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Sultana Daku is a legendary character famous for robbing the rich to feed the poor.

Can you select one

of the following pairs of ethical theories both of which justify Sultana Daku's action?

a) Kantian Theory and Virtue Ethics

b) Kantian and Utilitarian Theory

c) Utilitarian Theory and Virtue Ethics

d) All of the pairs

____ help us distinguish between what's right and wrong, good or bad for you as well as society.

a) Moral dilemma

b) Moral Agent

c) Moral Values

d) Moral Support

One who believes that the best action is always the one which generate maximum pleasure for
him/herself may be adherents of:

a) Kantian ethics

b) Egoism

c) Utilitarianism

d) Virtue ethics

The ethical theory that focuses on the question, “What would a person of superior character do in this
context”, is:

a) Utilitarianism

b) Kantianism

c) Egoism

d) Virtue theory

______ is the theory that holds that morality is relative to the norms of one's culture.

a) Moral Absolutism

b) Deontology
c) Moral Relativism or Ethical Relativism

d) Kantian Ethics

_______ is an ethical view that all actions are intrinsically right or wrong.

a) Moral Absolutism

b) Moral Dilemma

c) Moral Relativism

d) Moral Ground

____ is an ethical theory that uses rules to distinguish right from wrong.

a) Virtue

b) Egoism

c) Utilitarianism

d) Deontology

______utilitarianism takes into account the law and is concerned with fairness.

a) Law

b) Rule

c) Act

d) Turn

______ is the theory that holds that morality is relative to the norms of one's culture.

a) Moral Absolutism

b) Deontology

c) Moral Relativism

d) Kantian Ethics

A _____ is a person who has the ability to discern right from wrong and to be held accountable for his or
her own actions.
a) Free human being

b) Moral Agent

c) Moral Actor

d) Responsible agent

_____ is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of
right and wrong conduct.

a) Problems

b) Environment

c) Hazards

d) Ethics

A ______ is a conflict in which you have to choose between two or more actions and have moral reasons
for choosing each action

a) Moral dilemma

b) Moral Agent

c) Moral Values

d) Moral Support

The best academic description of ethics is:

a) Ethics is a set of principles and values

b) Ethics is the study of morality

c) Ethics is the study of what is good in religion

d) Ethics is what we do when others are watching

_____ Ethical theory judges a person by his/her character rather than by an action that may deviate
from his/her normal behavior.

a) Virtue

b) Kant

c) Utilitarianism
d) Deontology

According to Kant, moral laws are:

a) Unconditional and universal

b) Conditional & changeable

c) Vary from culture to culture

d) Derived from scripture

Select the theory that justifies universal human rights

a) Kantian Theory

b) Utilitarianism

c) Virtue Ethics

This is an example of applied ethics:

a) It is wrong to pirate the music

b) An action is wrong that has bad consequences

c) Benevolence is a virtue

d) We ought to keep our promises

Deontological theories define right action in terms of:

a) their consequences

b) moral rules

c) the virtuous agent

d) personal benefits

Assuming, like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, that developing one's character by acquiring virtues is more
important than following the duty or choosing actions based on positive consequences for the greatest
number. Choose the most appropriate responses from the choices below.

a) A person with good moral character always makes good decisions.

b) A person with good moral character always fulfills her duty.

c) A person with good moral character always makes decisions to create the greatest happiness
for the greatest number.

This is an example of morally neutral judgment:

a) He shouldn’t have stolen money from his friend’s wallet

b) In building a bookcase one she should use nails, not scotch tape

c) The doctor should respect the confidentiality of patient

d) Animal hunting is wrong

You have constructed an algorithm for self-driving cars to follow the utilitarian principle to choose the
greatest happiness of the greatest number and it results in an accident killing the president of the
country and his family to save a school bus full of 50 children. You are now asked to write another
algorithm for self-driving cars to save the new president in case of an accident. Which of the following
ethical theory will help you create the new algorithm?

a) Utilitarian Theory

b) Virtue Ethics Theory

c) Kantian Theory

d) None of the above

A _____ is a person who has the ability to discern right from wrong and to be held accountable for his or
her own actions.

a) Free human being

b) Moral Agent

c) Moral Actor

d) Responsible agent

Which of the following reflects the view of Altruism?

a) I should always act in such a way that my action benefits me most

b) I should always act in such a way that I can also will that my maxim become a universal law.

c) I should always act in such a way that my action generates maximum good for maximum
number of people
d) I should always act in such a way that I

The saying: "When in Rome, do what Romans do" is an example of

a) Ethical Relativism

b) Ethical Absolutism

c) Both of the above

d) None of the above

____ is an ethical theory that uses rules to distinguish right from wrong.

a) Virtue

b) Egoism

c) Utilitarianism

d) Deontology

This is an example of moral judgment:

a) That car is good

b) You should buy new suit

c) You should not hurt other human beings

d) You should go to park to walk

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