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Read the article carefully and paraphrase it:

The Looting of India

Taking advantage of the collapse of the Mughal empire, and the rise of a number of small provinces
fighting against each other for authority across eighteenth - century India, the British had subjugated a
vast land through the power of their artillery and their bureaucratic dishonesty. They displaced nawabs
and maharajas, emptied their treasuries, took over their states through various methods, and stripped
farmers of their ownership of the lands they had tilled for generations.

The India that the British East India Company conquered was not a primitive or barren land, but the
glittering jewel of the medieval world. At the beginning of eighteenth century , as the British economic
historian Angus Maddison has demonstrated, India's share of the world economy was 27 per cent in 1700,
when the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb's treasury raked in 100 million pound in the tax revenue alone, as
large as all of Europe put together. By the time the British departed India, it had dropped to just over 3
percent. The reason was simple: India was governed for the benefit of Britain. Britain's rise for 200 years
was financed by its depredation in India.

It all began with the East India Company, incorporated by royal charter from Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth I in 1600 to trade in silk and spices, and other profitable Indian commodities. The company, in
furtherance of its trade, established production factories along the Indian coast, notably in Calcutta,
Madras and Bombay; increasingly. A commercial business quickly turned into a business of conquest,
trading posts were reinforced by forts, merchants supplanted by armies. Through the conquest of Bengal
in Palasi during 1757, the East India Company gained its first political power in India. After the Sipahi
revolution of 1857, which is popularly known as "Sepoy Mutiny" to English historians, the British
Empire put India directly under their political control. India turned into a colony of England.

England, the empire, has immense pride on their scientific, philosophical, and social improvements of
eighteenth and nineteenth century. Their industrial revolution of early 19th century turned them into a
global super power. But their base of economy was laid by the bloods and sweats of colonized India.
England took pride on the size of their colony worldwide, stating - 'The sun never sets in the British
Empire.' The sun never set in British Empire, because, even God couldn't believe the British in darkness.
( 398 words, adapted from An Era of Darkness: The British Empire in India, by Shashi
Tharur , Page 3 -4)

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