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Learn Pronouns as Part of Speech for

Bank & SSC Exams - English Notes in

Are you preparing for Banking or SSC Exams? If you aim at making a career in the
government sector & get a reputed job, it is very important to know the basics of English
Language. To score maximum marks in this section with great accuracy, it is important
for you to be prepared with the basic grammar & vocabulary. Here we are with a detailed
explanatory article on Pronouns as Part of Speech with relevant examples. So, read the
article carefully & then take our Online Mock Tests to check your level of preparation.

Before moving ahead with Pronouns, let’s have a look at what are parts of speech in

Parts of Speech

Parts of speech are the basic categories of words according to their function in a
sentence. It is a category to which a word is assigned in accordance with its syntactic
functions. English has eight main parts of speech, namely, Nouns, Pronouns,
Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions & Interjections. In grammar,
the parts of speech, also called lexical categories, grammatical categories or word
classes is a linguistic category of words.

Pronouns as Part of Speech

Pronouns as part of speech are the words which are used in place of nouns like people,
places, or things. They are used to avoid sounding unnatural by reusing the same noun
in a sentence multiple times. In the sentence Maya saw Sanjay, and she waved at him,
the pronouns she and him take the place of Maya and Sanjay, respectively. The other
examples of pronouns are I, you, she, her, it, everyone, somebody, hers, theirs, etc.

Types of Pronouns as Part of Speech

1. Personal Pronouns:

Personal pronouns are used for the first person (the speaker - I) and the second person
(the person spoken to - you). We use he, she, it and they to refer to other people and
things (third person) when it is clear from the context what we are referring to.

Example - Hina isn’t coming with us. She has to finish homework.

Like nouns, pronouns can function as subjects as well as objects. Additionally, there is a
possessive case. As the name implies, it marks possession of a personal pronoun. The
possessive case can further be divided into two as follows:

• Possessive determiners: They function grammatically like adjectives,

modifying a noun or nouns. However, they cannot function as nouns in a

Example - My father’s house is being sold off. (My modifies father to show his relation
to the speaker.)

• Possessive Pronouns: They are personal pronouns in the possessive case

which have the grammatical function of nouns.

Example - Those shoes are mine.

Consider the following:

Those goods are my. (incorrectly used possessive pronoun)

Those are my goods. (correctly used possessive determiner)

Those goods are mine. (correctly used possessive pronoun)

Forms of Personal Pronouns as Part of Speech:

Subject/ Object Possessive Possessive

Nominative Determiners Pronouns
1st person I Me My Mine
2nd person You You Your Yours
3rd person He/ She Him/ Her His/ Her His/ Hers
3rd person It It Its
1st person We Us Our Ours
2nd person You You Your Yours
3rd person They Them Their Theirs

2. Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns:

We use a reflexive pronoun as object of the verb when it refers to the same thing as the
subject. Reflexive pronouns are formed by adding “-self” (singular) or “-selves” (plural)
to the end of my, your, our, him, her, it or them (as well as the indefinite pronoun one).

Example -

I treated myself with a cookie.

She imagined herself as the heroine of the movie.

They introduced themselves to the captain of the team.

One should conduct oneself properly.

Pronoun Reflexive
He/ Her/ Himself/
It Herself/
They Themselves
I Myself
You Yourself
We Ourselves
One Oneself

*Exceptions: Transitive verbs like keep, stop, bathe, turn, rest qualify, hide, etc. do not
use reflexive pronouns.

Consider the following:

Incorrect - You should keep yourself away from intoxicating substances.
Correct - You should keep away from intoxicating substances.

Incorrect - He qualified himself in the competitive exams.

Correct - He qualified in the competitive exams.

Singular and Plural forms of Personal and Reflexive Pronouns as

Part of Speech:

Singular Plural
He, she, it They
Him, her, it Them
His, her, Their,
hers, it theirs
Himself, Themselves

3. Demonstrative Pronouns:

They are used to indicate specific people or things and signify whether they are
singular/plural and whether they are close or far from the speaker. Some of the
demonstrative pronouns are this, that, these and those.

Consider the following examples:

This is my pen. (Singular + close by)

Fetch me that. (Singular + not close)

These are really tasty. (Plural + close by)

I want those books right now. (Plural + not close)

4. Indefinite Pronouns:

The Indefinite Pronoun is used in place of a noun that is not being specified in the
sentence. They are used depending upon whether the nouns being represented are
person or thing and whether the noun is singular or plural. Some of the indefinite
pronouns are any, somebody, none, whatever, all & many.

Example -

Somebody is knocking at the door. (Person + Singular)

None of these apples are rotten. (Thing + Plural)

5. Distributive Pronouns:

They are the pronouns in which members of a group are considered separately, rather
than collectively. Some of the distributive pronouns are each, every, neither, etc.

Example -

Each ate his own apple. (Pronoun)

Each boy ate his own apple. (Determiner)

6. Reciprocal Pronouns:

These pronouns are used when two or more people act as the subject of a verb and both
individually and equally receive the verb’s action. Some of the reciprocal pronouns are
each other, one another, etc.

Example - Mary and I love each other.

7. Relative Pronouns:

These are used to connect relative clauses (or adjective clauses) to the main clause in a
sentence. Some of the relative pronouns are who, which, what, whose, etc.

Example -

There’s the man who extorted money from me.

The letter that I wrote has reached its destination.

8. Interrogative Pronouns:

The Interrogative Pronouns are used to ask questions. There are only five of these which
are Who, whose, whom, which & what.

Example - Who is your class teacher?

Rules to use Pronouns as Part of Speech and Tips

to Remember them:

• Use a subject pronoun, not only as the subject of a sentence but after to be
verbs (is, are, was, were, will be, maybe, may have been, etc.) when the pronoun
renames the subject. Do not use object pronouns following to be verbs.

Examples -

1. She is my wife (She is the subject, therefore use subject pronoun after to be verb)

2. It is me who whispered. (Incorrect as ‘me’ is an objective pronoun and should not

come after to be verb ‘is’)

It is I who whispered. (Correct as ‘I’ should come after to be verb and renames the
subject ‘it’. Therefore, use subject pronoun.)

3. Incorrect - It could have been them.

Correct - It could have been they.

• When who refers to a personal pronoun (I, you, he, she, we, they), it takes the
verb that agrees with that pronoun.

Examples -

1. It is I who am wrong. (Correct: I am)

It is I who is wrong. (Incorrect)

2. It is you who are right. (Correct: you are)

It is you who is right. (Incorrect)

• Use an object pronoun when the pronoun is the direct object, the indirect object,
or the object of the preposition.

1. Maya met him at the stadium. (Him is the direct object.)

2. Maya will give him his watch back. (Watch is the direct object and him is an indirect

3. He eats with them. (Correct: them is the object of the preposition with)
He eats with they. (Incorrect)

• The objective pronoun is used after 'Let’.

Example -

Let we leave. (Incorrect)

Let us go. (Correct)

Let they enjoy. (Incorrect)

Let them enjoy. (Correct)

• Difference between 'my' & 'mine': 'My' is used before the noun and 'mine' is used
after the noun.

Example -

This is my book.

This book is mine

• Difference between 'your' and 'yours': 'Your' is used before the 'noun' and ‘yours'
used after the ' noun'.

Example -

This is your pen.

This pen is yours.

• Singular pronouns (I, he, she, everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody, no one,
nobody, someone, somebody, each, either, neither, etc.) require singular verbs.
This rule is frequently overlooked when using the pronouns each, either, and
neither, followed by of. These three pronouns always take singular verbs.

Example -

Each of the women knits well.

Either of us is capable of doing the job.

Neither of them is available to speak right now.

• Reflexive pronouns are used when both the subject and the object of a verb
are the same person or thing.

Example -

Jai bought the car for himself.

They saw me being myself.

My sister and myself painted it. (Incorrect)

My sister and I painted it. (Correct)

Please call Priya or myself. (Incorrect)

Please call Priya or me. (Correct)

Now that you have read the Pronouns as Part of Speech, know more about the other five
parts of speech by clicking on the button below:

Learn Adjectives as Part Learn Nouns as Part of

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