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Functions of Several Variables

1. Find the domain of the given functions

5 x+ 2 y
i) f ( x , y )=
4 x +3 y

ii) f ( x , y )=√ x2 − y

2. Compute the indicated functional value

i) g ( x , y )=x ( y−x 3 ) ; g (1,1 ) , g(−1,4)

ln ( r +t )
ii) F ( r , s ,t )= ; F ( 1,1,1 ) , F ( 0 , e2 , 3 e2 )
r+ s +t

iii) g ( x , y )= √ y 2−x 2 ; g ( 4,5 ) , g(−1,2)

3. A paint store carries two brands of latex paint. Sales figures indicate
that if the first brand is sold for x1 dollars per gallon and the second for
x2 dollars per gallon, the demand for the first brand will be
D1(x1, x2) = 200 - 10x1 + 20x2
gallons per month and the demand for the second brand will be
D2(x1, x2) = 100 + 5x1 - 10x2
gallons per month.
a) Express the paint store’s total monthly revenue from the sale of the
paint as a function of the prices x1 and x2.
b) Compute the revenue in part (a) if the first brand is sold for $21 per
gallon and the second for $16 per gallon.
4. An editor estimates that if x thousand dollars are spent on development and y
thousand dollars are spent on promotion, approximately
Q ( x , y )=20 x y
copies of a new book will be sold. Current plans are for the expenditure of
$36000 on development and $25000 on promotion. Use Calculus to estimate
how sales will be affected if the amount spent on development is increased by
$500 and the amount spent on promotion is decreased by $1000.

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