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Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 100783

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Diffusion of stratification based chemically reactive Jeffrey liquid featuring

mixed convection
M. Waqas *
NUTECH School of Applied Sciences and Humanities, National University of Technology, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan


Keywords: This investigation elaborates simultaneous attributes of chemical reaction and dual stratification in magnetized
Mixed convection Jeffrey liquid flow by the vertical cylinder movement. Consideration of mixed convection leads to coupled flow
Jeffrey liquid phenomena. Heat sink/source and thermal radiation effect are accounted to scrutinize the heat transport fea­
Dual stratification
tures. The mathematical system is simplified by implementing boundary-layer approach. The process of non-
Chemical reaction
Vertical cylinder
dimensionalization is done by introducing appropriate variables. Computational outcomes are achieved via
homotopic criteria. Graphical illustrations are presented to visualize the solution expressions. Rate of heat-mass
transfer is noticed higher when stratification variables are augmented however an increment in stratification
variables yields lower solutal and thermal fields. It is worth to mention that results for flat surface can be
recovered in the absence of curvature parameter.

the quality of end-product depends on heat controlling aspect. Several

analyses have been described considering heat sink/source phenomenon
1. Introduction (see Refs. [11–14]).
Many transportation processes occur in industrial usages where the
Viscoelastic liquids nowadays have acquired ample applications in combined heat-mass transportation transpire as a outcome of thermo-
various industries for instance ink-jet printing, polymer processing, solutal buoyancy aspects of chemical species diffusion and thermal
biological rheology and petroleum engineering. Substantial attempts diffusion. The areas of relevance when combined consideration of heat-
have been devoted with the purpose of capturing high-caliber algo­ mass transportation plays a significant contribution are manufacturing
rithms for comprehending viscoelastic fluids dynamics. Nonetheless, as of chemical equipment, fog dispersion and formation, moisture and
the pragmatic utilizations imply, viscoelastic liquids unveil flow attri­ temperature distribution over an agrarian field along with fruit trees
butes entirely different than the pure viscous liquids [1]. Here, in this groves, crop impairment owing to freezing and ecological contamina­
investigation, the rate-type viscoelastic “Jeffrey liquid model” is taken tion. Some investigations under this aspect are reported in Refs.
into consideration because it elaborates the viscoelasticity characteris­ [15–19].
tics of several industrial liquids. Furthermore, the Jeffrey model in­ This communication executes the characteristics of magnetized Jef­
terprets the attributes of stress relaxation along with ratio of stress frey liquid persuaded by the stretchable cylinder. Dual stratification
relaxation to retardation time. Some recent analyses featuring Jeffrey effects are described under heat sink/source, chemical reaction and
liquid include [2–5]. thermal radiation. The governing model is highly nonlinear because of
Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) (hydromagnetics or magneto-fluid mixed convection consideration. The homotopy algorithm [20] is uti­
dynamics) is a topic of scrutiny that delves into magnetic characteris­ lized to compute the solutions of physical model under consideration.
tics along with performance of electrically conducted liquids [6]. The region of convergent solutions is accomplished. Graphical illustra­
Studies elaborating the features of boundary-layer flow along with heat tions are presented to visualize the solution expressions. The analysis is
transport subjected to MHD has relevance in industry for instance further described comprehensively by addressing the physical signifi­
liquid-metal chilling of nuclear reactors, plasma confinement and elec­ cance of the dimensionless constraints.
tromagnetic casting. Few recent investigations featuring MHD are
mentioned in Refs. [7–10]. Apart from MHD, the effect of heat sink/­
source possess a vital contribution in industry. For illustration, mostly

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
Received 8 August 2020; Received in revised form 1 October 2020; Accepted 23 October 2020
Available online 13 December 2020
2468-0230/© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.
M. Waqas Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 100783

Nomenclature Q coefficient of heat

~ source or sink
u, v velocity components λ thermal buoyancy parameter
ν kinematic viscosity N ratio of thermal to
x, r space coordinates ~ solutal buoyancy forces
R1 radius of cylinder Grx thermal Grashof number
Uw stretching velocity Rex Reynolds number
ρ density Grx∗ solutal Grashof number
λ1 ratio of relaxation to retardation times Pr Prandtl number
U0 , a, b, c, d dimensional constants S1 thermal stratified variable
k specific heat δ>0 heat source variable
ρ thermal conductivity δ<0 heat sink variable
λ2 retardation time Ha Hartman number
σ electrical conductivity γ1 thermal Biot number
g gravitational acceleration Sc Schmidt number
B0 strength of magnetic field γ2 solutal Biot number
Λ1 coefficient of thermal expansion γ>0 destructive chemical reaction
T, C temperature, concentration γ<0 constructive chemical reaction
Λ2 coefficient of solutal expansion R radiation parameter
C∞ , T ∞ ambient (concentration, temperature) S2 solutal stratified variable
σ∗ Stefan-Boltzmann constant Cf coefficient of skin-friction
C0 , T 0 reference (concentration, temperature) Shx Sherwood number
k∗ coefficient of mean-absorption Nux Nusselt number
k1 reaction rate qw , qm wall heat/mass fluxes
D mass diffusivity η dimensionless variable
h1 , h2 heat, mass transfer coefficients ψ stream function
α curvature parameter f dimensionless velocity
β Deborah number θ non-dimensional temperature
~ in terms of retardation time ϕ non-dimensional concentration
S>0 suction
S<0 injection

2. Statement number. Heat-mass transfer features are analyzed by considering dou­

ble stratification, thermal radiation, chemical reaction and heat source/
Let us model a steady-state incompressible Magneto-Jeffrey liquid sink aspects. Physically more pragmatic convective heat-mass transfer
convected flow by stretchable permeable surface. The fluid flows in x conditions are accounted at surface. The convection mode is utilized to
(axial) direction while r (radial) direction is selected perpendicularly to heat the surface from bottom considering temperature of hot fluid as Tf
x (see Fig. 1). The properties of fluid are pondered constant and density (> T∞ ) which yields a coefficient of heat-transfer h1 . Consequently, the
variation is scrutinized through Boussinesq approximation. The induced thermally convected condition are produced. In the same way, the plate
magnetism aspect is overlooked because of smaller Magneto-Reynolds concentration Cf (> C∞ ) yields a coefficient of mass-transfer h2 . Under
the aforesaid suppositions, the foremost expressions following [2] are:
∂(ru) ∂(rv)
+ = 0, (1)
∂x ∂r
⎡ ⎛ ⎞⎤
v ∂2 u ∂v ∂2 u
⎢ ⎜ + ⎟⎥
∂u ∂u ν ⎢ 2 ⎜ r ∂r2 ∂r ∂r2 ⎟⎥
u +v = ⎢1 ∂u + ∂ u +λ2 ⎜ ⎟⎥

∂x ∂r (1+λ1 ) ⎣ r ∂r ∂r2 ⎜ ⎟⎥
⎝ ⎠⎦
u ∂2 u ∂u ∂2 u ∂3 u (2)
+ + +u
r ∂x∂r ∂r ∂x∂r ∂x∂r2
− u+g{Λ1 (T − T∞ )+Λ2 (C− C∞ )},
( ) ( )
∂T ∂T k ∂2 T 1 ∂T 16σ ∗ T 3 ∂2 T 1 ∂T
u +v = 2
+ + ∗ ∞ +
∂x ∂r ρcp ∂r r ∂r 3k ρcp ∂r2 r ∂r
+ (T − T∞ ),
( )
∂C ∂C ∂2 C 1 ∂C
u +v =D + − k1 (C − C∞ ), (4)
∂x ∂r ∂r2 r ∂r

Fig. 1. Physical configuration.

M. Waqas Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 100783

U0 x
u = Uw (x) = , v = − vw , 3. Convergence
∂T ( ) ∂C ( )
− k = h1 Tf − T , − D = h2 Cf − C , (5) Solutions attained via homotopy method encompass auxiliary con­
∂r ∂r
straints (ℏf , ℏθ , ℏϕ ) which have significant part in convergent solutions
a b execution. For this intention, the selection of suitable values of auxiliary
Tf = T0 + x, Cf = C0 + x at r = R1 ,
l l constraints is necessary to develop convergent solutions. Fig. 2 is por­
c d trayed to elaborate convergence graphically. From this Fig. it is detected
u→0, T→T∞ = T0 + x, C→C∞ = C0 + x as r→∞. (6) that − 0.85 ≤ ℏf ≤ − 0.22, − 1.15 ≤ ℏθ ≤ − 0.15 and − 1.20 ≤ ℏθ ≤ −
l l
0.05. Furthermore, Table 1 discloses that obtained solutions for f,θ and
ϕ are convergent at 14th order approximations when ℏf = ℏθ = ℏϕ = −
√̅̅̅̅̅̅( 2 )
U0 r − R21 √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ T − T∞ 0.4.
η= , ψ = Uw νxR1 f (η), θ(η) = ,
νl 2R1 Tf − T0
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (7) 4. Results
C − C∞ ′ νU0 R1
ϕ(η) = , u = Uw f (η), v = − f (η),
Cf − C0 l r The features of significant physical constraints against thermal and
solutal fields are addressed in this section. The values of physical con­
equation (1) is satisfied automatically while Eqs. (2-6) give: straints are α = λ = N = δ = γ = S1 = Ha = S2 = 0.1, β = γ 1 = R = 0.2,
′ ( ′ ) ′ ′ γ 2 = 0.3, λ1 = 0.4, S = 0.5 and Sc = Pr = 1.2. It is important to mention
(1 + 2αη)f ′′ + 2αf ′′ + (1 + λ1 ) ff ′′ − f 2 + αβ(f f ′′ − 3ff ′′ )
that present problem is the extended version of [2] in presence of
( ) magneto-hydrodynamics, thermal radiation, Robin conditions for

+(1 + 2αη)β f ′′2 − ff iv − Ha2 (1 + λ1 )f + λ(1 + λ1 )[θ + Nϕ] = 0,
heat-mass transfer and heat source/sink. Therefore the graphical anal­
( ) ( ) ysis is reported only for those variable which appears due to these
4 4
′ ′ ′ ′
(1 + 2αη) 1 + R θ′′ + 2α 1 + R θ + Pr(f θ − f θ) − PrS1 f + Prδθ
3 3
The features of R on θ are described in Fig. 3. Thermal profile up­
= 0, surges when R is enhanced. Physically, an augmentation in R leads to
(9) reduction of mean-absorption coefficient thereby raises the tempera­
ture. Fig. 4 interprets γ1 behavior versus θ. Larger γ yields an increment
(10) in γ. In fact, γ encompasses heat-transfer coefficient h1 which turn out to
′ ′ ′ ′
(1 + 2αη)ϕ′′ + 2αϕ + Sc(f ϕ − f ϕ − S2 f − γϕ) = 0,
be higher when γ is augmented. Figs. 5 and 6 show θ curves for distinct
δ > 0 and δ < 0. It is noted that θ upsurges for δ > 0 and it decays for
′ ′ ′
f = S, f = 1, θ (0) = − γ1 (1 − S1 − θ(η)), ϕ (0)
= − γ 2 (1 − S2 − ϕ(η)) at η = 0, δ < 0. Physically the system generates additional heat during the pro­
cess of heat generation and eventually θ rises. Besides, heat is absorbed

f →0, θ→0, ϕ→0 as η→∞. (11) for δ < 0, resulting in θ to fall considerably with the decaying estima­
tions of δ < 0. Effects of S1 and S2 on θ and ϕ are elaborated in Figs. 7
The non-dimensional factors are and 8. Higher thermal and solutal stratified factors (S1 and S2 ) corre­
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ spond to a diminution of θ and ϕ. Such scenario is witnessed due to
νl λ2 U0 σl Grx l negligible difference of temperature and concentration between the two
α= , β = , Ha = B , λ = , S = v ,
U0 R2 l ρU 0 0 Re2x
U0 ν surfaces. Fig. 9 divulges γ2 aspects against ϕ. Here ϕ reduces when γ2 is
( ) augmented. Clearly the coefficient of mass-transfer (h2 ) arises in γ2
U0 x2 gΛ1 Tf − T0 x3 definition. Actually, h2 becomes stronger for higher γ2 values. Conse­
Gr∗ 4σ ∗ T∞
N = x2 , Rex = , Grx = , R= ,
Rex νl ν 2
kk∗ quently, ϕ diminishes subject to an increment in γ2 . Characteristics of
( ) √̅̅̅̅̅̅ γ > 0 and γ < 0 are disclosed through Figs. 10 and 11. It is observed that
∗ gΛ2 Cf − C0 x3 μc p c h1 νl γ > 0 corresponds to a reduction in ϕ while reverse scenario is seen for
Grx = , Pr = , S1 = , γ 1 = ,
ν2 k a k U0 γ < 0. Physically the molecular diffusivity of chemical decays via γ > 0.
√̅̅̅̅̅̅ Thus ϕ dwindles for γ > 0 and upsurges for γ < 0.
− 1/2
Ql d ν k1 l
, S = , Sc = , γ = , γ2 =
h2 νl
. Table 2 elaborates R, δ, S1 and γ1 attributes versus Nux Rex . It is
ρcp U0 2 b D U0 D U0

Heat-mass transport rates are

( ) 3
( )
xqw ∂T 16σ∗ T∞ ∂T
Nux = ( ), qw = − k − , (13)
k Tf − T0 ∂r r=R1 3k ∗ ∂r r=R1
( )
xqm ∂C
Shx = ( ), qm = − D . (14)
D Cf − C0 ∂r r=R1

The above expressions (13) and (14) in dimensionless forms are

( )
1 + 43 R

Nux Re−x 1/2 = − θ (0),
1 − S1


Shx Re−x 1/2 = − ϕ (0).
1 − S2
Fig. 2. Plots of ℏ − curves for f , θ and ϕ.

M. Waqas Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 100783

Table 1
Convergent results for distinct order approximations choosing α = λ = N = δ = γ
= S1 = Ha = S2 = 0.1, β = γ1 = R = 0.2, γ2 = 0.3, λ1 = 0.4, S = 0.5 and Sc = Pr
= 1.2.
order of approximations − f (0)
′′ ′
− θ (0)

− ϕ (0)

1 1.1852 0.1567 0.2161

5 1.3466 0.1620 0.2290
10 1.3479 0.1626 0.2314
14 1.3479 0.1626 0.2314
20 1.3479 0.1626 0.2314
25 1.3479 0.1626 0.2314
35 1.3479 0.1626 0.2314

Fig. 6. δ < 0 effects on θ(η).

Fig. 3. R effects on θ(η).

Fig. 7. S1 effects on θ(η).

Fig. 4. γ1 effects on θ(η).

Fig. 8. S2 effects on ϕ(η).

Fig. 5. δ > 0 effects on θ(η).

− 1/2 Fig. 9. γ2 effects on ϕ(η).

witnessed that Nux Rex upsurges when R, S1 and γ1 are increased. On
− 1/2
the other hand Nux Rex diminishes when δ is augmented. Character­
− 1/2
istics of γ 2 , γ and S2 against Shx Rex are scrutinized through Table 3.
− 1/2
This Table witness an increment in Shx Rex subject to higher γ2 , γ and
S2 .

M. Waqas Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 100783

5. Conclusions

The noteworthy points acquired from this research are:

• Thermal profile upsurges when R, γ 1 and δ > 0 are enhanced.

• Larger S1 and δ < 0 yield a diminution in θ.
• Solutal profile reduces when S2 and γ > 0 are augmented while
reverse effects are witnessed for γ < 0 and γ 2 .
− 1/2
• Rate of heat-transfer Nux Rex upsurges when R, S1 and γ1 are
increased while it diminishes when δ is augmented.
− 1/2
• An increment in Shx Rex is noticed subject to higher γ 2 , γ and S2 .
• The results for flat surface can be recovered by putting α = 0.
Fig. 10. γ > 0 effects on ϕ(η).
6. Author Statement

I am the solo author of this paper and I have managed the whole
paper myself.

Declaration of Competing Interest

It is declared that we have no conflict of interest.


It is wort to mention that my PhD supervisor “Prof. Dr. Tasawar

Hayat (Distinguished National Professor)” has guided me brilliantly
during my whole educational career in Quaid-I-Azam University,
Fig. 11. γ < 0 effects on ϕ(η). Islamabad, Pakistan. Even after my PhD, sir always encouraged me to do
well in the research as well as in academics. Thank you very much sir for
your guidance, love and continuous support.
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− 1/2
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