Emulsifying Performance of Modular B-Sandwich Proteins: The Hydrophobic Moment and Conformational Stability

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Protein Engineering, Design & Selection vol. 19 no. 12 pp.

537–545, 2006
Published online October 25, 2006 doi:10.1093/protein/gzl041

Emulsifying performance of modular

b-sandwich proteins: the hydrophobic moment
and conformational stability

W.Stuart Annan, Michael Fairhead, Patricia Pereira and (Dickinson and Matsumura, 1991), which are thought to
Christopher F.van der Walle1 stabilize the viscoelastic protein film around oil droplets.
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Emulsifying proteins studied to date are often composed of
27 Taylor Street, Glasgow, UK a-helical and/or random coil structure in aqueous solution and
To whom correspondence should be addressed.
may lose or gain a-helical structure during interfacial
E-mail: chris.walle@strath.ac.uk adsorption (Caessens et al., 1999; Burnett et al., 2002). The
interfacial activity of the globular protein myoglobin has been

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Our understanding of protein emulsifying properties is
largely based on analysis of emulsifiers found in milk shown to be due to alignment of amphipathic a-helices
and seed. The 9th–10th type III fibronectin domain pair at the interface (Poon et al., 1999), correlating with the
retains full biological activity following emulsification– calculated hydrophobic moment (Poon et al., 2001b). Thus,
encapsulation into polyester microspheres, for controlled secondary structure clearly plays a role in emulsion stability.
delivery, but the conformational criteria determining emul- b-lactoglobulin provides an example of a b-sheet protein with
sification efficiency (EE) are unknown. Here, we have gen- emulsifying activity, comprising mainly b-sheet and random
erated a series of mutants of this b-sandwich coil but also a-helical structure (Qin et al., 1998). The
protein, changing the hydrophobic moment and conforma- structural criteria governing the emulsifying properties of
tional stability, to investigate the structure–emulsification modular b-sandwich proteins are less clear. Recently, the
relationship. Predictive modelling of the hydrophobic modular protein fibronectin (FN), was shown to strongly
moment of b-strands and mutations known to increase con- adsorb to the oil/water interface, displacing BSA even when at
formational stability were used to generate the series. The lower concentrations (Vaidya and Ofoli, 2005). This was
proteins were tested for their emulsion stability and EE for suggested to be a consequence of the flexibility of FN in
oil-in-water mixtures. We show that the stabilization of solution, afforded by its modular nature and cryptic self-
emulsions by b-sandwich proteins is best predicted by con- association sites (Johnson et al., 1999), such that energetically
formational stability during equilibrium denaturation in favourable conformations at the interface were rapidly
ionic surfactant. In contrast, the EE of these proteins is adopted. Thus, the emulsifying properties of modular b-sand-
inversely related to an increase in their surface hydropho- wich proteins depend upon domain–domain interactions in
bicity following unfolding in surfactant. We also describe a addition to secondary structure criteria. An understanding
novel b-sandwich emulsifier with strong EE. The require- of their mechanism will be of importance to pharmaceutical
ment for interdomain flexibility to achieve maximum emul- formulation via emulsification and polymer encapsulation
sion stability and EE is also shown. This work increases (Bouissou et al., 2004; Mordenti et al., 1999).
our understanding of the mechanisms involved in protein Here we have used the human fibronectin 9th–10th type III
emulsification and will be of use to the microencapsulation domain pair (9-10FNIII, Figure 1) as a scaffold on which to
of proteins into polyester microspheres via emulsion- superpose residues bringing about change to the hydrophobic
extraction protocols. moment and conformational stability. Starting from a scaffold
Keywords: Beta-sandwich/protein/structure/emulsification/ whose emulsification properties are uncharacterized may
unfolding appear counter-intuitive, but the approach has several attrac-
tions: (i) it will employ and so test current hypotheses of
protein structural criteria for emulsion stability/EE, (ii) the
Introduction FN-type III fold is structurally well characterized down to
Protein-stabilized emulsions have been studied extensively specific contributions from individual residues (Leahy et al.,
with respect to the properties of milk-proteins and seed- 1996; Plaxco et al., 1997; Spitzfaden et al., 1997), and this is of
proteins (Creamer et al., 1998; van der Ven et al., 2001; great potential to the design of recombinant proteins with a
Burnett et al., 2002). Emulsions stabilized by proteins are range of specific characteristics aimed at dissecting emulsifica-
of great importance to the food industry and are becoming tion properties at the structural level and (iii) de-novo design of
increasingly important to the pharmaceutical industry; specif- emulsifying properties has previously been reported for a
ically, protein controlled release formulations via emulsion– peptidic series (Saito et al., 1995), suggesting that a similar
encapsulation into polymeric microspheres (Carino et al., approach with a protein series is not unfeasible.
2000; Egilmez et al., 2000; Robertson et al., 2001). During The work described uses site-directed mutagenesis to
emulsification, proteins are generally accepted to adsorb at the increase the hydrophobic moment (a measure of amphipathic-
oil/water interface and undergo conformational changes, gen- ity) of individual b-strands within each domain. We also
erally unfolding (Sah, 1999; van de Weert et al., 2000). These explore the role of domain stability using previously described
changes promote hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions FNIII mutants, which are progressively more stable to
(Dickinson and Matsumura, 1991; Damodaran et al., 1998), chemical denaturation (van der Walle et al., 2002; Altroff
and, where possible, disulphide-mediated polymerization et al., 2004). We have sought to avoid residues specifically
 The Author 2006. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. 537
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W.S.Annan et al.

aimed at causing hydrophobic surface patches on natively server (http://www.bmm.icnet.uk/servers/3djigsaw/) (Bates

folded protein, because the emulsifying role of such regions et al., 2001). The models were refined by minimization and
is well understood (Toren et al., 2002). Similarly, our use of molecular dynamics using the GROMACS program (Lindahl
mutants of distinct conformational stability negates the use of et al., 2001). The quality of the models during refinement was
chemical denaturant to evaluate the emulsification properties continually assessed using the biotech validation suite for
of partially to fully unfolded protein (Poon et al., 2001a). protein structures (http://biotech.ebi.ac.uk:8400/) (Laskowski
Structural changes in sodium dodecyl sulphate were used to et al., 1996; Pontius et al., 1996). For the refined models, the
acquire data regarding putative conformational changes and solvation energy and conditional hydrophobic accessible
emulsifying properties (or ‘performance’ in the case of empiri- surface area were measured using the program CHASA
cal data regarding emulsion stability) in relation to protein (Cooper et al., 2005). Solvation energies were also compared
adsorption at the oil/water interface. with calculation by other methods (see Table III), performed
using the solvation module of the Insight II program (Accelrys
Materials and methods Software Inc., Cambridge, UK).
Calculation of the mean hydrophobic moment and mean
hydrophobicityn Construction of cDNA clones
9-10 The 9-10FNIII wild-type cDNA cloned into pRSET-a was

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The X-ray crystallographic structure of FNIII shows each
domain having seven b-strands folded in a 3+4 arrangement received as a generous gift from Prof. H. Mardon, University
into two opposing sheets exposed to solvent to varying extents of Oxford. Mutation of the 9-10FNIII cDNA template as
(Leahy et al., 1996). For each b-strand the mean hydrophobic directed by the amino acid substitutions described in Table I
moment, hmHi, and mean hydrophobicity, hHi, was calculated. was made following the Quickchange protocol (Stratagene,
Table I shows those b-strands falling outside the ‘surface seek- Amsterdam, The Netherlands). The constructs 9-10FNIII-P and
ing’ classification described by Eisenberg et al., i.e. a high hmHi FNIII-CC were created as previously described (Altroff
above 0.25 and hHi between 0.3 and 0.3 (Eisenberg et al., et al., 2004; van der Walle et al., 2002). Table I also shows
1982). In order to increase the hydrophobic moment of these those constructs with increasing hydrophobic moment, created
b-strands, amino acid substitutions were designed to increase in similar fashion using appropriately designed primer
hmHi, which should accordingly produce proteins with increas- pairs (Invitrogen, Paisley, UK). Showing only the sense strand,
ing surface-active potential. As shown in Table I, only local- FNIII-IEI was achieved using 50 -CACTTCAGTGGGA-
ized amino acids substitutions were required to bring about GACCTATAGAAATTCGGGTGCCCCACTCTCGG, and
3- to 14-fold increments in hmHi, bringing the b-strands into the FNIII-IDLEVRV was achieved in two stages using 50 -
surface-seeking classification. Table II shows the notations CAGTTTCTGATGTTCCGATTGACCTGGAAGTTGTTGC
used for the resultant mutants in the following text. and then 50 -CCGATTGACCTGGAAGTTCGTGTTGCGAC-
CCCCACCAGCC (mutations underlined).
Calculation of solvation energies and surface areas
Models of 9-10FNIII and the 9-10FNIII mutants expressed and Expression and purification of recombinant proteins
tested were built using the 3D jigsaw comparative modelling Polyhistidine-tagged 9-10FNIII and mutants were expressed in
Escherichia coli BLR (DE3) pLysS and purified from the
cell soluble fraction using metal chelation affinity chro-
matography as previously described (Altroff et al., 2001).
Eluted protein fractions were desalted into 10 mM NaH2PO4,
50 mM NaCl pH 7 (’phosphate buffer’) and concentrated to
between 1 and 10 mg/ml. Purity was assessed by SDS–PAGE
and size exclusion chromatography using a calibrated
Superdex 75 HR 10/30 column (Amersham Biosciences);
the column was equilibrated in phosphate buffer and proteins
Fig. 1. Ribbon diagram of the 3-dimensional structure of the histidine-tagged eluted under a flow of 0.5 ml/min, monitoring the eluate at
FNIII recombinant protein (see Theoretical calculations). Beta strands are 280 nm. Protein concentrations were calculated using the A280
shown as grey ribbons. Amino acid substitutions that were used in the study value and a calculated extinction coefficient (e) of
are shown in black with side chains as stick diagrams (corresponding to bold
text, see Table I).
21 620 M1cm1.

Table I. Calculation of hydrophobic moment, hmHi, and mean hydrophobicity, hHi, and mutations made to wild-type b-strands outside the surface
seeking classification

Wild-type b-strand (position) Mutated b-strand hmHi, wt hmHi, mut hHi, wt hHi, mut

R1371EDRVP (C0 , 9FNIII) I1371EIRVP 0.133 1.165 3.8 0.4

Y1393VVSIVALN (F, 9FNIII) Y1393VDVSIDLN 0.053 0.789 2.3 0.3
L1409IGQQS (G, 9FNIII) L1409QIQAS 0.057 0.823 0.0 0.1
R1421DLEVVA (A, 10FNIII) I1421DLEVRV 0.113 1.253 0.7 0.2
Y1483TITVYAV (F, 10FNIII) F1483TITVYVR 0.262 0.887 1.0 0.2

Calculation of hmHi was made according to the algorithm of (Eisenberg et al. (1982) interpreted in the program ’hmoment’ (European Molecular Biology Open Software
Suite) for b-sheet angles of 180 . Calculation of hHi was made using the hydrophobicity scale for amino acids as determined by Janin (1979) Substituting amino acids
are shown in bold, amino acid numbering and b-strand notation (position) is according to (Leahy et al. (1996); wt, wild-type strand; mut, mutated strand.

Emulsifying performance of modular b-sandwich proteins

Measurement of emulsion performance regular intervals up to 2 weeks, measuring the height of the
The turbidimetric method of Pearce and Kinsella (1978) was separated, coalesced oil phase relative to the height of the
used to determine the emulsion activity index (EAI) (Pearce remaining emulsion. The ESI was calculated as the percentage
and Kinsella, 1978). Proteins were diluted into phosphate ratio of the emulsion height to the sum of the emulsion height
buffer to give final concentrations of 1.0 mg/ml and 1 ml added plus the height of separated oil phase. The ESI value, therefore,
to 0.2 ml of peanut oil and homogenized (30 s, 14 000 rpm, represents the strength of the emulsion surface. Measurements
IKA T18 homogenizer with a S18N 10G dispersing tool). The were repeated in quadruplicate for independently prepared
emulsion was immediately diluted 100-fold into 0.1% w/v SDS samples.
solution in phosphate buffer and the absorbance measured at
500 nm. The EAI = (2 · 2.303 · A500)/(j.C), where j = the oil Chemical denaturation and fluorescence measurement
volume fraction and C = % w/v protein. Measurements were Equilibrium unfolding experiments in guanidine.HCl (GuHCl)
repeated in triplicate for independently prepared samples. were performed for the proteins as previously described
The method of van der Ven et al. (2001) was used to make (Altroff et al., 2001), following the method of Pace and Scholtz
quantitative measurements of EE. Emulsions were prepared by (1997) for the calculation of the Gibbs free energy (DG)
homogenization as above and diluted into 50 ml phosphate between the folded and unfolded states, extrapolated to 0 M

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buffer within a stirred (2000 rpm) small volume sample dis- GuHCl to obtain the conformational stability of the protein,
persion unit (Malvern, UK). Oil droplet size was then mea- DG(H2O). Briefly, proteins samples were diluted in GuHCl and
sured by laser diffraction using Mie scattering theory with a fluorescence measured on a Perkin Elmer 50B spectrofluo-
laser obscurity 12% until little further change was observed rimeter, at 25 C (lex 290 nm, lem 350 6 3 nm). All fluo-
(Mastersizer 2000, Malvern Instruments, UK). The curves rescence measurements were repeated at least in duplicate for
shown represent the change in the median diameter, d(0.5), of independently prepared samples.
the oil droplets with time. Reduction of 9-10FNIII-CC was Equilibrium unfolding experiments in SDS were performed
achieved by addition of 20 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) prior to for the proteins incubated in 0 to 3 mM SDS in phosphate
homogenization. The EE (%) was calculated as the percentage buffer. The accepted critical micelle concentration (CMC) of
difference in droplet size at 75 min with respect to the droplet SDS in 50 mM NaCl is 3.8 mM. The phosphate buffer used
size at 5 min (immediately after equilibration following here contained 50 mM NaCl and 10 mM phosphate; using
dilution); negative values, therefore, indicating stronger EE microcalorimetry, measurement of the CMC was made by
than positive values. Measurements were repeated at least in repeated 10 ml injections of 50 mM SDS into 1.4 ml phosphate
duplicate for independently prepared samples. buffer (MicroCal VP-ITC, CA, USA) and gave a value of
The method of Willumsen and Karlson was used to calculate 2.5 mM. Unfolding of the recombinant proteins in increasing
the emulsion stability index (ESI) (Willumsen and Karlson, concentrations of SDS was followed for step-wise additions of
1997). Proteins were diluted appropriately into 6 ml phosphate 15 ml of 50 mM SDS into 0.2 mg/ml protein solution in phos-
buffer and 0.6 ml peanut oil added to give final protein phate buffer. Samples were allowed to equilibrate and run as
concentrations of 300, 150, 37.5 and 18.75 mg/ml, and described for unfolding in GuHCl.
emulsions prepared as above. Sedimentation and oil droplet Unfolding of the recombinant proteins in SDS over time was
coalescence (creaming) were assessed by visual inspection at monitored for addition of 0.6 mM SDS (final concentration) to
0.25 mg/ml protein solution in phosphate buffer, immediately
monitoring the change in fluorescence until no further change
Table II. Notations used for mutant 9-10
FNIII constructs (single letter was observed (around 60 min; lex, 290 nm; lem 350 nm). The
amino acid code) surface hydrophobicity of natively folded protein and SDS-
9 10
unfolded protein, following incubation in 0.6 mM SDS as
Domain FNIII FNIII Mutant above, was measured by step-wise addition of 8-anilino-1-
Substitutions P for L1408 9-10
FNIII-P naphthalenesulfonic acid ammonium salt (ANS) (Sigma,
P for L1408 and C for V1442 9-10
FNIII-CC Dorset, UK). To 2 ml of 0.1mg/ml (5 mM) protein solution,
C for A1340 15 · 5 ml additions, then 1 · 25 ml addition of 5 mM ANS, were
I1421DLEVRV for 9-10
FNIII-IDLEVRV made (0–240 mM), monitoring the change in fluorescence
I1371EIRVP for 9-10
FNIII-IEI using lex 350 nm and lem 490 nm. Analysis of data was
R1371EDRVP made as previously described with modification (Moro
et al., 2001). Briefly, fluorescence readings were adjusted

Table III. Calculated solvation free energies and conditional hydrophobic accessible surface area (CHASA) for FNIII and mutants

Protein (Ooi et al., 1987) (Vila et al., 1991) (Wesson and (Cooper et al., 2005) CHASA
(kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) Eisenberg, 1992) (kcal/mol) (Cooper et al., 2005)
(kcal/mol) (Å2)
FNIII 246 333 589 185 5321
FNIII-IDLEVRV 227 262 563 171 5461
FNIII-IEI 247 293 577 165 5659
FNIII-P 226 276 559 165 5439
FNIII-CC 241 281 591 194 5638
Average 6 SD 237 6 10 289 6 27 576 6 15 175 6 13 5503 6 142

W.S.Annan et al.

such that 240 mM ANS gave a reading of 1. The maximum the proteins. Comparison across the data generated by all the
fluorescence value for the protein sample (Fmax), found at modelling protocols used showed that the solvation energies
saturating ANS concentrations, is a function of the number for the proteins did not differ substantially from one another
of ANS binding sites per protein molecule. The ANS concen- (Table III). A slight increase to the conditional hydrophobic
tration at half Fmax is equal to the apparent dissociation con- accessible surface area for 9-10FNIII-IEI and 9-10FNIII-CC
stant of the protein–ANS complex (Kd), with the Fmax/Kd ratio was observed. This is probably due to the two isoleucine
being the protein surface hydrophobicity index (PSH), the substitutions in 9-10FNIII-IEI and formation of the cystine upon
higher the index the more hydrophobic the protein surface. disulphide oxidation in 9-10FNIII-CC. (The conditional
hydrophobic accessible surface area takes into account sol-
vation of neighbouring polar atoms and is more sensitive to
Results hydrophobicity than conditional accessible surface area
calculations (Cooper et al., 2005).
Domain surface hydrophobicity is not perturbed by
IDLEVRV/IEI mutations
In creating the 9-10FNIII-IEI and 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV mutants Emulsion stability is dominated by conformational stability
the aim was to increase the hydrophobic moment of 9FNIII and The mutants 9-10FNIII-CC and 9-10FNIII-P have previously

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FNIII, respectively, rather than patching a hydrophobic been demonstrated to remain natively folded in solution, the
surface to 9-10FNIII. Of the five b-strands in 9-10FNIII falling disulphide bridge altering interdomain tilt angle (Altroff et al.,
outside the surface seeking classification (Eisenberg et al., 2004). The two-step unfolding curves for 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV
1982) (Table I), only the IDLEVRV and IEI mutations and 9-10FNIII-IEI in GuHCl are in good agreement with these
proved compatible with the expression system. The calculated previous studies (Figure 3) (van der Walle et al., 2002); a large
expression levels of the purified recombinant proteins were as difference in 9FNIII and 10FNIII thermodynamic stability
follows (units, mg/l culture): 9-10FNIII, 10; 9-10FNIII- being observed (Table IV). It is reasonable then to believe
IDLEVRV, 3; 9-10FNIII-IEI, 19; 9-10FNIII-CC, 12; 9-10FNIII-P, that the mutants, like 9-10FNIII, maintained their modular
20. The purification of all mutants and 9-10FNIII proceeded to nature.
homogeneity and ran as a single peak on size-exclusion Unfolding of the wild-type and mutant domain pairs in SDS
chromatography with elution times matching the internal occurred over one transition (Figure 4) and was, therefore,
FNIII standard (Figure 2). modelled as a two-state process (Table IV). Unfolding in
Change to the surface hydrophobicity of natively folded SDS was clearly more dependent on concentration compared
proteins was measured experimentally by ANS titration and with unfolding in GuHCl: values for m being an order of three
theoretically by molecular modelling. For 9-10FNIII and all greater (the denaturant concentration at 50% protein unfolding,
mutants tested, titration of ANS into protein solution was [SDS]1/2, being in the mM range). The free energy of 9-10FNIII-
indistinguishable from titration of ANS into phosphate buffer. CC unfolding was greater than for the other mutants and
Since the proteins in aqueous solution did not interact with FNIII. Comparing the equilibrium parameters for the
ANS this suggested that the mutations made negligible change proteins in SDS to GuHCl showed a somewhat altered trend
to surface hydrophobicity; 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV and 9-10FNIII- for conformational stability of the series. The DG(H2O) values
IEI mutations, therefore, selectively conferred increased for 9-10FNIII and 9-10FNIII-P are remarkably similar but m
hydrophobic moment as intended. These fluorescence data for the same pair are different (4140 and 2990 kcal/mol/M,
were supported by calculation of the solvation energies of respectively).

Fig. 3. Equilibrium denaturation of 9-10FNIII-IEI (solid up triangles)

and 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV (empty down triangles) in GuHCl followed by
Fig. 2. (A) Coomassie stained SDS–PAGE analysis of the expression Trp fluorescence. The two transition regions relate to the initial unfolding
and purification of recombinant 9-10FNIII and mutant 9-10FNIII proteins of the 9FIII module followed by the unfolding of 10FIII (Spitzfaden et al.,
from E.coli lysates. The asterisk denotes the position of recombinant 9-10FNIII 1997). INSERT: DG as a function of [GuHCl] for the first denaturation step
proteins. Lanes are marked as follows: M, molecular weight markers for both proteins, and also the second denaturation step for 9-10FNIII-
(size in kDa shown on the left); 1, 9-10FNIII; 2, 9-10FNIII-P; 3, 9-10FNIII-CC; IDLEVRV (solid down triangles). Linear regression analysis was used
4, 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV; 5, 9-10FNIII-IEI. (B) Size exclusion chromatography to calculate the slope (m) and y-axis intercept (DG(H2O)), presented in
elution profile for 9-10FNIII-P stock solution, eluate monitored at 280 nm. Table IV.

Emulsifying performance of modular b-sandwich proteins

Table IV. Equilibrium denaturation parameters for the FNIII domain pairs

Protein Domain(s) DG(H2O) (kcal/mol) m (kcal/mol/M) [D]1/2 (M) Source

9-10 9
FNIII FNIIIa 4.9 4.3 1.1 van der Walle et al. (2002)
9-10 9
FNIII-P FNIIIa 7.2 2.8 2.6 van der Walle et al. (2002)
9-10 9-10
FNIII-CC FNIIIa,b 11.71 1.41 4.43 Altroff et al. (2004)
9-10 9
FNIII-CC (reduced) FNIIIa 8.25 1.61 3.12 Altroff et al. (2004)
9-10 9
FNIII- IDLEVRV FNIIIa 4.48 2.48 1.81 This study
9-10 9
FNIII- IEI FNIIIa 7.33 3.36 2.18 This study
9-10 10
FNIII FNIIIa 12.6 2.8 4.5 van der Walle et al. (2002)
9-10 10
FNIII- IDLEVRV FNIIIa,c 12.80 2.34 5.47 This study
FNIII 9-10
FNIIIb 2.78 4140 0.67 · 103 This study
FNIII-P 9-10
FNIIId 2.76 2990 0.92 · 103 This study
FNIIId 3.32 4500 0.74 · 103 This study
FNIIId 2.54 4280 0.59 · 103 This study
FNIIId 2.18 2910 0.75 · 103 This study
Unfolding measured in GuHCl.

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Unfolds co-operatively in GuHCl.
Comparison of 10FNIII is also made since the I1421DLEVRV mutations lie within this domain.
Two-state unfolding measured in SDS—the lack of a baseline (Figure 4) for the transition leads to uncertainty in the estimation of the equilibrium constants,
although this is comparable between the proteins.

Fig. 4. Equilibrium denaturation of the proteins in SDS followed by Trp

fluorescence. Symbols: empty diamonds = 9-10FNIII; solid squares
Fig. 5. Emulsion stability, shown as the emulsion stability index (ESI) as
= 9-10FNIII-P; empty down triangles = 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV; solid up
a function of time for protein concentrations of 18.75 mg/ml in oil/water
triangles = 9-10FNIII-IEI; solid circles = 9-10FNIII-CC. INSERT: DG as a
mixtures (1:10). Symbols: empty diamonds = 9-10FNIII; solid
function of [SDS] for the denaturation step. Linear regression analysis was
squares = 9-10FNIII-P; empty down triangles = 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV; solid
used to calculate the slope (m) and y-axis intercept (DG(H2O)), presented in
up triangles = 9-10FNIII-IEI; solid circles = 9-10FNIII-CC. Error bars represent
Table IV.
the standard deviation.
The emulsifying stability index (ESI) for the proteins at
concentrations of 18.75 mg/ml clearly showed that emulsions likely to reflect the relatively high purity that can be achieved
stabilized with 9-10FNIII-P or 9-10FNIII-CC were most stable with recombinant proteins.
(Figure 5). The trend for decreasing emulsion stability placed For 9-10FIII-stabilized emulsions droplet size was seen
the more conformationally stable mutants ahead of those to transiently decrease. Although this decrease may have been
conferring increased hydrophobic moment and 9-10FNIII (wild- due to removal of larger drops from the system by surface
type). By linear regression analysis, equilibrium parameters for adsorption, this was unlikely given the absence of a fall for
protein unfolding in GuHCl were poor indicators of emulsion BSA-stabilised emulsions and the monomodal droplet size-
stability. However, regression analysis of the proteins’ ESI distribution. The decrease in droplet size was more prolonged
values versus respective [SDS]1/2 values gave an R2 value for 9-10FNIII-CC and 9-10FNIII-P stabilized emulsions
of 0.900 (Table V). Thus, for b-sandwich proteins, prior (15–20 min) before levelling off. In contrast, for 9-10FNIII
knowledge of protein unfolding in SDS would appear to be and 9-10FNIII-IEI stabilized emulsions, the transient fall was
a reasonable predictor of emulsion stability. followed by a prolonged increase in droplet size, presumably
due to coalescence, with 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV lying in-
Observed differences in EE for the protein series between. The distinct changes in droplet size over time seen
Figure 6 shows the change to the median emulsion oil droplet between the 9-10FNIII proteins indicated clear differences in
size over time. A monomodal size-distribution for each data their EE.
point shown was observed (data not shown). The emulsions, Table V shows the overall percentage change in droplet size
therefore, did not consist of two individual populations of (EE, %); the larger the decrease in size the stronger the EE.
droplet size as is observed for heterogeneous preparations of FNIII-CC and particularly 9-10FNIII-P showed good EE,
protein or peptide emulsifiers (van der Ven et al., 2001). This is FNIII-IDLEVRV was comparable to BSA [a known
W.S.Annan et al.

Table V. Comparison of emulsion function parameters versus surface hydrophobicity and rate of unfolding

Protein EE (%) ESI (%) 6 S.D. EAI 6 S.D. Kd (mM) PSH Ku (· 103 s1)
FNIII +81.0 71.9 6 6.2 83.3 6 3.9 20.0 249.5 2.06 6 0.26
FNIII-P 38.9 97.1 6 0.6 118.7 6 4.7 27.2 59.1 2.63 6 0.70
FNIII-CC 10.5 88.4 6 9.5 112 6 6.7 40.7 66.6 3.02 6 0.58
FNIII-IEI +23.3 87.4 6 1.7 93.4 6 4.9 24.2 172.2 1.19 6 0.18
FNIII-IDLEVRV +11.9 60.8 6 3.0 86.3 6 3.5 26.2 111.4 6.00 6 0.93

EE, emulsification efficiency; ESI 6 SD, emulsion stability index (for protein concentrations of 18.75 mg/ml following 24 h standing) 6 standard deviation;
EAI 6 SD, emulsion activity index 6 standard deviation; Kd, apparent dissociation constant for ANS binding to protein; PSH, protein surface hydrophobicity
index; Ku, rate constant of unfolding in SDS 6 standard error of fit. Linear regression was used to find the dependence between emulsion function
and structural parameters (Figure 9).

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Fig. 6. Measurement of the EE as the change in the median oil droplet size Fig. 7. Transient change of Trp fluorescence with time, for equilibration of
over time. Symbols: empty diamonds = 9-10FNIII; filled squares = 9-10FNIII-P; the proteins in phosphate buffer containing 0.6 mM SDS (final concentration).
empty down triangles = 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV; filled up triangles = 9-10FNIII- Symbols: empty diamonds = 9-10FNIII; solid squares = 9-10FNIII-P; empty
IEI; filled circles = 9-10FNIII-CC; empty circles = 9-10FNIII-CC + 20 mM down triangles = 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV; solid up triangles = 9-10FNIII-IEI;
DTT; filled diamonds = BSA. solid circles = 9-10FNIII-CC. The data were fitted to a mono-exponential
function (y = ymin + (ymax  ymin) · (1  exp(k.x)) using Prism,
GraphPad, CA, USA, to give the rate constants (Ku) in Table V.

emulsifier, (Rampon et al., 2004)], with 9-10FNIII and

FNIII-IEI showing poor EE. Therefore, the b-sandwich times slower than unfolding of 10FNIII in 2.5 M guanidine
structure does not prohibit robust EE despite this conformation isothiocyanate (0.742 s1) (Cota and Clarke, 2000). Broadly
being poorly represented in typical protein emulsifiers. similar rates of unfolding were observed for the mutant
Interestingly, reduction of the disulphide bridge of 9-10FNIII- 9-10
FNIII proteins (Figure 7 and Table V). The slow rates of
CC improved EE such that droplet size closely matched the protein unfolding in SDS versus guanidinium is typical
FNIII-P stabilized emulsion. The coalescence observed (Ternstrom et al., 2005), there being orders of magnitude
after 60 min is likely to have been due to re-oxidation, which difference in denaturant concentrations. The rate constants of
occurs rapidly for 9-10FNIII-CC. This clearly demonstrates the protein unfolding did not correlate with respective ESI values
dependence on interdomain flexibility for EE. or EE data. However, with respect to the extent of unfolding
Determination of the EAI provided a complementary (seen as the relative increase in fluorescence intensity over 1 h
measure of the proteins’ EE. Table V shows that EAI was incubation in SDS, Figure 7), a general trend was noted to
greatest (EE was higher) for 9-10FNIII-P and 9-10FNIII-CC and correspond to EE—the smaller the extent of unfolding
lowest for wild type 9-10FNIII, with 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV and the greater the EE. The extent of unfolding in SDS was, there-
FNIII-IEI lying in-between; the trend matching the EE data. fore, studied in more detail using the aromatic hydrophobic
EAI was greater for 9-10FNIII-P and 9-10FNIII-CC than for probe, ANS.
BSA, providing further evidence of their good emulsifying Following equilibration in SDS, ANS bound to the unfolded
efficiency. However, linear regression analysis of EE (%) proteins to varying degrees, implying that the proteins
and EAI against equilibrium parameters did not suggest strong unfolded exposing buried hydrophobic residues (Figure 8).
dependence between conformational stability and EE (data not After reaching saturated levels of bound ANS, it was noted that
shown). In order to enable further interpretation of the EE data fluorescence subsequently tended to fall. This has been pre-
we investigated the rate of protein unfolding and subsequent viously noted and is suggested to represent ANS-induced
surface hydrophobicity. oligomerization of the protein species, reducing the number
of available binding sites (Peri et al., 1990). Given that PSH
Emulsification efficiency is dependent on protein surface reflects the cumulative index of unfolding (Moro et al., 2001),
hydrophobicity (PSH) this was most extensive for 9-10FNIII and least for 9-10FNIII-P
The rate of unfolding of 9-10FNIII in phosphate buffer and 9-10FNIII-CC. Regression analysis of the PSH values
containing 0.6 mM SDS (2.06 · 103 s1) was around 300 versus EE (%) and EAI gave R2 values of 0.932 and 0.809,
Emulsifying performance of modular b-sandwich proteins

vary noticeably between single amino acid mutants (Shirley

et al., 1989).
In contrast, a large increase in the ESI was found for
FNIII-P (P1408 mutation increasing the conformational
stability but not the hydrophobic moment), with a similar but
smaller increase for 9-10FNIII-CC. Although 9-10FNIII-CC
includes P1408 it also includes the disulphide, which strongly
restricts interdomain mobility (Altroff et al., 2004). This
suggests that interdomain flexibility is required for maximal
emulsion stability. It is interesting to note that FN was shown
to displace BSA from the oil/water interface and the flexibility
of its modular nature may play a role in this observation
(Vaidya and Ofoli, 2005). The dependence of the proteins’ ESI
on its respective [SDS]1/2 value implies that a certain degree of
Fig. 8. Titration of 5 mM ANS against 5 mM solutions of the proteins
conformational stability in b-sandwich proteins tends to favour
emulsion stability. This may initially appear contrary to protein

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equilibrated in 0.6 mM SDS, shown as relative units of fluorescence,
described in the methods. Symbols: empty diamonds = 9-10FNIII; solid unfolding upon interfacial adsorption but does not necessarily
squares = 9-10FNIII-P; empty down triangles = 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV; solid up involve a complete loss of secondary structure. For example,
triangles = 9-10FNIII-IEI; solid circles = 9-10FNIII-CC. The data were analysed
to give PSH in Table V (Moro et al., 2001).
b-casein is predominantly random coil in solution but adopts
a-helical structure on adsorption (Caessens et al., 1999),
adsorption of 2S albumins involves loss of a-helical and
disordered structure in favour of b-sheet (Burnett et al., 2002)
and AlnA requires maintenance of its b-barrel structure in
order to stabilize oil-in-water emulsions (Toren et al., 2002). In
contrast, Poon et al. (2001a) demonstrated that chemical dena-
turation of globular and milk proteins in most cases increased
EE. However, the denaturation used was mild, disrupting
quaternary structure, and the authors concluded that the effect
was protein-specific and depended on the relative importance
of disulfide bonds, which is in agreement with the observed
Fig. 9. Linear regression analysis between emulsion function and structural
differences in ESI for 9-10FNIII-P and 9-10FNIII-CC.
parameters shown in Table V. Left, emulsion stability index (ESI, %) versus Emulsification efficiency was quantified by the change
[SDS]1/2 (Table IV); centre, EE (%) versus PSH; right, emulsion activity in droplet size during shear. The initial transient fall in droplet
index (EAI) versus PSH; corresponding analysis of goodness of fit gave size seen in the 9-10FNIII-stabilized emulsions possibly
R2 values of 0.900, 0.932 and 0.809, respectively. Error bars represent the
standard deviation.
represented break-up of bridged flocs following the initial dilu-
tion of the emulsion on addition to the dispersion unit.
The subsequent changes in droplet size, followed by a
respectively (Table V and Figure 9). Therefore, the interpreta- leveling-off (except for wild type 9-10FNIII) would have
tion of the EE data is consistent with the EAI data. Thus, the been dependent on the shear of the mixer in the dispersion
EE of the proteins was dependent on limited, rather than unit limiting droplet coalescence till equilibration, determined
extensive, unfolding and exposure of hydrophobic surface. by the relative emulsification efficiencies of the proteins.
Comparing the trends in droplet size for 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV
and 9-10FNIII-IEI versus 9-10FNIII suggested that the
hydrophobic moment of the b-strands in either domain some-
The value in increasing the hydrophobic moment of b-strands what improved EE, particularly the IDLEVRV mutation.
was found to be limited with respect to improving emulsion However, the relative improvement in EE was greatest for
stability (ESI). Our results showed that 9-10FNIII-IEI stabilized 9-10
FNIII-P and, to a lesser extent, 9-10FNIII-CC. This trend
the emulsion somewhat better than 9-10FNIII (2-fold), but initially appeared to reflect the ESI data, though linear regres-
this was not the case for 9-10FNIII-IDLEVRV. It is possible sion did not show dependence on [SDS]1/2 values, suggesting a
that the IEI mutation on the 9FNIII C0 strand contributed to somewhat different mechanism underpins the ESI and EE data.
stabilization of the protein interfacial film, whereas the This may not be surprising since emulsion stability relies on a
IDLEVRV mutation on the 10FNIII A strand did not (see Leahy measure of the strength of the emulsion surface, which may
et al., 1996, for strand notations). Although in situ structural not necessarily have been directly related to the interfacial
analysis would be required to prove this, the data suggest that activity of the proteins. In contrast the measurement of
FNIII unfolding at the interface was not complete. This droplet size with shear may be more sensitive to protein
would be in agreement with the much greater conformational adsorption or desorption from the oil/water interface, stabiliz-
stability of 10FNIII over 9FNIII; the IDLEVRV and IEI ing or destabilizing the viscoelastic film surrounding the
mutations did not appreciably alter the conformational stability oil droplets.
of 10FNIII and similar DG(H2O) values for 9FNIII were found Emulsification efficiency was clearly dependent on PSH
with respect to the wild-type. Although the dependence of (Table V and Figure 9). This is not to say that complete
unfolding on denaturant concentration (m) for 9-10FNIII- attenuation of protein unfolding would yield a strong
IDLEVRV was lower compared with the wild-type, m may emulsifying (b-sandwich) protein. It is clear from earlier
W.S.Annan et al.

work that surface hydrophobicity is correlated to EE and of the proteins at surfaces via neutron scattering and Dual
interfacial tension (Kato and Nakai, 1980). Similarly, where Polarisation Interferometry. Similarly, measurements of force
notable hydrophobic stretches in primary structure are evident distance profiles for b-sandwich proteins acquired by Atomic
these may be associated with EE (Toren et al., 2002). Force Microscopy (Ng et al., 2005) may provide a mechanistic
However, recent reports demonstrate that the relationship is link between the protein’s fundamental properties and its
not straightforward, as also seen in our data. Losso and Nakai, emulsifying performance.
(2002) described protein bridging as destabilizing with respect
to the dispersion of oil droplets, conjugation of (hydrophilic) Acknowledgements
poly ethyleneglycol to the protein reduced bridging- This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
destabilization, implicating protein association via exposed Research Council, grant no. 86/E19380 to C.V.D.W. We thank M. Nutley
hydrophobic domains. Creamer et al. (1998) showed that and A. Cooper (BBSRC Microcalorimetry facility, Glasgow, UK), and
stabilization of the k-casein interfacial film involved oligomer- E. Schmidt for support in protein analysis.
ization, which may have been as much dependent on
disulphide interchange as hydrophobic interaction. Moreover, References
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Received March 13, 2006; revised June 28, 2006;

accepted September 09, 2006

Edited by Hagan Bayley


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