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From Adam onwards, all the apostles received guidance and revelations
Qur’an is the final revelation in the series of guidance
It is a complete guidance for all stages of man’s life
It deals with every aspect of human life
It was revealed in a period of 23 years
It confirms the previous scriptures but pins out and corrects the errors which had crept into those books and
revealed the falsehood
It perfects and completes the Divine revelations

Stages of Revelation
Lowest heaven in Bait-ul-Izza
Heart of the Prophet (SAW)

Ways of Revelation
True dreams
Ringing of bells
Angel in angel form
Angel in human form
Direct revelation/ inspiration
Revelation/ inspiration 

Arrangement of Qur’an
The Prophet (SAW) dictated the sequence under Divine instructions
Compilation During the Life of the Prophet (SAW)

Compilation After the Life of the Prophet (SAW)

Abu Bakr compiled the Qur’an after many Huffaaz died in the Battle of Yamamah
Uthman (RA) made copies of the Qur’an to correct the pronunciation of other Arab tribes
Zaid ibn Thabit played a major role in both times

Contents of the Qur’an

Creation of the Universe
Seen and Unseen
Code for Life

Features of Makkan Surahs

Tawheed: to clarify the Oneness of Allah
Salaah: to teach them the best method of worship
The Unseen: to warn them and give them glad tidings as well
Allah’s Existence: to remove doubt
Challenges: to prove the divinity of the Qur’an
People of the Old: examples of old civilizations
Eeman: core belief system built
Short Verses: with rhythm, to catch the attention of the kuffaar

Features of Madinah Surahs

Laws: how to build a Muslim society
People of the Book: to explain the culture and religion of the Christians and Jews in Madinah
The Munaafiqoon: to warn them of the enemy within their society
Jihaad: right to fight against the enemy with rules of war
Long Verses: explanations
Order of the Surahs: more balanced idea of Islam

Importance of Knowing the Difference

Fiqh: to know when the verses were revealed and which ones are to be applied
Dawah: to learn the best methods of teaching Islam
Seerah: to piece together a large portion of the biography of the Prophet (SAW)

Tafseer of the Qur’an

Tafseer is a branch of knowledge by which the Qur’an is understood, its meaning and explanation, and its point
of law and wisdom derived.

Methods of Tafseer:
Qur’an by Qur’an:
Best form of Tafseer
One part of the Qur’an explains the other
It is stated briefly in one place and then elaborated at another
For example: Allah asks “What is At-Tariq?” and then answers it in the next verse by saying “It is the piercing

Qur’an by Sunnah:
Prophet (SAW) not only communicated the words of Allah, but also explained them
He further clarified various verses
For example: Allah promises Paradise and more for the believers, the Prophet (SAW) explains that “and more”
refers to being able to see Allah

Qur’an by Companions:
They witnessed the revelation of the Qur’an and knew and understood it perfectly
“And if they believe as you believe then they are rightly guided, but if they turn away, they are only in

Qur’an by Successors (Taabi’een) and their Successors (Taba Taabi’een)

They took it from the companions who took it from the Prophet (SAW)

Qualities of a Mufassar
Proper knowledge of Arabic language
Insight on teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah
Should know Nasikh and Mansukh
Aware of Asbab-al-Nuzool
Aware of Muhakamat and Mutashabihat

Nasikh Wa Al-Mansukh
Nasikh: the abrogating (the new law)
Mansukh: the abrogated (the old law)
“None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause it to be forgotten but We substitute something better or
similar; know you that Allah has power all things.”
For example: Alcohol was said to have profit and loss both, then it was told not to be drunk at time of Salah and
then it was made Haraam

Muhkaamaat and Mutashabehat:

Both must be accepted
Muhkaamaat: clear and precise meaning
Mutashabehat: unknown not clear, not completely agreed upon meaning

Qur’an as Compared to Other Scriptures:

Original form:
Free from all kinds of corruption.
“We have without doubt revealed to you a reminder and we will guard it (from corruption).”
Old books do not exist in their original forms
Living Language:
Other books have dead languages
Universal Book:
Old books were given to a specific nation for a specific period of time
Qur’an deals with all issues of human life
Qur’an is a complete code of life while other books were less comprehensive
There is no evidence to authenticate the old books but there is ample proof about the authenticity of the Qur’an

Miracle of the Qur’an

Accurate account of history and laws of ancient people which Prophet (SAW) could not have known otherwise
Many prophesies
Free from contradiction
Allah has protected it from corruption
No literature that can match the Qur’an
Many scientific facts which were unknown back then such as development of a human embryo 

Style of Qur’an
Tremendous effect on believers who recite it in its original language
Narrative style
Contains metaphors and similes
More than 200 verses begin with “Qul” or “Say”
Employs oath like expressions
Verses about laws are mentioned once but beliefs, reward and punishment are repeated numerously
Makkan surahs are short with rhythm and Madinah surahs are longer

Etiquettes of Reading the Qur’an

State of purity
Kept in a clean place
Facing Qiblah
Begin with Bismillah
Believe, read, understand, implement, impart, use it as a guide
Read it regularly
Encourage others to read it
Observe humility, tranquility, respect

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