Lesson Plan: Grade/Subject: 9 PE Unit: Invasion Games Lesson Duration: 65 Minutes

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ED 3601 VERSION “B” KR 2011

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: 9 PE Unit: Invasion Games Lesson Duration: 65 minutes
PROGRAM OF STUDIES (Observations, Key Questions,
 A9-10 apply and Students will use various Observation
refine activity-specific skills needed to play Jug N
basic skills in a variety Jog.
of games
 A9-11 create and Students will create a rule Student presentation
plan activities that change to the activity that
emphasize specific impacts the overall strategy.
strategies and tactics
that coordinate effort
with others; e.g.,
team/fair play, in
order to achieve a
common activity goal
 C9-5 develop Students will work with their Observation
practices that team to develop strategies
contribute to and to succeed in game
teamwork play.
- Pylons
- Weights or large pylons
- Flags
Introduction (5 min.):
Attention Grabber: Let them know its outside and discuss strategy
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Ask for examples of strategy in sport
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: outline safety of running with heavy items, covid protocols
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
- Warm up 10 min
- Jug N Jog 15 min
- Strategy Implementation 15 min
- Come up with rule change 5 min
- New version 15 min
Transition to Body: go outside and start warming up
Body (55 min.):
Learning Activity #1: Jug N Jog
- Like capture the flag but with 3 “jugs” which are normally heavier, the goal is to have all 6 jugs
- Rules
o Stay on the flat area
o Can only be tagged on opponent’s side
o Can only take one flag at a time
o The defending team can not touch the flags on their side, so no moving back
o When your flag is lost you stand with your hands on your head, no faking
o If you rescue a teammate who is “down” you both get a free walk back, cannot rescue with the
o No spinning or flag defending

Assessments/Differentiation: try to make even teams

Learning Activity #2: Strategy implementation
- Give each team 2 min to come up with a strategy, help each team out a little
- Play again with some strategy
ED 3601 VERSION “B” KR 2011
Assessments/Differentiation: give the team that needs more help additional strategy assistance
Learning Activity #3: Rule Change
- Give the teams 5 minutes to come up with a rule change that will impact the strategy
- Play the game with new rules

Closure (5 min.):
Feedback From Students: ask how they enjoyed the game
Feedback To Students: point out specific strategy successes and talk about the rule changes
Transition To Next Lesson: Mr. Youngs will be teaching you next class

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