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WOOP Wish – Outcome – Obstacle –Plan


What is your most important academic Wish or concern? Pick a Wish that is challenging
for you but that you can fulfill. Note your Wish in 3-6 words!


What would be the best thing, the best Outcome about fulfilling your Wish? How would
fulfilling your Wish make you feel? Note your best Outcome in 3-6 words!

Now take a moment and imagine this best Outcome. Imagine things fully.Please write your
thoughts down:


Sometimes things don‘t work out as we would like. What is your main Obstacle that
stands in the way of you fulfilling your Wish? What is it within you that holds you back
from fulfilling your Wish? Note your main Obstacle in 3-6 words!

Now take a moment and imagine your main Obstacle. Imagine things fully.Please write
your thoughts down:

What can you do to overcome your Obstacle? Name one effective action you can take:

Think about it: When and where will the obstacle occur the next time?

Make the following Plan: If… (Obstacle), Then I will …(action)



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