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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

Midterm MCQs (unit 1,2,3,5) ‫من كويزات سابقة‬

1. A ………………. is a particular area of interest.

a. domain b. system boundary c. system environment
d. system
2. One of the following is not a characteristic that effects software development.
a. malleability b. complexity c. usability d. size

‫ﺤ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
3. Software system should meet users’ needs. This characteristic is known as:

a. usable b. usefu c. flexible d. affordable

4. One of the following is not a characteristic of legacy systems.
a. Large b. critical to business c. difficult to understand d. easy to

life cycle.
a. Incremental development ‫ﺍ‬
5. ……………… model is a software development model that has purely sequential

‫ﻟ‬ b. Waterfall c. Iteration d. MDA

carried out.

‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﺮ‬
6. A …………………… is a condition that must be hold before a use case can be

‫ﺎ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
a. Precondition b. postcondition c. compound condition d. nested condition

7. ……………………. Is a stereotype that represents two or more use cases have

‫ﻥ‬ common task.

a. <<Extend>> b. <<abstract>> c. <<include>> d. << interface>>

8. A ……………. Association is represented by preceding a role name with a slash.

a. Qualified b. inheritance c. composition d. derived

9. A ……………………. is a graphical presentation of a collection of model elements.

a. Diagram b. artefacts c. deliverable d. traceability
10.A ………….. model describe objects and their relationship.
a. dynamic b. deployment c. static d. implementation
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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

11.Identify which of the following element is not associated with Use Case
a. an actor b. extend stereotype
c. include stereotype d. aggregate relationship

12. Functional requirements are those requirements that specify the _____ of a
a. reliability b. behavior c. usability d. all of the above

Activity Diagrams:
a. associations b. initial node, final node ‫ﻣ‬
13.Identify which of the following modeling element is not associated with

c. swimlanes d. fork and join

a. iterative b. product
‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
14.Which one is not a lifecycle model for software development process?
c. waterfall d. incremental

15.A requirements has to be:

a. traceable
c. traceable and realistic
‫ﻟ‬ ‫ﺍ‬ b. traceable, realistic and design dependent
d. traceable, realistic, and design independent

‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﺮ‬
16.During the search process for classes, the following are useful sources of objects:

a. Tangible objects b. roles c. organizational units d. all of the above

‫ﻥ‬ ‫ﺎ‬
17.In class diagram, ___________ represents how many of one sort of thing can
be related to another sort of thing.
a. Multiplicity b. class c. association d. role

18.Product X must check a user’s identity, is an example of ___________.

a. functional, business requirement b. functional, technical solution requirement
c. non-functional requirement d. a and b
19.____________ is a record of your notes, thoughts, drawings, ideas and
decisions as you work on a project.
a. Glossary b. Summaries record c. risks record d. project notebook

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

20.The form of decomposition where modules are independent is called:

a. Partitions b. projection c. Independent modules d. uncoupled modules

21.A working version of a software which include a subset of the function

required from the final product is called:
a. Prototype b. Legacy system c. module d. Partition

22.Non-functional performance requirement deals with:

a. External factors b. speed factors c. internal factors d. security factors

company's logo" is an example of:

a. Functional business requirement
‫ﻤ‬ ‫ﺤ‬
23.The statement: "The system must borrow the colors and design of the

b. Functional technical requirement
c. Non-functional look and feel requirement
d. Non-functional usability requirement


‫ﻟ‬ ‫ﺍ‬
24.In a car rental company, “renting a car” is one of the _________of the

a. Constraints b. domains c. rules d. processes

‫ﻀ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
25.A software characteristic that is related to ease of use is called:
a. Maintainability
b. Malleability

c. Flexibility

26.The activity where requirements are categorized and prioritized, and examined
for their properties of consistency, completeness and non-ambiguity is called:
d. Elicitation
e. Gathering
f. Analysis and negotiation
g. Validation
27.Special requirements that come about because of people involved in the
product’s development and operation:
a. Cultural and political
b. Performance
c. Maintainability
d. Operational

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

28.A system ………………………… distinguishes between the internal and external

components of a system
a. Boundaries
b. Interface
c. Use cases
d. Actors

29.Which diagram demonstrated who does what in a system?

h. Activity
i. Use case

j. Class
k. Object

used in place of the more general element.

l. Generalization
m. Specialization
‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
30.……..………………. illustrates that an instance of the more specific element can be

n. Substitutability

‫ﻟ‬ ‫ﺍ‬
31.The “exclude” stereotype is related to which part of the use case?

‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﺮ‬
o. Pre-condition
p. Post-condition
q. Main success scenarios

r. Alternative scenarios

32.……………………. causes transitions in an activity diagram

s. Synchronization bar
t. Event
u. Completion of an activity
v. Guard
33.In a car rental company, “renting a car” is one of the …………...of the business:
a. Constraints b. Rules c. domains d. Processes

34.A ………… is an association, in which both of its ends terminate on the same class.
a. link b. qualified association c. recursive association d. derived association

35. One of the following is not an important characteristic that effects software development
a. size b. malleability c. complexity d. integrity

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

36. …………… a collection of computer programs and related data that provide
instructions to tell computer what to do.
a. software b. system c. hardware d. domain

37. ………………is made up of those things which are not part of the system, but
which can either affect the system or be affected by it.
a. system b. system boundary c. system’s environment d. domain

a. domain b. coupling c. cohesion d. system

‫ﺤ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
38. System an assembly of components that are connected together in an organised way.

concerns of making Software easy to change.

‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
39. One of the characteristics that effect software development and which

a. size b. malleability c. complexity d. usability

‫ﻟ‬ ‫ﺍ‬
‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﺮ‬
‫ﺎ‬ ‫ﻀ‬

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

Finals (MCQs) ‫من الفيناالت السابقة على كل المنهج‬

1. …………is the ability of the system to operate correctly, produce the same
results and do the same thing each time under the same conditions.
a. reliability b. capacity c. speed d. accuracy

2. Actors are used in …………… diagram.

a. class b. activity c. state chart d. use case

3. Guards are used in ……………. diagram.
a. State-chart b. sequence c. activity d. all of them

‫ﻤ‬ ‫ﺤ‬
4. One of architecture view which addresses concurrent aspects of the
system at run-time, including all system processes and system start-up and shut-

a. logical view b. process view c. deployment view d. functional view

5. Types of systems that are large, complex, integrated with other systems and
require many diverse interfaces……………….

a. legacy systems b. critical systems c. enterprise systems d. embedded systems

‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﺮ‬
6. ………………….factors concern of people-technology relationship. It's a
technological artifact that supports human activities.
a. Process related b. task related c. person-related d. product-related human

‫ﺎ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
7. One of person-related individual factors, where the characteristics of
individuals matching characteristics of a job is ………………..

a. motivation b. competence c. communication d. complexity

8. Reviewing the detailed design is an example of formal …………………… media.

a. impersonal b. interpersonal c. impersonal d. electronic

9. Informing the team about changes to the requirements is an example of

formal …………
a. impersonal b. interpersonal c. impersonal d. electronic

10. If risk is seen as low probability and low cost, project manager recommend
that risk be accepted. This strategy is known as………..:
a. risk reduction b. risk transfer c. risk avoidance d. risk retention

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

11. One of the following is not a risk category…………….

a. risk reduction b. project risks c. technical risks d. business risks

12. "Do not use Java, because the software engineers have no experience
of Java." is an example of …………...
a. risk retention b. risk avoidance c. risk transfer d. risk reduction

13. A diagram the represents the workflow of each task …………….

a. use case diagram b. package diagram c. class diagram d. activity diagram

14. ……….. is the process of exercising software to check that it does what it is
supposed to.
a. Testing b. analysis c. design

‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
15. ………. is the formal testing of an entire system, conducted by a customer, to
determine whether it satisfies its acceptance criteria and thus whether the

customer should accept the system.
a. system testing b. acceptance testing c. unit testing d. stress testing

‫ﺮ‬ ‫ﻟ‬
16.…………... is a software quality factor that determine how well the software
does what the customer wants;

a. Portability b. Correctness c. Flexibility d. Maintainability

‫ﺎ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
17.…………... testing occurs during developmental testing and system
maintenance, and checks that fixing one bug has not introduced others.
a. Regression b. Unit c. System d. acceptance

18.An object oriented metric that is defined as the number of relationships the
class has with other classes.
a. DIT b. NOC c. RFC d. CBO

19.……………….. is a domain that concerns with the detection and prevention of

unauthorized actions by users of a computer system.
a. Computer security b. Modification c. Repudiation d. e-commerce

20.The term ___________ is used to refer to the degree of interdependence

among the different components of a system.
a. coupling b. cohesion c. partition d. projection

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

21.A boolean statement which must be true before executing a code, and it is the
client responsibility to check that it is true:
a. assertion b. invariant c. pre-condition d. post-condition

22.One of the following characteristic effect software developments.

a. reliable b. usable c. malleability d. useful

a. Matrix organization b. quality circle c. Pert chart

‫ﺤ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
23.………….. is a popular way of organising a software development company, and
it allows people to be managed appropriately at an organizational level.
d. Gantt chart

a. People b. project c. quality

‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
24.…………….. management is more concerned with controlling costs and making
sure that the software is produced on time.
d. configuration

‫ﻟ‬ ‫ﺍ‬
25.Scoring the likelihood of each risk as ‘high’ or ‘low’ and its impact as ‘high’ or
‘low’, and only worry about the high-risk, high-cost events, this approach is

used to …………… .
a. Identify risk b. asses risk seriousness c. avoid risk d. accept risk

‫ﻀ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
26.A claim that something is either true or false is known as:…………..

a. invariant b. DBC c. inertial d. assertion

27.………….Is a project management chart that emphasise the times at which
things happen.
a. Gantt chart b. pert chart c. quality circle d. state chart

28.Factors that affect estimating time and resources of a software system.

a. Size b. complexity c. flexibility d. a and b

29.Succession of stages responsible for the final quality delivered to customer is

known as…………
a. Quality circle b. quality management c. Quality chain d. TQM

30.One of the following software characteristics does not affect the development process:
a. Malleability b. Complexity c. Size d. flexibility

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

31.A software that can be easily modified to meet the user needs is
a.Flexible b. Reliable c. Available d. Usable

32.Legacy systems are not

a. Large b. Easy to maintain c. Critical to business d. None of the above

33.The model that assumes that we can perform analysis, design, implementation

and testing in one sequence is called ……………. model.
b. iterative b. waterfall c. incremental d. spiral

‫ﻤ‬ ‫ﺤ‬
34.The diagram that is used to model the coordination and sequencing of actions
in order to achieve a given purpose is ………

a. use case diagram b. activity diagram

c. class diagram d. state chart diagram

35.The Law of Demeter states that a method, say m, in a class A should not refer
to another class, say B, unless B is the class of:

c. an instance variable used in the method m;
d. a parameter to the method m;

f. a and b
e. An object returned by the method m;

36.Which of the following strategies for implementing "use cases" is more


a.Using a class for each actor b. Using a class for each use case

c. Using one central class d. None of the above

37.___________ for (of) a module is a service that the module needs in order to
work correctly.
a. context dependency b. interface c. interconnection d. structure

38.___________ are instances of a use case.

a. Classes b. Scenarios c. Objects d. Links

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

39.The following collaboration diagram is an example of:

a. The cascade pattern
b. The fork pattern
c. The join pattern
d. All of the above

40.In a state chart diagram, ___________ is something that the object does, such
as sending a message to itself or to another object.
a.An action b. an event c. a state

‫ﺤ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
d. Self-transition

a. Customer
the above
b. User

‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
41.A ___________ is the person who pays for a software system.
c. Domain expert d. None of

42.A ___________ is an association, both of whose ends terminate on the same class.
a. Link b. Qualified c. Recursive d. Derived

a.Time b. Call
43.An entry and exit events are ___________ events.

c. Signal d. Change

‫ﻀ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
44. ………….diagram is not considered as a behavioral UML diagram.
a. Class b. Communication c. Sequence d. Activity

‫ﻥ‬ ‫ﺎ‬
45. Package diagrams are designed for:
a. organizing a large project into components
b. depicting the overall structure of a system
c. assisting testing
d. all of the bove

46. Which statement is false about a use case?

a. a use case may have many scenarios
b. a use case can be traced to a discrete goal
c. UML use case diagrams are designed to replace textual description since a
picture is better than a thousand words
d. a use case must be initiated by an actor

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

47. Which of the following statements is false about interaction diagrams?

a. Interaction diagrams involve of sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams
b. Within Sequence Diagram, each vertical line is called the object's lifeline; each
message is represented by an arrow between the lifelines.
c. Condition is represented by { xxx }
d. Iteration is represented by *

48. The association between a class and itself is known as:

a. aggregation b. composition c. inheritance d. recursive association

49. Which design pattern is used to create complex instance hierarchy.
a. creator b. Factory c. Singleton d. MVC

50. ………….. is used to represent project plan.

a. Gantt chart b. PERT chart
‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
c. matrix organization d. a and b

52. A Project manager decides to send all software engineers on a UML training
course so all the has a common understanding of current best practice in using

UML. This strategy to deal with such risk is known as……………….

a. risk retention

‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﺮ‬
b. risk transfer c. risk reduction d. risk avoidance

52. The degree to which the employee receives information about the

effectiveness of their performance is known as………………..

‫ﻥ‬ ‫ﺎ‬
a. skill variety b. feedback c. autonomy d. task identity

53. One of the following is not a factor that effect functioning of a team
a. team structure
c. team leadership
b. team goals
d. team communication

54. Documentation, schedules and data dictionaries, are considered as

………… media of communication.
a. formal impersonal b. formal interpersonal
c. informal interpersonal d. electronic

55. The proposed software system should allow students to do online

registration. This is an example of …………… requirement.
a. non-functional b. functional c. security d.cultural

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

56. The online registration should be able to handle 100 students at the same
time. This is an example of …………..requirement.
a. usability b. look and feel c. performance d. operational

57. ………… are intruders who test their skills against the security measures of a
system for their personal pleasure.
a. hackers b. competitors c. Fraudsters d. developer

58. Business .................... define what is done in a business, by whom, in what
order, needing which resources, and with what consequences

a. domain b. rules c. resources d. processes

a. [....... ] b. <...... > c. <<........ >>

‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
59. In UML diagrams guard is represented using ............... brackets.
d. {...}

17. In UML notations the Merge node is used in ............ diagram

a. sequence b. use case c. class d. activity
60. ………….. is something done to an object such as sending it a message

a. a transition b. an event c. an action d. a state

This is an example of:

61. A TMA submission link will be closed automatically after the deadline.

a. signal event b. change event c. time event d. call event

‫ﺎ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
62. An alarm system produces sound if there is a lot of smokes. This is an example of:
a. signal event b. change event c. time event d. call event

63.Which off the following is a drawback (disadvantage) of the water fall model
a. A working version of the system is not available until late in the testing activity
a. Any error detected in the working version could be very costly to fix.
b. Rarely works in real life
c. All of the above.

64.When DbC is used, any problem that might occur at run-time is the
responsibility of
a. Either the client or the supplier.
b. The supplier.
c. Either the client or the supplier, but not both.
d. The client.

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

65.defensive programming means

a. It is the responsibility of each operation to check its preconditions before it proceeds.
b. It is the responsibility of the message sender to check the preconditions of
the operation.
c. It is the responsibility of both the sender and the operation to check the
d. It is the responsibility of each operation to check its post-conditions.

customer's requirements is known as :

a. Verification
‫ﺤ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
66.The process of checking that each system description is consistent with the

b. Validation
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
67.Which of the following is the most commonly used risk management strategy
a. Risk avoidance

b. Risk retention

c. Risk reduction
d. Risk Transfer

‫ﻀ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
68.The risks that may negatively affect a project but which derive from the client
and/or user environments are called

a. Project risks
b. Technical risks

‫ﻥ‬ c. Business risks

d. Management risks
69.One of the following is not a product transition requirement
a. Portability
b. Integrity
c. Reusability
d. Interoperability
70.Correctness is measured in
a. Portability
b. Integrity
c. Reusability
d. Interoperability
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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

71.One of the following is not a product revision requirement

a. Interoperability
b. Maintainability
c. Flexibility
d. Testability

72.Assertions can be checked at the following monitoring level

a. Check all assertions
b. Check pre-conditions only
c. Check post-conditions only

‫ﺤ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
d. All of the above

73.The interfaces needed by a component to supply its services are called
a. Provided interfaces
b. Required interfaces

c. Needed interfaces

d. Inherited interfaces

74.A component is
a. A replaceable piece of software

b. A reusable piece of software

c. a and b
d. None of the above

‫ﻥ‬ ‫ﺎ‬
75.One of the following is not a SQF that is affected by product transition
a. Testability
b. Portability
c. Reusability
d. Interoperability

76.Maintainability is measured in
a. Defects per KLOC
c. Run time errors per second
d. Function points

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

77.A Boolean statement which must be true after executing of a code.

a. Assertion
b. Invariant
c. Pre-condition
d. Post-condition

78.One of architecture view which addresses concurrent aspects of the system at

run-time, including all system processes and system start-up and shut-down.
a. Logical view
b. Process view
c. Deployment view
‫ﺤ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
d. Functional view

‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
79.……………… is a precise and testable statement of a requirement .

a. Fit criteria
b. Non-functional requirement
c. Artifact
d. Deliverables

‫ﺮ‬ ‫ﻟ‬
a. Activity
b. Use case ‫ﻣ‬
80.Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams are known as ………… diagram.

‫ﻥ‬ ‫ﺎ‬
c. Interaction
d. Structural

81.A ……………. Modeling helps in capturing requirements?

a. Class
b. Use case
c. Object
d. Interaction

82.Volere template provides a disciplined/systematic way of :

a. Producing design
b. Testing system
c. Recording requirements
d. All of the above
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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

83.A document that cross-references the different words that are to be used on
the project, and explains how they interrelate is called:
a. Glossary
b. Scenario
c. Activity diagram
d. Class diagram

84.……………… is a distributed computing system (often using the internet) where

commercial transactions take place.
a. Firewall
b. Computer security
c. Threat
d. E-commerce
‫ﻤ‬ ‫ﺤ‬
85.The main function of a prototype is to …………
a. Facilitate requirements analysis ‫ﺪ‬
b. Reduce the risk of the requirements being identified incorrectly
c. Test the software system after it is being complete

d. a and b

a. developer
86. Acceptance tests are normally conducted by the

b. end users c. test team d. systems engineers

‫ﺎ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
87.Functional analysis is a ______ testing technique, whereas functional testing is
a _________ testing technique.

a. static, dynamic b. unit, integration c. dynamic, static d. integration, unit

88.Input Domain testing uses

a. test data that covers the extremes of each input domain
b. test data that covers the midrange of each input domain
c. boundary analysis and equivalence partitioning
d. all of the listed choices

89.Selecting test data on the basis of features of the function to be computed is

a. axiomatic analysis b. error guessing
c. branch testing d. special value testing
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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

90.Syntax testing evaluates the program's ability to handle:

a. data outside the normal range b. process flows
c. incorrectly formatted data d. report generation

91.Test stubs and harnesses are most often used during:

a. unit testing b. integration testing c. system testing d. all of the listed choices


‫ﺤ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
92.Which of following are advantages of using LOC (lines of code) as a size-oriented

a. LOC can be computed before a design is completed. b. LOC is easily

c. LOC is a language dependent measure. d. LOC is a language independent measure.

93.Which of the following need to be assessed during unit testing?
a. algorithmic performance and code stability
b. error handling

‫ﺮ‬ ‫ﻟ‬ c. execution paths

94.Which of the following provide useful measures of software quality?

a. correctness, maintainability, integrity, usability
b. correctness, maintainability, size, satisfaction

c. reliability, maintainability, integrity, sales
d. correctness, business relevance, integrity, usability

‫ﻥ‬ ‫ﺎ‬
95.Which of the following are advantages of using function points (FP) as a
measure of the functionality delivered by a software application?
a. FP is easily computed. b. FP is a language dependent measure.
c. FP is a language independent measure.
d. FP can be computed before a design is completed.

a. both c and d b. both c and a c. Only a d. both b and

96.COCOMO II is an example of a suite of modern empirical estimation models

that require sizing information expressed as
a. any of the listed choices b. lines of code c. object points

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

97.LOC-based estimation techniques require problem decomposition based on

a. project schedule b. software functions
c. process activities d. information domain values

98.The number of people required for a software project is determined

a. by the size of the project budget.
b. from an assessment of the technical complexity of the system.
c. after an estimate of the development effort is made.

d. all of the mentioned choices

99.In the UML, a way of adding detail to a model element is known as:
a. Expansion b. Stereotype
c. Elimination

‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
d. None of the above

100. Which of the following models shows the possible life histories of an object
of a class?

a. Static View b. Use Case View
c. State Machine View d. None of the above

integrity of the system is:
101. If a computer system have four major types of threats, then the maximum

a. 100 b. 1
b. 4 c. 2

‫ﺎ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
102. Black box testing alone is not enough because:
a. indicate poor coverage levels

b. may not reveal that a customer requirement has been omitted in
c. not suitable for all types of systems
d. all of the above

103. Architectural models of different systems having aspects in common.

Chunks of architectures that can be reused in this way are usually called:
a. Pattern b. Product line
c. Frameworks d. None of the above

104. Which of the following is not included in system testing:

a. restart testing b. performance testing
c. stress testing d. regression testing
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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

105. One way to measure maintainability is:

a. By mean time to change (MTTC) b. By measuring quality
a. By measuring integrity d. Cannot be measured

106. There are several different types of risks that impinge on projects. Those
that are often far harder to identify, as they may come from areas outside the
project manager’s control, are known as:
a. Technical risks b. Project risks

c. Quality risks d. Business risks

107. The estimated effort is measured in:
a. KLOC b. Person-months
c. months d. cyclomatic metric

‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
108. In a Use Case diagram, which stereotype is used when 2 or more Use Cases
share the same behavior?

a. <<extend>> b. <<include>>
c. <<share>> d. <<access>>

a. class diagram
109. An object diagram may be viewed as an instance of:
b. activity diagram

c. structural diagram d. non of the above

110. Integrity of a software product could be measured by considering:
a. denial of service b. accidental attack

‫ﻥ‬ ‫ﺎ‬

111. Unit testing belongs to:

a. usability testing
c. regression testing
d. a & b

b. development testing
d. requirements-based testing

112. Activity diagrams are useful in:

a. analysis b. implementation
c. testing d. a & b

113. The …………… should test a prototype of borrowing and returning books.
a. developer b. librarian
c. borrower d. administrator

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

114. which of the following metrics is used in modern object-oriented paradigm

a. DIT b. CBO
c. NOC d. all of the above

115. Which of the following tasks usually requires the largest percentage of
effort and time?
a. requirement analysis b. design
c. coding d. testing

a. planning the project schedule

b. keeping project on schedule
‫ﺤ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
116. Which of the following is not a responsibility of a project manager

d. Non of the above

‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
c. Finding the right people to work on the project

117. A post-condition violation indicates a defect in the...... 

a. Supplier
b. Client

c. Supplier and Client
d. Method prototype

a. Class
‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﺮ‬
In Accounts::AccountsReceived::Customer, AccountsReceived represents a(n) .... 

b. Object

c. Package d. a or b

‫ﻥ‬ ‫ﺎ‬
119. In collaboration diagram , object creation and destruction is shown by the
UML notations ................. and .............., respectively. 

a. {create}, {destroyed}
c. {new}, {destroyed}
b. {create}, {delete}
d. None of the above

120. Risk retention means that………..

a. The risk can be avoided.
b. The risk can be reduced
c. The risk can be accepte
d. a and b
121. “Are we building the right product” can be used as a brief definition for .........

a. Verification b. Validation
c. Testing d. All the above

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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

122. The term …. Is used to refer to the degree of closeness between the activity
within a single module.
a. cohesion. b. coupling.
c. partition. d. projection.

123. In an activity diagram , …… is used when two or more concurrent activities

must finish before continuing.
a. a synchronization bar.

b. a decision diamond
c. a guard

d. a swimlane.

a. supplier.
b. client .
c. inertial convention.
124. A pre-condition violation indicates a defect in the …….

d. a and b.

125. which of the following is measured by defects per KLOC ?
a. usability b. correctness
c. size

‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﺮ‬ d. complexity

126. EJBs is an abbreviation for _____ .

a. extended Java Balls
b. extended Java Beans

‫ﻥ‬ ‫ﺎ‬
c. Enterprise Java Beans
d. None of above .

127. In a state chart diagram, a(n) ______ is something that the object dose, such
as sending a message to itself or to another object .
a. state
b. event
c. self-transition
d. action

128. The Law of Demeter allows an object to send message to _____.

a. the object itself
b. any object not communicated as parameters of the current method
c. any object to which the object has indirect link.
d. b and c
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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

129. “ do not use Java, because the software engineers have no experience of
Java.” Is an example of them .
a. risk retention
b. risk avoidance
c. risk transfer
d. risk reduction

130. One of the following software characteristics does not affect their development
a. Malleability

b. Complexity
c. Size
d. None of the above

131. The Use Case model is important because it

‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
a. helps in modeling to requirements of a software system.

b. acts as a discussion tool between developer and user
c. offers a common language for agreeing the function of the software

system .
d. all of the above

‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﺮ‬
132. We need object diagram because
a. They are useful for checking our understanding of concepts and relationships .

b. A pair of object diagram is useful for showing the system before and after some
operation has been performed on it .

‫ﻥ‬ ‫ﺎ‬
c. they help determine whether or not some configuration of objects is valid
d. all of the above

133. Which of the following is not a software quality factor that is affected by the
product operation requirement :
a. Correctness
b. Reliability
c. Efficiency
d. None of the above

134. Integrity is the attribute that determines

a. How well system fulfils the customers overall objectives
b. The likelihood with a system is expected to perform its functions
c. How the data is secured
d. all of the above
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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

135. In systems that support assertion monitoring, level 2 represents:

a. Checking invariants only
b. Checking pre-conditions only
c. Checking post-conditions only
d. Checking pre-and post-conditions

136.One of the following is not a component of a framework

a. Architecture

b. Component repository
c. Documentation

d. none of the above

137.Correctness is measured in
a. Defects per KLOC
b. Defects per LOC
c. Mean time to change
‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
d. None of the above

138.Java gives most of what is wanted to implement components except
a. Provided interfaces cannot be divided

‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﺮ‬
b. Required interfaces cannot be made explicit
c. Required interfaces cannot be divided
d. a and b

‫ﺎ‬ ‫ﻀ‬
139.The process of examining an artifact in order to determine how it was built is called
a. Reversed engineering

b. Forward engineering
c. Decoding
d. Code degeneration

140.The interfaces needed by a components to supply its services are called

a. Providing interfaces
b. Required interfaces
c. Needed interfaces
d. Inherited interfaces
141. One of the following is not a general type of requirements
a. product operation requirements
b. product revision requirements
c. product transition requirements
d. Low cost requirement
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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

142. a …. Describes a sequence of interaction between the system and some actors.
a. Use case
b. Sequence diagram
c. Scenario
d. Collaboration diagram

143 : Room Available is an example of :

a. Stereotype

b. Guard
c. Invariant

d. Action
144: Class model is not sufficient to describe a system because …
a. Class model is a static model
b. class model is a dynamic model
c. of its associations
d. None of the above
‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻤ‬
charts emphasize ……..

‫ﻟ‬ ‫ﺍ‬
145: Unlike Gantt charts which emphasize times at which things happen, PERT

a. Concurrency b. Synchronization
c. Sequence

‫ﻣ‬ ‫ﺮ‬ d. Interdependencies

146: A diagram that shows the flow of control from an activity to another is called:

a. An activity diagram
b. A collaboration diagram

‫ﻥ‬ ‫ﺎ‬
c. State machine diagram
d. Use care diagram

147: the cost of reusing components comes from :

a. searching for suitable one
b. paying for it if it is used for a commercial purpose
c. adapting the design or the component to fit your purpose
d. all of the above

148:…… means that the description of the same part of the system do not
contradicts other.
a. correctness
b. consistency
c. usability
d. integrity
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M363 MCQs Collected By/Waleed Omar

149: which of the following techniques are used measure that complexity :
a. lines-of-code (LOC)
b. Cyclomatic metric
c. function point analysis (FPA)
d. all of the above.

150: A black box testing is concerned about :

a. detail of the implementation

b. specification of the system
c. security of the data

d. effort required to couple systems together

151: One way in dealing with risks which may appear during SW development is

to accept that risk if it has low probability of occurrence and cost is known as :
a. risk avoidance
b. risk retention

c. risk reduction
d. risk transfer

‫ﺮ‬ ‫ﻟ‬
152: The task of keeping track of different versions of items created during
software development is the responsibility of :

a. project management
b. people management

c. configuration management
d. quality management

‫ﻥ‬ ‫ﺎ‬
153: A diagram that shows a history of an object is :
a. activity diagram
b. use case diagram
c. state machine diagram
d. sequence diagram

154: ……. A class of risk tat is associated with the management of a project:
a. project risks b. technical risks
c. business risks d. implementation risks

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