m
εϕm = Nϕ f (ζ), g(ζ), ϕ(ζ) , (44)
L2 [ϕm − χ m ϕm− 1 ] = ħϕ Rϕm , (36) k + 1 i=0 j=0 j=0 j=0 η=iδη

∂fm ⃒⃒ ∂fm ⃒⃒
⃒ ⎫ Total squared residual error satisfies [34]:
= fm |η=0 = = 0, ⎪

∂η ⃒η=0 ∂η ⃒η=∞ ⎪

⎪ ε = εfm + εθm + εϕm ,
⃒ ⎪
⎪ m

∂θm ⃒⃒
= θm |η=∞ = 0, (37) where εtm denotes total squared residual error.
∂η ⃒η=0 ⎪

⎪ The total squared residual error is sketched in Fig. 1.
∂ϕm ⃒⃒ ⎪
= ϕm |η=∞ = 0,

⎭ Individual averaged squared residual errors versus the convergence
∂η ⃒ η=0

′′′ A ′′ ′ ′ ′ ′

Rfm = fm− 1 +m− 1
k=0 fm− 1− k fk
− ηf − m− 1 ′′
k=0 fm− 1− k fk − Mfm− 1 − Afm− 1 − Fr fm− 1 ⎬
2 m− 1

+Gt θm− 1 + Gc ϕm− 1 ,

Prηθm− 1 − 2PrAθm− 1 ⎪
′ ′ ′
Rθm =(1+Rd)θ′′m− 1 +Prm− 1
k=0 fm− 1− k θk − Prm− 1
k=0 θm− 1− k fk − ⎬
′ ′

+PrDf ϕ′′m− 1 +MBrk=0
m− 1
fm− 1−
m− 1 ′′ ′′
k fk +Brk=0 fm− 1− k fk ,

′ ′ A ′

Rϕm = ϕ′′m− 1 + Scm− 1
k=0 fm− 1− k ϕm− 1 − Scm− 1
k=0 ϕm− 1− k fm − Scηϕm− 1 − 2ScAϕm− 1 ⎬

+ScSr θ′′m− 1 − γScϕm− 1 .
(40) Fig. 1. Total residual error.

0, m⩽1
χm = (41) Table 1
1, m > 1
Computational iterations for individual averaged squared residual errors.
m εfm εθm εϕm
7. Convergence analysis
2 0.0000929091 0.000310351 0.000175705
The average square residual errors as given by Liao [34] satisfy: 4 4.09807 × 10− 6 8.06767 × 10− 6
8.02565 × 10− 6

10 1.01812 × 10− 9 4.68892 × 10− 10

1.07677 × 10− 8
[ ( ) ]2
1 ∑ k ∑m 12 1.40336 × 10− 10 1.21747 × 10− 10
1.42172 × 10− 9

εfm = Nf f (ζ) , (42) 16 1.66233 × 10− 12 5.69586 × 10− 12

2.72591 × 10− 11
k + 1 i=0 j=0 18 2.07358 × 10− 13 9.94443 × 10− 13
3.87558 × 10− 12

Y.-X. Li et al. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1200 (2021) 113245

Fig. 2. f (η) versus M. Fig. 5. f (η) versus A.

′ ′

control variables is discussed in Table 1. occur in velocity for higher (M). It is due to the liquids for higher (M) the
more Lorentz force inside fluid flow which opposite to liquid motion and
8. Discussion thus velocity decays. Characteristics of suction parameter (s) on f (η) is

disclosed in Fig. 3. As expected the velocity decays for higher suction

Influence of different flow variables on velocity, Bejan number, en­ parameter. Fig. 4 demonstrates f (η) against (Fr ). In fact in manifestation

tropy optimization, concentration and temperature are studied. Coeffi­ of permeable medium which enhance the resistance in flow region and
cient of skin friction and mass and heat transfer rate are also examined. consequently liquid velocity decays. Fig. 5 examines the effect of (A) on
f (η). Velocity decreases for larger estimation of unsteadiness parameter

(A). Here it is noted that boundary layer thickness diminished against

8.1. Velocity
higher (A). Figs. 6 and 7 show the characteristics of (Gt ) and (Gc ) on
Fig. 2 discloses the behavior of (M) on velocity. Clearly reductions

Fig. 6. f (η) versus Gt .

Fig. 3. f (η) versus s.

Fig. 4. f (η) versus Fr . Fig. 7. f (η) versus Gc .

′ ′

Y.-X. Li et al. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1200 (2021) 113245

Fig. 8. θ(η) versus Br. Fig. 11. θ(η) versus Pr.

velocity (f (η) ). One can find that velocity enhances versus larger esti­ which improve the opposition to fluid flow and hence temperature is

mations of both (Gt ) and (Gc ). improved. Significances of (Rd) on temperature is revealed in Fig. 10.
Actually (Rd) is the virtual influence of heat transfer to thermal radiation
transfer. Therefore temperature boosts up for more (Rd). Fig. 11 shows
8.2. Temperature variation of (Pr) on θ(η). In fact for higher estimation of Prandtl number
(Pr) thermal diffusivity decays and thus temperature is decreased.
Variations of different parameters like (Br), (M), (Rd), (Pr), (A) and Fig. 12 evaluates behavior of (A) on temperature. Temperature filed
(Df ) on temperature (θ(η) ) are depicted in Figs. 8–13. Effect of Brinkman (θ(η) ) is decreased versus (A). Impact of (Df ) on thermal field is
number on temperature is shown in Fig. 8. It is noted that temperature is exhibited in Fig. 13. For higher (Df ) the energy flux increases and
increased versus (Br). Characteristics of (M) on temperature is inter­ consequently improvements occurs in temperature field.
preted in Fig. 9. Higher magnetic variable produces more Lorentz forces

Fig. 9. θ(η) versus M.

Fig. 12. θ(η) versus A.

Fig. 10. θ(η) versus Rd. Fig. 13. θ(η) versus Df .

Y.-X. Li et al. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1200 (2021) 113245

Fig. 14. ϕ(η) versus Sr . Fig. 17. ϕ(η) versus γ.

8.3. Concentration the concentration.

Fig. 14 examines the concentration for various values of (Sr ). Clearly 8.4. Entropy generation and Bejan number
concentration diminishes against higher estimation of (Sr ). Variation of
(Sc) on ϕ(η) is shown in Fig. 15. For larger (Sc) the mass diffusivity Influence of (Fr ) on NG and Be is demonstrated in Figs. 18 and 19. It is
decays and therefore concentration is decreased. Fig. 16 provided the noted that NG upsurges via (Fr ). Thermal layer thickness enhances with
characteristics of unsteadiness parameter (A) on concentration (ϕ(η)). porosity parameter and thus entropy optimization boosts up. For larger
Clearly concentration decays versus (A). Fig. 17 displayed influence of estimation of (Fr ) the Be is diminished. Figs. 20 and 21 elucidate the
(γ) on concentration (ϕ(η)). An increment in reaction variable reduces behavior of radiation parameter on NG and Be. Clearly for higher radi­
ation parameter the entropy generation NG boosts up. For larger radia­
tion parameter the Bejan number increases. In fact heat transfer
irreversibility dominates over total entropy optimization. Significant

Fig. 15. ϕ(η) versus Sc.

Fig. 18. NG versus Fr .

Fig. 16. ϕ(η) versus A.

Fig. 19. Be versus Fr .

Y.-X. Li et al. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1200 (2021) 113245

Fig. 20. NG versus Rd. Fig. 23. Be versus Br.

characteristics of (Br) on NG and Be is explained in Figs. 22 and 23. 8.5. Quantities of interest
Actually Brinkman number is the heat created source within the fluid
flow region. Heat generated together with the thermal conduction from Behaviors of various variables on velocity gradient and mass and
the wall increases the entropy rate. One can find that Be decreases versus heat transfer rates are examined in this subsection.
higher (Br). Figs. 24 and 25 interpret the influences of diffusion
parameter (L) on NG and Be. Clearly both NG and Be augmented for 8.5.1. Surface darg force
larger (L). Characteristics of various involved parameters like (Fr ), (M), (Gt ) and
(Gc ) on (Cfx ) are shown in Figs. 26 and 27. Variations of (Cfx ) against
magnetic (M) and permeability (Fr ) parameters are portrayed in Fig. 26.
Here it is noted that velocity gradient boosts up via (M) and (Fr ). Be­
haviors of (Gt ) and (Gc ) on (Cfx ) are demonstrated in Fig. 27. Here (Gt )

Fig. 21. Be versus Rd.

Fig. 24. NG versus L.

Fig. 22. NG versus Br.

Fig. 25. Be versus L.

Y.-X. Li et al. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1200 (2021) 113245

Fig. 26. Cfx versus Fr and M. Fig. 29. Nux versus (M) and (Pr).

Fig. 27. Cfx versus Gt and Gc . Fig. 30. Shx versus (M) and (Pr).

shown in Fig. 30. Mass transfer rate (Shx ) upsurges for higher values of
(Sr ) and (Sc).

9. Conclusions

The main conclusions are given below.

For higher suction variable the velocity reduces.

f (η) is decreased against higher (Fr ) and (M).

For higher (Gt ) and (Gc ) the f (η) upsurges.

Similar impact of temperature is seen via (Pr) and (A).

( )
θ(η) enhances for greater (Br), (M) Df and (Rd).
For higher Soret number (Sr ) the concentration decreases.
Similar behavior of concentration is seen for larger (A) and (Sc).
ϕ(η) is a diminishing behavior for (γ).
NG and Be are increased for higher (Rd).
NG and Be have opposite effects for porosity parameter (Fr ).
Fig. 28. Nux versus (Br) and (Rd). For higher (L) both NG and Be upsurge.
Entropy rate boosts up against (Br).
and (Gc ) have opposite effects on (Cfx ). (Gt ) and (Gc ) have opposite impacts on velocity gradient.
Cfx upsurges versus higher estimations of (Fr ) and (M).
8.5.2. Heat transfer rate Heat transfer rate (Nux ) is increased against (M) and (Br).
Fig. 28 displayed influences of (Br) and (Rd) on (Nux ). Temperature Nux is diminished via (Pr) and (Rd).
gradient increases versus larger (Br) and (Rd). Behavior of (M) and (Pr) Concentration gradient Shx upsurges for higher (Sc) and (Sr ).
on Nusselt number (Nux ) are shown in Fig. 29. Clearly Nusselt number
has reverse behavior for (M) and (Pr). Declaration of Competing Interest

8.5.3. Mass transfer rate The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Salient behaviors of (Sr ) and (Sc) on concentration gradient (Shx ) are interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence

Y.-X. Li et al. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1200 (2021) 113245

the work reported in this paper. [17] S.A. Khan, T. Saeed, M.I. Khan, T. Hayat, M.I. Khan, A. Alsaedi, Entropy optimized
CNTs based Darcy-Forchheimer nanomaterial flow between two stretchable
rotating disks, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 44 (59) (2019) 31579–31592.
Acknowledgement [18] R. Yousofvand, S. Derakhshan, K. Ghasemi, M. Siavashi, MHD transverse mixed
convection and entropy generation study of electromagnetic pump including a
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(Grant No.2018TP1042). [20] S. Farooq, M.I. Khan, T. Hayat, M. Waqas, A. Alsaedi, Theoretical investigation of
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