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201 EW123 TuIoriall Quick S恒 rt- FLOW-3D v11.1.

0 User Man明l

Tutorial / Quick Start

This chapter is intended to fami1iarize new users with major components of the FLOW-
3D Graphica1 User 1nterface (GU1) and to wa1k through the setup and running of
various simu1ations. The exercises in this chapter are intended to cover the basics
of using FLOW-3D. New users are advised to work through a11 of the problems and the
variations. The tutoria1 problems were chosen to il1ustrate a variety of topics and
address a number of questions that might be encountered. This tutoria1 shou1d be used
while you are sitting at your computer running FLOW-3D.

A brief section on the Phi1osophy for Using CFD is fo11owed by an introduction to the
1mportant fi1es and ways to run simu1ation fi1es. After those introductory sections
there is a discussion of how to navigate the Simu1ation Manager, a basic description
of how to set up a mode1 , run simulations , and postprocess resu1ts. More information
on each of these steps can be found in the Mode1 Setup , Computing Resu1 ts , and
Postprocessing chapters.

1n addition to this tutorial , Flow Science offers regu1ar1y-schedu1ed training

classes at our office in Santa Fe, NM on how to use FLOW-3D and F1owSight. These
training c1asses are the fastest way to become proficient with FLOW-3D and F10wSight
and 町e strong1y recommended for a11 users. More information on training c1asses can
be found at our website.

Note: Users who are not 10cated in the United States shou1d contact their 10ca1
distributor for training.

Philosophy for Using CFD

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a computer solution of the governing equations
for fluid flows (the conservation of mass , momentum, and energy) in up to three
dimensions. The specified governing equations are discretized and sol ved using the
numerica1 皿ethods described in the Theory chapter.

Using CFD software is in many ways similar to setting up an experiment. If the

experi皿ent is not set up correct1y to simu1ate a rea1-1ife situation, then the
resu1ts will not reflect the rea1-life situation. 1n the same way, if the numerica1
model does not accurately represent the real-life situation, then the results will
not ref1ect the rea1-1ife situation. The user must decide what things 町e important
and how they shou1d be represented. 1t is essential to ask questions before starting,

• What do 1 want to 1earn from the ca1cu1ation?

• What is the sca1e and how shou1d the mesh be designed to capture important
• What kinds of boundary conditions best represent the actua1 physica1 situation?
• What kinds of f1uids shou1d be used?
• What f1uid properties are important for this prob1em?
• What other physical phenomena are important?
• What shou1d the initia1 f1uid state be?

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201 EW123 TuIoriall Quick S恒 rt- FLOW-3D v11.1.0 User Man明l

• What system of units shou1d be used?

It is important to ensure that the prob1em being mode1ed represents the actual
physica1 situation as c10se1y as possib1e. We recommend that users try to break down
comp1ex simu1ation efforts into digestible pieces. Start with a simp1e , easi1y
understood approximation of your process and work i t through before moving on to
incremental1y add 皿ore comp1icating physica1 effects. Simple hand calcu1ations
(Bernou11i' s equation, energy ba1ance , wave speed propagation, boundary 1ayer
growth, etc.) help wi th se1ecting physics and parameters and provide checks to
comp町e wi th resul ts.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of CFD can a1so help guide an ana1ysis.
CFD is an exce11ent ana1ysis option when:

• Standard engineering calcu1ations are not practica1 due to the comp1exity of the
geometry, physics , or the required 1eve1 of detai1.
• Physica1 experiments are expensive
• More information about the f10w is needed than can be gathered from an
• Accurate experimenta1 measurements are hard to obtain due to dangerous or
hostile conditions , processes that do not sca1e wel1 , etc.
• Communicating comp1ex f10w information

CFD is 1ess effective when:

• The sca1es of interest vary by severa1 orders of magni tude since solutions
require significant computationa1 resources , assumptions to reduce the domain
size, or semi-empirical models to account for unresolved physical phenomena.
• The important physical phenomena are unknown since these are inputs to the CFD
• The physical phenomena are poorly understood or extremely complex because the
governing equations tend to be se皿i-empirical or have limited ranges of
applicabili ty.

There are a few other important notes to keep in mind when using CFD:

• CFD is a numerical solution of the specified governing equations subject to the

prescribed ini tia1 and boundary condi tions. As such, i t is cri tica1 that the
model setup - i.e. what equations are to be solved, the material properties, the
initia1 conditions , and the boundary conditions - a11 match the physical
situation as closely as possible.
• Numerica1 solutions of equations usua11y require approximations of some kind. It
is prudent to review the assumptions and solution method for a physical model
before using i t.
• Digi tal computers are subject to rounding errors related to how numbers are
represented in binary with finite precision. Try to avoid situations where the
differences of very similar numbers must be computed since this exacerbates the
problem. An example situation of this is when the simulation domain is located
far from the origin.

Important files
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201 EW123 TuIoriall Quick S恒 rt- FLOW-3D v11.1.0 User Man明l

There are many fi1es associated with a FLOW-3D simu1ation; the most important ones
町e described be1ow. A11 files have a naming convention 1ike prepin. * where prepin is
the file type and the * is the simu1ation name , e. g. prepin. example_simulation.

• prepin. *: This is the input file for the simu1ation. It contains a11 of the input
variab1es that describe the simu1ation setup.
• prpgrf.*: This is the preprocessor output fi1e. It contains the computed initial
conditions and can be used to check the setup before running the simulation.
• flsgrf. *: This is the so1ver output file. It contains the fina1 results of the
• prperr. *, report. 串, prpout. *: These are Preprocessor Diagnostic Files.
• hd3err. 事, hd3msg. 串, hd3out. *: These are So1 ver Diagnostic Files.

Using descriptive simu1ation names is a good idea, as is keeping a11 simulation fi1es
together in a sing1e folder. However, keep in mind that extreme1y 10ng fi1e names can
be prob1ematic depending on the operating system.


• If the simu1ation name is inp (i. e. the input file is prepin. inp) then the
output and diagnostic files wi11 a11 have the name . dat , e. g. flsgrf. dat.
• It is strong1y recommended that a11 input fi1es be stored in a 1oca1 directory
on the machine instead of a network 1ocation. The so1ver wi11 run faster , the
GUI wi11 be more responsive , and it eliminates the possibi1ity of a network
problem interfering with a running simu1ation.

Simulation Manager
The Simu1ation Manager is a tab in FLOW-3D that is primarily used to organize
simu1ations , run simu1ations , and show status information on running simu1ations.

Workspaces 町e an integra1 part of the Simu1ation Manager and the way that fi1es are
hand1ed in FLOW-3D. They are essentia11y fo1ders that contain and organize
simu1ations. For examp1e , i t is possib1e to have a workspace ca11ed Examp1es that
contains severa1 examp1e simu1ations and another workspace ca11ed Va1idations that
contains different va1idation cases, as shown below:

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20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

File Diagnostîcs Preferences Physics Utilitîes Simulate MaterÎðls Help

Sîmulatîon Manager I句。delSetup Analyze

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Creatîng a new WO陆space

For this tutorial, 18t' s cr8ate a WOrkSpaC8 to contain th8 simulations tbat w8 will
be creating:
1. Go to File.N回 workspace

2. Enter 吼Itori81 as the workspace D8III8.

3. The default locatioD will be in the oUttent user' 11 hOllle direot馆y. You eould
loo8ote it elB回Ihere, but the default 1∞ati饨 will be fine for our purpoge9.
4. llake sure that the cr阳te subdirectory using workspace name box is checked. Thi9
will crωte a n回 subdirectory for the workspace in tha file system, ma.k ing it
IllUch 8囚ier to organize simulation files.


Enter new name for wor!<space:

ITutoriall 一一_JI

c:\Users\dan\Docum回ts\FLOW.3D\FLOW -3D Projects\ Tutorial\ Tutorial. FLOW.3D_Worl<space

IC:\Users\d巾ω阳ts\FLOW叫FLOWωProj叫 ..:.J B巴斗

I亨 Create subdirectory uSÎng worl<space r回me

E王二JI C坐~
5. Press OK to ereate the ne1l" 'l'orkspaee. You will DO'l" s8e it app&ar in 世1。
reuf eur-unHc 5
n俨 .

File Diagnostics -- -- -· ·EEE·

· - ·
Physics Utilities Simulate Materials Help

Simulation Manager I句。delSetup Analyze

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20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

Closing a wo陆space
Sometillles it is convenient to close a few worksþ8ces to clean Up the Portfolio 8Ild
lIIIIke it 回9Ïer to Davigate. Note that c10sir电a. workBþace Bimply removes i t frolll the
Portfolio; it doeB not delete the workspace fr佣 the co理puter. To close 80 worksþ8ce:

1. Right click on BlI ell:Ìsting workspace a.nd ch∞se C10se 1forkspace. Alternativeb,
you cou1d 5e1回t (1eft-c1ick) a workspace in the Portfo1io a.nd press the de1ete
2. You wi l1 be asked to 巳侃fim 世lS.t JOU want to clω。他e workspace. Choose Yes.
3.η18 Portfolio will no longer contain the closed 毗>rkSpac8.

Opening an existing wo由space

There wi11 probably be a you need t。叨en 80且 old worksþ8ce. For e.umple,
time 材lere
you 皿y 四川 to revi四 the setup of an existing simulation before cre80ting a similar
one for a 11四 project. To open an existing worksþ8ω;

1. Choosø Fi1e->份en 曹orkspace.

2. Browse to the directory that contains the workspace file. In this case, look f町
Tut世1,1. PLOf-3D_',世'k$P''''',

• Search Tutorial

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3. Press OK to 1ωd the workspace.

Working with simulations in a workspace

胁11' that we know how to use 80 町lI"kspace, let' S 80dd some sillll11atlons to it.

Add anexamp除
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20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

η\e simplest 1I'8y to add a 'll'Orkill8 simulation to a 'll'orkspace is to add one of 蚀。

included example simulations.ηlese are si町ple, fast-咽mning simulatioDs that are
designed to illustrate how to use different features in FLOJ-3D. To add 8D ~le to
811 ~i8ti鸣 workøpace:

1. Highlight the desired workspace ift the Portfolio

2. ch∞S8 File.Add础.ample. • Al tamatively, you can right-c lick on the workspace

and chooBe Add example...
3. Se18ct an interesting-ωunding 8xfllllp18 in the Examplω dialog and press Op en. I
chose the Natural Convection example.

FLOW, 30 examples Descriptlons

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4. Th is opens the New Simulation dialog.

5. The default 8imu18tion n8me location 8hould be fine, but 皿ke sure that the
Create subdirectory usíng sìmulation n创黯 b~ iB checked. Thìs wi11 place 811 of
蚀le silD\118tion files 1n a Bep笛'8te subdirectory in the '11'1口rkspace direct馆y 址I8t
we created earlier, making file organization 皿ch 四sier.
6. Press OK to add tha new simulation to 。町 workspace.

File Qiagnostics Preferences Physics !:.ltilities âimulate 但ater

Simulation Manager ModelSetup Anal

8.. Tutorial
- t u r a l Convectlon

Remo树n8 a simulation from a wor阳pace

It is occasionally n创essary to remove a silllUlation from a workspace (this just

removes the simulation from 世18 workspace; it does not delete tha si皿lation fr,锢 tha
'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳IøIlllIm蛐翩翩'圃' fII#I7
20181鹏因 T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- U nIII

B啕uter). To remoTe a simulation from a workspace:

1. Right click oll an existing sill.U lation in the workspace (in this case use the
ex回国ple that you added in the previou5 section) and çhoose R,创lOve Siarulation.
Al ternatively, you could se1ect (left-c lick) a si皿11atiOll in the worbpace and
press the delete key.
2. The workspace will no long缸 contain the simulation.

Add fngan e刘stfng slmulatfon to a wo制pace

To add an existing simulation to a workspace:

1. Right-c lick OD 8D open workspωe and ch∞se Add EJ: isting Simulation... . You can
also select a workspace and then chωse File>Add Ex isting SillUlation...

2. Browse to the 1∞ation of the prapi也. file and choose ()p en.
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3. The simulatioD 冒ill no冒 appear in the 冒orkspace.

Adding a new simulation to a workspace

I!ost of the time, yωwill be cr阅tinll new simulations instead ofωi昭 e.dstinll
files. To add a new simulation to a workspace:

1. Right click OD an existing workspace and ch∞se Add N,帽 Simulation. . . .

2. You will be prompted to enter a nams for 世18 silll11ation. For this example, call
it h..t tr.曲.f脏回国咽1..
3. The defaul t file location should be fine, but make 民Jre that the cr锦te
8ubdirectory using simulation n础。 bolt is checked.
4.αlo08e OK to add 8 n回 silllUlation cal1ed høet tranaf庸 &zuple to the work8pace.

。ther optiα'\s

Jhil8 we will not be using these options right now, i t should bø møntioned that
right-clicking on a simulation gi喃自 access to additional options, thø most commonly
'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 7摩7
201 EW123 TuIoriall Quick S恒 rt- FLOW-3D v11.1.0 User Man明l

used of which are Add Simu1ation Copy... and Add Restart Simu1ation... . The first
option creates a copy of an existing simu1ation, whi1e the second option copies an
existing simu1ation and configures the restart options to use the resu1ts from the
origina1 simu1ation as the initia1 conditions for the restart simu1ation.

See a1so: See the Restart section in the Mode1 Setup chapter for more information
on restart simu1ations.

Preprocessing and running simulations

Preprocessing a simulation

Preprocessing a simu1ation computes the ini tia1 condi tions and runs so皿e diagnostic
tests on the input file. 1t is usefu1 when you want to confirm that the prob1em is
configured correct1y or if you need some diagnostic information from the
preprocessor. You do not need to preprocess a simu1ation before running i t. To
preprocess a simu1ation:

1. Right-c1ick on a simu1ation in the workspace and choose Preprocess Simulation-

>Local. For this case, choose the examp1e prob1em in the workspace since the
input fi1e heat transfer example has not yet been fully defined.
2. The preprocessor shou1d start, print some information in the text window at the
bottom of the Simu1ation Manager, and then comp1ete successfu11y. The icon next
to the simu1ation name in the Portfo1io wi11 a1so change to indicate that the
simu1ation preprocessed successfu11y.

See a1so: See the Preprocessing section in the Computing Resu1ts chapter for more

Running a simulation

Running a simu1ation solves the governing equations for the prob1em (physica1 mode1s ,
geo皿etry, initia1 conditions, boundary conditions , etc. ) that is defined in the input
fi1e. To run a simu1ation:

1. Right-click on a simu1ation in the workspace and choose Run Simu1ationÞLocal.

For this case , choose the examp1e prob1em in the workspace since the input fi1e
heat transfer example has not yet been fully defined.
2. The solver wi11 start , print some information in the text window at the bottom
of the Simu1ation Manager, update the p10ts , and then comp1ete successfu11y. The
icon next to the simu1ation na皿e in the Portfo1io wi11 a1so change to indicate
that the simu1ation ran successfu11y. You wi11 a1so see the simu1ation appear in
the Queue whi1e the solver is running, then disappear when it comp1etes.

See a1so: See the Running the Solver section in the Computing Results chapter for
more informati on on r unn i ng a s imu1 ati on and reading t he diagnostics.

Running all simulations in a workspace

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20181鹏因 T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- U nIII

You can a180 run a11 sillU lations in a 1I"orksp,凶e by right咱licking on a workspace and
choosing Simulate 胃。rkspace.Local.

See &190: See the 队UUling the Solver section in the 仇"的ill8 Results ch叩ter for
more informati。他

The queue
A si.mulation is aut咀atically
added to tha bottom of tha queue 确en it is submittad
to pl'epl'ocessαr run. The siamlation is 世len pr西processed or run when the solv町 has
an available license and cOllPlltational resources. Siamlations that are in the queue
but are not yet preprocessing or 到mning can be reordered or r eJloved from the queue
using the controls at the bottom of the queue.

See &180: See the Computíng Results chapter for more information.

Finding fil创 in the file system

If 归u need to 80cess the f i1es in the file struct町a for sOIIe reason (perhaps to
place an •. STL file in the folder) , you can click on the displayed pa:世lS to the
曹'orksp8Oe Fi le and Simul1呈tion Input Fi le to 110 to the corresponding location in 世1。
file system.


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Model Setup
ηle Model Setup tab is 树\8re the input parameters for the current1y- selected
simulation on the Simuletion Manager are defined. Tbis includes Ge neral settings,
Physics models, Fluids, G制m.etry, Meshin窑, 如毗~nent properties, Initial condìtions,
Boundary conditioDS, 如tput options, and Numerics.

Tbis section will guide you through the setup of a simple, albeit some前回,t contrived,
e.lulmple sillU lation 曲owi昭阳 the tharmal plU119 (bottom) generated by a heated
C明町 block 仕op; r ed) on a bad of sand 仕op; blue) submerged in a stream of 'l'8.ter.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 组团E
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

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臼lis tut町ial is not intended to be a comprehensive discussion of how the mathods 町

models 胃。rk,曹hy an option 1I8S select时, etc. - it' s just a quick ov即view of 回\8.t
needs to be done to set Up this specific simulatio~ Ihe details of the
methods/lllodelø 础d reasoning for what b done here can be found in the other chapters
of the U8er manω1.

To begin. create a n回 workspace s.nd add a new simulatlon. See Creating a n膊

,也rkspace s.nd Adding a new simulation to a worksp岛ce for guidance on how to do this.

臼le G棚。ral tab is where high-level simnlation settings 町e set, like how 1ωg to run
the simulation, how many fluids to cωsider in the calculation, etc. For this problem
the default settings of 仿le flui d, Free surfe.ce or sharp interf8ce, and
Inco邵阳8sible I Limited ∞mpressibility are c四rrect. The Finish time doe8 Deed to be
changed, thou础, 80 set it to 200 secondB. Also, choose SI 8Ild Kelvín for the Units

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 咀圈E
20181回D r""""QId出9Wt-FLOW-4B 圳1.1.0 U- UnIII
h均由咿 咄抽" I 一-2示了- , 酬.,-- 1
町. I """" 1 叩 1 嗣同a阳明 1 .._ 1 山伽 |
IruwfllCO tr.‘抛向@
........ r百 叫叫叫 J ..2旦业 R 肉R 钱,,~饵sho-p r((!Ifec.
。 U健....,
俨 胁 ~"erf_
俨 向帽睛 . . . .旨。翩翩4 确帽"事

例酬。曹唰嗣 霄'鸣)ØOrOS_ 队"曲....饵... 凰, ..

俨 峭嗣_ .... .- "'"咱酣 ...
r S!".-.!r喝....但缸吧寓' 阳似, ..,.
~ otf" 睛"倒嗣

See a180: See 世le General Settings section of 世18 Model Setup chapt81' for more


币le releV8llt 由ysical mechanism.s (1. e. additional goveming equations or t erJIS in the
goveming e胆.t!ons) are defined on the Physics tab. For thls simulation the
following models need to be activated:

• Density evaluation: This model ac∞unts for the variations in density that
create the therJl8.1 plume.α1005e De nsity evaluated as a function of other
quantiti创 (也岛, t创Iperature or scalars) and check the Inc1ude volumetric
thermal expansion boz.

…. t .r:lil.'fl‘......r. 1π'F.1 lTiTi11 国


r Constant uniform density

σ Density evaluated as a functîon of other Quantitîes (e.g., temperature or scalars)

p' Include volumetric thermal expansion

r First order 叩proximation to density transport equation

:.;; (d回甜γvaries due to initial conditions or ∞mpressibi!itγ)

r Se∞nd order monotonicity preserving approximation to density transport equation

(density varies due to initial conditions or compressibi!itγ)

• Gre.vity 创d n on-inertíal reference fl"8ll随 : This adds a body force representing

gravity, so enter -9.8 for the Z camponent of gravity.

E ir.\..JI ....,.…1'i'T::l"2lF.'1 I!P.I Ùi :a:!i I i.;:a;l… 二可

Gravity and non-inertial reference frame

σ Activate gravity

Gravity components

X compon酬 Jõ
V compon酬 Jõ

Z compon酬 1 -9.8

• Haat transfer: 也is model accounts for heat trBllsfer in and bet1l'8en the f1uid
and solid objects. Por this simulation choose Pirst order for the Fluid interna1

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 11187
20181鹏因 T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- U nIII

剧。rgy advection and check the bo~ to enable Fluid to solid h盹.t transfer. The
remaining OptiODS should be left 8t their default values.

Fluid Înternal energy advection

r No heat transfer model

σ First order

r Second order monotonÎcity preservÎng

P" Fluid to solid heat transfer

NumerÎcal approxÎmatîons

σ Explicit

r Implicit con、 erg~nce controls I

r ActÎvate VÎSCOUS heatîng

• Viscosity and turbulence : 由is model accounts for vìscous stresses in the fluìd.
αleck the Viscous flow option and leave the remaining options at their default

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 咀幽E
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

. _•.IJ.'fií口'‘ E曰 iTi 1 1m iT1"I r::rn田~

Viscosity optîons
P Viscous flow

r Thixotropic vÎscosity (for strðÎn rate dependent vÎscosity)

Turbulence optîons

r. lamÎnar
Turbulence models
r. p四dtl mixing length

r One-eQuation, turbulent energy model

「币'urbulent mixÎng length

I Mixing length

(' Two.equation (k-e) model

r. Renormalized group (RNG) model

r. Two.equation (k-w) model
问aXÎmum turbulent mixÎng length
(? Dynamica!ly computed

(' Large eddy simulation model

Wall shear boundary conditions

σ No-slip or partîðl slip r. Free slip

Frictîon coeffκient 巳

r Activate viscous heating Diffusion coeffîcients

OK I_c坐~ _H止」

5ee a180: 5ee 世抽 Physics section of the Hodel Setup chapter for m町­

币le r饲uired properties of the fluid are set 011 the Plulds t8b. A quick .8y to set
thø propørties for cOIIIIIOn f1uids is to load them frOll the Materials Database by
right-clicking on the Properties.Pluid 1 entry in the trse and chωsiDg Lo ad material
prop町ties. Next. browse to the desired material _ in this case choose
Pluids.Liquids.曹ater_8t_20_C _ and click Load. Finally, revi回 the information in the
prαIIpt about unit conversions. leave the default options, and choose OK to finish
loading the material properties.

This síDll11ation requires a that "9 not in the databωe: the volumetric
thermal ~1IIl8ion coefficient. Bnter 2U7e - 6 in the Properti昭.Fluid 1.Densi ty
properti捕.Volumetric The :t:ma l Expansion fiel d. Ihe final property Bet should 1∞k

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' ,.,
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-UnIII

CQ曲"腼 阳回g~r ACTHI归.I Sel叩 D串SCRIP3iIÐI也 _1 刷y ~

G筒、eral 附y窑ICS 陆 |时呵 & Geometry 1 Outpu配

Sear由 for:

{3 . Propertles
& Fluidl
1... Mðte时01 Name Iw.ttr.t 20 C
日句 Oensity Properties

ì 1 心脯ity ι T.blAar 坠旦
·坦 白lum曲oc Therm. 1E晦阳叫 0.000207
1" v旺。sity 闹翻惯 0_]边坐J日ET一一
1 00- -1J Function Coef位îents
! G.... ,~ Thixotropic
Thermol Properlies
! ~. Specific T.b.... 懵 182

! ; T阶h、晴唰酬
w 、 T.blAar 0.597
t..~ Power sOlXCe per unlt m苗g

8ee a180: 8ee the Fluids and Katerial Properties section of the Model Setup
chapter for more information.

加shing a: Geometry
Before goi ll8 into the setup steps on the I(eshing &: Geonetry panel 钝lere ere sone
mouse controls that should be discussed since these controls are used to navigate the
display on the Yeshing & G剧Metry panøl. The i田portant ∞'ntrols listed below:
Left-button Rotate Click and hold the left-mouse button and
move the mouse in 油。 匾。shing 1 G刷刷ry
window. The model rill rotate accordingly.

rUL -咱



Z似lIIl Roll the middle 咄eel or click and hold


,E '"" the middle-mouse button 由ile movill8 the

咱E'-- 4··

.‘ mouse fonard and backn.rd to zoω.

-gu h

.• Paa Click and hold the right-哩OU8e butto且也d

move the mouse in the wlndo胃'. The model
will move with the mouse.
Sh ift+Left- Probe Ho ld the Shift key to t町'D the cursor into
click a target. Click while holding the Shift
key to get theωordinate of a surface.
shown in the 10.町 left-hand corner of the
Ctrl+Left- Pivot Point Hold the Ctrl key to turn the cursor into
click the pivot iCOD. Click 世lile holding the
Ctrl key to set the pivot point. The view
will rot8te around 让le pivot point. T0881e
the Cu悦。但 Pivot button above the view
pane to turn the pivot point off.

20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII


-BC -···
fe we-E‘..
--E···E· Luzo
.,., tia


this optiOD will interactively plωe


History Prob础. Valves, Pointers, and

Baffles at the specified location. Kore
detail is g1ven 1n the sectionB of this
chapter di5cussing the creation of these

Thare are 80180 some menu opti∞s 由80t are helpful:

Geometry creation

‘ ".0
].]JI--叩酬CVP-r忑j]t; $飞 自
ta b 九 qE 画画nr;~F=
lr~ 臼 囚 ♂ ι 》 胁 ; ,

transparency X , y, or z-axls


There are two ge侃Jetries that need to be created for this simulation: the copper
block IIIld the sand bed. In this simulation they 1II"i11 both be created using
Pr illli tl ves ; 且 more realistlc 51皿latlon could use Pr imitlves, Stereolithography (S饥J
G阳的ry File(纱 . and/or Rastar File(s) to define tha g8Olletry.

To create the copper block first click on 伽 ~ ioon. This will create 80
rectangul町 subω.mponent that extends betW8en the specified limi ters. Vake the ω.pper
block ~tend +/- 2 cm from 世18 origín in the x and y directions and extend from 0 to
4 cm in the z-directíon. L曲Ive the remaining options 8S they are to make the block
solíd and add it to 8 Dewωmponent

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 15187
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

Add to compon酬 INewcompon回t (1) 3

Name: I
Xlow: 1.0.02 州gh: 10.02
Vlow: 1.0.02 Vh眺 1 0.02
2low: Iõ 2h眺 1 0.04

r 'ü~阳
subD J m-…



tt l- r com fmf

- n
r Hole
-- - - - -- - -

- -

」型巳」 E王二J _C坐~

。100S8 OK to finish th8 subcomponent definition and IDOV8 on to the α嚣坦国.nent

dafinition. In 世18 Add c创lpOnent dia10g 由at Ill1tomaticaUy opened leava tha Typ e as
Solid, enter co何世 block in the Nan8 field, and cb∞se OK to finish 世18 COI申onent
defini tion.

Cl胁。n the • icon again to create the hed suhc啕阳的. Use the ~tentB shown
below and set the Add to co碍。nent selection to New Co盼onent (2).

ωto c四om阳酬 |如队N阳
l 3

Xlow: 1.0.1 州gh: 10.3

Vlow: 1.0.1 Vh眺 fõ.i
2low: 2h眺 ío
subD J m-…


zcom fmf :r

tt j-
叫树 ­

- n
-- - - - -- - -

」型巳」 E王二J _C坐~

αloose OK to finish the suhcomponent definiti蚀 and IDOve on to the component

definition. In the Add c创盼onent di a1 0g thatωtomatically opened leave the Type 88
Solid, enter Øed in the Nw:盹 field,皿d choose OK to finish 他e component definiti。他
贸le final geametries should look like what is shown below:

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 16187
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- UnIII

L 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.28 0.35 且 42 0.49m
| I I I I I I I I I 1 , I I I I I I 1 I 1. I I 1I I 11 I I 11 I I I I I I I I 1 , I I I I I I I I 1. I I I I I I I I 1. I I I I I I I I 1, I

Note: Only 钝le geometry shape definitions 町e shown in the display 眩e8与 so no
information about whether 811 object 1s a solid or a hole 18 shown. TbiB 18 done
lat町 in Meshing with the 册 。Iptio也

See also: See the Ge侃侃ry section of the Model Setup chapter for more

Component properti郎
臼le heat transfer lDOdel reqUires some 皿terial properties in order to solve the
conduction e嗯施.tion in the solid c饨JþOnents. These properties 8l唱 let on the
Component Properties widget 由ich c8ll be BCcessed fr.姐 the 国 butto也

Simw此100 仙Ion句er 例。del Setup 阳Iyze I 陶1.γ l

Gener01 1 Physics 1 陆陆 H呻叫"国met<v 1 0啕峨 |

|言 …叩 f1 X 且4
~. 、
8 虫、脚 C刷、间nent(吨, Select
3 S.arch for: I 二l FiIlÓ ~J-→

国 B G因e@@E Gh囚nb由lb阔C臼aγ的m时mmm盹nMM例 叫)i)er

a4 R ge
2: bed

也 egoon

面 t 臼.mpone耐 Propert阳 I 暨

匕 眩5百FZP耐ti自
EI旺trlcal Pro酶rtles

Each COl固ponent mUllt have Solid Properties 8Ild Surface Properties defined. To set
these for the copper hlock first select the 仇即onent 1: Copper Bl∞k cOllþonent in
the Ge ometry tree or in the tabs at the bott咽。f the Component Properties ridget.
Then 8elect Solid Properti回 1n the α洒lponent Properties w1dg哩t and define the
properties as shown below:

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' '那W
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- U nIII

Show component(s):

Search for:

8 -Geometry
面 回 Global
OO{回 (omponent 1: copper block !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
回 回 Component 2: bed
幽 00 -Solidified Fluid Region

旦 (ompon回t Prop剧目

Search for:

8 .. Solid Properties
00.. Thermal Conductivity 「 Tabular 401
r.... Density*Speαfic heat 「 Tabular 3.568ge+06
8 ,. Heat source type No source •
r.... Total amount o Tabular
Speαfic amount o Tabular
r.... Maximum Thermal Penetration Depth
、 Shen mold JNO 3
除跚, select the Surface Properties in the α~nent Properties widget and define the
Heat transfer coeffici细ts to>Fl uid 1 8s 1000Wjm 2 * K.

It is possible to use an alternative I18thod for defining the αlIDponent Properties.

described below for the second ωIIpOnent (the bed). In this start by right-
clicking on 仪~ponent 2: Bed cm四ponent 缸ld ch-∞sing Load material properτi时. N9%t ,
险。11I'6e to the material _ in tbis cωe choose Solids.Sands.Sωd_Quart嚣 and choose Lo时.
Finally, review the inf侃1IIation in the prompt about uni t conv眩sions, leave the
defaul t optionll. 8Ild ch∞ge OK to finish loading the 皿t配ial propertiell.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 1M17
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIlI

E)- 5olids '~
~ S~n~
卡 ~ S舶d_C,。剖e_CS_773_K
?同 S舶d_CoarS4_C8_ l773_K
r II Sandj曲γ_ChrOMite ,让酬。r∞p
←国 古拥dj陆e_Fur回_M嗣同_CB]73_K

卡'回 S回dfte.ftir嗣_MoIdin9_CB_I7 73.J(

r II 5时J甸hJ're臼隅_MoldinQ_G晴朗 _1773卫 C叩y

+回 Sðndj响h_Pre目幽'MoIding_Green _773_K
I 国 主制ι陆曲剧ÎCally_r-101曲d_Gr~.n_I 773_K

~1l 如山副i叫川剧胁时73_K A剧 moteriðl多 focation

!:;I 5朋止销咽e_5 .9% ..BentOflite_~tJ27 _C Iz be 3ll

F1 iJ SM胁时问t
l M !舶明Cð_(m明) tωd

15 5吨筒 。国e

鸭0.. 8elect the Surface Properties in the α>mponent Properties widget and define the
Heat transfer coeffici细ts to.Fluid 1 as 1000Wjm 2 * K.

5ee a180:

• See the Ila.terial Properties sectíon of the Mo del Setup chapter for more
• See the Model Reference chapter for 田" informati。且 on 袖8t prop眩ties 凰re
reqUired for 8 given physic81 aodel.


11Ia 118sh lS defined on tha Hesh Op erations ridget. ...hich lS accessad Vi8 the 囚
button. Pr剧伽 曰 to add a new m时 block ...ith tha dafat山 extents of 0 to 1 in
each cω>rdinate direction. To quickly adapt the axtents of the mesh to tha 8副汩的1')'
right-click on Mesh block 1 and choose Fìt to g剖池etry... . This opens the Fit Hesh
Block 1 to G剧院try dialog; configUre it 8B showo below and chooee OK to fit the mesh
to the geometry extents.

…;11iI1函'"币'1 ;1πTiI!'A....rr::J'iT'i"iT:毫n 因
Dîrections Options

I亨 X directîon (' Total cells

I亨 V directîon r- Size of 呻
I亨 Z directîon

P' Remove existing mesh ∞nstraints

E王二J _c坐~

1119 top of the 118m needs to ba extencled up胃町d in the z-dir9ction, so expand th9
Hesh Block l>Z-direction braru:h of th8 tra8 and changa Mesh Plane 2 to O. 2. Also,

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' '翻W
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

this is going to be a 2D simulation, so follow the 881118 process t。 set the T

direction extents to -0.006 8且d O. 006. Finally, set the Total Ce lls in the T
direction to be 1.
8 " Mesh - Cartesian i I .1
自 回 Mesh block 1 E二E二旦
γ Name
I n conf or mnq
γ Mesh Type
γ Overlap length
γ Components l nunuDA··
Conform To
γ Size of Cells
γ Total Cells

00 ,. X direction

S"V directîon

γ Total Cells
回 Mesh Plane 1
囚 Mesh Plane 2

8 " Z directîon
,.... Total Cells

æ.Mesh Plane 1

æ.Mesh Plane 2 lõ.2
The final mesh can be viewed in different ways by changing options in the Mesh.Flow
Mesh.Vi帽 mode drop-down menu. The Grid lines option will show every grid line, the
Mesh Planes option will shaw only Mesh Planes, and the Ou tline option only ShOW8 世18
utents of the mesh.

Additionally, h01r the solver ..ill perceive the final geoll.etry in the mesh can be
viewed with the ru!> option. Thi8 will convert the geometry definitions into the area

fractions 8Ild volume fractions using the FAVOR'. algorithm. To d。他is, press 他e 珊
button and then ch∞5e Render. Mter a fe胃lIOII1ents the following should be shown,
世1霄,也e gray ar姐姐dicates solid uterial.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 2皿E
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

·四-=画画 '1<1
臼"''''(l'''' 3

(" u曲,保uω'"P''' 旦旦旦」

σ 晴.,. c饵咖.-回阳剑、

俨在iAVQR --- 一「

阳晒ysvf.剧 | 如"咱刷 工J I

即时帽 V阳 l。明L
A,id $UrfðCe:阿füd 3
「如M 瞄

旧 C""""'"吠"啤啊,bIOO:~
1 0(,啊"""'"试 2, bcd

rf~吹到R~~皿 8、a 耐制甜。e创'Mtftê~


广 g刷阳阻 Enot t制剧. 0

亘古画面面豆画画:e O.
臼霄""回回t 1: coppet bIO<k
〈徽嗨回回唱t 2: bo回

」巳」 旦旦旦旦旦11 ."'"己

See &lso:
• See the Ileshiog section of the Ilode1 Setup chapter far IIIOre information on
• See tha Revi幌iog the FAVORiz叫Geom~tr,. and M9Sh saction of tha IIOOe1 Setup
chapter for more information on FAVOR'. and tha 喃 自Ipti盹


四le Initial Conditions need to be set far both the solid objects (the components) and
the fluid inside of the d饵l8in:
• COI哩。ßønts: The only initial condition that is required for thø solid objects in
由is simulation is thø initial temparature. Th is is Bet in the Initial
Conditions area of the Componsnt Propertiss widgat f,町 each COl吻。,nent in a
8illlilar mann町 to what '11'88 done for 世le C叫抽nent proparties. FOIIOWiDg tha same
approach as '11'88 used before "hen setting the CoIlp Onent properties. sat the
initial t6吟erature of Component 1: Copper Block to 360K and the ini tial
temperature of C侃JþOnent 2: Bed to 2981.
• Fluid: The initial conditians for the fluid are a bit more complicated.In this
case the fluid confi gUration, temperature. velocities. and pressure distribution
al1 need to be set. The fluid initial conditions are set on the Initial wi甸的-
opened by clicking on thø 1m button. The simplest 'll'8y to set the r阅uired
initial conditions for this si皿lation is to use the options shown below. Th is
'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 量u87
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

will initialize water at 298K enη喃自re in the domain Up to z=O.15 and assign a
hydrostatìc pressure distribution with no initial velocity.

InitÎðl (j X

| 土划1 )(

Search for: Find I

8 ' Initial
自 Global


-o -o
r.... Fluid rotation about z-axis 10
' 而mperature )298
r.... UωJn



r.... E目l怡
IC 由巾a街rg伊ed曲en陌阳耐
s到itγ 而
r.... UωJn



, 飞h 唰
b 恤
巾n川of e回n附
阳 ð剖" 日 33
æ . p阶re臼s臼s钊ur陪e r日百yd仿ro
IC D阳re臼s臼s筑削u山钊时Jr陪e
曰 F
忖 耐
l町onn、 F言
r.... Initial fluid volume 而

陌h国tt阳时er 3

See a180: See 蚀。 Initial COnditions section of the Uodel S&tup chapter for more

Boundary conditions
Fω'-3D autαnatically applies the 即propriate bOIm缸y condition(s) on ∞mponents
based on the component type and tha active physical modals. However, the boundary
conditions on the faces of the mesh block(s) must be s创皿ually for each mesh block
in the Boundari制 branch of the m9shing tree on the Mesh Op erations widget. 四ree of
世le boun也ry ∞nditions need to change from the default Symmetry condition for 油is
probl 9l11: the X Uin, X Ma宜, and Z Max boundaries.

·且 lin:

Iit Click on the button to the right of Kesh bl∞k 1.Boundarí部'X Hin to open
the boun也町 condition dialog. Set the Boundary type to Specified velocity
and enter O.ω1 for the X Velocity.

。 Now, change the drop-dOWll box fr.咀 Use fluid fraction to Use fluid
。l剧的 ion and set the Fluid elevation to be 0.15.
'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' Z固自
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

。 Next, click on the Th ermal information button 8lId set the Te即erature to
298且Choose OK to close the Thermal boundary options dial饨:, then choose
OK 错事in to finish setting the X lin boun臼ry condi tiOn.

• i …
1l.-.,-........:.'''''''''' 主』


俨剑"响誓 俨阳帽…· {"-~圃" ("Q钳酬""" 俨咽'_

f 、蛐 俨...也 6 先螺。"鸭缸的 俨 """"" 俨 恤_Ibo,u

一一旦旦一_j r.一一一一- I刷刷即阳 二I
P 问晴、w… 1'"' '" 二二r一一一一

付 立旦旦旦J r.:;s-一τ=
俨 ".,..,w I

俨 ,,~~ , ' r ~C 'O!I1tIU刷. .

俨 内醺比"例问, σ酌,险"



国. .

n ................øn I
1J 一

主旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦l '" I 坐立J

• 1 1Iax:

o Click on the button to the right of Ilesh block 1.Boundarí相.1 Hax to open
the boundary condition dialog. Set the Boundary type to Specified Pressure
8lId enter O. 0 for the Pressure.

。 N饵" change the drop-down box fr,咀 Use fluid fraction to Use fluid
elevation and set the Fluid elevation to be 0.15.

。 Next, click on the Th ermal information button 副ld set the Te即erature to
298瓦 αloose
OK to close the Ther咄1 boundary options dial饨, then chω"
。在 again to finish setting the X Max boun归ry condition.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' Z擅自
EEhDE 兽'圃 'lzb霎岳 Ez---bZEE-E




、纱 'aq 鸣 ‘"指
az 穹 E= 、 2· 通牙、,髦,.
、爱·· 、 将爱珍asea智 、 E 捍罩 、蒋 EE 萝 ft
-L 除 rL 可 ||||EE 汇到 lll
SEe鸣n h
奠基署盔'吃 3aflsm 山川 川]
可 Ill--­
喝g 马 阳 陆怜陆 」引||||
"‘‘震"‘ 、 -., 。"

、 怠,、‘矗F琵.,赛事,

饨,EZ ‘枪"'鸣 '0·
、 2%
电.‘F ,"警
、,2臭骂钮嘈'在 g雹
., z串 seg

~ Tl
伺 '5
HF画 FO回国也-H同
帽 W回H
画 回 同O咱
D也幅Rae--PH筝。 咱叶。悔吗罚
但 ·。
唱『 再品叫时'04fH
--EFRH阳各自HZ SSSHMEHSS忡忡。国E$88ιMOHpo gaYR巳碍。"。
曲988 0同 gnHSOHZ 窍。当原因VOHZR叫 OZMS辅 岳阳HOFHFgnFbOMO

-M VO回国也归『『nnEHM阳HMOP


气 备将暴警a 写 SE· 饨,
ea·通牙 、 葛』元
、霍 、 将囊,asE 建 、 9坦E·· .dep-ESezss


SEe鸣n -L 除 rL 可 E
- Eih
奠基署盔'吃 可 gtd 写1· {J E-

-E =叫 |
喝g 功 」「|||||
MM 忡忡 γ
、 、 -··edPF·
、, 28、‘挚
一 元··
a 吨,雹
饨' 'aea给吨,号。,。-BZ
、 2%、
v‘,、 白
雪 ··EE

、 25‘,,ypq··L
、 ggd


霄,‘ 4 「 lllIll-t
w L L丁--
- 负 RS

20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

See also: See the Mesh Bo undary Conditions section of the Kodel Setup ehapter for
皿)1"e infonωtion.

There are 5even data types in FLOJ-3D; options contro11iug what data wi11 be written
to the results f i1e and h伺 frequent1y are set on the Ou tput tah. The different data
types are:
• Restart: All flow variables. Default output frequency = 1/10th of the simulation
• Selected: 侃ly user selected flow variables. Default output fre嗯leooy = 1/100th
of the B ÌlDUlation time.
• Hi9tory: Data 9horing the varÌation in one vari由le VB. tilDe. EI;皿1IP1es would
include the time step size, m.e8ll kinetic energy, flow rates at baffle3, etc.
Def;皿lt output fr饲uency = 1/100th of the 51皿lation tim.e.
• Short print: Text di副Plostic data written to the hd拙,.. file. Def皿lt output
freq\皿邸y = 111ωth of the si皿lation time.
• Long print: T但t di 88flOstic data written to the hd3皿. • f i1e. Defaul t output
frequency = 1/IOth of the simulation ti嗣.
• Solidification: 伽ly available if the solidification model is active.
• FSI TSE: Additional output options for deformable solids.
臼le defaul t output rates wi11 generally be adequate for this problelL However, SOIle
addit1 0nal config町ation of the Selected Data w111 be beneficial. Set the Selected
data lnterval to 0.5 皿d then check the boxe5 next to the Fluld t咽perature, Fluld
velocities, Yac roscopic d侧si ty, and Wall temperature. 四is will output these
quantitiss svery 0.5 seconds.
h剧阳、 阳酬 '创......呻 l 阳曲" -
I 副院.., I
曲"'.. I 向阳 l 钝.... I 阳抽..,曲回酬y ...... I 队酣幅

f 睛'咱"'" (';..SCIi晴岛~'t<<tÞ'l
口 问d阳时" l ro:s 一二_. I
前'"细tl bervðl

与旦坚旦旦旦J I 一二坐!.......J 陆.JcI Frac:1ioI"I
饨翩 v惕"描"
悔"阳俐 .,..
r Do not \Ide ..翩翩@ 1瞅衔。" 衡阳"
...,蜘省阳...阳。0< 20 ..叫 3。阳约

WlA tet嘟'"创"'.

See also: Se。他e Output section of the Hodel Setup chapter for more information.

岱le default numer1cal options work well for most simulations 30, in 岱le absence of a
∞mpel1 ing reason to deviate fr Oll1 the def;皿lt options, it' s best to leave them alone
for now.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 2盟目
201 EW123 TuIoriall Quick S恒 rt- FLOW-3D v11.1.0 User Man明l

This conc1udes the setup of the examp1e prob1em that was started in the Mode1 Setup
section. 1t is now ready to run , so follow the steps in Preprocessing and running
simu1ations to run the simu1ation.

See a1so: See the Numerica1 Options section of the Model Setup chapter for more

Checklist for General Simulation Setups

A high-1eve1 outline of the necessary steps to set up a simu1ation is given be1ow.
1t' s not a comprehensive 1ist - just a quick guide covering the typica1 steps, some
important things to consider , and a suggested order for the setup.

Before starting

1. Draw and annotate a diagram of the physica1 prob1em: This diagram shou1d
inc1ude geometric dimensions , the 10cation of the fluid (s) , any re1evant body
forces , veloci ties of moving objects , relevant heat transfer mechanisms , etc.
The comp1eted diagram should be an image of the physica1 prob1em with a11 of the
re1evant engineering information about the prob1em.
2. Determine a modeling approach: Decide how to approach the prob1e皿 using the
annotated diagram as a guide. Start by figuring out how m田ly fluids are in the
prob1em, if they are miscib1e , if i t is necess町y to solve equations in more
than one fluid , and if compressibi1ity is important. Then decide which physica1
mechanisms are important. Add the relevant engineering information for each of
these options (e.g. f1uid types , heat transfer mechanisms , etc.) to the diagram.
Try to justify why physical mechanisms were included or ignored - this helps
catch mistakes ear1y in the simulation process when they require 1itt1e time to
3. Draw the computationa1 domain on the diagram and describe the physica1
si tuation on the edges of the computational domain: Wri te which boundary
condition type best represents the physica1 situation at the boundary. 1f none
of the avai1ab1e boundary condition types are a reasonab1e approximation of the
physica1 situation at the boundary then this boundary must be moved to

Model setup: General

1. Add some notes describing the prob1em, the purpose of the simu1ation, the
case number , etc.: Notes help explain and justify the setup for future users or
for 1ater reference. 1t shou1d discuss the purpose of the simu1ation, the
ana1ysis approach, etc.
2. Choose which solver and how many processors to use
3. Choose the uni t system: Use small uni ts (e. g. 皿-gm-msec) for modeling small
sca1e prob1ems and 1arge units (e.g. SI) for 1arger sca1e prob1ems. This he1ps
avoid round-off errors due to machine precision.
4. Select the number of f1uids , interface tracking option, and flow mode: Use the
annotated diagram as a guide for this step. The number of fluids refers to
whether t he equations governing t he conservation of mass , momentum, and energy

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201 EW123 TuIoriall Quick S恒 rt- FLOW-3D v11.1.0 User Man明l

are to be solved in regions where the fluid fraction f > 0 (representing fluid
one) or where the fluid fraction f 三 o (fluid 1 and fluid 2). The interface
tracking options define whether changes in the fluid fraction should be sharp or
diffuse , while the f10w mode defines how regions where f = 0 are treated in two
fluid problems.
5. Define the finish condi tion (s): Choose when to end the simu1ation. It can be
based on time , the fi11 fraction , or other steady-state measurements.
6. Define how to restart the simulation from existing resu1 ts (optiona1): The
restart options apply when restarting simu1ations from an existing results file.
The rest缸t options define what information is taken from the restart source
file and what information is reset using the initial conditions in the

Model setup: Physics

1. Activate the relevant physical mode1s based on the annotated diagram

Model setup: Fluids

1. Define the properties of fluid 1: Define the appropriate physica1 properties
for the active physica1 mode1s using the annotated diagram as a guide.
2. Define the properties of f1uid 2 (if using): Define the appropriate physica1
properties for the active physical mode1s using the annotated diagram as a
3. Define any properties of the interface: Define the properties of the interface
between regions of f=1 and f=O. These inc1ude the properties for surface
tension , phase change, and diffusion.

Model setup: Meshing &Geometry

1. Check a11 STL fi 1es for errors: Check a11 STL files for errors using ADmesh,
netfabb Studio, or a similar progr棚. This he1ps catch any prob1ems with the
geometry definition before spending time on the mode1 setup.
2. Import and define a11 subcomponents and components: Define the 3D solid
geometry to match the physica1 case as described in the annotated diagram. The
end result shou1d be an exact rep1ica of the physica1 geometry. Use descriptive
names for each part and inc1ude the components that wi11 be mass sources.
3. Define the properties for a11 components: Define a11 of the materia1
properties , surface properties, motion properties , etc. for each component based
on what was drawn in the annotated diagram. Wait to define mass source
properties unti1 the boundary conditions are defined.
4. Define any springs and ropes and the associated properties for each
5. Define the mesh to match the simulation domain described in the annotated
diagram: Make sure that the edges of the domain are in the 10cations identified
on the diagram. Also, remember that three ce11s are required to identify an
interface (a cell wi th 0 < f < 1 that is adjacent to a ce11 wi th f = 1 and
another cell with f = 0). Try to use cells that are small enough that at least
five cells fit across the thinnest expected contiguous regions of f = 1 and
f = O.

由 le:lIlC :III aw3dfv 11.1/he1前.rtorial.htm I阳orks庐"部 'z1厄7

201 EW123 TuIoriall Quick S恒 rt- FLOW-3D v11.1.0 User Man明l

6. Define any baff1es that define geometry

7. Define the boundary conditions , mass sources , mass-momentum sources , va1ves ,
and vents: The boundary conditions (inc1uding mass sources , mass-momentum
sources , va1ves , and vents) prescribe the solution at a given 10cation for a11
equations to be sol ved. Use the annotated diagram to make sure that what is
specified at each boundary (or source , etc.) matches rea1ity for the f10w
solution, heat transfer solution, e1ectric potentia1 , etc.
8. Define the ini tia1 condi tions for the fluid and any components: lni tia1
conditions prescribe the solution everywhere in the domain for a11 equations
Cthe flow solution, heat transfer solution, e1ectric potentia1 , etc.) at time
t = Q. Use the annotated diagram to make sure that what is specified in the
initia1 conditions is a good approximation of rea1ity at this time. Remember to
set initia1 conditions for the components as we11 as for the f1uid domain.
9_ Define any measurement devices (samp1ing vo1umes , f1ux surfaces , and history

Model setup: Output

1. Choose the basis for the output (time , fi11 fraction , or solidified
fraction) :
2. Choose any additiona1 output to add to the restart data:
3. Choose what information to write into the selected data:
4. Define the output rates for the restart , selected , history , short print , and
long print data: The default rates are (10 outputs)j(simu1ation end time) for
restart and long print data and (100 outputs)j(simulation end time) for
selected, history , and short print data.

Model setup: Numerics

1. Choose any required non-defaul t numerical options: The numerical options in
FLOW-3D are intended for advanced users and gi ve significant contro1 over the
numerical approximations and methods used to solve the governing equations. Wh en
used improper1y some of these options can cause prob1ems with the solution so,
in genera l, do not adjust these settings wi thout first understanding what the
option does and having justification for the adjustment.

Postprocessing in FLOW-3D
This section covers how to use the postprocessor integrated into FLOW-3D; for a
tutorial on the more powerful , external postprocessor FlowSight , see Postprocessing
in F1owsight. Also , this section uses the resu1ts fi1e that is generated by running
the Flow Over A Weir examp1e prob1em. For guidance on how to run this examp1e prob1em
see Add an example and Preprocessing and running simulations.

See a1so:

• See the Postprocessing with FLOW- 3D s e ction of the Postprocessing chapt er f or

皿ore information on the postprocessor integrated in FLOW-3D.

由 le:lIlC :III aw3dfv 11.1/he1前.rtorial.htm I阳orks庐"部 2BI67

20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

• See the Postprocessing 冒ith Flo胃Sight section of the Postprocessing chapter

for more information on FlowS ight.

Existing Plots
Existing plots are pre-defined plots that are 皿tOllBtically gen町ated by the solver.
Usør-døfined plots are described in the 如stom Plot嚣 section below.
1. Click on the Analyz8 tab. 四le FLOlf-3D Resul ts dialog rill be pr8sented; if no
mess鸣e appωrs (the Ana lyz8 tab opens). select Op en Re剑lts File to open 世18
same dialog.
Z. Select the Existing radi。帆tto也 Two
typeS of files will he shown iD the data
file þath box. if they exist. Files rith the D皿e Pl1'Pl1.. contain plotB cr阅,ted
剧to皿,tically by the preprocessor, while files wi th 岱le ll8IDe :flçlt. • contain
plots automatically created by 也e postprocessorωwell as plots pre-specified
ln the lnput f11e.
3. Select tlspl t. Pl__(W,由'_A_'Ielr and click OK. This will cause 由e Display tab to open

巴士 r Custom

。/U目陌/je而b/ 趴刷ments/ FωW-3D/ FLOW-3D Projeás/ttydraul阳,_Examp陆 /FIow_OVer_^_W甜

|Hmp1 -

| 币制吧p 二J

File name | 币制阴阳_Ov町_A_Weîr

o f ty阳
。 |协
伽。w剖 d
H 向。恒 仰s
制pl俨t 掌.气

p 仰

p 肉
d 立* *「
哺 础桃削肉
,pltt; 陌 3
DrÎves F:可7
阳 二J

E王二J _c坐~
4. A list of availøble plots appears 8t the right. A p町ticular plot may be viewed
by clicking oD the n皿居。f that plot in the list; plot 26 is shown below.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 2嗣目
2Øl8I回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

- 丽丽

.:.翻 动 … L.!旦J~
~立J -1

"I ... 罩.

黯ZS部3gE建民 古时…
--'!!!二J --=..J

Custom Plots
1. Retutn to the Ana lyze tab. Select Op en Results File to open the dialoB.

z. Select the 归的Q(D radio button to 8ee full 刷tput file8. Full output files
ioclude prprrf.. fileB 8Ild tlagrf.... fileB. Since the 8i皿lation hB.B been run, the
preprocessor output file hωbeen deleted and inωIrporø.ted lnto the flscrt file.

3. Select the :t18p-t.PIOlr_OYer_A_'feir file in the di ø.log ø.nd click OK.

U士 r. Custom

C/U回陌/如何b/ Docume响ts/ FLOW-3D/ FLOW-3D Projects/Hydraul阳,_Examp陆 /F!ow_OVer~人W凹,

[[ ,,]

File name l flsgrf.FI叭Ov町人WeÎr

Files of type : I FLOW邵阳国同e (fl咱俨 *; pr四r f*η 3
DrÎves •

E王二J _c坐~

臼le 加陆lyze tab will 00" be diBplaye~ There 凰re yB to vÍBU8lize the results
ID副lJ 1JIl

。f 馆le øimulation. The available plot typeB are:

• Cust锢:臼.n be used to manuø.1 ly lIodify output plots using the output codes in
由a 队.lStomiziog Plots Using the Ff...SlNP File section of this manU81. Note that
this is ø.n advanced option.
'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 重回E
20181鹏因 T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- U nIII

• Probe: Displays graphícal and text output for individual eells, b饥mdaries,
components, and d幽ín-wide (global) variables vs. time. 5ee Probe Plots end
Probe: Data at a Poìnt vs.τiMe for IIIOre details.
• 1-D: Cell dat8 C础 be viewed 81 0ng 8 line of eells in the 1. Y, or Z directìon.
Plot limits C础 be 8pplied both spatially a且d in tille. See l-D Plots 皿d l-D:
Data Along a Line vs. Time for IIOre details.
• 2-D: Cell data can be viewed in X-Y, Y- or X-Z planes. Plot limits can be
匈IPlied both spatially and in time. Velocity vectors and particles can be added.
See 2-1> Plots and 2-D: Data in a Plane VS. Time fαr lIOl'e details.
• 3-D: Surfaee plots of b叫I fluid and solid can be generated and col由red by cell
data. Additional information s.uch as velocity veetors, particles (if pres. ent) ,
and str倒m1 ines ca皿 be added. Plot limits ean be applied both spatiallyωd in
time. See 3-D Plots end 3-D: Data on a Surfaee vs. Time for more details.
• Text 阳tput: cell-b y-cell Restart, Selected, IIIld Solidification data C8D be
臂itten to text files. See Text 如tput a且d Text: Sp atial Dat8 阳tput in ASCII
Forme.t vs. Time for more details.
• Neutral File: Restart and Selected Data can bø output at specified points
(interpolated or ωll-centered), defined in a separate te.x t file. See Neutra1
File: Spatial Dataωt阴t at User-definedα坤,rdinates vs. fime for more details.
• FSI TSE: Output from the fìnìt e-element flui d/solid interaetion and thermal-
stress evolution physics paekag唱s. See FSI /τSI!:: Struetural Data on Surfaees
vs.τime for more details.

3幡D Plots
1. Select the Analyze • 3翩'D tab.

2. Select 180-咄rfaee = Fraction of fluid. This is the variable that is used to

dra'll' a surfaee. The surfaee is drawn through a11 cells that meat the Contour
Valu8 criteria for tha selected Iso叮叮face variable. Fraction of fluid is 蚀。
defll111t,创!d will sho1l' the f1uid surfaee.

3. Select Color variable = preSBure. This selection determines 'II'h ich variable 18
used to color the iso-surfaee (1n this cø.se, the fluid surfaee '11'111 be drawn
colored by pressure).

4. Select 位IIllponent
iso-surfaee overlay =
So lid volume. Sol id Volume will dí
the solíd c姐lPQnents e.long ri th the flui d. In a previous 自tep, you did this by
selecting 如IIIPI珊ent of vol um.e f :rae tíon 88 the iso-surface, but this option
allow8 simultaneous plotting of both the fluid and solid surface.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' S1I8'万
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

Iso.surface options
Contour valω IAuto 」斗
Component iso.surface ove付 a y
r None r Openvolume r. Solid volume

厂 ST

5. Ilove the frame slid町s to the min and tDaJ: posi tions (0 to 1. 25 seω,nds).


伊凯z 队。α"'"钊,. L!JilI E王| 阳 L 2S0L!!E..曲

6. Click the Render button to switch to the Display tab and generate a series of 11
plots between t = 0.0 and 1.25 secondB which Bhow the weir structure along with
fluid surfaces colored by pressure. There are 11 plots bec8USe ReBt舷t data 1I8S
7. The avai1ab1e p10ts are 1isted in the Available Time Frames 1ist. C1ick Next to
støp between the time frames. or doub1e-c lick a tiDe frame to disp1ay it. The
first 笛ld 1ast time frames should 100k 1ike the fo1lowing:


8. Return to the A且alyze • 3-D tab 础d ch∞ge the Sel饵ted data radio hutton fr咀
the Data Source grouþ.
[)ata source

r Restart
r. Selected

r Solidification

9. Notice that both sliderB in 钝le liJl障 Frame selector are at the right now 80 让18t
only the last tillle fn四 rill be generated. Th is is done autOlll8tically by the
interface wh四 Selected data is chosen since there are many time fr81阳
且,vailab1e and it ∞u1d take a 10ng time to rend町由em. Ilove the 1eft-hand
slider to Time Frame Mï n = 0 to render a11 avai1ab1e tillle fr皿饵.
'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 2四目
20181鹏因 T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- U nIII

10. Click the Render button. Within a fe1f seconds 蚀。"。霄 will switch to the
Display 1'Ïndo1f 8Ild 101 p10ts will be listed ín the Avail 8b le Tíl1e Fr,创leS líst.
Click Ne~t repeatedly to step between the time frames.

ShowS'归nmetric Fl,αw

Since the sillllJ lation 1f8S set up with a SYJllD8 try p18lle doWll the center of the weir,
only half of the nir structure is being si皿lated and displayed. For presentation
purposes, you probably want to show both halves of a s ymlll8tric mode l.

1. Go back t。他e Ana1y胁,伊D tab and select the 份础 Sy田DEltry Boun也ries ch回k
bOll:, as sb饵咀 be10曹.
删 αm



> eA







C h ou.


cu ,





d u

p" Open symmelry boundaries

r None r Open volume r. Solid volume
Conlour valω IAUIO
r Render frames 10 dis i'(
厂 S TL r Append 10 exisling oulpul

2. Click Render. The f1uid s山face shou1d n,饵 app创l1" open at the syometry boun归ry
on the Disp1ay tab.

3. Select 100b • SymDle try from the toolbar menu above the display.

4. Select the Y dir树 tion check box ln the dialog t。因irrar the results across the
Y = 0 plane.

币ools View Mesh

Take A5napsho!

5howall objects Ctrl+A Symmetrical Copies

5e ! 币 tle

Baffles r Xdirection

sn P' Y dîrection
AnÎmation r Z direction
5lreamline 6dit

5. Select App1y and C1ose.

6. Double-click 世le final time frame. The display shows a full weír structure as
袖。"、 bel佩

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 罩!i187
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

Create a 3心AnimatiOl1

11Ie next step will be to create an ani皿.tion of the 3-D fluid surface. An illBtions are
movies created frOll the frames in the Ava i1ab1e Time Fram脚 list. To improve the
visual effect of anilll8tion嚣, i t is recOIIIIIØnded that a COlIIIIIon co1or sca1e bø applied
ωal1 fram8s.

1. Ret山n to the Ana1yze • 3-D tab.

Z. Se1ect both Global radio buttollB in the (À)ntour LillÛ ts group box.
Contour limits

r Auto r. Global r User defined


r Auto r. Global r User defined

3. Click Render to r e-draw and return to the Display tah.

4. Repeat your selection of Tools • Sy:mmetry • Y directíon • Apply to mirror 他e

results across the Y = 0 plane.

5. Se1ect To018 • Animati饨. Rubberband Capture as sh佣咀 bel饵" and select OK after
reading the message that 句IPsars.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 34187
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

曰:iZ vew M臼h

Take A Snopshot

Show 011 objects Ctrl +A

Set Ti tle
-…川- .-自1l;,;r写"安市'l'i 11F.mi'町..…
Op tions Fullscreen Capture
Stream!ine 国it

Sy mmetry

6. Click and hold the left mouse button 曹hile dragging to select the p四rtion of the
S也reen toωi.mate. A selection box will a~归曲r around the region you selected.


7. Select the red Capture button above the display p&lIe. A dialog ill appear to
start the ani.mation.
8. The default name for animations is A more descriptive name is
recommended as shoWII belo....

9. The defaul t fr8lle rate is 10 fr8llles per second. This silD1l1ation has a finish
tillle of 1. 25 seconds, and 100 plot8 at regul町 time int阳vals, 80 the 'real-
wor ld' rate is 80 framesl second. This lIight be t∞ f88t, 110 enter 5 instead IIIld
press ωι

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 提揭7
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

川ename Jer_A川血姐姐坦出 立出4

Frame rate 15
P" Delete source bmp files

E王二J _c坐~

Each time framø will be rendered to the Display window and bitmap files will be
written in the simulatiωdirect。η. Once this process is cOIIp lete, the
following dialog will appear.

⑩ 阳…

m 伊归叫…
s臼 叫

u r
You w
阳iII be promp恒
t:ed 阳。
t d由、。ose a c
臼 SÎon method În the nex
时 t 阳ndow .
Note: It may 国ke several mînutes to create the AVI file.

10. Click the OI button to begin the next step of the process. A ne'l' process
(BMP2VAI. exe) is launched, and a ne'l' VidωC叩础sion window will øppear f町
selecting a compression D8t~ If it' s hidden behind ano由町 windo胃" bring it
to the front.
11. The default COIIpre88ion for animations is uncOIIpre8sed. This i8 not rωOIIIIlended
for 1Il08t animations since the file size C8D be t∞ large to load in a vie冒'er.
Select MicroBoft Video 1 if using iindows, or Cinepak if using Linu. 臼le
selection here depends on what video codecs your computer h8S 8v8ilable, IIIld
抽血,t will be 8v8il8ble on the I118Chines you use to display the video.

12. Unselect the Data Ra te checkbox so that 址18 quali ty of animations is not limi ted
by the data rate.

3 宝3

阿rosoft Video 1

3pm。n ♀uaw J5 4 旦旦」

__ About.. I
p" 坠y Frame Evel)' 11 frames - -
- ----.

「 伊a 阳.~j 阳o KB/ sec

13. Click OK to begin the compression process. ihen the compression is complete, the
following dialog will appear.

AVI file Generated

14. Click 盹 The 础i皿tion process is n帽 complete.

15. The fastest "8y to find 由e • avl file in iindo"l's Bxp lorer is to go to the
Sim:u lation )lan碍。,r tab and click on the liDk labeled Sim:u lation Input Fi1e.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' M7
20181鹏因 T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- U nIII

16. Play 仙。 animation by double clicking on 油。 .8vl file. If you don' t have 蚀。
correct codec instal1ed to read the c创DJ)ressed fαrmat you selected previously,
then consider installing an open-8ource multi-ωdec video play哩r.

2幡D Plots
1. Select the 由e Analy脯. 2-D tab. The mostωeful plane to vi回 results f血r this
silllUlation is the X-Z plane at the weir centerline,胃rhich is located at the
plane Y = O. O.
2.αloose the X-Z pl础。 radio button.
3. Drag both Y limit sliders to Y = 0.25 (the cell center y-c∞.rdiuate closest to Y
= O. 0). You wi l1 a180 note that the same location is identified 8S J = 2,
indioating that the oell in questi。且 is the second in the d,现l18in. 臼le first cel1
(J = 1) is outside of the lllesh, and is U8ed for computing bound皿ry condi tion
properties. The defau1t contour variab1e 19 pressure and p1ain veloclty vectors
are se1ected by default. The so1id geometry is disp1町ed 副tOl皿.tica1ly with a11
2-D plots, 80 it does not need to be activated 1ike in ~ p1otting.

4. Click Vector Options and enter X = 2 and Z = 2. Vectors wi11 n.帽 be p10tted
every other cell. Select OK to accept the vectαr options.

[mh 「
V ector options

r. Velodty vectors
x f2 VJ ;
r Displacemεntvec阳rs
E王二J _c坐~
5. Click Render to generate a tiD8 S闵uence of 2-D plots of pressure in the Y = 0
plane. Graphics simi1ar to following wi11 appear,畹町8 T = 0.0 seconds (1eft);
τ= O. 125 seconds (mi ddle): and T = 1. 25 seconds (right).

6. Select the Format button in 由e upper right-h皿dωImer of the Display screen.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' ~1#11
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

Plot attrîbutes Values (010. ba. option

Background . 1 IBlack r. Use ∞lor order shown
Foreground White
Vectors r Reverse color scale
国ctors Thickness
lîn es Thîckness VK旬.style
ot>s国de .fill r. Arrow at end ………>
ot>s国de 4..înes
Partides rPa眈idesize r Cross at orÎgÎn +------------
Ba何es I
Ba何es Thid‘ness I Mag factor 11 r Une ---…----…
Re ference Grîd I
AX Îs 4,.înes 口:'1 -
'-.....:- … _Tt. : -' … ~ r Pk>tsca lir可 Vectorstze
」旦J 5et 1

咀 (仰例%划.) fi∞
Get 1_5止」

7. Bxperiment with the v且rious options such as changing line colors. vector lengths
and arrowhead sizes. Select 却司ply to see '10町 cha吨88. Ih四 you are done. select
Reset and O! to return to the default settings and close 世18 dialog. If there is
a S8t of options you prefer for a11 plots. you 圃11 save them by selecting 世18
Save button.

1.0 Plots
1. Select the the A且alyze ~ l-D tab. This tab 8110ws line-chart plots of cell-by-
cell output variables such 88 pressure. fluid d叩th. fluid elevation. and
v810city along a row of c811s at one or more plot tines.
2. Pick Selected as the Data Source. 11Ie available variables now show only thosa
selected for more frequent plotting.

3. Select free surface elevation as the D&ta Variable. Hydraulic data is availab18
since it was selected on the 阳tput tab.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' '圃'军
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII
Da恒 var画画les

fraction of fluid
x -velodty

depth ..sveraged velodty

velodty at O.OOOE +00 above b。悦。m
Froude number
spea白c hydraulic head
t。 国I hydraulic head

Da恒 source Plot location ---,

r Res国rt

ci" s副ected

r Solidi击日饭。n

4. Select X锢direction because the f101f direction in this simulation is primarily

parallel to the x-uis.

5. 1I0ve the Y吐ir嗣tion 5lider to O. 25 (J =

2) 50 that the cells Dearest the f1 01l'
centerline in the Y-direction are displayed.

6. By default the entire X r 81lge "i l1 be displayed. You may move the X-direction
sliders if you rish to lillli t the extents of the plot. The location of the Z-
direction slider rill not 皿.tter sinceωb one free-surface elevatìon i8
recorded for each column of z-cells in a gi四n J:, Y locati蚀. The Tim.e frωe
sliders should be at 0 and 1.25 seconds.

....‘" ...精眠"

民 3 l(: -9,750(晤,∞ 1. 1, 11 11<1 . 1 ,, 62 X; 1.97黑l<If舍。 E

.11: 2 ~2.:饵)oc)(览。1

K: 19 Z 8 ,75OOOE..∞

曰丑 O.OOOOOE‘。。 11•1, 1 阳 1.2SO IBf+()o

7. Click Render. A series plots from t = 0.0 to t = 1.25s rill be listed in the
plot list on the Display tab. There are a numbar of modes in 胃rhich to view these
plots. The def,皿lt mode is the Single mode and is shown in tha drop down bOJ:
bel O1f the Form且t button.

」巳:J r 阳bber Band area

ISingle ..:J
8. To COGll泪re plots of fluid surface elevati确 at varioωtime哩, select the Overlay
跑。 de fr咀 the 由咽'P do1l'll bOJ:.

9. Click to select plots 1, 13, and 101 in the riøht-hand pane. The plot names 8190
油田11' thetillSs at which they 1I'e re recorded: (t = O. 0, O. 15s, and 1. 25 s). 11Ie
output appears as sho咽 balO1f.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 理兽rT
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

free surtace el eva晴 ion

csez 12.0




'刷 恼 1 .2细咀 y .2 奴)OE..()1 z.å750E.O。


一- ' 31呻,回阳 y=~.锐XlE..()I I:=8.7剖岛曲

3.1 -- 11=0.0 '1撞 y#2.500E.o 1 z:8.750E.OO

.10.0 -4.0 2.0 8.Ó 14.0 扭。

10. τo save this plot to a bitmap or Postscript fila. salect the 00.且tput button.

11. α18Ck the Plots on Scre盹 check boz to capture the overlay plot (and 副ke only a
single output file).

12. Select the 胃rite button to create the ib2副Ile file.

13. the resulting im昭e fi1e 胃ill be located in the s ÌlDlllation directory (r1lGl础z
h睛 to find this from 世18 Simulation l4anager t油) and will be D8III8d

File阳 me

r. BMP
r. short
r JPEG 」型~
r Postscripl r long

r Selecl all P' PI曲。n Screen

Is旷膏、 I_spatial _x 1=0.0 y = 7.500E 咀 1 z=8.750E +OO台ee surface elevat
2srfhl_spatial_x 1=.01210725 y = 7.500E 咀 1 z =8.750E +OO 台ee surface
3 百 fhl_spatial _x 1=.02537079 y = 7.500E 咀 1 z =8.750E +OO 台ee surface
4 srfhl_spatial_x 1=.03733333 y = 7.500E 咀 1 z =8.750E +OO 台ee surface
5 胃 fhl_spatial _x 1=.05025509 y = 7.500E 咀 1 z =8.750E +OO 台ee surface
6 srfhl_spatial_x 1=.06281883 y = 7.500E 咀 1 z =8.750E +OO 台ee surface
7s旷膏、 I_spatial _x 1=.07529239 y = 7.500E 咀 1 z=8.750E +OO台ee surface
8 srfhl_spatial_x 1=.08666533 y = 7.500E 咀 1 z =8.750E +OO 台ee surface
9s巾:_spatial_x t芷o吧?tyz134?哇!二三去些21hesurhce 二l

E豆;J __c巳J_c坐~
Probe Plots
1. Select the Analyze • Probe tab. Time history plots are created fram this tab as
lineτraphs or text output of a variable vs. till8. There are three typeS of
time-dependent d且ta in PLOI-3D, which are salected fram the Data SourC8 grOUp.
'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbII曲1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 咂圈E
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

。 Spatial data: Restart and Selected data sources. Ti时-dependent values of a

single X, y, z cell center cωIrdinate rill be plotted. Values can be
integrated with respeçt to time, differentiated rith respect to tille, or
consolidated with a moving average (iD time).
~ General history data: Global 嗯施ntities 由ich vary only with time. Typical
quantities ø.re mean kinetic energy, time step,皿d convective volume error.
This data type also includes all data from s阴cified measurement locations
(baffles, sampling volumes, history probes) as well as integrated output
for mo'Viq or stationø.ry solids and springs/ropes. when those options are
selected on the Hodel Setup - > lIeshing and Geolletry tab.
o Ilesh-dependent data: Time-dependent quantities (computed or user-
specified) at mesh boundaries. Typical quantities are flow rate at a
houn伽ry and specified f1uid height at a houn曲ry.

Z. Se1ect the Ge neral Hìstory radio button under Data Source. Notice that the X, Y,
Md Z Data poiDt sliders turn Bl'ay. This is bec副lse General hístory data is not
回sociated with any specific ce11.

3. Select mass咱四,raged f1 uid mean kinetic energy from 也e list.

恤岛,':O\fWI耐 l 饷"‘是纯国 协副琵 阳酣.,

C崎挝栅 "自| 1<, '0 I ,。

I """刷 1 时,陆 l 阳",, 1

峙'由 l 剧阳"崎 l 胁响桐'但 Slttd,础. '"雪些"",J 二』

r .. 崎~O'JII'I'喻。~回乱翩翩胃,艳阳I 「 r 「
•- 「 饵"唱楠.......咖川"圃'咿 「 「 r :当
•- r '"咱帽毒,=~~'IIC埠』幡帽'巳 "-ixt 「 「 「

「回U吨。4 凰.., 「 r 「
•- r ""~也<<."" r r r
•- r ...曲时"6'_饵'但~..幢幢 「 「 「
•H 「 但.Ød cetl:':宫。,.矗""审曲崎幢 r r 「 i剧... :当
r ....帽。.眶。,_饵 Z 俑'由、,精 「 「 「
•- r ..崎唱'XSl l\..s l'''Ol,r晴 ..... r r r
•- P _~ ..a袖..归....酬Mb唱出'圃" 「 「 「
•U r TVIÒeI' of~饵陆 「 r 「 |叩 z丑
..,.,.叫中f<<_响「丑 一

r !w"" 一沁 胃: 5.自IJoJOttOO
上 .. 悻5串如晴E噜啤
(' H自由出阴阳缸咽,由国町
.~ Z坤.""'"咱' 11
俨 """'. .饵"

, 0-<伽~
蛐民 1.00<提lOE,(I;)
l-1 · " 1 1 · l· l 阳 1.1501援耐

_"""'.. I 时叫‘L.~町|叫町|时叫| 即时 i 鼠,吩曹 怡、. 崎鸭"呻

4. Select Units to open 世le Plotting Units dialog.

5. Se1ect Show units on plots.

6. Se1ect SI, CGS, slugs/feet/seconds,四r pounds/inches/seconds t。 ωDvert and

outpUt the results in the uni t syst咀。.f your choice. Showing andω'nv眩ting
units requires that a unit system WIIS selected on the Ilodel Setup - > General
t油. You checked this in an earlier step; 也e g'副泪etry and fluid properties ~町e
specified in the centimeters/grams/seconds syst皿
'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!øl1I1'Im蛐翩翩'圃' 41187
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

Re帽Jtts un比事

In 惚 syStf到

r sr
E罗 田$
(' Ce~重"'
r Et咖酬09 (dlJgs,陆t, se町ld') (" Fahre附由

「 。后棚" 「阳楠、e


间。剧ll9 un巾

P Show ll'i ts 阳oIots

U瞄町m rTe响p...缸reun饱

F 由南gm! un 他 I r. O;i;imJ tc::叩C1ðturc u时

r $1 俨 陆hnn

~ e.臼 r c eis:aus

r.".;睛'旬. (~呻$.每吼$.相咽。
r bf, lbm, Î'咄咄雪, 辑四nds || ; :;;::国
C王二J ~ Con<el I
7. Select OK to close the Plotting Units dialog.

8. Select Render to generate a graphical output 01 the d凰ta. 币1e outpl且t shows mass-
averaged mean kinetic energy for all of the fluid in the domain 的。,rη1e
plot will appear as ShOWll, with unit lab&ls bas8d ωyaur se18ction in 世18
previous step. The plot indicates that the total kinetic energy is oscillating
脏。,und s创赔1l881l value. As the oscillations bec创悔 smaller, the silDl11ation
鸣lProaches ste也dy-state flo1f.

9. Return to the A且alyze • Probe tab.

10. Output the graph as t eJtt data by selecting Text in the ωtput FOI1D gl'oup and
世1en re-select Render.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 唱幽E
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

Ou悟u t form

r. Text
r Graphical

11. The outpUt can be 98Ved to 8 text file by selecting the As button in the
text dialog tbat 8ppear5.

12. S818ct Co ntinue to closa th8 output window.

Tex.t Output
1. Select the Analy嚣。. Tert Output tab.

Text output works the S8me way aB the ProDe tab, except that only cell-by-cell
d且.ta (Restart or Selected) can be output (no c也ponent, me&8urement-8tatio~ or
global 臼ta) • and IDQre than one cell c础 be selected to output data for each
plot time. Cells are selected 1n 3-D blocks using the sliders. The defaul t
spatial extents are set to the entire domain.

2. Experiment with outputting text data on your O'l'll.

Postprocessing in Flowsight
Tbis section will walk you through using some of the main option田 and proeedures used
in Fl owS ight. H帽ever, this section aB8UD1e S tbat:

• The Flow Over A We1r 51皿11at1on

18 currently 1n 8 膏。rkspace in FLOW-3D.
·四e results file for the Fl帽Over A Weir eXlIIIIP le probl圃 with the 滥。del
S8tup >Ou tput.Hydraul ie data (depth aver毡g创 values and assuming gravi ty in -Z
directio n) output option anabled exists. For guidance on hoy to run this axample
problem see Add an axampla and Preprocessing and running simulations.

η18 m&in topies of this section are listed below:

• Mouse Co ntrols
• Qp ening Results Files
• Ti阻e Controls

• Man ipulating the Display

• Creating New Part嚣
• Using Vie叼。rts
• Ann otating Results
• Saving Sessions and Context

See &180:

• See the Postpro<: e9sing with FlowS íght section of 伽e Postprocessing chapter
for more information on Fl owS1ght.
• See the Postprocessing with FL佣-3D section of the Postprocessing ch叩ter for
more information on tha postprocessor integratad in Fω1-3D.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 4w7
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

Mouse Controls
臼le default lDOuseωntrols in Fl惆Sight should I18.tch those used in FLOW-3D,喃自re the
left mouBe button 也皿:) rotates the vie1f, the right mouBe but ton 00) þ81!S the vie1f,
and scrolli昭 the middle mouse buttOD 倒四:) ch础ges 饨le ZOOlll.

A lot of display options Can be changed in the Preferences m.enu 哟, like 伽
background and tell:t colors, the default tilll9 line, performance settings, etc. Feel
free to custOlllize things to your liking but, like eveηthing else, just don' t modify
111 setting if you don' t know 抽血.t i t does. For n01f,的, s probably best to move on
and cOIIle hack to thb after you' ve U8ed Fl惆Sight a bi t lIDre.

Opening Results Files

Fωf-3D results files are opøned in PlowSight usiDg the F i1e >()p en I119nu or by clicking
∞ the ~ icon.

rmc叩en "团因|

3 囚
1- U阔,仙阳阳市\Fc脚制FlOW~30 Pro如阳巾
Look fn:

陆 type: I FlOW.捕民相蚓,崎户 " 悍的 3 口
怕瞿瞄 S~始

1:1 0.制叩
dðr、 叫id_COf、f..晴19_""由J附nOIe
IÐ ... C:\
参响 I_nozzle_spr町」如吨

Wðter hamr晒f
Wðve t:r i


陆 H

广W 叫urðUon: …odto 叫~
Conr酬 to Ilocðl.)io式
主 -旦旦:J
r Aðvðn(~

C王1 一旦」

There are t llO nys to open results files fr咀 the

Pìle open dialog: you cøn hrowse to
the location of the flscrf.' file and then select the desired tl.rrt.' file or,
81 terna.ti veb, you 础 click 伽 Show Port创io butto且(j;=b and select 伽
silllUl o.tion fr-锢 the list of simulo.tions tho.t are cu:π.ently in the Portfolio on the
SillIU l a.tion ya脑ger t8b in PLOJ-3D. In this C8se:

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 44187
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

1. Click 伽 目 button
Z.α1008e Flow Over A 曹eir
3. Cho08e OK to oþen the resul ts file.
FlowS1ght .nl automatically use 也e restart clata to generate and display 811 190-
surface of f1uid fraction color哩d by pressure when a file is opened. It wi11 81so
display the particles (col血red with a 5ingle color) 8IId the outline of each mesh
block for reference.

' "J • 带 圃 '‘ 白 ' 也 画画 斗生二=阳 飞豆豆豆卓1:: t::ï:! .. 里鱼主坠t"JVI ,

rs.:1.. - 1_
1>". ……

.:1 1 二

Time= : :

‘肝:::"3工L:J..!.I陈古._- _j
~ ------------------j 主l
(8 ,-~Oo ,,_ 一叫百z一土到

. 57

同幅$川 .R幽..叫dyne.'崎岖叫

' 掘始. ()().1 _

1 ,Ol!始·。由 1 1
k::. e 叙陆响3 1

2 ,9 1 41}4∞31 1

倪。咱'JI' -7.7坦..∞2 -

叹'司17 "_;万二 J;.---.I~\ [0'1 耳n

TIme Controls
FlowS ight displays temporal data using two different Timelines: Rest凶吃 and Selected.
臼le Re8tart tìmeline shOYS only re8tart dat~ while the Selected timeline shOYS only
selected data. Be awar哩 that 阳的s (isO-9urfaces, ZD clips, etc.) only eJt ist on 8
single timeline, BO ch∞ge a Timeline before doing any work!
1. For II!帽,隅, 11 use the Restart timeline, 50 leave the Timeline a8 Restart.
2. Now use 由e Play, Next Step, and Previous Step buttons to II!8vigate through the
available time frames and visualize the changing flow fiel~
S. You can 81so move the tima slider direct1y.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 砸擅自
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

t e号叫1 ‘ 驴 圄 笋 ... . I ~ 口 c.. 圈 圈 司

[5 桂1 …

I Timeline
:flsgrf.FI IRestart


ι 阿nal 可
:.:J I~
到J I~ω 主
主 旦l恒-::J P" Dis向阳毗叫

M y叭州州州

ur 1 6 nd 1
l 6
回 Istart Jõ

r3nu nu r3nu nu




'a can also changa fr,αn the Or iginal moda to 世回 Flipbook moda. The Or iginal moda
rand町s each framaωit is activatad: tha Flipbook IIOda rand町s a11 framas up fr∞t.
allowing for faster manipulation later o~ To changa to Flipbook mode:

1. Click on the Create!Kdit Flipbook icon (it 1∞ks like øn open book).

1.4 s汩V叫
川抽川I~ ‘‘凰 奇驴萨 圈 雪笋垂 田 . 1川1 口 《ι
T~ w
{j X

gg|惜悻盹肮1 :flsgrf, FI
Restart •



[i;辜阿nal :.:J 到l 土~ 主
主 旦l 厅3 阳向阳毗叫

M y叭州州州
i阳m何m、 到
E 」 主l
回 Istart 10 Cur 际02 End 际「囚
2.αloose Lo ad as.Object草. This a1101l"8 you to lII8IIipulate 世18 oriantation of the
objects in the flipbook. rath邑rthan 国king it a static animatio~

3. 侃。ose Load. It will take 且 little 抽ile to generate 811 of the trames but. once
it is complete, moviD8 between fr&mes should he qUick and 58础le98. You will be
notified that the resul ts &re changing to the flipbook mode 8IId that SOIle
options w111 IIOt be available in this mode.

阳'. let' s make a sharable animation of the results (an • avi file):

1. Click on the movia c皿ara icon.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' ...,
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

寸苟言JEF在毛在L 圈 画 应11卧 - EF哥哥-., '!!..I!! h b~I~~8 飞

Z.α1008e the desired settings in the Create A且im阜tion dial略到le def刷lt settings
work best for aost ani皿tions, thoush you 田F 冒血t 切 reduce the frame rate (it
is in fr8lDes/sec。时1) otherwise the anÌl皿ti础 ri11 play very qUickly.

3. Browse to the location where you want to save the ani皿.tion file and choose
4. Click cr础,te to ,en町的。由t!J animation.

Note that we dω, t need to be in 世le Fliphook mode to create an animation, but it is
a little faster sinee eaeh frame does not need to be re-rendered during the creation
of the file.ωle disadvantage of the Fliph∞k IIDde is 创lII.t you eannot add n饵 parts
(iso-surfaces, etc.) or modify their definitions, 80 you only 耐lt to use this mode
after you h且ve created 811 of the parts. Bec8use of this, change back to the Orìgin&l
mode for now:
1. Change the value in the drop-døwn list to the left of the Play button back to
Or igin.a1.

Time {j X

Case t:flsgrf.Flow_Over_A_Weîr -

l or;g;nal :.::11主l 土J 主l 厅3 问阳、e

t art l ur
l nd 1
l RdnU6nu

nu nu


e3 EE

Manipulating the Display

Background Color
Many cOlllDlll1ds in FlowS ight are accessed through the right-c lick III8JlU . For example, n
can quiekly change the background to samething else by:

1. Right click in the background space.

Z. Select Baekground Color.冒hite. Th is sets the view to have a white background

wi th black text.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 领胃E
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

Viewport: 问ðÎn Viewport

Create Viewport


Perspectîve view
Viewports layout
Toggle fullscreen

Quick Text
Quick shapes
Add a Logo

Add date
Add time

Import Movie/lmage Select color
-.!.!l i1l'-'II_ _ _ _•
Send Image to

81ended blue 1
81ended blue 2
81ended grey 1
81ended grey 2

Pfvot Locatton
You can 8180 cbωse 世1e
center of transfOl'lll (the pivot point 袖en rotating the
ge侃侃ry) using the right-c lick menu. This is useful f町 m鸣., doDains 由自re the area
of interest is not near the center of the mesh. To define the center of transform:

1. Right click at the location about which you 冒。,uld like the ge饵Detry to rotate.
It needs to be 50me冒'here on 8 part (in this case, the iso-surfl邸e of
2. ChooBe Set center of transf馆也 N腑" 811 subsequent rotations ...111 be 8hout this

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' .,.,
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII





Cìellte cottoo.n


l:: 知岭,唱"*"'"

""" ,

....(<'1 t ' , .,...I,,~


To view the model along a 阳ticular coordinate uis you can use the t+xl, Ì!!1, ~型.
atc. icons or:

1. Right click on tha background.

2.αloosa (for axampla) Via胁悦 币is will vi伺 the results frOlll +1 1∞king t (llJards
世le origin.
3. Try viering the display frOlll a few differ晤的 locations, then reset the vi饵 by
riøht--c licking on the backgroWld 8Ild ch∞sing Vi~Reset vi辄

SometilD.eS 1t 1s preferable to use 皿 orthograph1c projection rather than 他e

perspect! ve view. For elt团团ple, the orthographic vi回 is better for comparing to
engineering drawings, etc. 世lile the perspective vie... is better for cαlIPBI"ing to
videos and pictures. To toggla between the two projacti∞s:

1. Right click on tha background.

2. Choose Vi棚>Change to orthographic.
3. Ihen you nnt to change back to the perspective vie霄" repeat the process but
choose Vi仰而hange to perspective.

An notations
To move and resize existing annotations (labels, the color scale, etc.):

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 咂嗣E
20181鹏因 T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- U nIII

1. Click on 世le annotation - in this case cb∞se 仙。 color har. You should see some
green handles, as shown below. Not 811 objects will have 811 of the handles, but
the meanill8 reωins the lSI8IIle.

Pressure_Restart (Pa)

1.923e+005 Stretch col or scal e

9 .891e+004 Move col or scal e


5 . 517e+003 号 乱- I
--叫 Adjust lowerlimit of c口 lorscale

2. Use these handles to r哩。sition and resize the 001缸 scale to yo町 liking.

Mesh Blocks
Now. let' s clean up the vi回 a bit by hiding the mesh block:

1. Right--c lick on the mesh block.

z.αIOOBe Hide.


Show 011
Show only
… iiffii~………………·



Show velocity vectors


Constant color

If you 胃皿ted to show the mesh blocks 8gain, just check the sh帽 box in the Mesh List
area. You can do hide and show pretty III1Ch any part in Fl饵Sight following this samø
'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 理回E
20181鹏因 T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- U nIII

genera1 behavi町_ the only difference is where to look to show hidden it锢S. FI町
但创IIPle, iso-surfaces 1IOuld be in the Isosurface List, 2D-clips in the 2D-clip List
血rea, etc.

回11 一」
LIIõ'百3 工j 土J 立阳"3 1' """",,阳 王l
1泛I ~
恒i50'" Jõ一二 ω10 Enò阳一土生l
》将翁l Ust iJ x


臼le iso-surface definition can also be modified in a simil眩 way:

1. Riøht-c Hck on the fluid surface.

2.αloose Modify.

3. Choose Surf鹏伊Solid_volume_fixed to ch缸Jge the iso-surface to be of the solid

4. Choose Co lor by.Pressurø_Restart toωlor the solid ge侃侃ηby the fluid
5. Right-c lick on the color bar.
6. Choose Set min/ID8J[>Current viewport to update the color sω18.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 量1187
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

P ressure_R臼 tart (dyne/


押 ω 伺机∞


ω ∞

.. . .


" ' :"

{ l ·· . •

· ·· ·-


-u 、,、.·


" VJ



. . 二 •

-, ..





Time = 1.00

Alt钮:natively,世le Isosurface Li8t gives access to the 88118 information and a110'l'8
iso-surface8 to be sb例m after they have been hidden.ηle right-click menu provides
8ccess 邸11'811.

因言司。 C:-ju (I;J;) crd h.~

Time =1.00

1 .364酬。04

1 .022eφ004

~x 6.793e+OO3


• 「函照 ~.

No'l', let' 8 sb何 the fluid s町face colored by velocity:

1. Right--c lick OD the fluid surfl郎。.

Z. α1008e Idodify.
3.α1008e Surf制ψFluid_Restart to change the iSO-Burface to be of 钝le fluid.
4. Choose Co lor by.Vel饵 ity_Restart to color the solid geometry by the vel∞ity
5. Right-c lick on theωlor bar.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 理回目
20181鹏因 T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- U nIII

6.αloose Set min/max.Current viewport to update the color scale.

Ve locily_Resta 同 (cm/s)


Ì<' Time =1.00
Components and Partic阳
Componen tB C8ll be dbpl町ed 88 a colorable bO-9urfaoe 口r88 81l S也。f oonstant
oolor. their display is ωntrolled in the Ge销时ry List. Particles 8J飞e 8 1&0 treated
as geαuetry 1n Fl owS ight, 50 their disp18Y 111 8180 controlled 1n the Ge倒时ry List.
Manipulating the display of cαIIPOnents 8Ild particles is done the same way as was
described in Iso-surfaces. Let' s shaw the solid objects to give same context to the

Lαleok the Sh押 box next to 001四ponent 1 on 油。 G翩翩try List_ This will 曲。,蚀。
STL files assooiated with thís oouponent. If y础 wanted to show the 0αmponent as
aωlorable iso-surfac8, you 宵。uld ch<ωse All cωlponents 8lId defin8 a variable
in the Co lor by field.
Z. Click 011 the 001四red box 且ut to αunpol1el1t 1 8Ild choose a 001四r for compol1el1t 1.
Al ternatively, right-click on the component, ch∞S8 Const8llt color,也en choose
the des1red color for the d1splay of the S吼. file.
3. Right click on the fluid surface and adjust 也e transparency until you can see
世18 particles.

4. The size of the particles can be increased by right-clicking on the particles

and adjusting the Sca le factor to be larger.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 理擅自
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII
'咱帽 - .",‘民.
"'" Velocity Reslart (cmls)
co>o , . , 1.577e+002 _
1.183e+002 I
. .. 创僧,

自阳阳叫 " 信":!JP"百3·制" 二才

7.897e+00l I
3.961e+OOl I
2.462e.00l -

Time =1.00
阳.-.y llSt ["'Ei!i'U民 1 l_f.u U民!刷刷阳出 l

Creating New Pa叫S

No... that '1'8 1m白,'1' b.饵 to modify 8xisting parts, let' s 1∞k at how to create some ne...
onω. These are all er8ated using 他e buttons in the upp回~left eorner of the GUI.

~ ~ "'~ W ‘ 学 理 学 ~ .J]巳<... í理 翻 白
。叫sω百汀」↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ~
Create 2D-cllp. ←一一一_J I I I I L一一一一I HI. toryData

Cr e~英e St阳am llne . I I Vol un、 e Renderlng

Create VortexCo re. Cr eate 3Dalp

To prepare for this section. de!ete the existing iso-surface. hide the þ8的ieles 8Ild
geometry, and change to the Selected timeline:
1. Right-click on the iso-surface and choose Delete.
2. Open the Ge创肺try Li创.
3. Uncheck the Sh帽 00][ ne][t to Co四ponent 1.
4. Uncheck the Show 00][ nut to Parti c1e Restart.
5.αloose Selected for the timeline.


Let' 8 create an iBO-Burface of fluid fraction a且d color it by Froude nUllber. Ieep in
mind that the Froude number reported here is 8 d叩th-averaged vBlue 80 it ...111 not be
acc町Bte in areBS 胃Ihere there &re IllUl tiple f1uid surfaces (e.ι , under the nappe).

1. Click on the Cr础te Isosurfaces button.

E恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbII曲1øI11.t1m蛐翩翩'圃' 641117
20181鹏因 T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- U nIII

2. Select the mesh block. If 创lis were a multi-block simulatio~ you would usua11y
want to select 811 of the mesh blocks.
3.α1008e Fluid Sel阴ted for the Surface.
4. Leave the Isosurface value 8t 0.5. This will 缸百w a surface around any cell that
haa a fluid fraction greater than O. 5.
5. Choose Froude_Number_Selected 1n the Co lor by field.
6. Click Create.
7. Right-c lick on the color scale and choose 8&t MïnJHax.Current Viewport to reset
世le color scale.

8. For context, show C侃~nent 1 by checking the Show boz next to αlOlpOnen t 1 in
蚀。 Geametry List.

Time =1.25

Fro叫 e Number Se!回回

7 驭问..创焰 ....

5.678&'α)()I I
3.7 92..α)()
1.905..000 I
1.887.∞2 -回


Now, let' s add 8创De vector8.τo do this, we' re going to use the e.l:Ìsting iso-
surf邸e 8.8 the vector source:

1. ldake the iso-surface partially transparent by using 由e Transparency option in

世19 right-c lick menu.

2. Br ing up the right-c lick menu for this iso-surfac9 且gain and ch∞se Show
velocity vectors.
3. Now, change 蚀。 vector Density in 世le right click menu to O. 15. 由is will reduce
the number of vectors so ...e can still see the iso-surface through the vect町
4. Color the 四ctors with Velocity_Rest馆t hy right-c licking on the vectars and
choosir电 Color by.Vel∞ity_Restart.
5. Adj ust the size of the vectors by right-clicking on the vectors and adjusting
由e Scale factor to 0.005.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 理擅自
20181鹏因 T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

6. Right-c lick on the color sca1e for the veloci ty and choose Set Min/llax.Current
Viewport to reset the colO1' scale. Note 世I&t there 血re no曹 two 00101' 6cales: one
for the isosurface colO1'ing and one for the veetor
Time = 1.25

刷刷阳 蜘 酌
唰唰唰 唰 础

V例。city_SeIe<:协d (cml.)

1 .765e>∞2 ..四
1 .32如·∞2 I

4 ,411 0-*∞ 1 I
R且且由P 0.000ø .α卫0 -

Hide the fluid iso-surfa'ωand the vector6 (use 世18 right-eliek menu f 01' the veet01's)
to elean up the vi帽 f01' the next step. You may 8190 need to hide the color bars.

20 Clips
Lat' s create a series of 2D-clips to study the valocity profi1e:
1. Click on Create 2D clips.
2. Se1ect the mesh b1。此
3. Leave the X!V/Z !'1anes button selected.
4. Check the Create mu1tip1e plots box.
5. Leave the Direction set to .x.
6. Set the Start value to -10,馆le # of Blices to 9, and Delt凰 to 3. Th is will
define 9 2D Blices BP6Ced 3cm apart beginnill8 at x = - 10 8Ild proceediDg in the
posi ti ve x direction.
7. Choose Velocity_R础 tart in the Color by field and eliek cr制te.
8. Adjωt the color scale by right-clicking ∞ theωlor scale, Hodify,
世len setting the Min to 0 and the yax to 150.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃• 9#JI#I1
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- UnIII

Time = 1.25

Velocity_Sel 民led (cm/s)

1.500e+002 _
1.1 25e+002 I
7.500肘∞1 I I
3.750肘∞1 I

~峪萨 O.ωOe+O∞ -

Hide the 2D CliPB to cle811 Up the view for the next step. Th is i9 IIIDst eð9Ìly done by
using shift+left click to select 811 of 让le 2D clips in the 2D Clip List, right-
clicking, and chωsiug Hide. You 皿.y also need to hide the color bar.

FlowS ight C811 crωte both streamlines and pathlines. Since this case has 80118
particles and since p也,thlines are essentially particle tra.ces. let' s create sOlle
stream1 ines:

1. First, 1Je should ShOlf the mesh block for reference.αleck the Sh帽 buttOD n9t
to Block 1 on the Mesh List to show the mesh block.

2. Click on the Create StreUl lines button. This rill sh01J the Plane t∞1, 1Jhich
defines the seeding pl811e for the streamlines. Note that it has its own
coordinate S1st回.

3. Or ient the plane t∞1 to be perpendicular to the ìnlet of the domain. This is
easily done by right clicking on the origin of 蚀。 plane t∞1 and Ilh∞sing
Al ign-)汇 Then. IDOve the plane tool (left clillk on 仙。 origin of the t∞1 and
drag) close to the inlet. It may help to '9'ie曹 the geometry along the y-uis.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳1øIII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 61J摩7
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

.....回'lù._{!I;!_{l\li山 西可· A且J~

蛐t 叩 p锦 1,悔。,f.由例如r_A_W,白 ~
阳将 l 加抽回

F 崎曲Ic

'>1'0 l"'... 制 二J sou<,帽 i~Iocity_Re~ðft 二l

Emi: from lPIðne 二J lÞðd.巾r|



lr t13 1

r:oIor ~ 一
[抽by 圃E 主 Const副圄 1
S_y 1 T,". 相 d.....'"柿阳
Y 二卫生主广乙了1
[tL 「 … 1. 1
(1_ 1 cbse 11
4. Adjust the size of the plane t∞1 to be reasonable in c创!p81'ison to the d饵
by clicking on one of the corners of 他e plane tool and dragging. This is best
done in using the orthogra件ic vi回 looking in the X directio~

5. Increase the Points to be 10 in X and 4 ín Y. Note that this is ín the

coordinate Byste缸。f the pløne tool. not the global co馆dinate 8ystem.

6. ChooBe Velocity_Restert i且也e Color by field.

7. Click Create.

8. Hida 世18 mesh block by unchecking the Show button next to 810ck 1 。E the }l8sh

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 饵lt187
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

Time = 1.25

Velocity_ Selected (cmls)

∞∞ m

四" ∞

回len y剧, re done, hide the stre脑lines in pre阴tt"ation for tbe next step.

Volume Renders
Volum.a rendars are a powerful t∞1 for visuelizing bulk quantities that are not
easily viøwed with iso-surfacas 町2D clips. To d田nonstrata this, 'II'e ' 11 creata a
volum.e render of velωity:

1. Click on the Volumø Rendering button.

Z.αl&nge the Color by setting to Velocity_Rest町、
3. Set the Predefined regions setting to Fluid 1.
4. Set the Range to be between 17 and 181 (set Min to 17 and Max to 181).
5. Adjωt 世le transparency of the Range to 5也 and 100!6 for the Background. Th is
makas ca11s with values outside of the specified nmge 1001比 tr.皿sp&rant, whila
those inside the range 8ra ~ transparent.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 理嗣目
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

Name rVolume render . 1

color by 1Velocity_ Restart

Region to render
( Predefîned regÎons [FIUîd 1 主 I 0 Custom (Advanced)
口 Show advanced

旦 J

w - au



ry ua est




mu' c "t r

n ls



Ch. nges in this section will .忏e仨t . 11 volume renders with s. m e 仨。 l orby v,.ri.ble
r Rang e

Min [ 17 I Max 1181

|叫 ~
r Transparency options
Range c:::!( 15 1 %

Background 1 100 1 %

Transparency … ity [ ! ] l o 25 ,


le can now sωthat the volume rendering shows where the velocity exceeds 17 ~sec
as it approaches the opening in the weir. Also, ..e can see the fluid is
splashing, as ...ell as the velocity distribution inside 吐le nappe.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 理回E
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII



When y剧, re done, hide the volume render in pre院tt"ation f馆馆1e next step.

Hfsω叩 Data

History data is also available in Fl口wSight. To UBe it:

1. Click on the History data ic∞.

2. Choose a Data type. For 世lis exercise, we' 11 use G仰。ral
history data.
3. Select the desired variable. Ag8i~ for this exercise, let' s 1∞,k at the m.ass-
averaged fluid me础 kinetic energy.
4. Now choose Add to峭何以ot. This ...ill create a Ilew plot of 岱1e 皿ss唱:ven副sed
fluid _ killetic energy. If 皿1 tiple variables were selected, they would be
displayed on one plot.
5. Close the History Da ta dialog.
6. Hover over the origin of 由e new plot until the green handles discussed in
Ann otations show. 四le plot can be resized and moved using these handles.
7. Right click 011 创\e origin of the plot and choose Modify to open controls for
customizing the plot displ何. Feel free to try out a fe曹 options. For eumple,
you could adjust colors, font sizes, etc. to make the plot below. Note that the
gray vertical lille represents the curre且t time frame.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' fl1I87
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- UnIII
ì5; 1100
U 900
c 800
-'" 700
""Q)ε 600
吃2 500
c) 300

Q) 200

"" 。0.00 1 0.1 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 12'~
E ,

Time (s)

You can also have FlowS ight give the data in a te.x t format (Add to'臼.py to clipboard)
αr p10t mu1tip1e variables in indivi由a1 plots (Add to,lndividual n回 p1ots). Go
ahead and hide the plot in pre归ration for 世18 ne.xt st&P b,. right-c lickill8 on 世1&
origin of the plot and ch∞sing Hide.


Probes a110w yωto Bccess B阴cific infon国,tion frOlll the restart 8Ild selected data at
B p&rt icular 1ocation. For example. you C8lI use this to measure the pressure at the
bottOlll of the nappe:

1. Sho... the iso-surface that ...e created earlier. 冒'e ...ill use this as a ref町ance
确en p1acing the probe.

2. Click on the Probe buttω.

3. αlo08e Point probe in the upper left COl1ler of the Probe ...indow.

4. Look near the bott咀 of the Bcreen for the Pìck (usíng 'p' key) 凰ode for the
graphics window button

5. Click on the Pick butt侃 and chøose Pick cursor t∞1 locatio肌

6. No.... place the c町sor near under the nappe press 世leγkey to select 世lis
point for the 严obe. This ...i11 place a s皿11 coordinate system icon there.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 回回E
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- UnIII

7.αloose Selected data as the Data type.

8. Choose Preωure Selected as 由e Variable n础。.

9. Clickω Add to.New plot to create a ne... plot 。f press盯@ YS. till8 at this

10. You cen no曹 customize the plot as described in the Hist创'Y De.t e. section.

16000 且

14000 :

12000 :

10000 :

8000 1

6000 :

4000 :

2000 1

。 0 .1 0 .2 0.3 0 .4 0 .5 0 .6 0.7 0 .8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3

Hida the plot in pr~归ration for the next step by right-也lillking on the 町igin of 蚀。
plot end choosing Hide.

Using Viewports
Viewports allow you to view the results in different 宵'ays at the 8 811le time. Por
ellBIIIPle, you IlBll have one viewport show an iso-surfa.ce, another sh伺ing m clips, 8lId
a third showing a plot of sODIe history vari由le. To i11ustrate their use, 1I'Ð' 11
c:ompare en iso-surfa.ω...ith a volume rendering.
'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 冒.,
20181鹏因 T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U- U nIII

1. Go to the Isosurface List and make sure that the iso-surface that w8 created
earlier is sb何咀.

Z. Adj ust the tranll阳rency of the iso-surface 110 i t is Op明ue.

3. Al so, change the coloring of the iso-surface to use Velocity_Rest町t by right-

clicking on the iso-surface and choosing Color 坊.Veloci t y_Restø.r t.
4. Click on 由8 Volume rendering button and check the Show box next to 由8 volU118
rendsr. This should display 也8 volume rendering.
5. Adjust the color scale to be rωsonable (right click on 他e color bø.r and choose
Set Mi n/YaxMDur rent Vi仰port).
6. Now, right-白lick OD the backgroundωd ch∞se Vi帽ports.Spli t vertic a1.
7. Right-c lick 0且 the background of one vi回port and chooBe Link a11. This will
force both vi~地.rts to have the same orientation and ZOOlll level.
8. Now, select the iso-surfac8 in the Isosurface List.

9. Click on 世18 Visibility per 悦。wport button ( 出) . This will bring Up a window
that looks like this:
匾~缸』晶晶=-_ 2ll

10. Bach bOll: represents a 证明ort where the selected pø.r t (in this C8se. the
isosurface) is displayed. ihen the box is green, the iso-surface is displayed;
袖8n it is black the iso-surface will not be displayed. You can togg18 between
世18 t 1l"O by clicking on th8 bOll:. Set the viewport visibility for the iso-surface
to b8 凶 follows:
匾~缸』晶晶=-_ 2ll

11. Now, click on the volume render in the other viswport and adjust its visibility
to b8 as follows:

12. The final result should be the iBo-Burface displayed in the left viewport and
错le voll且De render displayed in the right view院:lrt.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 串11#11
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII


V创回即 R刷刷 (an时

,907 r."町 ....

1.43阳·四 I I
9.5348+01 I I

Time =1.25 4 .767e+01 I I

0 .0000.00 -

Note: To return to viewing a single viewport. right click on the background of one
of 由e viewports and ch∞se Viewports layout.l full. 1.幽,p in mind 由at the per-
vi崎优t visibility that w8 set 油ove will not be reset 阳n you do this. 一」

州notating 阳sults

'e C8且 add descriptioBs, titles, lWi 0饰自r annotations using the ωick text f阅ture
in the right click menu. Por example, to add a title to e皿:h vie胃port:

1. Right-c lick on the background in one of the vie町)Orts and choose Qu ick text.
2. Enter a title for the vi帽port and then clumge the size, ωlor. etc. to
something that you like.
3. Close the Qu ick text dialog.
4. Now, move the title into the desired 1ωatiOD.
5. Repeat steps 1--4 in the other viewport.

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' 醺揭7
20181回D T啤:rIaI ICW出9Wt-FLOW~ 圳1.1.0 U-U nIII

Iso-surface of fluid fraclion Volume render of velocily

colored by velocity


Velocity Reswrt 阳时叫

1907n"四 .-.

1 .43阳 · 四 I I
9 , 5348+01 I I
Time = 1.25 4.767e.Ol I I
O,OOOe.oo -

Saving Sessions and Context

FlowS ight 8110ws you to save your work using the Save Context buttω (国~ . 1毡脏e 81'e
two main options:

• Save context: The context is a record of the commands that have beeD issued for
this case. For example, it will record the definition and visibility of
lI.Ily iso-.surfaces, 2D- clips, annotatioDS, etc. However, it does not retain any
information about 岱IB particul 81' results file that is being analyzed. Context
files can be used to duplicate the PlowSight state with the same or a
different, but simil缸, dataset. 11Ie context file 1I'o rks best if the dataset it
is being applied to contains the same variable names and parts. but it can also
be used when this is not 世le case.
• Save session: Saving the session saves both the context and 就ich results file
is being anabzed.

To illustrate this functionality, 胃e will 跑回 the ses 8ÌoD, close FlowSight, and then
restore the seS81。且:

1. Click on the Save Context button.

2.αloose Save session.

3. Enter a name for tha session II.Ild press 01.

4. Exit FlowS ight.

5. Re-open FlowS ight and click on the Restore Context button {( .

6.αloose Restore 树ssìon.

7. Browse to the session file 由at you saved earlier and choose 侃

'恤mc:8Jow3Ø\11.1IbIIIp阳!ølII.tIm蛐翩翩'圃' fIMI7
201 EW123 TuIoriall Quick S恒 rt- FLOW-3D v11.1.0 User Man明l

8. The Restore progress dia10g wi11 appear and report the progress of the
restoration. When i t is comp1ete , close the Restore progress dia10g and the
simu1ation shou1d be as you 1eft it.

Note: A context fi1e can a1so be app1ied as a result file is opened via File
~ Open wi th the App1y context option se1ected in the Show advanced 10ad
options frame.

FLOW-3D and TruVOF are registered trademarks in the USA and other countries.

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