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Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone 1

Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone

Michael Tuttle Musser, E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Sabine River Laboratory, Orange, Texas 77631,
United States

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6. Storage and Transportation . . . . . . 7

2. Physical and Chemical Properties . . 1 7. Uses and Trade Names . . . . . . . . . . 7
3. Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8. Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1. Hydrogenation of Phenol . . . . . . . . 2 8.1. Esters of Cyclohexanol . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2. Liquid-Phase Oxidation of Cyclohex- 8.2. Cyclohexanone Oxime . . . . . . . . . . 8
ane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8.3. Methylcyclohexanols and Methylcy-
3.3. Boric Acid Modified Oxidation of Cy- clohexanones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
clohexane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8.4. Trimethylcyclohexanols and
3.4. Production and Hydration of Cyclo- Trimethylcyclohexanones . . . . . . . . 8
hexene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9. Economic Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.5. Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexanol . . 6 10. Toxicology and Occupational Health . 10
4. Plant Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5. Quality Specifications and Chemical
Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1. Introduction Chemical Properties. Cyclohexanol under-

goes chemical reactions typical of secondary al-
Cyclohexanol [108-93-0], C6 H11 OH, M r cohols. It can esterify most organic acids or acyl
100.16, is a colorless substance forming hygro- halides, whereas halogen acids convert the al-
scopic crystalline needles having a camphor- cohol to the corresponding cyclohexyl halide.
like odor. It is very soluble in alcohols, ketones, Dehydration with sulfuric acid or vapor-phase
ethers, and alicyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons. treatment with alumina at 300 – 400 ◦ C leads to
In its pure state, it melts near room temperature, cyclohexene. Mild oxidation or catalytic dehy-
25.15 ◦ C. Cyclohexanone [108-94-1], C6 H10 O, drogenation gives cyclohexanone. Stronger ox-
M r 98.15, is a colorless to pale yellow liquid idizing agents, such as nitric acid, give a good
having an odor similar to that of acetone. It is yield of adipic acid.
also very soluble in most organic solvents. Cyclohexanone undergoes most of the reac-
Both cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone are tions expected of aliphatic ketones. At room
produced on a large commercial scale. The vast temperature, 0.02 % exists in the enol form
majority of these compounds and their mix- [1]. Cyclohexanone reacts with bisulfite to give
tures is consumed in the production of capro- the addition product; it also reacts with hydro-
lactam and adipic acid, intermediates in the gen cyanide to give the cyanohydrin. It can be
manufacture of nylon 6 and nylon 66 (→ Adipic hydrogenated to cyclohexanol and under more
Acid; → Caprolactam; → 4. Fibers, Synthetic vigorous conditions is further reduced to cyclo-
Organic). hexane. Reactions with chlorine or bromine lead
to substitution at either or both of the 2- and
6-positions. It readily undergoes base-catalyzed
2. Physical and Chemical Properties Aldol condensation with itself or with other
aldehydes or ketones. The most important com-
Physical Properties. The most important mercial reactions of cyclohexanone are with hy-
physical properties of cyclohexanol and cyclo- droxylamine to give cyclohexanone oxime (an
hexanone are shown in Table 1. intermediate on the way to caprolactam) and its
oxidation with nitric acid to give adipic acid.

c 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

10.1002/14356007.a08 217
2 Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone

3. Production hexanone facilities employ some form of cy-

clohexane oxidation technology. The only re-
Cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone were first pro- maining large phenol-based plants belong to
duced on an industrial scale by the hydrogen- DSM in Holland and Allied in the United States.
ation of phenol. This was followed in the 1940s Asahi has the only commercial cyclohexene-
by transition metal-catalyzed liquid-phase air based plant, and there are reports of planned
oxidation of cyclohexane, which gave a mixture expansions at that facility in Japan as well as
of cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone, the ratio of building a new plant in China.
which could be partially controlled by the choice
of metal catalyst. In the 1950s, Scientific Design
developed a boric acid modified liquid-phase air 3.1. Hydrogenation of Phenol
oxidation of cyclohexane. This process, in which
The product of phenol hydrogenation, i.e., cy-
the intermediate cyclohexyl hydroperoxide was
clohexanol, cyclohexanone, or a mixture of the
trapped as the peroxoborate ester, led to a higher
two, is determined by the metal catalyst. Cy-
yield and a higher ratio of cyclohexanol to cy-
clohexanol can be prepared in high yield by
clohexanone. Around 1990, Asahi commercial-
either vapor- or liquid-phase hydrogenation of
ized the production of cyclohexanol from cy-
phenol. Vapor-phase hydrogenation can be car-
clohexene, an intermediate obtained from the
ried out by using a supported nickel catalyst or
partial hydrogenation of benzene.
a nickel catalyst containing copper, cobalt, or
Table 1. Physical properties of cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone manganese. The support is usually alumina or
silicic acid. Yields as high as 98 % have been re-
Property Cyclo- Cyclo-
hexanol hexanone ported [2–5]. A flow diagram of the vapor-phase
hydrogenation is shown in Figure 1.
mp, ◦ C 25.15 −47
bp, ◦ C 161.1 156.4
Vapor pressure, kPa 0.15 (20 ◦ C) 0.52 (20 ◦ C)
0.48 (35 ◦ C)
d 20
4 0.9493 0.9455
D 1.4656 1.4552
Expansion coefficient 8.25 × 10−4 9.14 × 10−4
Dynamic viscosity, mPa · s 41.07 (30 ◦ C) 1.803 (30 ◦ C)
17.20 (45 ◦ C)
Specific heat, J/g 1.747 1.811
Surface tension, mN/m 33.47 (30 ◦ C) 33.51 (30 ◦ C)
Heat of fusion, kJ/mol 1.791 1.501
Heat of combustion,
MJ/mol −3.722 −3.521
Heat of vaporization,
kJ/mol 45.51 44.92
Heat of formation, kJ/mol −352 −272
Flash point, ◦ C 68 54
Autoignition temp., ◦ C 300 420
Solubility at 20 ◦ C,
g of compound/100 g
of water 3.6 9.0
g of water/100 g
of compound 12.6 5.7
Figure 1. Vapor-phase phenol hydrogenation process
With water: bp, ◦ C 97.8 96.6 a) Phenol evaporator; b) Hydrogenation reactor; c) Con-
composition, denser; d) Low-boiler removal column; e) Cyclohexanol/cy-
water : compound 80 : 20 56 : 44 clohexanone recovery column
With phenol: bp, ◦ C 183
composition, Hydrogenation of phenol to cyclohexanone
phenol : compound 87 : 13
can be carried out in the vapor phase with a
large variety of supported noble metal catalysts,
Cyclohexanone can be prepared by dehydro- including palladium, platinum, iridium, ruthe-
genation of cyclohexanol; the reverse reaction, nium, rubidium, and osmium. The hydrogen-
hydrogenation of cyclohexanone to cyclohex- ation is normally carried out at 140 – 170 ◦ C and
anol, is also practical although not commercially atmospheric pressure. Yields as high as 95 % at
practiced. Most large-scale cyclohexanol/cyclo- 100 % conversion can be obtained [6], [7].
Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone 3

Commercial liquid-phase hydrogenation of hydroperoxide varies from 70 to 90 %. Byprod-

phenol under mild conditions with a palladium ucts of the oxidation include a wide range of
on carbon catalyst gives greater than 99 % yield mono- and dicarboxylic acids, esters, aldehydes,
of cyclohexanone at 90 % conversion [8]. By ad- and other oxygenated materials.
justing the operating conditions and changing to To maximize overall yield of cyclohexane to
a Raney nickel catalyst, 99.9 % selectivity for cy- the alcohol and ketone, most companies try to
clohexanol can be achieved [9]. Hydrogenation maintain a high percentage of the oxidized cy-
conditions can be adjusted to produce the mix- clohexane leaving the oxidizers as cyclohexyl
ture of cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone that is hydroperoxide. To maximize the amount of cy-
preferred by adipic acid producers. clohexyl hydroperoxide leaving the air oxidiz-
ers, the oxidation can be carried out uncatalyzed
or with a modified catalyst that minimizes hy-
3.2. Liquid-Phase Oxidation of droperoxide decomposition in the oxidizer [15–
Cyclohexane 20]. This permits cyclohexyl hydroperoxide to
be decomposed into cyclohexanol and/or cyclo-
The liquid-phase air oxidation of cyclohexane hexanone under milder conditions and in higher
[110-82-7] to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone yields than if it had occurred in the air oxidizer.
was developed in the 1940s. The oxidation is For example, the air oxidation product may
usually carried out, either uncatalyzed or with or may not be washed with water followed by
a soluble cobalt catalyst, in a series of agitated conversion of cyclohexyl hydroperoxide to cy-
reactors at 140 – 180 ◦ C and at 0.8 – 2 MPa, al- clohexanol and cyclohexanone with a homoge-
though a single tower oxidizer can be used [10], neous or heterogeneous metal catalyst [21–35].
[11]. The total residence time in the oxidizers is Another method of decomposing the hydroper-
15 – 60 min. Some of the initially formed cyclo- oxide is to contact it with an aqueous caus-
hexyl hydroperoxide [766-07-4](Eq. 1) is con- tic phase containing a few parts per million of
verted in the oxidizers to cyclohexanol, cyclo- cobalt, which decomposes the hydroperoxide in
hexanone, and byproducts (Eq. 2). high yield to the ketone and alcohol [36–41].
This caustic decomposition process can result
C6 H12 + O2 −→ C6 H11 OOH (1) in a lower alcohol to ketone ratio in the final
product. A flow diagram of this caustic process
3 C6 H11 OOH −→ 2 C6 H11 OH + C6 H10 O + H2 O + O2 is shown in Figure 2.
+ byproducts (2) Table 2. Ratio of cyclohexanol to cyclohexanone produced from
cyclohexyl hydroperoxide
The cyclohexanol to cyclohexanone ratio ex-
Solution ∗ – Catalyst Tempera- Ratio ∗∗
iting the air oxidizers can be altered by the Modification ture, ◦ C
choice of catalyst used in the air oxidizer.
The normal cobalt-catalyzed air oxidation and A none 155 0.8
 A Cr 155 0.4
deperoxidation gives a cyclohexanol to cyclo- A Ni 155 1.4
hexanone ratio of about 3.5. If chromium(III) A V 155 1.4
A Co 155 3.0
is added to the air oxidizer, it appears to pro- A Mn 155 3.3
mote dehydration of cyclohexyl hydroperox- B Co 160 2.5
ide to cyclohexanone and water, as opposed to A – hydrogenation of 1 Pd 150 5 – 10
A – separate caustic
the free-radical decomposition mechanism of aqueous phase Co 120 0.2
cobalt, leading to a lower cyclohexanol to cy-
∗ A = cyclohexyl hydroperoxide (1) in cyclohexane; B = 1 in air
clohexanone ratio [12–14]. oxidizer tails.
Because the intermediate cyclohexyl hy- ∗∗ Cyclohexanol : cyclohexanone.
droperoxide and the products, cyclohexanol and
cyclohexanone, are more readily oxidized than Several patents report that cyclohexyl hy-
cyclohexane, the conversion of cyclohexane in droperoxide in the oxidizer effluent can be hy-
the air oxidizers must be kept low (usually under drogenated in high yield to cyclohexanol [42–
6 %) to maximize yield. Depending on the con- 47].
version, the total yield of alcohol, ketone, and
4 Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone

Figure 2. Cyclohexane oxidation/caustic decomposition process

a) Air oxidizers; b) Water wash decanter; c) Decantation; d) Caustic decomposition reactor; e) Caustic decantating; f) Cyclo-
hexane recovery column; g) Cyclohexanol/cyclohexanone recovery column

Table 2 shows the cyclohexanol to cyclohex- 3 H3 BO3 −→ H3 B3 O6 + 3 H2 O (6)

anone ratio that can be obtained by using a range
of conditions and a variety of hydroperoxide
decomposition methods. The chemistry of this process is very similar
to the metal-catalyzed oxidation except that the
cyclohexyl rings are protected from further at-
3.3. Boric Acid Modified Oxidation of tack. Compared to other commercial processes,
Cyclohexane the boric acid process is characterized not only
by a higher investment and a higher operating
In the 1950s, Scientific Design (now Halcon In- cost (to recover and recycle the boric acid), but
ternational) developed a process in which anhy- also by a higher yield of cyclohexanol and cy-
drous metaboric acid [13460-50-9]was added as clohexanone (up to 88 %) and an alcohol to ke-
a slurry to the first of several staged air oxidation tone ratio as high as 10 : 1. The technology was
vessels (see Figure 3) [48], [49]. The cyclohexyl further developed by Institut Français du Pétrole
hydroperoxide formed is trapped as the cyclo- [50], [51]. The Halcon process has been licensed
hexyl perborate ester (Eq. 3). The perborate es- to several companies around the world. The ma-
ter then reacts with additional cyclohexane in jor producers using this technology today are
the air oxidizer to yield the borate ester and ad- Solutia, DuPont (UK), Bayer, and Mitsubishi.
ditional cyclohexanol (Eq. 4). This borate ester The original plant at Rhône-Poulenc, based on
is relatively stable in the air oxidizer and is pro- this technology, was now shut down.
tected from over oxidation to ring-opened prod-
ucts. The ester is subsequently hydrolyzed to cy-
clohexanol and boric acid [10043-35-3](Eq. 5). 3.4. Production and Hydration of
The boric acid is dehydrated to metaboric acid Cyclohexene
and is recycled to the air oxidizer (Eq. 6).
In 1972 the first patent covering the selec-
18 C6 H12 + 9 O2 + 2 H3 B3 O6 −→ 6 B(OOC6 H11 )3 tive hydrogenation of benzene [71-43-2] to cy-
+ 12 H2 O (3) clohexene [110-83-8] appeared [52]. Shortly
thereafter, two patents described the hydration
B(OOC6 H11 )3 + 3 C6 H12 −→ B(OC6 H11 )3 of cyclohexene to cyclohexanol by using various
+ 3 C6 H11 OH (4) catalysts [53], [54]. Since then, a large number
of patents have appeared worldwide. In 1990,
B(OC6 H11 )3 + 3 H2 O −→ 3 C6 H11 OH + H3 BO3 (5) Asahi commercialized this process with a 100 t/a
Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone 5

Figure 3. Boric acid modified oxidation of cyclohexane

a) Air oxidizers; b) Ester hydrolysis vessel; c) Decanter; d) Extraction column; e) Cyclohexane recovery column; f) Refining
column; g) Stripping column; h) Vaccuum crystallizer; i) Boric acid centrifuge; j) Boric acid slurry tank; k) Dehydrator

Figure 4. Partial hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene, followed by hydration to cyclohexanol

a) Benzene purification; b) Partial hydrogenation; c) Separation of unconverted benzene from cyclohexene and cyclohexane;
d) Separation of cyclohexene from cyclohexane; e) Separation of cyclohexene from extractive solvent; f) Hydration of cy-
clohexene; g) Recycle of unconverted cyclohexene; h) Purification of cyclohexanol

plant in Japan. The process involves three pri- this reason the benzene must be specially puri-
mary steps: the selective hydrogenation of ben- fied and the hydrogenation vessel lined with an
zene; the separation of the cyclohexene from inert material [55–58].
the unconverted benzene and the over-hydrogen- The mixture of cyclohexane, cyclohexene,
ation product cyclohexane; and the hydration of and benzene can not be distilled but must go
the cyclohexene (Fig. 4). through two successive extractive distillations.
The hydrogenation is carried out with a spe- The best solvent to use in these distillations has
cially prepared heterogeneous nickel catalyst. been the subject of numerous patents [59–62].
The reaction is run to about 50 % conversion, at The recovered cyclohexane could be converted
which point the product consists of about 35 % back to benzene, but is probably sold to other
cyclohexene, 15 % cyclohexane, and 50 % un- caprolactam and adipic acid manufacturers.
converted benzene. The selectivity is very sen- The hydration of cyclohexene is also per-
sitive to impurities such as sulfur and iron. For formed with a heterogeneous catalyst in a slurry
6 Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone

reactor. The extent of hydration is limited by the A sudden release of the hot cyclohexane to
equilibrium constant, which would restrict con- the atmosphere, (e.g., from the rupture of a pro-
version to about 14 %. The use of several addi- cess line or a break in the air oxidation vessel it-
tives to increase the conversion of cyclohexene self) results in an extremely hazardous situation.
to cyclohexanol has also been patented [63–68]. An incident of this type occurred at a Monsanto
The yield of this process from benzene plant at Pensacola, Florida in 1971. Fortunately,
to cyclohexanol is extremely high, probably the resulting vapor cloud was dispersed by the
greater than 95 %. Although byproducts are not prevailing winds before it could ignite.
a concern, the investment is significantly higher In 1974, a much more serious incident oc-
than that of a conventional cyclohexane oxida- curred at a Nipro plant in Flixborough, England.
tion plant. The fact that the product is cyclohex- A section of 50-cm pipe connecting two air ox-
anol, not cyclohexanone, could make it unattrac- idation vessels ruptured, resulting in the release
tive as the basis for a caprolactam plant. of a large cloud of cyclohexane vapor. About
30 s after the break occurred, the vapor cloud ig-
nited, and the resulting explosion destroyed the
3.5. Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexanol plant. A total of 28 lives were lost.

Cyclohexanol can be dehydrogenated to cyclo-

hexanone (the desired starting material for 5. Quality Specifications and
caprolactam manufacture) without catalyst by
passing the vapors through a tube furnace at Chemical Analysis
400 – 450 ◦ C. The vapors are cooled, the hydro-
gen separated, and the cyclohexanone, which High-grade commercial cyclohexanol, usually
contains cyclohexene and water, is purified in obtained from hydrogenation of phenol, has the
a distillation column. The purity of the resulting following specifications:
cyclohexanone is 98 – 99 % [69–72]. mp 19 – 23 ◦ C
The catalytic dehydrogenation, which is gen- bp 159 – 162 ◦ C
Water content 0.1 %
erally practiced, can be carried out under milder Phenol content 0.0001 %
conditions and in better yield over a variety
of catalysts, including chromium oxide – copper
The best analytical method for cyclohex-
[73], copper chromate [74], nickel [75], [76],
anol is gas chromatography with Carbowax
zinc sulfide, and zinc – iron catalyst [77–79],
20M on Chromosorb. Common impurities, such
cobalt carbonate [80], and other metals [81].
as cyclohexane, cyclohexanone, phenol, pen-
tanol, and benzene, do not interfere. Cyclohex-
anol can be characterized as the 4-nitrobenzoyl
4. Plant Safety derivative, mp 52 ◦ C. It can be determined
colorimetrically by using a solution of 4-
The major industrial hazard associated with pro-
hydroxybenzaldehyde in sulfuric acid [82]. The
ducing cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone is ox-
preferred acylating agent for microscale quanti-
idation of cyclohexane at elevated temperature
ties is acetic anhydride [83].
and pressure. Inside the air oxidation unit, the
Commercial cyclohexanone is available in
vapor is usually too rich in fuel (cyclohexane) to
several grades. A typical material is colorless to
be explosive. However, in the air inlet piping, an
pale yellow, contains 98 – 99 % cyclohexanone
explosive mixture can result if hot cyclohexane
and 0.2 % water, and has a boiling range of
backs up into this system. Some of the solids
151 – 157 ◦ C.
formed in the oxidation, usually called  coffee
Cyclohexanone, like cyclohexanol, is best
grounds, can be pyrophoric. At least one inci-
analyzed by using a Carbowax 20M on Chro-
dent occurred in which the air sparger, entering
mosorb gas chromatography column. Cyclohex-
the oxidizer, was observed to be  glowing red,
anone can be characterized as the oxime (mp
indicating a fire inside the sparger. An incident
90.5 ◦ C), the semicarbazone (mp 167 ◦ C), or the
of a fire inside an oxidizer at the sparger nozzles
nitrophenylhydrazone (mp 146 ◦ C). It can be
has been reported by ICI.
Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone 7

quantitatively determined by reaction with hy- synthesis of many insecticides, herbicides, and
droxylamine hydrochloride, followed by basic pharmaceuticals, as well as being a good solvent
titration of the hydrogen chloride that is liber- for many insecticides.
ated [84], [85]. Trade names: Hexanon, Hydrol-O, Sextone,
Pimelic Ketone, Ketohexamethylene, and K.

6. Storage and Transportation

8. Derivatives
Cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone are not corro-
sive to iron or steel and can be stored or trans-
8.1. Esters of Cyclohexanol
ported in drums, tank trucks, or tank cars. An
inert gas (nitrogen) blanket is not required. The
Numerous esters of cyclohexanol are of com-
U.S. DOT classifies both cyclohexanol and cy-
mercial significance, the more important be-
clohexanone, or mixtures thereof, as hazardous
ing dicyclohexyl phthalate, dicyclohexyl adi-
flammable liquids. For transportation, they must
pate, and cyclohexyl acrylate.
be labeled flammable and marked Hazard Level
III [86]
Dicyclohexyl phthalate [84-61-7], C20 H26
O4 , M r 330.45, mp 65 ◦ C, bp 218 ◦ C (0.6 kPa),
d 20 1.148. This diester is normally prepared
7. Uses and Trade Names from the reaction of phthalic anhydride with cy-
Cyclohexanol has numerous industrial ap- clohexanol in an inert solvent like toluene at ca.
plications, the major two being as an interme- 130 ◦ C.
diate in the production of adipic acid (for use Dicyclohexyl phthalate is used as a plasticizer
in nylon 66) and cyclohexanone, which is then to modify the properties of synthetic resins, in
converted to caprolactam (the monomer for ny- alkyd resins and cellulose nitrate to increase their
lon 6). The U.S. market for refined cyclohex- stability to light and weathering, and to improve
anol, other than as a nylon intermediate was the chemical and physical properties of plastics
10 × 103 t in 1992 [87]. The major uses are: by preventing creep. It is very stable to heat and
light and imparts a glossy finish to extruded ma-
1) As a solvent for lacquers, varnishes, oils, terials. It is also used in paper finishes and makes
alkyd resins, gums, shellacs, ethyl cellulose, printers ink water-resistant.
acid dyes, and natural resins
2) In the preparation of esters for plasticizers, Dicyclohexyl adipate [849-99-0], C18 H30
e.g., dicyclohexyl phthalate O4 , M r 294.50, mp 35.5 ◦ C, bp 324 ◦ C, d 20
3) In the laundry industry and in soaps and syn- 1.037, n20 1.4720.
thetic detergents as a homogenizer and sta- This diester can be prepared by esterification
bilizer of adipic acid, transesterification of dimethyl
4) In paint and varnish removers adipate, or direct reaction of adipic acid with cy-
5) In the insecticide, fragrance, polish, and rub- clohexene [65]. It is used as a plasticizer in vinyl
ber cement industries copolymers, polystyrene, and paints. A patent
Trade names: Cyclohexyl Alcohol, indicates that it can be oxidized in high yield to
Hexahydrophenol, Hydrophenol, Hexalin, and adipic acid [88].

Cyclohexanone. Over 97 % of all cyclohex- 8.2. Cyclohexanone Oxime

anone produced is oxidized to adipic acid or con-
verted to cyclohexanone oxime, which is then Cyclohexanone oxime [100-64-1], C6 H10 NOH,
rearranged with sulfuric acid to caprolactam. Mr 113.16 , mp 90.5 ◦ C, bp 204 ◦ C, sublimes at
Other uses for cyclohexanone include thinner or room temperature (0.6 kPa); it is a white crys-
solvent for synthetic resins, polymers, and lac- talline solid that can be crystallized as prisms
quers. It is also used as a starting material in the from hydrocarbon solvents. This compound is
8 Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone

the most important commercial derivative of cy- 8.4. Trimethylcyclohexanols and

clohexanone. It can be prepared by warming Trimethylcyclohexanones
cyclohexanone with an aqueous mixture of hy-
droxylamine hydrochloride and sodium bicar- 3,3,5-Trimethylcyclohexanol (2), C6 H18 O,
bonate. The oxime undergoes a Beckmann re- Mr 142.23, is a colorless, crystalline material,
arrangement in the presence of sulfuric acid to which is commercially produced as a mixture
give caprolactam. of the cis and trans isomers. The individual iso-
Large commercial quantities of cyclohex- mers can be separated by careful distillation or
anone oxime are used in the preparation of crystallization.
caprolactam, the intermediate for the prepara- The physical properties of the two isomers
tion of nylon 6. The cyclohexanone oxime can are: cis isomer [933-48-2], mp 37.3 ◦ C, n60
also be reduced to a mixture of cyclohexylamine 1.4390, d 60 0.860, vapor pressure 1.3 kPa (at
and dicyclohexylamine or it can hydrolyzed to 86 ◦ C), flash point 88 ◦ C, solubility in water
cyclohexanone. 0.19 % (at 60 ◦ C), water solubility in alcohol
4.0 % (at 60 ◦ C); trans isomer [767-54-4], mp
57.3 ◦ C, n60 1.4390, d 60 0.862, vapor pressure
8.3. Methylcyclohexanols and 1.3 kPa (at 76 ◦ C), flash point 76 ◦ C, solubility
Methylcyclohexanones in water 0.17 % (at 60 ◦ C), water solubility in
alcohol 2.6 % (at 60 ◦ C).
Methylcyclohexanol, CH3 C6 H10 OH, M r Trimethylcyclohexanol (2) is miscible in
114.19, is usually available as a mixture of the all proportions with most organic solvents. It
cis and trans isomers of 2-, 3-, and 4-methylcy- is a cyclic alcohol with similar properties to
clohexanol. These derivatives are prepared by cyclohexanol. Oxidation of trimethylcyclohex-
hydrogenation of individual or mixed cresols. anol with nitric acid gives a mixture of 2,2,4-
Table 3 gives the physical properties of the indi- trimethyladipic acid and 2,4,4-trimethyladipic
vidual isomers and of a commercial mixture. acid. Trimethylcyclohexanol is prepared by
The commercial mixture is a colorless liq- hydrogenating 3,5,5-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-
uid and is used as a solvent for resins, oils, and one [78-59-1] (1), isophorone (a condensation-
waxes, as a blending agent in soaps, and as an product of acetone).
antioxidant in lubricants [89], [90].

Methylcyclohexanone is normally sold as a

mixture of three isomers (2-, 3-, and 4-methylcy-
clohexanone). The individual isomers can be
isolated; their physical properties, along with
those of a commercial mixture, are listed in Ta-
ble 3.
Methylcyclohexanones can be prepared by
mild oxidation of the corresponding alcohols or
by direct hydrogenation of cresol in a process
similar to the hydrogenation of phenol to cyclo-
The technical-grade commercial mixture
contains all three isomers. At 20 ◦ C its solubil-
ity in water is 1.5 %, and 3 % water is soluble
in the methylcyclohexanones. Methylcyclohex- The best catalyst for the hydrogenation is nickel
anones are used as solvents in the dye and resin or a mixture of nickel and copper on either silica
industries. gel or alumina. The hydrogenation is carried out
in high yield at 120 – 200 ◦ C and 1 – 2 MPa. The
byproducts of the reaction are small amounts of
Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone 9
Table 3. Physical properties of methylcyclohexanols and methylcyclohexanones

Isomer CAS registry mp, ◦ C bp, ◦ C d 20 n Flash

number point, ◦ C

dl-cis-2-Methylcyclohexanol [7443-70-1] 7 165.2 0.934
dl-trans-2-Methylcyclohexanol [7443-52-9] −4 166.5 0.924
d-cis-3-Methylcyclohexanol [5454-79-5] −4.7 174.0 0.917
l-trans-3-Methylcyclohexanol [7443-55-2] −1 175.0 0.915
cis-4-Methylcyclohexanol [7731-28-4] −9.2 174.0 0.912
trans-4-Methylcyclohexanol [7731-29-5] 173.0 0.916
Commercial mixture [25639-42-3] −50 173 – 175 0.913 154
dl-2-Methylcyclohexanone [583-60-8] −13.9 165.1 0.925 1.4440 48
(25 ◦ C)
dl-3-Methylcyclohexanone [591-24-2] −73.5 170.0 0.920 1.4449 48
(20 ◦ C)
4-Methylcyclohexanone [589-92-4] −40.6 171.3 0.916 1.4451 48
(20 ◦ C)
Commercial mixture [1331-22-2] 165 – 171 0.918 – 0.925

trimethylcyclohexanone, trimethylcyclohexane, water 0.3 %, water in ketone 1.4 %. It is miscible

and trimethylcyclohexene. in all proportions with most organic solvents.
The most important use for the alcohol Trimethylcyclohexanone (3) is also prepared
is as a feedstock for trimethyladipic acid by hydrogenating trimethylcyclohexenone (2).
[93–97]. This mixture of 2,2,4-trimethyladipic However, the olefin hydrogenation can be car-
acid [3586-39-8]and 2,4,4-trimethyladipic acid ried out without hydrogenating the ketone
[3937-59-5], is used in the manufacture of plas- by using a palladium-supported catalyst at
ticizers and lubricants, and can be converted to 110 – 170 ◦ C and 0.2 – 6 MPa [98]. The com-
dinitriles, diamines, or glycols. Other uses for bination of catalyst, reaction conditions, and
trimethylcyclohexanol are as replacement for amount of hydrogen determines whether the ke-
cyclohexanol in polishes and waxes. Because of tone or alcohol is produced.
its lower vapor pressure and unique structure, Trimethylcyclohexanone is a good solvent
trimethylcyclohexanol is better than cyclohex- for low molecular mass poly(vinyl chloride)-
anol in varnishes and shellacs. type alkyd resins and for nitrocellulose. It can
The trimethylcyclohexanol that is sold com- be used in place of methylcyclohexanone, where
mercially is a mixture of the cis and trans iso- its higher boiling point results in superior per-
mers. Analysis of a typical commercial prod- formance in some applications.
uct indicates 98 % trimethylcyclohexanols, 1 %
trimethylcyclohexanone, 0.4 % trimethylcyclo-
hexane, 0.3 % trimethylcyclohexene, 0.1 % 9. Economic Aspects
isophorone, and 0.2 % water.
Trimethylcyclohexanol can be stored and The quoted price for technical-grade cyclohex-
transported in iron or steel drums, containers, anol in February 1999 was $ 1.83/kg [99] as
tank cars, or tank trucks. It is stable indefinitely
compared to $ 1.32/kg in 1986 [100]. U.S. sales
and does not need to be blanketed with an inert of cyclohexanol in 1992 were about 10 × 103 t
gas. [87], up from 4.3 × 103 t in 1971 [101]. The re-
maining Western world sales were believed to
3,3,5-Trimethylcyclohexanone (3) [873-94-9], be about half of the U.S. sales.
C6 H16 O, Mr 140.24, is a colorless liquid hav- In 1992, U.S. non-adipic acid, non-capro-
ing properties similar to those of cyclohexanone. lactam sales of cyclohexanone were about
It has the following physical properties: mp – 20 × 103 t, up from 15 × 103 t in 1970 [101].
◦ ◦ 20 20
10 C, bp 188.8 C, d 0.888, n 1.4455, flash The early 1999 cost of technical-grade cyclo-
point 72 ◦ C, solubility (at 20 ◦ C) of ketone in hexanone was $ 1.61/kg [99], whereas the quote
10 Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone

for the same material in November 1986 was injury [107], [108]. Cyclohexanol can be ab-
$ 1.25/kg [100]. sorbed through the skin in toxic amounts, and
This sales volume for either chemical does extensive exposure can cause tremors, narcosis,
not represent capacity, as the vast majority of hypothermia, and death [92]. Cyclohexanone is
both are consumed within the manufacturing only moderately irritating to the skin. Defatting
companies to make adipic acid or caprolactam. and dermatitis of the skin occurred when animals
In 1992, the worldwide capacity for cyclo- were exposed for long periods of time [109].
hexanol-cyclohexanone manufacture was about
3.2 × 106 t. Of that total, about 58 % was used Derivatives. Commercial methylcyclohex-
for caprolactam manufacture, 40 % for adipic anol is low in toxicity, and the ACGIH has
acid manufacture, and the remainder was sold set TLVs of 75 ppm, 350 mg/m3 (STEL) and
for other uses. 50 ppm, 235 mg/m3 (8-h TWA). The MAK value
is the same as the TLV/TWA value [91]. Exces-
sive exposure causes headaches and eye and
10. Toxicology and Occupational nose irritation.
Health Methylcyclohexanones are moderately toxic
to laboratory animals and cause eye, nose,
Cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone are mod- and throat irritation; they have produced
erately toxic [102], but have no apparent car- corneal damage to the eyes of rabbits. The
cinogenicity. For cyclohexanol the OSHA TLV single-dose oral LD50 for rats is ca. 2 g/kg
for exposure to vapor for 8 h is 50 ppm [103]. [92]. 2-Methylcyclohexanone may be absorbed
The ACGIH has established TLV-TWA values through the skin. Its TLV/TWA and MAK are
for exposure to cyclohexanol vapor of 50 ppm, 50 ppm, 230 mg/m3 ; the TLV/STEL is 75 ppm,
200 mg/m3 [104]. The TLV-TWA for cyclohex- 345 mg/m3. .
anone is 25 ppm, 100 mg/m3 . The MAKs for Trimethylcyclohexanol has the same toxico-
both compounds are 50 ppm, 200 mg/m3 . logical properties as methylcyclohexanol, but
Excessive exposure to vapor of either chem- because of its lower vapor pressure, it presents
ical results in irritation to the eyes, nose, and fewer hazards. Neither TLV nor MAK values
throat. Exposure of animals to a high concentra- have been adopted.
tion of cyclohexanol vapor resulted in irritation, The toxicity of trimethylcyclohexanone is
lacrimation, salivation, lethargy, incoordination, similar to that of methylcyclohexanone, but its
narcosis, mild convulsions, and, in some cases, lower vapor pressure makes it less dangerous to
death. Degenerative changes were noted in the handle.
brain, kidney, and liver of rabbits exposed re-
peatedly to high vapor concentrations of cyclo-
hexanol [102].
Exposure of animals to high concentrations
11. References
of cyclohexanone vapor also resulted in irri- 1. G. Schwarzenbach, E. Felder, Helv. Chim.
tation, lacrimation, and salivation. Decreased Acta 27 (1944) 1044. G. Schwarzenbach, C.
heart rate and depression of the CNS were also Witwer, Helv. Chim. Acta 30 (1947) 659, 669.
noted [105]. Degenerative changes were noted 2. BASF, DE 352 439, 1913.
in the kidney and liver of monkeys and rabbits 3. Tetralin Ges., DE 299 012, 1916.
exposed repeatedly to high vapor concentrations 4. Chem. Tech. (Leipzig) 18 (1966) no. 10,
of cyclohexanone. 608 – 613.
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LD50 for rats is 2.06 g/kg [106] and the min- 6. Stamicarbon, GB 890 095, 1960.
imum lethal dose for rabbits is 2.4 g/kg [92]. 7. G. D. Lyubarskii, G. K. Kervalishvili, Khim.
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rabbits is 1.6 – 1.9 g/kg [92]. (J. F. van Peppen, W. B. Fisher).
Cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone are moder- 9. Allied Chemical Corporation, US 5 015 787,
ately irritating to the eye and can cause corneal 1991 (J. F. van Peppen).
Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone 11

10. Du Pont, US 3 530 185, 1970 (K. Pugi). 38. Stamicarbon (DSM), US 4 238 415, 1980
11. Du Pont, US 3 957 876, 1976 (M. Rapoport, (W. O. Bryan).
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23. Rhône-Poulenc, US 3 923 895, 1975 (M. 51. Institut Français du Pétrole, FR 1 573 834,
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24. Rhône-Poulenc, US 3 928 452, 1975 (J-C. 52. Du Pont, BE 782 721, 1972 (W. C. Drinkard).
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25. Rhône-Poulenc, US 3 927 105, 1975 (J-C. 54. Ube Industries, JP 7 809 746, 1978 (T.
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26. Stamicarbon (DSM), US 3 941 845, 1976 (W. 55. Asahi, JP 60 255 738, 1985 (H. Nagahara, Y.
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27. Stamicarbon (DSM), US 3 987 101, 1976 (J. 56. Asahi, JP 90 016 736B, 1990.
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30. Rhône-Poulenc, BE 715 662, 1968. Mitsui).
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12 Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone

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Cyclooctadiene → Cyclododecatriene and Cyclooctadiene

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