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ees Table of Contents. HandlingToo! Setup and Operations Quick Reference . ‘Teach Pendant Keys Keys-1 Preface . vil Chapter 1 OVERVIEW . 11 1.1 OVERVIEW 1 1.2ROBOT 13 1.2.1 Robot Models . 1-4 1.2.2 End-of-Arm Tooling 1-8 1.2.3 Extended Axes . 18 1.3 CONTROLLER 19 1.3.1 Teach Pendant . 1-13 1.3.2 Standard Operator Pane! (B-Size Controller) 1-15 1.3.3 Standard Operator Pane! (Operator Box on i-Size Controller) . 1-16 1.3.4 MODE SELECT Switch (for Control Reliable (RS-1/RS-4) option only) 1-17 1.3.5 Robot Stop Variation (for Control Reliable (RS-1/RS-4) option only) 1-20 1.3.6 User Operator Panel (UOP) ... 1-20 1.3.7 CRT/KB.. 1-21 1.3.8 Emergency Stop Devices . 1-21 1.3.9 Communications ... 1-21 1.3.10 Inpuy/Output (YO) . 12 1.3.11 Remote /O Interfaces 123 1.3.12 Motion 1-23 1.3.13 Extended Axes 1-23 1.3.14 Controller Backplane . 1-24 1.3.15 Memory . 1-24 1.4 HANDLINGTOOL SOFTWARE 1-25 1.4.1 Set Up « 1-25 1.4.2 Program .. 1-25 1.4.3 Test Program 1-26 1.4.4 Run Production 1-26 x ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS MAROSHAS2069018 Chapter 2 TURNING ON AND JOGGING THE ROBOT . mw 2d OVERVIEW oo... eecseeceseeeeseees 24 2.2 TURNING ON AND TURNING OFF THE ROBOT 2-2 23 JOGGING THE ROBOT 25 25 26 2-8 2.34 Remote TCP Jogging (option) 29 235 Motion Groups .......... 2-10 2.3.6 Extended Axes and Sub-Groups . 210 23-7 Jog Menu . 2-15 Chapter 3 GENERAL SETUP 34 3.1 FRAMES SETUP .... 33 3,1. Setting Up Tool Frame a 35 3.1.2 Setting Up User Frame ........ 3-19 313 Setting Up a Remote TCP Frame 3.37 3.1.4 Setting Up Jog Frame ....... 3667 3.1.5 Saving Frame Data ........--- : 3.57 3.2 PRODUCTION OPERATION SETUP 3-59 3.2.1. Robot Service Request (RSR) Setup 3-60 3.2.2 Program Number Select (PNS) Setup . 3-62 3.3 MACRO COMMANDS 3-65 3.3.1 Setting Up Macro Commands . 3-65 33.2 Executing Macro Commands . 3-70 34 AXIS LIMITS SETUP 3-75 3.5 BRAKE TIMERS SETUP 377 3.6 BRAKE ON HOLD SETUP 319 3.7 CURRENT LANGUAGE SETUP 3-80 3.8 IGNORE OFFSET SETUP . 3-81 3.9 IGNORE TOOL OFFSET SETUP 3-82, 3.10 USER ALARM SETUP . 3-83 3.11 OVERRIDE SELECT SETUP 3-86 3.12 PASSWORD SETUP . 3-89 3.121 Install User Password Operations ....... 3-91 3.12.2 Program and Setup User Password Operations . 3-95 3.123 Password Log. . ora 3-98 3.12.4 Password Level Screen Permissions 3.101 ‘MAROSHASZOS9012 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS xi 3.13 ERROR SEVERITY TABLE . 3-105 3.13.1 Modifying Error Severity 3-105 3.14 ERROR CODE OUTPUT SETUP (OPTION) 3-110 3.14.1 Output Signals . 3-110 3.14.2 Input Signal 3.113 3.14.3 Timing 3-113 3.14.4 Procedure 34115 3.15 ROBOT PAYLOAD SETTING . 3-116 3.15.1 Payload Setting Process. 3-116 3.15.2 Payload Setting Items . 3-116 3.15.3 Payload Setup Procedure . 3-118 3.15.4 Payload Teach Pendant Program Instruction 3124 3.15.5 Inertia Equations ...... : 3-125 3.16 STROKE LIMIT SETUP 3-126 3.17 TEACHING KAREL VARIABLES 3-128 3.17.1 KAREL Positions 3-128 3.17.2 KAREL Paths 3-132 3.17.3 KAREL Variables 3-142 ~— Chapter 4 INPUT/OUTPUT (1/0) SETUP a1 4.1 OVERVIEW 4-2 4.11 Hardware. 42 4.1.2 Kinds of YO. 43 4.2 SETTING UP /O 45 4.2.1 Configuring YO ..... 7 45 4.2.2 Adding Comments About /O 48 4.2.3 Complementary Output Signals and Polarity 49 4.2.4 Simulating VO .. 49 4.2.5 Controlling Outputs 49 4.2.6 Memory Image Port Assignment . 49 4.2.7 Procedure for Setting Up 0 .. 4-10 4.3 DISTRIBUTED (MODEL B) 1/0 SETUP 4-20 4.3.1 Setting the DIP Switches 42 4,3.2 Setting Up the Basic Digital YO Units . 4-24 4.3.3 Setting Up VO .. 4-26 4.4 ROBOT 1/0 SETUP . 427 4.5 STANDARD OPERATOR PANEL (SOP) /0 SETUP. 4-30 a 4.6 PLC VO SETUP (OPTION) ........-2202s0s008 4-32 4.7 SETTING UP /0 LINK DEVICES . 4-37 4.7.1 VO Link Device Screen 437 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS MAROSHAS2080018 —. 4.72. Setting the Number of Ports 439 4.8/0 INTERCONNECT SETUP 441 4.9 CONTROLLING YO seeteeeeeeeteeeeeeeesettrseessitiees 4-46 4.9.1 Forcing Outputs . ferteteeteeeeeeeeeeeeritererers 4-46 4.92 Simulating Inputs and Outputs. ipepedeesaiascseseacntdisereseternaig tae 4.10 USER OPERATOR PANEL (UOP) SIGNAL DEFINITION . . 4-49 4.10.1 UOP Input Signals .. Peeleieven 4-49 4.10.2 UOP Output Signals ... ceeeeeeetessteesesessss 4054 Chapter 5 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION SETUP ........ S-1 5.1 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION SETUP SCREEN .. seeeeeaee 5-2 5.2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION SETUP PROCEDURE seeeeeee 5-6 Chapter 6 PLANNING AND CREATING A PROGRAM ....... sees GL 6.1 OVERVIEW ......... 61 6.2 PLANNING A PROGRAM . 62 ~~ 6.2.1 Motion . seeeeeeeeee 6-2 6.2.2 Predefined Positions - 6-4 6.3 WRITING AND MODIFYING A PROGRAM 6-9 6.3.1 Writing aNew Program........ 6-10 6.3.2 Modifying a Program ..........s0seeeeeeeeeee 6-18 6.4 MODIFYING A PROGRAM IN THE BACKGROUND (BACKGROUND EDITING) ..... 6-30 6.4.1 Background Edit Process Flow wee 6-31 6.4.2 Troubleshooting Background Edit . : 6-35 Chapter 7 PROGRAM ELEMENTS...........++ TA TL OVERVIEW ......-.seeeceeeeeeee see 7-4 7.2 PROGRAM HEADER INFORMATION ....... 7-6 7.21 Creation Date . . 16 7.2.2. Modification Date 7-6 7.2.3 Copy Source ...... 16 eee cee 72.6 SUD TYPE .seeeeecseees TBO 7.2.7 Program Comment ......6..06 18 7.2.8 Group Mask ..... . 7-9 7.2.9 Write Protection ......... oe ‘MAROSHASZ0B901E, ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 7.2.10 Ignore Pause... 7.3 LINE NUMBER AND PROGRAM END MARKER ... 7.4 MOTION INSTRUCTION 7.4. Motion Type 7.42 Positional Information 7.43 Frame Number of Positional Data . TAA Speed ...cceeee 7.45 Termination Type ... 7.4.6 Motion Options ....... 7.4.7 AccuPath (option) . 7.4.8 Correspondence between Teach Pendant Program Motion and KAREL Program Motion 1.5 INTELLITRAK NOT SUPPORTED . 1.6 PALLETIZING INSTRUCTIONS 7.6.1 PALLETIZING-B Instruction 7.6.2 PALLETIZING-BX Instruction 7.6.3 PALLETIZING-E Instruction .. 7.6.4 PALLETIZING-EX Instruction . 7.6.5 PALLETIZING-END Instruction . 7:7 ALL-POINT TEACHING FOR PALLETIZING .. 7.8 PALLET REGISTER INSTRUCTIONS 7.9 REGISTER INSTRUCTIONS ..... 7.10 POSITION REGISTER INSTRUCTIONS ......2.2600cecssssseseeseenees 7.10.1 PR[x] Position Register Instructions . 7.10.2 PR{i,j] Position Register Element Instructions . 7.11 INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS ... 7.11.1 Digital Input and Output Instructions 7.11.2 Robot Digital Input and Output Instructions . 7.11.3 Analog Input and Output Instructions . ... 7.11.4 Group Input and Output Instructions ........ 7.12 BRANCHING INSTRUCTIONS ....... 7.12.1 Label Definition Instruction LBL[x] .... 7.12.2 Unconditional Branching Instructions... 7.12.3 Conditional Branching Instructions. 7.13 WAIT INSTRUCTIONS ... 7.14 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS .... 7.14.1 RSR Enable/Disable Instruction . 7.14.2 User Alarm Instruction 7A43 Timer Instruction .......esceceeeeeee 7.14.4 OVERRIDE Instruction .......2...+++ 7.14.5 Remark Instruction . 7.14.6 Message Instruction . 7.14.7 Parameter Name Instruction .....+++6++++ 7-10 TAL 7-12 7-13 7-38 7-55 7-64 1-65 7-67 7-69 1-5 7-82 7-88 1-96 7-97 7-100 7-102 7-106 7-106 7-107 7-110 7-110 7 7-113 TH114 7-115 7-115 7-15 7-116 7-119 TD 7-12 7-12 7-18 1:13 7-123 7-124 7-14 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: -MAROSHASQ065018 7.148 Maximum Speed Instruction 7.15 SKIP INSTRUCTION SKIP CONDITION [1/0] = [VALUE] 7.16 OFFSET/FRAME INSTRUCTIONS .... 7.17 TOOL OFFSET CONDITION INSTRUCTION . 7.18 MULTIPLE CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS 7.19 MACRO COMMAND INSTRUCTION 7.20 PARAMETERS FOR PROGRAM CALL AND MACRO INSTRUCTIONS 7.20.1 Parameter Instruction Syntax . 7.20.2 String Value Selections . 7.20.3 Argument Registers ...... 7.20.4 Guidelines for Using Parameters. 7.20.5 Including Parameters in Program Call and Macro Instructions 7.206 Including Argument Registers in Sub-Programs . 7.21 PROGRAM CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS . 7.21.1 PAUSE Instruction . 7.21.2 ABORT Instruction . 7.21.3 Error Program Instruction 7.21.4 Resume Program Instruction . 7.21.5 Maintenance Program Instruction 7.21.6 Cleat Resume Program Instruction 7.21.7 Return Path Disable Instruction . 7.22 MOTION GROUP INSTRUCTIONS (OPTION) 7.22.1 Independent Motion Group Instructions 7.22.2 Simultaneous Motion Group Instructions . 7.22.3 Defining Motion Group Instructions . 7.23 POSITION REGISTER LOOK-AHEAD INSTRUCTIONS 7.24 CONDITION MONITOR INSTRUCTIONS 7.25 PAYLOAD INSTRUCTION .. 7.26 COLLISION GUARD INSTRUCTIONS (OPTION) .......2:000seceseeeeesseseseees ‘MAROSHAS2000018, ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 8 TESTING A PROGRAM AND RUNNING PRODUCTION ........+++ 8.1 OVERVIEW .. 8.2 PROGRAM PAUSE AND RECOVERY . 8.2.1 EMERGENCY STOP and Recovery 8.2.2 HOLD and Recovery 8.2.3 Setting Tolerance for Resuming a Program. 8.3.2 Single Step Testing . 83.3 Continuous Testing . 8.5 PRODUCTION OPERATION 8.5.1 Standard Operator Panel Cycle Start Production ........+.60000eee85 8.5.2 User Operator Panel Start .. 8.5.3 Robot Service Request (RSR) Production Start .. 8.5.4 Program Number Select (PNS) and UOP Production Start 8.6 ADJUSTING A PROGRAM (PROG ADJUST) . Chapter 9 STATUS DISPLAYS AND INDICATORS .......+.2+0000e0e0+0 9.1 STATUS INDICATORS . 9.1.1 Teach Pendant Status Indicators 9.1.2 Standard Operator Panel Status Indicators 9.2 USER SCREEN STATUS 9.3 REGISTER STATUS ....... 9.4 POSITION REGISTER STATUS 9.5 PALLET REGISTER STATUS 9.6 SYSTEM VARIABLE STATUS . 9.7 SAFETY SIGNAL STATUS .......++ 9.8 PROGRAM TIMER STATUS ....... 9.9 SYSTEM TIMER STATUS 9.10 CLOCK STATUS 9.11 VERSION IDENTIFICATION STATUS 9.12 MEMORY STATUS ......s+00e00+ 9.13 POSITION STATUS . 9.14 TURN NUMBER DISPLAY 9.14.1 Usual Configuration . 8-1 8-4 8-11 8-16 8-20 8-21 8-22 8-22 8-24 8-26 8-28 8-30 8-35 9-12 9-14 9-16 9-19 9-21 9-23 9-24 9-27 9-29 9-31 9-32 wi ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘MAROSHAS2065018 9.14.2 $SCR_GRP[grovp] .Stum, ei ‘System Variable . 9-34 9.15 EXECUTION HISTORY ... : 9-35 9.16 DUTY DIAGNOSIS. (OPTION) 9-37 9.16.1 Duty Value . 9-37 9.16.2 Duty Status 9-38 Chapter 10 PROGRAM AND FILE MANIPULATION ..... 10-1 10.1 STORAGE DEVICES . . 10-2 10.1.1 Setting Up a Port .. 10-6 10.1.2 Using a Memory Card Interface ... 10-14 10.1.3 Connecting a Disk Drive to the Controller 10-15 10.1.4 Serting the Default Device 10-16 10.1.5 Formatting Cards 10-18 10.2 MANIPULATING PROGRAMS 10-21, 10.2.1 Selecting Programs on the SELECT Menu 10-22 10.2.2 Saving Programs 10-23 10.2.3 Loading Programs . 10-25 10.2.4 Copying Programs Within the SELECT Menu . 10-27 10.25 Deleting Programs from the SELECT Menu 10-29 10.2.6 Printing . 10-31 103 MANIPULATING FILES . 10-36 10.3.1 Generating a Directory of Files . 10-38 10.3.2 Loading and Restoring Files to Controller Memory . 10-40 10.3.3 Backing Up Program, System, Application, and Error Log Files . 10-49 10.3.4 Displaying Text (ASCI) Files . 10-54 10.3.5 Copying Files 10-55 10.3.6 Deleting Files 10-58 il 10-59 10.3.8 Moving Files Between the RAM Disk and Flash File Storage . 10-62 10.3.9 Checking and Purging File Memory . 10-63 10.4 CONTROLLER BACKUP AND RESTORE 10-64 10.4.1 Backing up a Controller 10-64 10.42 Restoring a Controller 10-69 MAROSHASZO80018 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 11 ADVANCED FUNCTIONS . 11.1 MIRROR IMAGE UTILITY 11.2 PROGRAM SHIFT UTILITY .. 11.3 SPACE CHECK FUNCTION (OPTION) 11.4 EXECUTING MULTIPLE PROGRAMS (MULTI-TASKING) 11.4.1 Guidelines ..... 1.42 Synchronizing the Execution of Multiple Programs 11.4.3 Effect of Multi-Tasking on Dedicated /O Signals 11.4.4 Standard Operator Panel (SOP) Cycle Start Execution 11.4.5 Program Number Select (PNS) Execution . 11.46 RUN Program Instruction Execution . 11.4.7 Single Step Program Execution . . 115 ANGLE ENTRY SHIFT FUNCTION (OPTION NOT AVAILABLE IN NORTH AMERICA) 11-41 11.6 REFERENCE POSITION UTILITY . 11.7 POSITION REGISTER LOOK-AHEAD EXECUTION FUNCTION . 11.7.1 Program Instructions... 1-52 11.7.2 Program Example 11-53 11.7.3 Execution ..... 1-4 11.8 SHAPE GENERATION (OPTION) 11-55 11.8.1 Shape Setup . .. 11.8.2 Shape Schedules . 11.8.3 Programming .. 11.84 Teach and Production Modes. 11.8.5 Shape Adjust Utility .... 11.8.6 Shape Frames 11.9 AUTO NORMAL UTILITY (OPTION) . 11.9.1 Overview 11.9.2 Setup 11.9.3 Execution . 11.10 MOTION GROUP DO OUTPUT FUNCTION (MULTIPLE MOTION GROUP OPTION) 11-90 1.10.1 Restrictions 11-90 11.10.2 Operations . 11-90 11.103 Setup . u-91 11.104 Subprogram and Multi-tasking Execution 1-92 11.11 MOTION START DELAY DETECTION FUNCTION . 11-93 11.111 Restrictions .. 11-93 11.112 Detection Information and System Variables 11-94 11.113 Motion Start Delay Detection Function Example . 11-96 11.12 SOFT FLOAT FUNCTION (OPTION) 1-97 11,121 Soft Float Function Restrictions . . 11-98 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS MAROSHAS2089012 —~ 11.12.2 Soft Float Schedules . 11-100 11,12.3 Soft Float Program Instructions 11-104 11.13 SINGULARITY CHECK FUNCTION... 11-106 11.14 COORDINATES OFFSET FUNCTION. 11-107 11,14.1 Tool Frame Offset Function . 1-112 11,14.2 User Frame Offset Function . u-115 11.15 TIME BEFORE/AFTER MOTION OPTION INSTRUCTION . 11-119 11.15.1 Program Execution 1.15.2 Execution Timing . 11.15.3 Recording a TIME BEFOREJAFTER Instruction . 1.15.4 TIME BEFORE Instruction Program Example . 1.15.5 Programming Hints . . fue 11.16 CONDITION MONITOR FUNCTION ... 1.16.1 Monitors .. 11.16.2 Monitor State . 11.16.3 Monitor Instructions. 11.164 Condition Handler Program . 11.165 Conditions . 11.166 Condition Menu . 1.16.7 Restrictions .. 11.17 COLLISION GUARD (OPTION) . 1.17.1 Limitation . 11.17.2 Falsely Detected Collisions 11.17.3 Collision Guard Adjust Macro Program 11.17.4 Setup ... 11.17.5 Programmed Motion . 11.18 ERROR RECOVERY (OPTION) . 11.18.1 Overview 11.18.2 Features . 11.183 Limitations .... 11.18.4 1/0 Interface 11.18.5 Sewp ... 11.18.6 Programming . 1.18.7 Testing .. 11.18.8 Error Recovery Manual Function .. 11.18.9 1/0 Timing Sequence 11.19 TCP SPEED PREDICTION (OPTION) 1.19.1 Overview .. 11.19.2 System Variables 11.20 PROGRAM TOOLBOX (OPTION) . 1.20.1 Cross Car Mirror (option) ... 11.20.2 Flip Knuckle (Option) ............ ‘MAROGHAS2089018 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.20.3 Limit Set (option) ....... 11.21 TEACH PENDANT MENUS ...... 1.21.1 Prompt Box Message Menu . 1.21.2 Prompt Box Yes/No Menu 1.21.3 List Menu. 1.21.4 Status Menu seeeeesee 1-209 L215 Operator Entry Ment ........csceescseceeessseeessseseeseessesssteaeeseees HA218, 1.21.6 Using Your Teach Pendant Menus ceeeeeeee M227 11.22 ROBOT-PC COMMUNICATIONS MACROS... 11.2.1 Send Event () .. 1122.2 Send Data) 11.2.3 Send SysVar() .- 11.2.4 Get Data() .......... 11.22.5 Request Menu() ..... Sere 11.23 COLLISION SKIP ......essesseessersseeeeeses 1.23.1 Requirements ... 1.23.2 Operation . . 11.24 SAFETY SPACE 1124.1 Requirements . 1.24.2 Operation . Chapter 12 AUTOMATIC TOOL CENTER POINT .. eae eeteaged 12.1 OVERVIEW ........ seve . 12-2 12.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION . 12-3 12.2.1 Installing the String Sensor and TCP Attachment Device ......2s.sscessevereesesee W2ed 122.2 Sensor VO Signal Cables .. 12-6 1223 Sensor Setup .. 2-8 12.24 Testing Data Ports 12-12 123 TCP ORIENTATION SETUP . 12-13 124 AUTO SETUP . 12-15 124.1 Tool Orientation . 12-15 12.42 Automatically Generating Positions 12-16 12.43 Manually Defining Positions 12-16 12.44 Automatic and Manual Position Generation .........2.+srseseeee 12-17 12.5 AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATING A NEW UTOOLTCP ...... 12-2 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. MAROSHAS2055015 ,—. 13.1 OVERVIEW .. : 13,2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION .....0000ss0ceeeeeeeeeeeere 13.2.1 Installing the String Sensor and TCP Attachment Device . 13.2.2 Sensor VO Signal Cables .........0ececeeseseeeeeees 13.2.3 Sensor Setup .. 13.2.4 Testing Data Ports 13.3 ACCUCAL SETUP . 13.4 TCP SETUP ... 13.4.1 Tool Orientation 13.4.2 Automatically Generating Positions ... 13.SEND POSITION SETUP ....2..s0cseeeseseseeeeeessesees 13,6 ACCUCAL ... 13,7 ACCUCAL TROUBLESHOOTING 13.8 ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 13.8.1 Supported Robots 13.8.2 Limitations ......... 13,83 Robot Library Parameters ...... 13.9 ACCUCAL HARDWARE PART NUMBERS . Chapter 14 : MATERIAL HANDLING SHELL (OPTION) ........++ 14.1 OVERVIEW . eee nena nee eeeeeeseeenes 142 PRODUCTION SETUP ........ 1421 Procedure .. 14.2.2 TP Program ID DETAILS 14.2.3 Shell I/O DETAILS .... . 14.2.4 Special Positions DETAILS 143 ERROR RECOVERY SETUP .. 14.4 GENERAL SHELL CONTROLS SETUP 14.4.1 Procedure . . 14.4.2 Cold Start Variable DETAILS . 14.43 Version Screen DETAILS 145 ALARM HANDLING .. 14.5.1 Alarm Recovery Operation . 14.5.2 Sending Alarms to the PLC ‘14.6 SHELL PRODUCTION MODE . 14.6.1 MULTHO.TP Task 1466.2 Cycle Interrupt Handling . 13-1 13-2 13-3 1-5 13-6 B-8 3-H 13-12 13-16 13-16 13-16 13-20 13-23 13-26 13-27 13-27 13-27 13-27 13-29 14-1 14-2 144 14-7 14-9 14-19 14-21 14-25 14-28 14-30 14-32 14-34 14-36 14-36 14-38 14-42 14-43 14-45 ‘MAROSHAS2069018 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 14.6.3 Customizing Stub Programs 14.6.4 Teach Pendant Programs .. 146.5 Troubleshooting .......ss0eeeeesereees 14.6.6 Program Status 14.7 MH SHELL DATA . 14.7.1 General Information . 14.7.4 Position Registers .........2+.+ 147.5 YO 14.7.6 KAREL Variables ....0..00.2cceceesseeceeeee 14.7.7 Macro Programs Chapter 15 FANUC SENSOR INTERFACE .... 15.1 OVERVIEW ......--0000esesee Haeecee 15.2 COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL ..........26++ 15.2.1 Flow Control Mechanism ........2-s+s00000008 15.2.2 Data Format .......ssseeeseseeeesessesesssaees 15.25 Heabbakegi ee (ection aerated 15.3 PROGRAMMING .........2seseeseeeeseeeeeees 15.4 SENSOR SETUP AND HARDWARE CONNECTIONS ........++ Chapter 16 LEAD THRU TEACH . 16.1 OVERVIEW ... Geepisdecccersesossercey 16.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION ..... 16.2.1 Installing the Force Sensor, Cable, and Interface Board ...... 16.2.2 Installing the Lead Thru Teach Handle .. 1623 Configuring the 10 Pors to Match the Hardware Assignments «0... 16.3 SETTING UP LEAD THRU TEACH .......25.++ 16.4 SETTING UP LEAD THRU TEACH I/O ......... 165 SETTING UP THE ANALOG PORT INFORMATION . 166 SETTING UP THE FORCE SENSOR FRAME . 16.7 SETTING UP MOTION PARAMETERS ... 168 TEACHING A PATH WITH LEAD THRU TEACH ....... 14-46 14-52 14-54 14-54 14-56 14-56 14-56 14-57 14-57 14-57 14-57 14-60 16-1 16-1 16-2 16-2 16-3 16-4 16-5 16-7 16-10 16-13 16-15 16-18 Appendix A ERROR CODES AND RECOVERY . A-L A.1 OVERVIEW . A-3 A.11 Facility Name and Code . A6 A.L.2 Severity Descriptions . Ao A.L3 Error Message Text .. A-il A.2 GENERAL ERROR RECOVERY PROCEDURES A-13 ‘A.2.1 Overtravel Release A-13 ‘A2.2 Hand Breakage Recovery AIS A2.3 Pulse Coder Alarm Recovery A-16 A2.4 Chain Failure Detection Error Recovery . A-18 A3 ERROR CODES A-20 Appendix B (CRT/KB SETUP AND OPERATION . B-1 B.1 OVERVIEW . Bl B.2 CRT/KB SETUP B-2 B.2.1 Set the Communications Parameters on the Controller Port . B-2 B.2.2 Connect the Controller Port to the Remote CRT/KB B-2 B.2.3 Configure the Terminal Parameters of the Remote CRT/KB . B-3 B.2.4 Program the Key Codes for the Function Keys of the Remote CRT/KB B-3 B.3 CRT/KB MENUS . B-4 B.4 CRT/KB KEYS . B-4 Appendix C STARTUP METHODS, BMON, AND CONFIGURATION MENU OPERATIONS ....... C1 C.1 STARTUP METHODS . c-2 C.1.1 Hot Start C3 C.1,.2 Cold Start (START COLD) . cs C13 Controlled Start 8 C.1.4 INIT Start ... C17 C.2 HARDWARE DIAGNOSIS . C18 C.3 CONTROLLER BACKUP AND RESTORE C-23 C.3.1 Backing Up a Controller as Images . cz 3.2. Restoring Controller Images... . C-27 C.4 MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS c-29 C.4.1, Updating Boot Software from the Configuration Menu . c-29 ‘C.4.2 Making a Boot Memory Card . . C-32 (C.S DEVELOPMENT TOOLS . . C34 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS MAROSHAS2OESNIE —~. MAROSHASZO6901E ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: xxii Appendix D D-l D.1 POSITION REGISTER ELEMENT . D-2 D.2 POSITION REGISTER VALUE D2 D.3 REGISTER ANALOG INPUT . D-3 D.4 CONDITIONAL BRANCHING; USING LABELS D-4 D.5 CALL KAREL SOFTPART D-4 D6 REGISTER INCREMENT . D-4 D.7 GROUP OUTPUT; WAIT INSTRUCTION PULSE INSTRUCTION D-s D-5 D.9 LABEL; JUMP LABEL; MESSAGE . D-6 D.10 MACRO INSTRUCTION D-7 Appendix E MASTERING Et E.1 OVERVIEW oe E3 E.2 RESETTING ALARMS AND PREPARING FOR MASTERING . ES E.3 SAVING AND RESTORING MASTERING DATA .......+++ E-8 E.4 MASTERING TO A FIXTURE (FIXTURE POSITION MASTER) . E-10 ES SINGLE AXIS MASTERING : : E-14 E.6 QUICK MASTERING .......... E18 E.7 ZERO DEGREE MASTERING . Em Index . seieeeneeeeeneees Index-1 List of Procedures Procedure 2-1 Turning On the Robot . 23 Procedure 2-2 Turning Off the Robot 2nd Procedure 2~3 Jogging the Robot and an Procedure 2-4 Using the Jog Menu . 2-15 Procedure 3-1 Setting Up Tool Frame Using the Three Point Method . 3-6 Procedure 3-2 Setting Up Tool Frame Using the Six Point Method 3-9 Procedure 3-3 Setting Up Tool Frame Using the Direct Entry Method 314 Procedure 3-4 Selecting a Too! Frame . 3-17 Procedure 3-5 Setting Up the User Frame Using the Three Point Method 3-21 Procedure 3-6 Setting Up User Frame Using the Four Point Method .. 3-26 Procedure 3-7 Setting Up User Frame Using the Direct Entry Method... 3-32 Procedure 3-8 Selecting a User Frame ...... 3-35 Procedure 3-9 Setting Up a Remote TCP Frame Using the Three Point Method . 3-38 Procedure 3-10 Setting Up a Remote TCP Frame Using the Direct Entry Method . 3-42 xxiv ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS MAROSHASZOS901E —. Procedure 3-11 Selecting an RTCP Frame ...... Procedure 3-12 Setting Up the Jog Frame Using the Three Point Method . Procedure 3-13 Setting Up the Jog Frame Using the Direct Entry Method .. Procedure 3-14 Selecting a Jog Frame ..... Procedure 3-15 Saving Frame Data to a File Procedure 3-16 RSR Setup . Procedure 3-17 PNS Setup . Procedure 3-18 Setting Up a Macro Command Procedure 3-19 Executing a Macro Command from a Teach Pendant User Key . Procedure 3-20 Using the Teach Pendant Keys TOOL1 and TOOL2 ......... Procedure 3-21 Executing a Macro Command from the MANUAL FCTNS Menu . Procedure 3-22 Executing a Macro Command from a Standard Operator Pane! User Button on the B-size Controller . Procedure 3-23 Setting Up Axis Limits ..... Procedure 3-24 Setting Brake Timers ... Procedure 3-25 Setting Brake On Hold Procedure 3-26 Setting Current Language Procedure 3-27 Setting Ignore Offset .. Procedure 3-28 Setting Ignore Tool Offset. Procedure 3-29 Setting the User Alarm . Procedure 3-30 Setting the User Alarm Severity . Procedure 3-31 Setting Up Override Select . Procedure 3-32 Assigning Usernames and Default Passwords for cach Password Level ...... Procedure 3-33 Logging In .........ssesesee Procedure 3-34 Logging Out . Procedure 3-35 Changing Your Password Procedure 3-36 Enabling the Password Log Procedure 3-37 Displaying the Password Log - Procedure 3-38 Modifying the Error Severity Table Procedure 3-39 Modifying the Number of Entries in the Error Severity Table ..........+.4 Procedure 3-40 Setting Up the Eror Code Output Option Procedure 3-41 Setting Robot Payload Procedure 3-42 Setting Up Stroke Limits Procedure 3-43 Teaching KAREL Positions Procedure 3-44 Teaching KAREL Paths ....... Procedure 3-45 Modifying KAREL Variables ......2...+00000+ Procedure 4-1 Setting Up VO. Procedure 4-2. Setting the DIP Switches on the Interface Unit . : Procedure 4-3 Setting the DIP Switches on a Basic Digital /O Unit .........++0000++ Procedure 4-4 Setting Up Model B Basic Digital /O Units Procedure 4-5 Setting Up Robot VO ......++sseeeseeee Procedure 4-6 Displaying and Forcing SOP /O Procedure 4-7 Configuring PLC VO . Procedure 4-8 Setting the Number of Ports Procedure 4-9 Setting Up V/O InterConnect ..... Procedure 4-10 Forcing Outputs ... 3-45 3-48 3-53 3-56 3-57 3-61 3-63 3-68 3-71 372 373 3-74 3-76 ‘MAROSHAS2065018 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Procedure 4-11 Simulating and Unsimulating Inputs and Outputs Procedure 5-1 Setting the System Configuration . . Procedure 6-1 Creating and Writing a New Program Procedure 6-2 Modifying a Program Procedure 6-3 Modifying a Program in the Background . .. Procedure 7-1 Changing Motion Speed (from Speed Value to Register) Procedure 7-2 Changing Motion Speed (from Register to Speed Value) Procedure 7-3 Replacing Speed Values (using Motion Modify in [EDCMD] REPLACE) Procedure 7-4 Using the Palletizing Editor To Enter the Palletizing-B Instruction Procedure 7-5 Using the Palletizing Editor To Enter the Palletizing-BX Instruction . Procedure 7-6 Using the Palletizing Editor To Enter the Palletizing-E Instruction Procedure 7-7 Using the Palletizing Editor To Enter the Palletizing-EX Instruction . Procedure 7-8 Defining a Parameter Name Instruction Procedure 7-9 Including Parameters in Program Call and MACRO Instructions - Procedure 7-10 Including Argument Registers in a Sub-Program . Procedure 7-11 Defining Motion Group Instructions Procedure 8-1 EMERGENCY STOP Procedure 8-2 Recovery from EMERGENCY STOP . Procedure 8-3 HOLD and Recovery .... Procedure 8-4 Setting Up Tolerance for Resuming a Program Procedure 8-5 Resuming a Program that Exceeds the Stop Tolerance Procedure 8-6 Setting Up Test Cycle Conditions Procedure 8-7 Single Step Testing . . Procedure 8-8 Continuous Testing Using the Teach Pendant . Procedure 8-9 Continuous Testing Using the Operator Panel CYCLE START Button . Procedure 8-10 Monitoring a Running Program Procedure 8-11 Using Release Wait . Procedure 8-12 Running Production Using Standard Operator Panel (SOP) Cycle Start. Procedure 8-13 Running Production Using User Operator Panel (UOP) Start Procedure 8-14 Running Production Using Robot Service Requests (RSR) Procedure 8-15 Running Production Using Program Number Select and UOP Production Stat =. a Procedure 8-16 Adjusting Programs During Program or Production Run . Procedure 8-17 Using the MANUAL FCTNS Screen. Procedure 9-1 Displaying the User Screen. Procedure 9-2 Displaying the User? Menu Procedure 9-3 Displaying and Setting Registers . Procedure 9-4 Displaying and Setting Position Registers Procedure 9-5 Displaying the Pallet Register Screen. Procedure 9-6 Displaying and Setting System Variables . Procedure 9-7 Displaying Safety Signal Status . . Procedure 9-8 Displaying the Program Timer Screen . Procedure 9-9 Displaying the System Timer Screen Procedure 9-10 Displaying the Clock Screen Procedure 9-11 Displaying the Version Identification Status Procedure 9-12 Displaying Memory Status 4-48 5-6 6-12 6-23 6-33 7-32 7-33 7-34 care LT 7-84 7-91 7-126 7144 7-148 7-153 8-10 8-16 8-21 8-31 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS MAROSHAS2069018 Procedure 9-13 Displaying Position Status .. : Procedure 9-14 Displaying Program Execution History . 5 Procedure 9-15 Setting Temperature and Displaying Duty Status ... Procedure 10-1 Setting Up a Port .......0...c0eesessscseseseeseesessteses Procedure 10-2 Setting Up a Port to use the RS-422 Interface .........sesseesee Procedure 10-3 Using the Memory Card Interface . Re rrr Procedure 10-4 Using a Floppy Disk and Disk Drive . Procedure 10-5 Setting the Default Device . Procedure 10-6 Formatting a Memory Card from the File Meat Procedure 10-7 Formatting the RAM Disk from KCL .....0...esseeeees Procedure 10-8 Selecting a Program on the Select Menu Procedure 10-9 Saving a Program . ae Procedure 10-10 Loading a Program . os Procedure 10-11 Copying a Program within the SELECT Mequ Procedure 10-12. Deleting a Program from the SELECT Menu . Procedure 10-13 Printing a Program . e Procedure 10-14 Printing (or Saving as ASCI) a Teach Pendant Screen . Procedure 10-15 Generating a Directory of Files . Procedure 10-16 Loading Files Using the FILE Menu Procedure 10-17 Restoring BACKUP Files Using the FILE Menu ... Procedure 10-18. Backing Up System Fes, TP Programs, Application Files, Emor Log Fle, Procedure 10-19 Displaying the Contents of a Text (ASCI) File .........+. Procedure 10-20 Copying Files Procedure 10-21 Deleting Files Procedure 10-22 Saving Files to the Default Device . : Procedure 10-23 Moving Files Between the RAM Disk and the FROM Disk Procedure 10-24 Checking and Purging File Memory .. Procedure 10-25 Backing up a Controller to a Memory Card Device .........++. Procedure 10-26 Restoring a Controller after a Backup ........scsseeseeseeseseues Procedure 11-1 Using Mirror Image Procedure 11-2 Using the Shift Utility Procedure 113 Setting the Conditions for the Space Check Function Procedure 11-4 Executing Multiple Programs Using the Standard Operator Panel (SOP) Procedure 11-5 Running Map Prowans Using Program Number Select (PNS) . Procedure 11-6 Setting the Reference Position . Procedure 11-7 Setting Up Shape Information . Procedure 11-8 Using the Shape Schedule and DETAIL Screen . Procedure 11-9 Performing Shape Adjustments Using the Shape Adjust Utility Procedure 1-10 Setting Up Auto Normal .. Procedure 11-11 Executing Auto Normal to Perform a Search .......c...s.0 Procedure 11-12 Sewing up the Motion Group DO Outpt Function ......... Procedure 11-13 Setting Up Soft Float Schedules Procedure 11-14 Executing a Tool Change or Shift . Procedure 11-15 Executing a User Coordinate Change ot Shift : Procedure 11-16 Recording a TIME BEFORE or TIME AFTER instruction 9-29 9-36 9-38 10-10 10-12 10-14 10-16 10-17 10-18 10-20 10-22 10-23 10-25 10-27 10-29 10-32 10-34 10-39 10-41 10-43 10-51 10-54 10-55 10-58 10-60 10-62 10-63 10-66 10-69 11-10 11-24 11-32 11-36 11-37 11-48 1-57 11-58 11-81 11-88 11-89 11-91 11-102 1-113 11-116 11-121 ‘MAROSHAS206901E ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS xxvii Procedure 11-17 Creating a Condition Handler Program . seeseseesees M34 Procedure 11-18 Creating an ACTION Program .. : ceestesseeeee 1-135 Procedure 11-19 Creating a Condition Handler Program (Example) .........c.cscss.sesees M135 Proczdue 11-20 Stating a Condition Handler Progam om Teach Pendant Prog Procedure 11-21 Setting Up Collision Guard . ae seeeseree Hdd, Procedure 11-22 Setting Up Error Recovery Items ..-......+. seceseeee UISL Procedure 11-23 Setting Up Alarm Code Monitoring . . Procedure 11-24 Setting Up Digital Input Alarms. Procedure 11-25 Adding Error Recovery Instructions to a Program . Procedure 11-26 Manual Operation of Error Recovery .. Procedure 11-27 Performing the Cross Car Mirror Function Procedure 11-28 Performing the Flip Knuckle Function ........+4++« Procedure 11-29 Using the Limit Set Function to Set Software Axis Limits Procedure 11-30 Creating a Prompt Box Message Ment .........20000eesereee Procedure 11-31 Creating a Prompt Box Yes/No Menu ..... Procedure 11-32 Creating a List Menu . ce Procedure 11-33 Creating a Status Menu. Procedure 11-34 Creating an Operator Entry Menu Procedure 11-35 Using Your Teach Pendant Menus Procedure 11-36 Setting Up Collision Skip . : Procedure 11-37 Calling the Safety Space Function .... sesseeteesecesese MA181 Procedure 12-1 Setting Up the String Sensor and TCP Attachment Device . Procedure 12-2 Replacing the Auto TCP String Sensor String ........... 12-5 Procedure 12-3 Installing Sensor I/O Signal Cables .. : 12-7 Procedure 12-4 Configuring the /O Ports . 27 Procedure 12-5 Setting Up the Sensor ........ 12.9 Procedure 12-6 Testing Data Ports......... 12-12 Procedure 12-7 Setting Up TCP Orientation ... 12-13, Procedure 12-8 Automatically Generating Positions 12-18 Procedure 12-9 Automatically Calculating a New UTOOL TCP + 12-23 Procedure 13-1 Setting Up the String Sensor and TCP Attachment Device . 13-5 Procedure 13-2 Replacing the AccuCal String Sensor String . 13-5 Procedure 13-3 Installing Sensor /O Signal Cables 13-7 Procedure 13-4 Configuring the /O Ports . Procedure 13-5 Setting Up the Sensor Procedure 13-6 Testing Data Ports ...........+ Procedure 13-7 Setting Up AccuCal ... Procedure 13-8 Performing TCP Setup . Procedure 13-9 Performing End Position Setup ..... Procedure 13-10 Performing Robot Calibration . Procedure 14-1 Performing MH Shell Production Setup .......... Procedure 14-2 Setting Up TP Program ID DETAILS forthe Constant Method . Procedure 14-3 Setting Up TP Program ID DETAILS for the MENU Method Procedure 14-4 Setting Up TP Program ID DETAILS for the DIN Table Method Procedure 14-5 Setting Up TP Program ID DETAILS for the GIN Method . . Procedure 14-6 Setting Up TP Program ID DETAILS for the RSR (UOP) Method ........... 14-16 svi ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS MAROSHASZOESOLE, Procedure 14-7 Setting Up TP Program ID DETAILS for the PNS (UOP) Method Procedure 14-8 Setting Up Shell /O DETAILS ..... Procedure 14-9 Setting Up Special Positions DETAILS Procedure 14-10 Performing MH Shell Error Recovery Setup Procedure 14-11 Performing MH Shell General Shell Controls Setup Procedure 14-12 Setting Up Cold Start Variable DETAILS Procedure 14-13 Setting Up Version Screen DETAILS Procedure 14-14 Troubleshooting Production . Procedure 14-15 Displaying Program Status . Procedure 14-16 Viewing and Setting MHAPPL Variables Procedure 16-1 Installing the Force Sensor, Cable and Interface Board . Procedure 16-2 Installing an ATI Force Sensor ...... Procedure 16-3 Installing the Lead Thru Teach Handle Procedure 16-4 Configuring the 1/O Ports to Match the Hardware Assignments Procedure 16-5 Setting Up Lead Thru Teach . Procedure 16-6 Setting Up Lead Thru Teach VO. Procedure 16-7 Setting Up the Analog Port Information Procedure 16-8 Setting Up the Force Sensor Frame . Procedure 16-9 Teaching the Force Sensor Frame Procedure 16-10 Setting Up Motion Parameters .. Procedure 16-11 Teaching a Path with Lead Thru Teach Procedure A-1 Error Recovery Recommendation . Procedure A-2 Displaying the Alarm Log ....... Procedure A-3 Recovering from an Overtravel Esror Procedure A-4. Recovering from a Hand Breakage Procedure A-5 Resetting a Pulse Coder SRVO-062 Alam ... Procedure A-6 Chain Failure Detection Error Recovery . Procedure C-1 Performing a Hot Start ........ Procedure C-2 Performing a Hot Start from the Configuration Menu Procedure C-3 Performing a Cold Start ........ Procedure C-4 Performing a Cold Start from the Configuration Menu . Procedure C-5 Performing a Controlled Start... Procedure C-6 Performing Hardware Diagnosis Functions Procedure C-7 Backing up a Controller as Images Procedure C-8 Restoring Controller Images . Procedure C-9 Updating BMON Software Procedure C-10 Making a Boot Memory Card Procedure E-1 Preparing the Robot for Mastering Procedure E-2 Saving and Restoring Master Reference Position Data . Procedure E-3 Mastering to a Fixture . Procedure E-4 Mastering a Single Axis Procedure E-5 Recording the Quick Master Reference Position . Procedure E-6 Quick Mastering the Robot . Procedure E~7 Mastering to Zero Degrees . 14-18 14-20 14-22 14-27 14-30 14-33 14-34 14-54 14-55 14-57 16-2 16-3 16-3 16-4 16-6 16-8 16-11 16-13 16-14 16-16 16-18 AL A3 A-13 A-15 A-16 A-19 C3 C4 cs C7 cu C19 cu C27 c-29 32 E-S E-8 E-10 E-14 E19 E-21 E24 ‘MAROSHAS2O8901E ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures Figure 1-1. System Overview .. Figure 1-2. Major and Minor Axes Figure 1-3. M-6i Robot Model. Figure 1-4, M-16i Robot Model Figure 1-5. M-410iHS Robot Model . ‘Figure 1-6. M-710i Robot Model . Figure 1-7. S-430iF Robot Model . Figure 1-8. Finger Type Gripper . . Figure 1-9. Vacuum Type Gripper Figure 1-10. R-J3 Controller - i-size . Figure 1-11. R-J3 Controller - Besize Figure 1-12. R-J3 Controller Capabilities . Figure 1-13. R-J3 Controller Possible Configuration - i-size Controller Figure 1-14. Standard Teach Pendant Figure 1-15. HandlingTool Full Meaus (pages 1 and 2) Figure 1-16. Quick Menus (pages 1 and 2) .. Figure 1-17, DEADMAN Switch .........cseeeseesereeeees Figure 1-18. R-J3 Controller Standard Operator Panel ..... 0.0.6... 0eeeeeeeeeeeeeee Figure 1-19. Operator Box Operator Pane! Figure 1-20. Mode Select Switch ........ccsssessseessetseeteesseenees Figure 1-21. Pe eae eee eee Figure 1-22. CRT/KB ...... Figure 1-23. Program Example . Figure 2-1. Jog Speed Display Figure 2-2. Jog Speed Keys Figure 2-3. COORD Display . Figure 2-4. JOINT Coordinate System . Figure 2-5. XYZ Coordinate System . Figure 2-6. TOOL Coordinate System . Figure 2-7, Wrist Jogging Display Figure 2-8. Remote TCP Display . Figure 2-9. Sub-group Display . Figure 2-10. Jog Menu Figure 3-1. World Frame ...... Figure 3-2. Moving a Frame . Figure 3-3. Tool Frame . Figure 3-4, Defining the Orientation of the Origin «0.2.2... 00e0eee008 ‘Figure 3-5, World and User Frames Figure 3-6. Defining the Origin . Figure 3-7. Defining the X Direction Point . . 2-10 3-11 3-23 3-23 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS MAROOHASDONOIE —~ Figure 3-8, Defining the X-Y Plane Figure 3-9. Defining the Origin Figure 3-10. Defining the X Direction Point Figure 3-11, Defining the X-Y Plane Figure 3-12. Defining the Second Origin Figure 3-13. Remote TCP Frame .... Figure 3-14. Touching the TCP of the Robot Tool to the Remote TCP . Figure 3-15. Touching the TCP of the Robot Tool to the Remote TCP . Figure 3-16. Jog Frame Defined Parallel to Part Figure 3-17. Defining the Origin . Figure 3-18, Defining the X Direction Point Figure 3-19, Defining the X-Y Plane ... Figure 3-20, Production Setup Screen . Figure 3-21. Teach Pendant User Keys Figure 3-22. Operator Panel - B-size Controller . Figure 3-23. Teach Pendant User Keys Figure 3-24. Standard Operator Panel User Buttons Figure 3-25. Enror Severity Table Figure 3-26. Example Output Definition Figure 3-27. Timing - One Alarm .. Figure 3-28. Timing - Multiple Alarms Figure 3-29. Inertia Equations Figure 3-30. Path with Four Path Nodes Figure 4-1. Rack, Slot, Channel, and Starting Point Figure 4-2. Example Distributed /O Setup Block Diagram Figure 4-3. Interface Unit DIP Switches . Figure 4-4, Basic Digital /O Module DIP Switches Figure 4-5. 1/0 Link Device Screen Figure 4-6. RSR Timing Diagram Figure 4-7. PNS Timing Diagram Figure 6-1. Continuous Termination Type for Patletizing Figure 6-2, Home Position . Figure 6-3. Repair Position . Figure 6-4, Safe Position .. Figure 6-5. Writing and Modifying a Program Figure 6-6. Background Edit Process .. Figure 6-7. Background Edit Process (Continued) Figure 7-1. Program Example . Figure 7-2. Motion Instruction Example Figure 7-3. Joint Motion Type Figure 7-4. Linear Motion Type Figure 7-5. Linear Motion Type Used to Rotate About the Tool Center Point ........++++++++ 3.37 3-42 347 ‘MAROSHASZ06901E ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Figure 7-6. Circular Motion Type ....... Figure 7-7, Restart of Circular Motion Instruction Figure 7-8. Restart of Circular Motion Instruction Figure 7-9. Effect of Via Point Location Figure 7-10. Figure 7-11. Figure 7-12. Figure 7-13. Figure 7-14 Figure 7-15. Figure 7-16. Figure 7-17. Figure 7-18, Figure 7-19. Figure 7-20. Figure 7-21. Figure 7-22. Figure 7-23. Figure 7-24. Figure 7-25. Figure 7-26, Figure 7-27. Figure 7-28, Figure 7-29, Figure 7-30. Figure 7-31. Figure 7-32. Figure 7-33. Figure 7-34. Figure 7-35. Figure 7-36. Figure 7-37. Figure 7-38. Figure 7-39. Figure 7-40. Figure 7-41. Figure 7-42, Figure 7-43, Figure 7-44. Figure 7-45 Figure 7-46. Figure 7-47, Effect of UTOOL Accuracy on a Small Circle . Azimuth and Elevation Angles . Effect of Orientation Change on the Path . Positional Information ........... Frame Number of Positional Data Example Program . Example of the Sec Speed Feature .. ‘Variable Motion Speed Program Execution Example . Robot Motion with Fine Termination Type . Robot Motion with Continuous Termination Type . Acceleration Override .. ‘SKIP LBL{x] Motion Option Example Tool Offset Instruction Position Representation Screen Comer Rounding Pick and Place . : ‘TIME BEFORE / TIME AFTER Motion Option Instructions - Remote TCP Motion Option . Remote TCP (RTCP) Motion Option Example ‘The Effect of Comer Distance on Comer Rounding Half Distance Rule ......002+2005 Short Segment Path WITHOUT AccuPath . Short Segment Path with AccuPath . Path Orientation .... Teaching a Small Comer Teaching a Flexible Path Palletizing Program Example ........ Example of PALLETIZING-B Instruction Example of PALLETIZING-BX Instruction Example of PALLETIZING-E Instruction Example of PALLETIZING-EX Instruction . Palletizing Example ... Direct and Indirect Addressing Example. PL{x] = [value] PL{x] = [value] [operator] [value] .. Direct and Indirect Addressing Example . R[x] = [value]... eee eeeee R{[x] = [value] [operator] [value]... PR[GRPa:x] = [value] AT 7-18 7-18 721 7-61 7-61 1-78 7-82 7-89 7-97 7-100 7-101 7-101 7-102 7-103 7-105 7-106 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS MAROSHASDOS5018 = —~, Figure 7-48. PR[GRPa:x] = [value] [operator] [value] . Figure 7-49. Position Register Element PR{i,j] - Figure 7-50. PR{ij) = [value] .. Figure 7-51. PR{i,j] = [value] [operator] [value] . Figure 7-52. R[x] = DIfx] ... Figure 7-53. DO[x] = ON/OFF . Figure 7-54. DO[x] = PULSE [,width] . Figure 7-5. DO[x] = Rix] Figure 7-56. R{x] = Rifx] . Figure 7-57. RO[x] = ON/OFF . Figure 7-58. RO[x] = PULSE [,width] . Figure 7-59. RO[x] = R[x]. Figure 7-60. R[x] = Al[x] - Figure 7-61. AO[x] = value Rix] = GIs] . Figure 7-69. 1/0 IF Instruction for DUDO, RURO, SSO and UUO Figure 7-70. 1/0 IF Instruction for PL .. Figure 7-71, /O IF Instruction for R, AVAO, GU/GO and System Variable Figure 7-72. Select Instruction . Figure 7-74. WAIT Condition for D/DO, RI/RO, SSO, and U/UO ;. WAIT Condition for R, G/GO, AI/AO, and Parameters Figure 7-80. OVERRIDE . Figure 7-81. Message Instruction . Figure 7-82, Parameter Name Write Instruction Figure 7-83. Parameter Name Read Instruction Figure 7-84. JOINT_MAX_SPEED Instruction ~ Multiple Motion Group Syntax. Figure 7-85. LINEAR_MAX_SPEED Instruction - Multiple Motion Group Syntax Figure 7-86. JOINT_MAX_SPEED Instruction - Single Motion Group Syntax .. Figure 7-87. LINEAR_MAX_SPEED Instruction - Single Motion Group Syntax Figure 7-88. Skip Condition for DO/DI, RO/RI, SO/SI, and UO/UI . ‘Figure 7-89. Skip Condition for R, GVGO, AVAO, and Parameters . 7-107 7-107 7-108 7-109 7-110 7-110 Tan 7-1 7-1 7-112 7-112 7-12 7-113 7-113 714 7-114 7-115 7-15 7-16 7-116 7-116 77 TT 7-7 7-118 7-19 7-120 7-120 7-121 7-122 7-12 7-123 7-13 7-124 7-125 7-125 7-128 7-129 7-129 7-129 7-130 7-130 ‘MARO3HAS206901E ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Figure 7-90. Skip Condition . Figure 7-91. Offset Condition ... Figure 7-92, UFRAME_NUM=|value] .......0..0065 Figure 7-93, UTOOL_NUM=[value] Figure 7-94, UFRAMEfi] = PR[x] - Figure 7-95. UTOOL{i] = PRix] . Figure 7-96, Tool Offset Condition Instruction Figure 7-97. SEMAPHORE[i] = ON/OFF . Figure 7-98. WAIT SEMAPHORE[x] [time] . Figure 7-99. RUN program .. Figure 7-100, Macro Command Instruction ........+. Figure 7-101, Parameter Example ..........seseeeesee Figure 7-102, CALL Program with Parameters Figure 7-103. Parameters for Conditional Branching Example . Figure 7-104, MACRO Program with Parameters Figure 7-105. Argument Registers . Figure 7-106, Use No More than Ten Parameters in an instruction Figure 7-107. Make Sure Data Types Match .........6+4 Figure 7-108. Define All Parameter Elements ... Figure 7-109. Use Parameters Defined in the Main Program . Figure 7-110. Cursor Position to Insert Parameters... Figure 7-111. PAUSE tess TB seve TH1B8 coves 72139) cesses 7142, seeeees 7143, seseeees Told, seveees To1dS Figure 7-112. ABORT 7-149 Figure 7-113. Error Program . : 7-150 Figure 7-114. RESUME_PROG = program 7-150 Figure 7-115. MAINT_PROG = program 7-151 Figure 7-116. CLEAR_RESUME PRO ... 7-151 Figure 7-117. RETURN_PATH_DSBL.... sees FHISL Figure 7-118, LOCK PREG Instruction .........6600++ Sever aveiereniaee se itiTa1SS. Figure 7-119, UNLOCK PREG Instruction Figure 7-120. MONITOR Instruction ..... Figure 7-121. MONITOR END Instruction ..... : Figure 7-122. Condition for Register, System Variable, and VO Parameters Figure 7-123. Condition2 for VO... Figure 7-124, Condition for Error Status Figure 7-125. Payload Instruction ........ Figure 7-126. Example of Using PAYLOADIGPx:] Instructions in a Teach Pendant Program Figure 7-127. Inertia Equations ..........es0e0-2++ Figure 7-128. Example of Collision Guard Instructions . Figure 8-1. Resume Tolerance Example ........+0s00e00+ee8 Figure 8-2. Example Program Showing Backward Execution ..... Figure 9-1. Teach Pendant Status Indicators : sessess 7-156 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS (MAROSHAS2089018 © —~ Figure 9-2. R-13 Controller Operator Box Operator Panel - i-size Controller 9-3 Figure 9-3. Operator Panel - B-size Controller 9-4 Figure 9-4, Tum Number and Joint Placement Display on Position Screen 9-31 Figure 9-5. Tum Number Display Configuration .. ceeeteesseeseereeseesses 9032 Figure 9-6. Joint Placement Configuration Examples for Fully Articulated Robots ........... 9-33 Figure 9-7. Joint Placement Configuration Examples for Horizontally Articulated Robots ..... 9-34 Figure 9-8. $SCR_GRP(group].$turn_axis[i] for Turn Number Display Configuration . 9-34 Figure 9-9. Duty Diagnosis Screen .......0.sc0seseeeeeeesserseeee 9-37 Figure 10-1, Location of Ports on the Operator Box . . see 10-6 Figure 10-2. Location of Ports on the B-size Controller ........+++ 10-7 Figure 10-3. Memory Card Interface Location see 10-14 Figure 10-4, PS-100, PS-100, or PS-200 Disk Drive Connected to the R-I3 Controller - 10-15 Figure 10-5, File Screen ........0s.ceceees 10-36 Figure 11-1, Parallel Mirror Image with Mirror Plane in Center of Robot . cee UL Figure 11-2. Parallel Mirror Image with Mirror Plane Offset from Center of Robot 11-4 ttteterereeees ILS Reece eects seseeesseere UAT eierrre nate teresete iLO ae Figure 11-3, Parallel Mirror Image with Offset ‘Figure 11-4, Positional Mirror Image ......... Figure 11-5, Rotational Mirror Image ....... Figure 11-6. Rotational Mirror Image . Figure 11-7. Mirror Image Key - 11-8 Figure 11-8, Example of Robot Axes Only Mirror Image : 11-8 Figure 11-9, Example of Extended Axes Integrated Mirror Image .........seccseecsseeeee 11-8 Figure 11-10, Example of With Extended Axes Mirror Image . - 19 Figure 11-11. Mirroring an Entire Program .......0.eeeee0000 - We12 ‘Figure 11-12, Mirroring a Portion of a Program . . 1-12 Figure 11-13. Shifting an Entire Program . 11-18 Figure 11-14, Shifting Portions of a Program . 11-19 Figure 11-15. Parallel Shift eae aeauaeteea 11-19 ‘Figure 11-16, Parallel and Rotational Shift 7 ee 11-20 Figure 11-17. Program Shift Key . poeta rate oaee 11-20 Figure 11-18. Example of Robot Axes Only Shift . US eared Figure 11-19. Example of Extended Axes Integrated Shift n-21 Figure 11-20. Example of With Extended Axes Shift . 11-22 Figure 11-21. Example of With Extended Axes Only Shift . . 1-2 Figure 11-22, Example of a Replace Extended Axes Shift . peeeeee se 23 Figure 11-23, Tum Numbers ......cccccesecseeeessseeesseaeeeseeeaees 11-29 Figure 11-24. Using Register Instructions to Synchronize Program Execution .......600e.00. 11-35 Figure 11-25, Multi-Tasking Using the RUN Program Instruction 11-38 Figure 11-26. Single Step Execution Example ........seccsseeeeeee 1-39 Figure 11-27. Single Step Backward Execution ...... eect 11-40 Figure 11-28. Backward Exeeution of RUN Instruction Example... 11-40 Figure 11-29, Two Methods of Angle Entry Shift Function .........6.4 11-42 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘MAROSHAS2069018 ov Figure 11-30. Angle Entry Shift Screen Structure 11-43 Figure 11-31. Position Register Look-Ahead Program Example . 11-53 Figure 11-32. Circle Schedule SCHEDULE Screen 11-60 Figure 11-33. Circle Schedule DETAIL Screen 11-60 Figure 11-34, Circle Schedule Terminology . 11-62 Figure 11-35. Hexagon Schedule SCHEDULE Screen . 1-62 Figure 11-36. Hexagon Schedule DETAIL Screen 11-62 Figure 11-37. Hexagon Schedule Terminology . 11-64 Figure 11-38. Rectangle Schedule SCHEDULE Screen 11-64 Figure 11-39, Rectangle Schedule DETAIL Screen . 11-65 Figure 11-40. Rectangle Schedule Terminology 11-67 Figure 11-41. Slot Schedule SCHEDULE Screen . 11-67 Figure 11-42, Slot Schedule DETAIL Screen 11-68 Figure 11-43, Slot Schedule Terminology . 11-69 Figure 11-44. Key Slot Schedule SCHEDULE Screen . 1-70 Figure 11-45. Key Slot Schedule DETAIL Screen 11-70 Figure 11-46. Key Slot Schedule Terminology . u-71 Figure 11-47. Shape Generation Program Example . U2 Figure 11-48, Example of Using Override Registers 11-76 Figure 11-49, Teach and Production Modes 1-77 Figure 11-50, UTILITIES Shape Adjust SCHEDULE Screen 11-78 Figure 11-51. Shape Adjust Utility: X and Y Offsets. 1-79 Figure 11-52, UTILITIES Shape Adjust: Shape Rotation u-79 Figure 11-53, Shape Rotation Program Example ..... 11-80 Figure 11-54, Shape Adjust Utility: Offset and Rotated Shapes . 11-80 Figure 11-55. Shape Frames . 11-82 Figure 11-56. Laser Height Sensor 1-84 Figure 11-57. Search Motion ... 11-85 Figure 11-58. Positions and Frames Defined After the Search . 11-86 Figure 11-59, Shape Frames ........00000ceeeceeeee 11-86 Figure 11-60. Motion Group DO Output Function Program Examples 11-92 Figure 11-61. Motion Start Delay Memory Buffers 11-95 Figure 11-62, SOFTFLOAT|n] Independent Instruction Example 11-104 Figure 11-63. SOFTFLOAT[a] Motion Option Example . 11-105 Figure 11-64. Coordinates Offset Screens . 1-107 Figure 11-65. TCP Fixed Method . 11-109 Figure 11-66. Robot Fixed Method - Example 1 . 1-110 Figure 11-67, Robot Fixed Method - Example 2 11-110 Figure 11-68. TIME BEFORE / TIME AFTER Motion Option Instructions u-n19 Figure 1-69. Timing Sequence (TIME BEFORE instruction) . 11-120 Figure 11-70. Timing Sequence (AFTER instruction) . 11-120 Figure 11-71. Timing Sequence (TIME BEFORE instruction) . 11-120 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS [MAROSHASZ08901E, Figure 11-72. Main and Sub Program Examples.........+- Figure 11-73. Program example for TIME BEFORE instruction . Figure 11-74. Condition Monitor Function .... Figure 11-75, Sample, Condition Handler, and Action Programs .......2.+.esseeeesee Figure 11-76. Condition for Register, System Variable, and VO Parameters ........s6ecese00 Figure 11-77. Condition2 for /0 . Figure 11-78. Condition for Error status Figure 11-79. Program Monitor Menu. Figure 11-80. System Monitor Menu .. Figure 11-81. Collision Guard Adjust Macro Program : Figure 11-82. Example of Enabling and Disabling Collision Guard in a Teach Pendant Program Figure 11-83. Resume Program Example . Figure 11-84. Maintenance Program Example . Figure 11-85. Error Recovery Setup Screen . Figure 11-86, Setting User Alarm Screen .. Figure 11-87. RESUME_PROGRAM Instruction. Figure 11-88. CLEAR_RESUME_PROG Instruction Figure 11-89. WELD.TP Example Program ... Figure 11-90, WIRE_CUT.TP (Resume Program) Example Program .... Figure 11-91. MAINT_PROGRAM Instruction... Figure 11-92, RETURN_PATH_DSBL Instruction .....2...200005 Figure 11-93. WELD.-TP Example Program . .. Figure 11-94, Normal Operation Auto Start Mode Figure 11-95, Normal Operation without Execution of Resume Program ... Figure 11-96. Resume Program Aborted . . Figure 11-97. Normal Operation (Automatic Start DISABLED) Figure 11-98, Auto Mode When an Undefined Alarm Occurs Figure 11-99. Cross Car Mirror Function ........0.2.2006 Figure 11-100. New UTOOL and UFRAME Values Displayed in the Mirrored Destination Program . ‘Figure 11-101. Flip Knuckle Function Figure 11-102, S-430 Limit Block ........ Figure 11-103. Top view of Robot Base for Locating the Axis 1 Hard Stop Location Figure 11-104. Top view of Robot Base for Locating the Axis 1 Hard Stop Location Figure 11-105. Teach Pendant Menus Example .. Figure 11-106. Prompt Box Message Men ..........++ . Figure 11-107. Prompt Box Message Menu Does not Exist Screen ......4.0s20000005 Figure 11-108. Prompt Box Msg(menu) Macro Example 1 ........:ssseseesees Figure 11-109. Prompt Box Msg(menu) Macro Example 2 Figure 11-110. Prompt Box Yes/No Menu ..... ee Figure 11-111. Prompt Box Yes/No Menu Does not Exist Screen ......2..+.20000005 Figure 11-112. Prompt Box YN(menu, answer_reg) Macro Example 1 ......s.secsseseevees 1-123 1-123 11-125 1-125 1-129 1-129 1-129 11-130 1-131 11-140 11-143 11-145 11-146 11-150 1-154 1-156 1-156 M-156 11-156 u-157 u-157 11-157 11-162 11-163 11-164 11-165 11-166 11-176 u-177 11-180 11-184 11-186 11-187 11-189 11-190 11-190 11-191 11-191 11-196 11-196 11-197 ‘MARO3HAS2089015 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Figure 11-113. Prompt Box YN(menu, answer_reg) Macro Example 2 Figure 11-114. List Menu Figure 11-115. List Menu Does not Exist Screen Figure 11-116. List Menu(menu, answer_reg) Macro Example 1 . Figure 11-117. List Menu(menu, answer_reg) Macro Example 2. Figure 11-118. Status Menu Figure 11-119. Default Status Menu ..........25 Figure 11-120. Status Menu(menu) Macro Example 1 Figure 11-121. Status Menu(menu) Macro Example 2 Figure 11-122. Operator Entry Menu ....... Figure 11-123. Operator Entry Menu Does Not Exist Screen . Figure 11-124, Op Entry Menu(menu) Macro Example 1. Figure 11-125, Op. Entry Menu(menu) Macro Example 2 . Figure 11-126, Sample Teach Pendant Program ..... Figure 11-127. Sample Teach Pendant Program . Figure 11-128. Sample Teach Pendant Program . Figure 11-129. Sample Teach Pendant Program . Figure 11-130. Sample Teach Pendant Program Figure 11-131. Sample Program Using the CLSKP Macro Figure 11-132. Listing for the CLSKP Macro Figure 11-133. Sample Macro Figure 11-134. Sample Safety Space Program 1, Auto TCP String Sensor and TCP Attachment Device . String Sensor I/O Signal Cables . . AccuCal String Sensor .... . TCP Setup Point Generation 5. ALARM Recovery Screen Example .......- }. Strobed Alarms Portion of MULTHO.TP Program . 7. Strobed Alarms Timing Diagram ........ ). MULTHO.TP Task AccuCal with a Spot Welding TCP Adaptor . Auto TCP String Sensor ... Auto TCP Point Generation .. ‘AccuCal String Sensor and TCP Attachment Device . ‘AccuCal with a Spot Welding TCP Adaptor . String Sensor /O Signal Cables . End Positions ......... ‘SETUP Shell Config Screen ‘SETUP Shell Config Screen: Production Setup Items ‘SETUP Shell Config Screen: Error Recovery Items . ‘SETUP Shell Config Screen: General Shell Controls Items ‘Default Alarm Table Description 11-197 11-202 11-203 11-203 11-203 11-209 11-210 11-212 11-212 11-218 - 11-219 - M221 . 11-221 11-29 11-230 - 1-231 - 11-232 11-233 + 11-235 + 11-236 11-237 11-238 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-16 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-16 13-20 14-2 14-4 14-25 14-28 14-36 14-39 14-39 14-41 14-43 woxviii ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS MAROSHAS208901E | —~, Figure 14-10. MULTTIO.TP Flow Chart . Figure 14-11, Example Cycle Interrupt Menu . Figure 14-12, PLC Program Selection Program Example Figure 14-13, Shell Task Flow Chart ......0+eeceeeee Figure 14-14, Subshell Task Flow Chart ......+.. Figure 14-15. MHSHCUST.KL KAREL Program . Figure 14-16. MHSHCUST.KL KAREL Program, continued .........e006+ Figure 14-17. MHSHCUST.KL KAREL Program, continued . : Figure 14-18. MHSHCUST.KL KAREL Program, continued . Figure 14-19. SHLINIT Teach Pendant Program .. Figure 14-20. SHLCELL Teach Pendant Program ........ Figure 14-21. SHLSAFE Teach Pendant Program .......... Figure 14-22. SHLBEGIN Teach Pendant Program Figure 14-23, SHLENTRY Teach Pendant Program ........ Figure 14-24, SHLSTART Teach Pendant Program ........+.. Figure 14-25. SHLPAUSE Teach Pendant Program ........+s.ssee000 Figure 14-26. SHLRESUM Teach Pendant Program . Figure 14-27. SHLABORT Teach Pendant Program . Figure 14-28. SHLEXIT Teach Pendant Program .....1e+eseeeeeseee Figure 14-29. Go Home Macro Program: MOVEHOME.MN ...... Figure 14-30. Go Repair Macro Program: MOVEMANT.MN .. Figure 14-31. Get PLC IO Macro Program: GETPLCIO.MN . Figure 14-32. Get PLC Alarm Macro Program: GETPLCER.MN .... ‘Figure 14-33. Check Cycle Start Macro Program: CHKCSTOPMN . Figure 15-1. Composition of FANUC Sensor Data Packet . Figure 15-2, Handshaking When the Contents of a Register is Sent to the Sensor ............ Figure 15-3, Handshaking When a Register Number and Its Data is Received ........2...0+4 Figure 15-4, Handshaking When Position Register Data is Received . Figure 15-5. Handshaking When Three Point Data is Received . . i Figure 15-6. Handshaking When the Transformation Matrix is Received ........6600.c00005 Figure 15-7. FANUC Sensor Interface Program Example . Figure 16-1. Second Order Formula . Figure A-1 Hezaecinal Hor Message Display peeeeeetaes Figure B-1. Remote CRI/KBs List of Tables ‘Table 1-1. Robot Servo Status for Control Reliable (RS-1/RS-4) Option . Table 2-1, Jog Speed Values . Table 2-2. Sub-Group Example . Table 3-1. Production Setup Screen Table 3-2. SR Setup Item Description 14-44 14-45 14-46 14-47 14-48 14-48 14-49 14-50 14-51 14-52 14-52 14-52 14-52 14-53 14-53 14-53 14-53 14-53 14-53 14-60 14-61 14-61 14-61 14-61 15-3 15-5 15-5 15-6 15-6 15-6 15-7 16-10 A-I2 Bel 1-20 2-5 2-10 359 3-60 -MAROSHASZO89012 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘Table 3-3. ‘Table 3-4, Table 3-5. Macro Command Assignments ‘Table 3-6. Table 3-7. ‘Table 3-8, ‘Table 3-9. ‘Table 3-10. ‘Table 3-11. ‘Table 3-12, Table 3-13. Table 3-14. Table 3-15. Table 3-16. ‘Table 3-17. Table 3-18. Table 4-1. Table 4-2. Table 4-3. Table 4-4. ‘Table 4-5. Table 4-6. ‘Table 4-7. ‘Table 4-8, ‘Table 4-9. Table 4-10. Table 4-11. ‘Table 4-12. ‘Table 4-13. Table 4-14. Table 4-15. Table 4-16. ‘Table 4-17. Table 4-18. Table 4-19. Table 4-20. Table 4-21. ‘Table 4-22. ‘Table 5-1. ‘Table 6-1. Table 6-2. Table 7-1. PS Setup Item Description . Macro Command Assignments . Brake On Hold Settings SUALRM_SEV{n} Severity Values. SUALRM_SEV{n] Severity Values. ‘Override Select Menu Listing Password Levels... Password Error Messages Password Level Screen Permissions Error Severity Table Ttems . . Error Code Output Signal Definition (SER_OUT_PUT.SOUT_NUM=1) Enror Code Severity Definition (SER_OUT_PUT.SOUT_NUM = 1) . Program Control: DO[25] and DO[26] ......--- Motion Control: DO[27] and DO[28) SYSTEM Payload Screen . Process VO Board Defelt Digital Input and Output Configuration. VO Hardware Eligible for Default UOP Assignment . Default UOP Input Configuration for Process YO Boards Default UOP Output Configuration for Process 1/O Boards . Rack Assignments for Different Kinds of YO Slot Assignments for Different Kinds of /O CONFIG Screen 1/0 Status Range Setting Limitations . Communication Speed Setings for Switches Q and H . Unit Number Settings of Switches 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1. Standard Operator Pane! Input Signals Standard Operator Panel Output Signals . Rack Assignments for Different Kinds of VO. Slot Assignments for Different Kinds of YO... Device Names . Devices that hve Access tothe Detail Screen WO InterConnect Screen Items Relationship Between te MODE SELECT Switch Signals and Modes of Operation UOP UI to Process 1/0 Board DI OP Input Signals UOP Outputs to Process /O Board DO. UOP Output Signals oe... eeeeeee ‘System Configuration Setup Screen Items Paste Methods . Towa Backgoun a- Problem Cause and Remedy ‘SFRM_CHKTYP Values . ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS MARO3HAS2I8001E Table 7-2. Example Program Operation . ‘Table 7-3. Range of Register Values to Specify a Variable Motion Speed Table 7-4. Path Compatibility between V5.20P and Previous Software Versions . Table 7-5. Correspondence between SGROUP System Variables and the Teach Pendant Motion Instruction. . ‘| Table 7-6. PALLETIZING-B Pallet Editor Items ‘Table 7-7. PALLETIZING-BX Pallet Editor Items ‘Table 7-8. PALLETIZING-E Pallet Editor Items Table 7-9. PALLETIZING-BX Pallet Editor Items Table 7-10. Parameter Instructions Table 7-11. Parameter Data Types ‘Table 7-12. String Parameter System Variables ..... ‘Table 7-13. Instructions That Can Use AR] ......... Table 7-14. Instructions that can Use AR] ...... Table 8-1. Tolerance Setup Items ..... Table 8-2. Test Cycle Conditions . Table 9-1, Teach Pendant Status Indicators ‘Table 9-2. Operator Box Status Indicators - i-size Controller. ‘Table 9-3. Operator Panel Status Indicators - B-size Controller ..........20.04 Safety Signals Table 9-5, Program Timer Listing Screen Items Table 9-6. Program Timer Detail Screen Items . ‘System Timer Screen Items . Clock Screen Items ... ‘Version Identification Status Items Table 9-10, Memory Status .. Table 9-11. Execution History Screen ... Table 9-12. Duty Diagnosis Screen Items Table 10-1. Ports PL-PS.....seceeeecees Table 10-2, Default Communications Settings for Devices Table 10-3, Pin Configuration of the P4 Port JD-17 Connector (RS-232-C Interface) .. Table 10-4. Pin Configuration of the P5 Port JD-17 Connector (RS-422 Interface) «2.4... Table 10-5. File Output Using PRINT .... Table 10-6, Types of Files ........ ‘Table 10-7, Error Log Files ‘Table 10-8. Valid SAVE Function Screens Table 11-1. Interlock Output Signal Operation Table 11-2. Space Check Function Screen Items . Table 11-3, Reference Position LISTING Screen Items ....... Table 11-4, Reference Position DETAIL Screen Items ............ Table 11-5. Shape Setup Information Table 11-6. Circle Schedule Data . 7-27 731 1-56 1-64 1-0 7-16 7-83 7-89 7-138 7-138 7-140 7-141 7-148 8-6 8-9 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-16 9-19 9-19 9-21 9-23 9-24 9-27 9-35 9-38 10-8 10-8 10-9 10-11 10-32 10-37 10-50 10-60 11-30 1-31 1-47 11-48 11-56 11-60 ‘MAROSHAS2089012 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Table ‘Table Table ‘Table Table Table ‘Table ‘Table ‘Table "Table ‘Table ‘Table ‘Table ‘Table ‘Table Table Table Table EEEEEEE 1-7. 11-8, 11-9. 11-10. 1-11. 11-12, 11-13. 11-14. 11-15, 11-16. 1-17. 11-18. 11-19. 11-20. 1-21. 1-22. 1-23. 11-24. 11-25. 11-26. 11-27. 11-28. 11-29, 11-30. 11-31. 11-32. 11-33. 11-34. 12-1. 12-2. 12-3, 12-4, 13-1. 13-2. 13-3. 13-4, 13-5. 13-6. 13-7. 14-1. 14-2, 14-3. Hexagon Schedule Data . Rectangle Schedule Data .... Slot Schedule Data . Key Slot Schedule Data Shape Generation Program Example Description . ‘Shape Macros Auto Normal Setup Items . Soft Float Schedule Setup Items . ‘Tool Offset Screen Items .....66666eeeseeereeee User Frame Offset Screen Items ........6eeeeeee State of Condition Monitoring .. Program Monitor Menu Items . System Monitor Menu Items .....- +++ essere Collision Guard Setup Items .... Exror Recovery Features ......+ Error Recovery Setup Items .... ‘Auto Error Recovery Manual Function Screen Items Auto Error Recovery Manual Function Detail Screen Items Cross Car Mirror Setup Items... Flip Knuckle Setup Items ......... Status Menu Variable Detail Information . Operator Entry Menu Variable Detail Information ‘Send Event Macro Description : ‘Send SysVar Macto Description .......-++++ Get Data Macro Description Request Menu Macro Description ‘Sensor Setup Screen Items Orientation Setup Menu Items . Auto Setup and Record Data Menu Items .......+.ssseseyerseee Auto TCP Menu Items... Sensor Setup Screen . AcouCal Setup Items . ‘TCP Setup Items . AcouCal Menu Items . AccuCal Calibration Parameters .....6essee0e AccuCal Calibration Parameters ....+++eeseeeeee ‘AccuCal Link Length Calibration Parameters : ‘SETUP Shell Config Screen - Production Setup Items . DIN Table Program ID Method Setup Items ...... ‘TP Program ID Method: GIN Method ..... ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS MAROSHAS2065018 Table 14-4, RSR Signals ... eee cesses 1S Table 14-5. RSR Setup Item Description . 7 ceeeeesese MelS Table 14-6. PNS Signals .. Sees Peete en 14-17 Table 14-7. PNS Setup Item Description «......, ie 14-18 Table 14-8, Shell /O Details Menu Items ........ 14-19 Table 14-9. Special Positions Details Setup Items .. : 14-21 Table 14-10. SETUP Shell Config Screen - Error Recovery Items ........ 14-26 Table 14-11. SETUP Shell Config Screen — General Shell Controls Items ........ 14-29 Table 14-12. Cold Start Variable Details Menu Items ... 14-32 Table 14-13. Version Screen Details Menu Items .. 14-34 Table 14-14. ALARM Recovery Errors and Actions 7 . 4-37 Table 14-15. Coded Alarm Bits... - 14-40 Table 14-16. Program Status Items ......... 14-54 ‘Table 14-17, MH Shell and HandlingTool Constants. 14-56 Table 14-18, MH Shell Registers ............. : 14-57 Table 14-19. MH Shell KAREL Variables .... 14-58 ‘Table 14-20. MH Shell Macro Programs ..... 14-60 Table 15-1. FANUC Sensor Data Formats .... 15-4 ‘Table 15-2. NULL Modem Cable Pin Connector Layout 15-8 ‘Table 16-1, Lead Thru Teach Menu Items ae + 16-5 Table 16-2, Lead Thru Teach Menu Items + 16-7 Table 16-3. Motion Parameter Menu Items . seeeeees 1615 Table A-1. Start Methods .. ee AGg, Table A-2, Error Facility Codes ne AG Table A-3. Effects of Error Severity ..........26.. A-10 Table A-4, Hexadecimal Notation and Axis in Eror Examples... A-12 Table B-1. Port Settings for the Built-In CRT/KB and the FANUC Factory Terminal . B-2 Table B-2, Key Codes and Function Key Mapping .............24 B-3 ‘Table B-3, Correspondence Between Teach Fenda an CRTINB Keys Bd Table C-1. Startup Methods ...... : C2 Table C-2, Controlled Start Options for Al Software Applications... .. C8 Table C-3, Controlled Start Options for ArcTool . Se co Table C-4. Controlled Start Options for DispenseTool .. eee 9 Table C-5. Controlled Start Options for HandlingTool a c-10 Table C-6, Controlled Start Options for PaintTool cu Table C-7. Controlled Start Options for SpotToolt . .. C12 Table C-8. Application-Specific Software Screens ..... cs Table C-9, Hardware Diagnostic Functions .........4..40000 C18 Table C-10. Backup and Restore Controller Items ...........00se0eeeeeeee ce

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