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Mini Unit Table of Contents

Part 1: Community Considerations …………………………………….……………… 2

Part 2: UbD Teaching Unit Framework………………………………………………... 5

Part 3: Lesson Plans…………………………………………………………………….. 7

Day 1………………………………………………………………………………. 7

Print Outs………………………………………………………………….. 10

Day 2……………………………………………………………………………… 14

Day 3……………………………………………………………………………… 17

Print Outs…………………………………………………………………. 20

Part 1

Community Considerations
The school that I have my placement at is the Early Learning Center in Baldwin
County. The population in Baldwin County is 54% white and 42% black. The remaining
4 percent is other races. The percentage for the people that have graduated high school
in the county is 84.2% and 23.3% of the people that live here have a bachelor’s degree
or higher. This is the only public preschool in the area and students can be car rider or
picked up by the bus to come to school. Over half of the population in the area work at
the age of 16. In Baldwin county there are 44,890 people living here as of 2019. The are
a good amount of government housing in Baldwin County. There is a lot of diversity in
financial status in Baldwin. This area is more rural in the public schools in the area. The
average income in the area is $43,672 which falls in the lower middle class. In the area
22.9% of people fall under the poverty line.

School Description
The ELC has 159 students that attend here ages Pre-K to 1 st grade. The school
has 72% of their students that are a part of a minority. The teacher to student ratio at
this school is 21:1. The students that go to this school consist of 42% female students
and 58% male students. The public schools in Baldwin county have a math proficiency
is 19% and the reading proficiency is 19%. The ELC provides full special education
services. Many of the students are in co-teaching and inclusion classrooms and when
they reach elementary school it will be reevaluated to see if they need more intensive
services. The school offers bussing to take kids to and from school in the county. There
are no after school programs. Every child that attends this school gets a free breakfast
and lunch. The school has a library, computer rooms, multiple playgrounds, and extra
classrooms where students can do activities like gymnastics. There are community
volunteers that help in the school not during COVID but due to the pandemic this has
been greatly decreased. The school offers speech pathology, occupational therapy, and
physical therapy for the students that require these services. The school provides many
resources for students with disabilities.

Classroom Description
The classroom that I have been placed in is an inclusion classroom where there
are 17 students. Of these 17 students, 4 are white and the rest are black students.
There are 5 students that are pulled for special education services in a resource room
by the special education co-teacher. Of these 5 students, 3 students are white and 2 are
black. There are 2 female students and 3 male students that get pulled from this class.
All of the students in the inclusion classroom are 4 or 5 years old. Every student in this
class will go to kindergarten next year. The classroom contains multiple tables, toys and
seats for every student in the class. There is also a bathroom in the class. The walls of
the class are filled with brightly colored posters and student art. There are pictures of
each student on the walls as well. The classroom has different centers that the students
can go to play and learn. There are 2 pet birds in the class. There is also a smart board
that the teacher allows the students to use every day.

Student Profile
The student that will be served in my mini lesson is 5-year-old “Zoey”. Zoey is a
black female student that is pulled in the resource classroom. Due to her young age is
hard to tell exactly what disability impacts her. Zoey is nonverbal and needs very close
assistance from a para. She shows early signs of potentially autism. She is the most
severely impacted by her disability from the group of special education students in the
class. She is in the 4-year-old class at the ELC and will continue onto kindergarten next
year. Some of her IEP goals include staying on task for 30 seconds with verbal
prompting, sitting with the group during activities, and verbalizing a want. She will work
on each of these during the mini unit being taught. Many of her goals are social and
focused on basic skills rather than content.

The student Rex will also be served in this unit. Rex is a 5-year-old white male.
Rex struggles with speech and academically. Some of his IEP goal are to rope count to
ten, sit with the group for the whole assignment and to ask for help when he needs it.
These goals should all be addressed in this unit. Due to his young age Rex does not
have a specific diagnosis and has just started receiving the small group help in the past
few weeks. Rex is liked among other students and likes to play well with others.

The next student served in this lesson is Billy. Billy is a 4-year-old white male.
Billy is very talkative and at times disruptive in class. Billy’s IEP goals include counting
up to 10 objects, asking for help when he needs it and sitting in his seat during
instruction. Billy’s IEP goals will be met during this math unit. He will practice counting
objects and working with his peers. Billy’s diagnosis is also unsure due to his young
age. He has a speech delay and receives services from the school speech pathologist
weekly. He is in the 4-year-old class right now and will go to kindergarten next year in
the fall.

Another student that will e served in these lessons is 5-year-old Ella. Ella is a
white female. Some of her IEP goals include asking for help, counting to 10 with
objects, and working with her peers. Ella will work on all of these things during the
lesson. She received speech services as well each week and has been pulled from the
classroom all year. She whispers most things that she says in class and can be very
hard to understand at times. She is in the 4-year-old preschool class right now and will
be going to kindergarten next year in the fall.

Lastly the student Alex will be served in this unit. Alex is a black recently turned
5-year-old male. His IEP goals include not pouting when things do not go his way, more
control in fine motor skills and rope-counting 1-10. Alex will be served in this math unit
to help develop all of these skills. Alex is one of 5 children and is one of the youngest
siblings. He comes to school grumpy most days from the car rider lane. Alex is in the 4-
year-old preschool class and will be going to kindergarten next year in the fall. He is
slowly improving his social and emotional skills. Alex is a sweet kid and requires
additional help in individual activities.

Part 2

Title of Unit Counting 1 to 10

Curriculum Area Math
Developed by Emily Hilscher
Stage 1 - Desired Results
Students will be able Students will be able to independently use their learning to count 10
to use a one to one objects, put the numbers 1-10 in order, and rope count to 10.
correspondence to Meaning
Students will be able The students will be able to count from Can you count 10 objects?
to count the objects 1 to 10 and put the numbers 1 to 10 in Can you put these numbers
and know how many order. After we count 10 objects the 1-10 in order?
are in that group students will know how many objects How many objects are in
(cardinality). there are in the group (cardinality). this group?

Acquisition of knowledge and skill

Students will know how to identify the Students will be skilled at
number of objects in a group after one using the numbers one
to one counting them and they will through ten to count
know what order the numbers one objects and know how
through ten go in. many objects are in a

Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
On the third lesson PERFORMANCE TASK(S):
the student will be The students will demonstrate their understanding through the
able to put the activities that we do after the hook or starting activity. The teacher
correct number of will assess the students understanding each day as they are asked to
stickers in each slot do each activity, game, and assessment.
one through ten. The G- The goal is for the student to be able to count 1-10 and have
students will also be cardinality with the help of an adult.
observed through R- The role of the teacher is to facilitate activities to build and
other lessons to reinforce this concept in multiple ways.
evaluate progress. A -The students are tailored to by the activities chosen and their
The most important ability to try tasks on their own.
thing is to see the S- The situation is set up in a small group environment so that the
students count and students are able to have more individual attention and help.
use cardinality to see P- The product is for students to be able to count from 1-10 and be
how many objects able to know the number of objects in a group with adult assistance.

are in a group.
The evidence will be gathered based on the child’s achievement
during the activities and assignments throughout the lesson. Due to
the fact that this is in a small group setting the students will be able
to have more attention and assessed more closely.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction
W-The activities are all headed in them having a better and fuller understanding of counting
from 1 to 10.
H- The hook will be reading a book at the beginning of class that resembles counting from 1
to 10 throughout the book.
E- The students will be equipped with this task by doing an activity after the book where they
are counting to 10 or putting the numbers 1-10 in order. Then the next days the students will
have other tasks, games, and individual activities for the student to practice and learn the
R- The students will have the opportunity to revise their thinking once we go over the
counting 1 to 10 as a group and then each of them will have an individual activity where they
are counting or putting the numbers 1 to 10 in order. Throughout the lessons the student will
have multiple opportunities to retry their counting to effectively do so.
E- If the student does not successfully put their number down then we will allow them to try
again and learn from their mistake. Counting one to ten will be presented to them in multiple
different ways and they will have multiple opportunities to correctly do the tasks. Each
student will be individually evaluated each time they preform to see if they are
understanding the concept.
T- The lessons will allow each student an opportunity to have a role. The books that we read
will have different topics in hopes to interest the students and the activities we do will be
different each day to reinforce the students learning so it will be tailored to each students’
interests. There are multiple different kinds of activities starting with a book, game, and then
independent craft activity.
O- The time period for the resource classroom is short so it is important to be organized so
that the students can learn the necessary information. There will be particular activities for
each day and there will be time for group activities and time for individual activities for the

Lesson Plan Day # 1

Name: Emily Hilscher Grade: Pre-K (4-year-old) Subject: Math

Lesson Title: Ten Little Puppies Book Date: 03/01/2021

Unit Level Learning Goals:

Students will be able to count the objects and know how many are in that group (cardinality).
Students will be able to put the numbers 1-10 in the correct order.
State Mandated Standard(s):
Counts at least 10 objects using one-to-one correspondence.
With adult guidance and when counting, understands and can respond with the last number counted to
represent quantity (cardinality).

IEP Goals to be Addressed in Lesson

Student can rope count to ten. Student can use one to one correspondence to count. Student
can stay on task for 30 seconds. Students participate in group activities. Student can sit on
the floor by themselves with the group.

Lesson Objectives: Assessment(s): Planned Feedback:

The students will be able to correctly Informal: as a group the students While the students are putting the
identify the numbers by putting them in will count the numbers one correct numbers down in the
order. The students will be measured through ten after reading the book correct order, I will verbally
by their ability to put the correct that counts down the numbers. encourage my students when they
numbers and identify the numbers 1- Then I will give the students put the correct number down. If the
10. different numbers and they will put student does not put the correct
the numbers with the picture that number down with the correct
represents that number. I will see picture, I will prompt them to do the
from this assessment if the correct thing and then help them
individual student knows where to when it is their turn.
put each number.
Key Communication Skills Vocabulary to be Taught: Use of Vocabulary and/or
Required: Count Communication Skill in
Answering questions, counting to Ten the Lesson
ten, expressing frustration, using Nine
The students will count using
manipulatives, selecting the right Seven their numbers 1-10. We will do
number, responding to a prompt or Six this as a group and the
que. Five students will say numbers
Four individually. We will use the
Three word count as we are doing the
Two activity and as we read.
Instructional Resources & Use of Technology: Assistive Technologies:
Materials: N/A We will sit on the rug in a circle so
- The book Ten Little that the students can have an
easier time focusing.
Puppies by Elena We will use the felt board and
Vazquez allow all of the students to see
- Puppy cut outs with what we are doing.
numbers that match the
number or puppies on the

Planned Supports: The class where this lesson is taught is a support class and in a
smaller group setting. The students will be given manipulatives to
do a hands-on activity for them to have a greater understanding
of the concept. Based on the children’s individual needs. We will
go over the concept with the whole class with the book and then
the students will have the opportunity to show that they know the
concept when they are given their own number.
Differentiated Instruction This lesson will be taught in a support class setting for the
Strategies: students in the special education setting. This allows the students
that need additional help to receive it. The students will be
presented the information first in the book as a group as the book
starts at 10 and counts down. Then the content will be taught and
go over together as a group by counting the number of puppies
1-10. Then the students will be given the opportunity to go and
answer the question and put their number in order individually
when each student is given a number of puppies with another
number card with 1-10 on it. The different ways of instruction will
help reach the students and reinforce the lesson.
Planned Collaboration with While I read the story and lead the task the co-teacher and paras
Others: will help the students in the group stay on task.

Management When the students walk in, they will sit at the table and work on
Considerations: their tracing their names, lines, and shapes. Then I will get the
students to sit on the floor in a circle to read the book. We will do
the rest of the activity on the floor on the rug.
Introduction to Hook:
Lesson/Activate Thinking: The hook will be looking at the book and reading the title and
talking about all of the puppies on the front of the book. We will
read the author’s name. (3-5 min)
Connection to Background Knowledge or Previous
This will connect to how the students have learned about
numbers and they will see that there are 10 puppies in the book.
Body of Lesson/Step-by-Step
Procedures/Teaching Introduce and Model New Knowledge:
Strategies We will read the book, and, in the book, it counts down from ten
as the little boy loses one puppy at a time and they will count
down. (8-10 min).
Guided Practice:
As a group we will go over as a group with all of the puppies and
count one to ten with the pictures of the puppies. (5-8 min)
Independent Practice:
Each student will be given a puppy picture with a different
number on it and the students will put them in order. The
students will match the number to the number of puppies in the
picture. They will practice knowing their numbers and putting
them in order. (10 min)
Lesson Closure: Review Standard/Summarize Learning:
After the students put the numbers in the correct order and match
them together, we will count them again all together.
Summarizing what the students learned.
Connection to Tomorrow’s Lesson:
Tomorrow we will do another activity where students count the
number of objects in a group that correlates with the number
represents that.


Lesson Plan Day # 2

Name: Emily Hilscher Grade: Pre-K (4-year- Subject: Math
Lesson Title: Counting to Ten Underwater Game Date: 03/02/2021

Unit Level Learning Goals:

Students will be able to use a one to one correspondence to count to ten.
Students will be able to count the objects and know how many are in that group (cardinality).
State Mandated Standard(s):
Counts at least 10 objects using one-to-one correspondence.
With adult guidance and when counting, understands and can respond with the last number counted to
represent quantity (cardinality).
IEP Goals to be Addressed in Lesson
Student can rope count to ten. Student can use one to one correspondence to count. Student
can stay on task for 30 seconds. Students participate in group activities. Student can sit on
the floor by themselves with the group.

Lesson Objectives: Assessment(s): Planned Feedback:

The students will be able to correctly identify the Informal: Each student will When we are listening to
numbers by putting them in order. The students will be go up to the board and pick the song I will be
measured by their ability to put the correct numbers the correct number that participating and making
and identify the numbers 1-10. correlates with the number sure all of the students
of the underwater animals. are participating as well.
When the students are
playing the game, I will
select each student one
at a time. The students
will receive praise if they
select the correct
number. If they do not
select the correct
number, they will get
Key Communication Skills Required: Vocabulary to be Use of Vocabulary
Answering questions, counting to ten, expressing Taught: and/or
frustration, selecting the right number, Count Communication
responding to a prompt or que. The students will Ten Skill in the Lesson
do the correct movement after instruction. The Nine
The students will count
students will stand up and sing along to the song. using their numbers 1-
Six 10. We will do this as a
Five group and the students
Four will say numbers
Three individually. The
Two students will be able to
One hear the number and
choose the right one.
Instructional Resources & Materials: Use of Technology: Assistive
This video: The students will watch the Technologies: song and stand up and sing We will sit on the rug in a
along to the counting to 10 circle so that the students
This game: song. We will use the smart can have an easier time
board to play the counting focusing. game. The students can
count/underwater-counting We will use the pointer so

The students will use the pointer to click the right click the number that goes that the students can click
number. with the number of the right number.
underwater animals.
Planned Supports: The students that need one on one attention will
have a para sit next to them to help them stay on
task. We will sit and stand on the rug so that they
can be attended to more easily. Each student will
have the opportunity to participate and do this task.
The smart board will be used because it is
interactive for everyone.
Differentiated Instruction Strategies: Based on the number of objects on the board I will
pick the student. For example, some students in
the small group it is easier for them to count
objects so I will pick them for the larger numbers,
while some of my students struggle more and I will
give them lower numbers. The students that need
more help will also receive more prompting and
help to pick the correct number.
Planned Collaboration with Others: The paras will help the students stay on task and
participating. They will sit closer to the students
that need the more additional help.
Management Considerations: When we sing and listen to the song the students
will stand in front of the screen and dance to the
song. Then after the song we will “slow things
down” and count to 10 all together on a paused
frame with 10 objects from the video. We will get all
of the students to sit down while we do this. Then
when the students are sitting on the carpet the
game will be pulled up and each student will have
a turn.
Introduction to Lesson/Activate Thinking: Hook:
We will watch and dance to the 1-10 song. (5 min)
Connection to Background Knowledge or
Previous Learning:
The students will use their knowledge from
yesterday’s lesson of counting down from 10 to
use it for the hook and today’s lesson
Body of Lesson/Step-by-Step
Procedures/Teaching Strategies Introduce and Model New Knowledge:
We will listen to the song and dance along with it.
After we sing, we will rope count to 10. (5-8 min).
Guided Practice:
As a group we will as a class pull up the game
where the students count and match the number to
the number of objects. As a class we will do a
round or two of the game and count all of the
objects and match it to the correct number. (8-10
Independent Practice:
The students will pick the correct number one by
one that goes with the number of animals on the
board. Each student will do this independently with

verbal prompts from the teacher. (10-15 min)

Lesson Closure: Review Standard/Summarize Learning:
After the students are able to have a turn picking
the right numbers on the board based on the
animals in the picture, I will get the class to show
me a certain number on their fingers. Example: 3
would be 3 fingers held up.
Connection to Tomorrow’s Lesson:
We will do more independent practice tomorrow
and the students will put stickers based on the
number which connects to objects counting with a
one to one.

Lesson Plan Day # 3


Name: Emily Hilscher Grade: Pre-K (4-year- Subject: Math

Lesson Title: Caterpillar Counting Date: 03/03/2021

Unit Level Learning Goals:

Students will be able to use a one to one correspondence to count to ten.
Students will be able to count the objects and know how many are in that group (cardinality).
State Mandated Standard(s):
Counts at least 10 objects using one-to-one correspondence.
With adult guidance and when counting, understands and can respond with the last number counted to
represent quantity (cardinality).
IEP Goals to be Addressed in Lesson
Student can rope count to ten. Student can use one to one correspondence to count. Student
can stay on task for 30 seconds. Students participate in group activities. Student can sit on
the floor by themselves with the group. The students will work on their fine motor skills.

Lesson Objectives: Assessment(s): Planned Feedback:

The students will be able to correctly identify the Formal: The students will While the students are
numbers by putting them in order. The students will be do a worksheet where they working on their pictures,
measured by their ability to put the correct numbers and put the number of stickers I will provide verbal
identify the numbers 1-10. The students will be able to counting up based on the encouragement and help
place the correct number of stickers on the sheet where picture. to the students while
they are supposed to go. they are preforming this
assignment. Each
student will be checked
for completion of this
Key Communication Skills Required: Vocabulary to be Use of Vocabulary
Answering questions, counting to ten, expressing Taught: and/or
frustration, selecting the right number of stickers Count Communication
for each section, responding to a prompt or que. Ten Skill in the Lesson
The students will
Seven count using their
Six numbers 1-10. We will
Five do this as a group and
Four the students will say
Three numbers individually.
Two The students will be
One able to hear the
number and choose
the right one. The
students will use this
vocabulary to say how
many stickers go in
each section.
Instructional Resources & Materials: Use of Technology: Assistive We will watch the Technologies:
v=v5ZCw9cUEq0 warmup/hook song on the The students will sit at
Stickers smart board. the table st their chairs.
Caterpillar print out for each student
Planned Supports: Some students will need some hand over hand

assistance with putting the stickers on the paper.

We will sit with the students, so they are able to
do the task and provide them with the help that
they need.
Differentiated Instruction Strategies: Based on each student’s ability they will receive a
different amount of assistance. After the student is
finished putting the stickers down, I will give them
crayons to color the caterpillar. We will instruct
with the group and then allow students to try on
their own.
Planned Collaboration with Others: The paras will help the students stay on task and
participating. They will sit closer to the students
that need the more additional help. With the
students that need hand over hand the paras and
teacher will help these students.
Management Considerations: When the students enter the classroom, we will
gather on the rug and sing and dance to the
counting caterpillar song. Then after the song the
students will go and sit at the table and I will give
instruction for the activity, we will do the first few
together and then students will be able to work
more independently.
Introduction to Lesson/Activate Thinking: Hook:
We will watch and dance to the caterpillar song. (4

Connection to Background Knowledge or

Previous Learning:
The students will use their knowledge from
yesterday’s lesson of counting and the song will
refresh previous knowledge.
Body of Lesson/Step-by-Step
Procedures/Teaching Strategies Introduce and Model New Knowledge:
We will listen to the song and dance along with it.
(3-5 min).
Guided Practice:
After the song the students will sit at the table and
I will instruct them how to do the task. Then we
will do numbers 1-4 together on the caterpillar.
We will assist the students that need help. (10-15
Independent Practice:
The students will attempt to work on the task on
their own and put the stickers on 6-10 on the
caterpillars. Then when the students finish at
different rates, I will give them crayons to color
their caterpillars. (10-15 min)
Lesson Closure: Review Standard/Summarize Learning:
After the students finish the activity we will go
around and look at each other’s work. We will
then all count again 1-10 based on their activity
that they did.
Connection to Tomorrow’s Lesson:

Tomorrow we will work on matching skills and we

will match pictures similarly to other things that we
have done in this unit.

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