The "Tully Monster" Reconstruction

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Principles of Paleobiology

The “Tully Monster” Reconstructed

Tullimonstrum gregarium

Andrew Kirk, Amo Oliverio, and Janiris Ortiz-Golden

Illinois’ state fossil Tullimonstrum gregarium, known as the “Tully monster”, has
puzzled scientist for many years. Tullimonstrum, an abundant yet enigmatic fossil species with
poorly understood evolutionary relationships, has intrigue paleontologists since first brought to
their attention in 1958. Amateur paleontologist Francis Tully found the first specimen in a spoils
pile created by the coal mining company Peabody Coal and brought it to the attention of Dr.
Eugene S. Richardson at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. Richardson honored
Tully’s contribution when he named the species and also acknowledged the abundance of the
fossil with the name gregarium which means common. Thousands of specimens have been found
in the Mazon Creek deposits and some in open-pit coal mines in central Illinois (Mikulic &
Kluessendorf, 2010; Richardson, 1966).

Figure 1: Francis Tully with a “Tully Monster” (Wilson, 2012)

Principles of Paleobiology

Figure 2: Area of the strip mines in Illinois (The Field Museum, 2012)

The Mazon Creek biota in the Francis Creek shale of northeastern Illinois belongs to the
middle Pennsylvanian, approximately 300 million years old (Richardson, 1966). These plants
and animals belong to terrestrial, fresh water and borderline marine habitats. Fossil animals
found in this region include jellyfish, polychaete annelids, and mollusks with and without shells,
eumalacostracan crustaceans, insects, primitive arthropods, phyllocarid, branchiopod,
xiphosuran, holothurian, fishes, and amphibians.
Over 100 abandoned coal mines covering five counties form what is known at the Mazon
Creek area. The fossils found here occur in sideritic or iron carbonate concretions. These fossils
record daily sediment accumulation associated with a shallow bay or estuary (Baird, Shabica,
Anderson, Richardson, 1985).
Tullimonstrum contains one species, T. gregarium. Tullimonstrum’s biological
relationships are not fully understood, however, a great deal of anatomical detail has been
deduced from thousands of fossils found. Specimens range in size from 8- 35 centimeters (3-15
inches). The soft bodied invertebrate, with no exoskeleton, chitin plates or hard parts, is divided
into three regions: head, trunk, and tail. The head region has a distinctive proboscis with a jaw
like end that contains small “teeth”. The head is delimited from its segmented trunk by a
traversed bar shaped structure with expanded ends bearing ovoid organs. The blunt tail region is
flanked by two triangular flaps and a dorsal fin (Richardson, 1966).

Principles of Paleobiology

Figure 3: Principal features of Tullimonstrum (Johnson, 1969)

Impressions containing sharply folded specimens and the single plane commonly found
in the fossils, suggests that the organism was soft bodied. The strength of impressions would
therefore be directly related to the density of the original tissues. For this reason impressions of
the proboscis and claw, the bar organ, and the body margin are stronger (Johnson, 1966).

Figure 4: Tullimonstrum reconstruction (Johnson, 1969)

Principles of Paleobiology

Previous Reconstructions
The first reconstruction of Tullimonstrum was done by Richardson in 1966. Richardson decided
not to assign it to any phyla at the time. In 1969, he published a more comprehensive description with
Ralph G. Johnson. They concluded that Tullimonstrum could be an uncharacteristic member of several
phyla but the critical evidence to choose one was not available. In their description, Tullimonstrum
gregarium (the Tully Monster) was bilaterally symmetrical with a head region, trunk and tail. There is no
distinction between the presence of the head and trunk. The body length of the Tully Monster ranged
from 3cm to 25cm (Johnson & Richardson Jr., 1966). The posterior or “tail” end consisted of opposing
fins. The Tully Monster also had a transverse bar behind the “head” that had some sort of organ at each
end. Anterior to the transverse bar body and including the proboscis is considered the head region. The
anterior end or ”head” had a long flexible proboscis with a claw-like tip that was lined with what looked
to be teeth, which resembles mollusks. The absence of hard parts and the folding, twisting and wrinkling
of the trunk pointed to a soft-bodied animal.

The jaw-like proboscis appears denser than other tissues, as indicated by its sharp outline. The
proboscis tends to represent one-third of the length of the animal. The “jaw” had small but sharp
triangular “teeth” called stylets. Within the jaw the stylets range in length from 0.5 mm to 2.4 mm, have a
broad base and taper towards a point with concave sides. The alternate spacing suggests that the stylets
function for grasping as opposed to a masticatory function. The head region lacks evidence of

The presence of the bar organs at the posterior border of the head presents a problem in terms of
most invertebrates as sensory organs are typically located more anteriorly. The bar organs range in size
from 15 to 46 mm and in most specimens are pyritized preserving a hollow structure. Their role as
stabilizers or otocysts has been suggested, but stabilizers are not an effective explanation based solely on
the hydrodynamics of the body form. Otocysts are usually found in the midline or lateral body wall of
other invertebrates. In some specimens there is a blackness to the proximal region of the bar organ. “Dr.
Edward Olsen has analyzed the black material and found that the color is likely due to a very small
amount of an unidentified organic substance. The black material is often distributed in three dimensions
as a flattened cup, opening outward (Johnson and Richardson, 1966).” Concretions of fish found in the
Francis Creek Shale have a similar material in rough appearance located in the orbits of their eyes. The
preserved cup shape and hollow ball of pyritized fossil bar organs resemble the form of the invertebrate
eye, likely a set of mollusk-like eyes that the active animal needed to maneuver in his habitat.

Principles of Paleobiology

Figure 5: Pyritized bar organ on top; reconstructed bar organ on bottom. (Johnson, 1969)

The trunk region contains evidence of regular segmentation but there is not a correlation between
size or length and the number of segments present. A gut like structure can be observed in some
specimens, suggesting a medial structure with an anterior and a posterior opening. Some specimens offer
round impressions along the midline that may represent nephridia, gonads, ganglia, and annulations of the
gut. This could be interpreted as internal organs suggesting that Tullimonstrum was a coelomate animal.
The gut most likely continued as a single straight intestine.

Figure 6: Medial impression trace of the gut (Johnson, 1969)

Principles of Paleobiology

The tail region consists of the tapered posterior body that includes lateral fins. The tail flattens
and becomes slightly rounded and blunt. The fins are very thin and appear to be flexible based on the
degree of wrinkling (Richardson and Johnson, 1969).

Figure 7: Tail region (Johnson, 1969)

When it comes to its evolutionary relationships Richardson and Johnson, suggested a systematic
position among the lower protostomes, at a position akin to that of the sipunculoids or echiuroids
(Johnson and Richardson, 1969). In 1979, Merrill Foster suggested a place among mollusks for
Tullimonstrum, an idea originally rejected by Richardson and Johnson. Foster proposed a relationship
between Tullimonstrum and heteropod gastropods (Pterotracheoidea) based on its size, fish-like form,
well developed eyes and long proboscis (Foster, 1979).

The early Cambrian mollusk-like organism Vetustovermis planus Glaesner 1979 has some
characteristics in common with Tullimonstrum gregarium. Vetustovermis planus was first described as an
annelid and later as an arthropod. However, this most recent study argues that the Early Cambrian
Vetustovermis planus is a representative of an independently evolved mollusk-like soft-bodied animal
group. Both possess a dorso-ventrally flat trunk, lateral fins, a visceral mass, stalked eyes, and transverse
segments. The head region of Vetustovermis is rounded and possesses two cephalic tentacles and two
elongated stalked eyes. The trunk includes a wide fin that extends laterally and posteriorly. This
similarities help support Foster’s placement of Tullimonstrum among mollusks (Chen, Huang, Bottjer,
Principles of Paleobiology

Figure 8: Vetustovermis planus Glaessner 1979 (Chen, 2004)

The problematic Tully Monster was thought to be a free-swimming organism and that forward
motion was assisted by the tail fins (Mikulic & Kluessendorf, 2010; Johnson & Richardson Jr., 1966) It
may have hovered above the bottom, similar to a squid (Mikulic & Kluessendorf, 2010), and hunted for
shrimp, annelids, or other animals by grabbing them with the claw-like end of the proboscis. Since there
is no evidence that the throat travelled up to the tip of the proboscis (Richardson, 1996), food items may
have been captured by the end of the proboscis and then brought back to the mouth, similar to the trunk of
an elephant. Another thought is that the tip of the proboscis would stab the prey, and then the Tully
Monster would suck out the fluids (Mikulic & Kluessendorf, 2010). As for the organs on the transverse
bar, no evidence leads to their function, but have been described as “eyes” (Mikulic & Kluessendorf,

Revised Reconstruction
Richardson Jr. named the unusual and problematic Tully Monster and described its anatomy in
detail. However, without clear associations with any certain phylum, or clear fossil evidence of function
of bar organs and feeding habits, many aspects its lifestyle is up to interpretation.

The most unique feature, the bar organs and transverse bar provide fossilized evidence of a black
unidentified organic compound forming a residue that resembles the appearance of retinal pigment in
certain specimens (Johnson, 1966). This supports the function of the elusive transverse bar and bar
organs as being eyes. The use of these organs for visual input about the environment would be similar to
that of the sea hare Aplysia californica. The sea hare, while not capable of true “sight”, is capable of
detecting changes in light intensity (Jacket, 1991). The presence of alternating stylets within the jaws of

Principles of Paleobiology

the proboscis is uniquely suited to grasping prey. As a predatory animal, visual organs would be
necessary for success as a hunter.

The proboscis could have served a different purpose as well. Following along with the proboscis
bringing food up to a mouth as described earlier, but diverge on the capture of prey. Instead of swimming
around and capture prey similar to a squid; Tullimonstrum could have utilized its proboscis to search the
mud for polychaetes or other detritus under the mud. The proboscis could have worked similar to the bill
of the American Woodcock, which has a prehensile tip to its bill. The woodcock probes the mud or soil
for earthworms with its bill and is able to grab the worm easier with the prehensile action of the bill
(Sepik, Owen, & Coulter, 1981).

Many have pointed out a similarity between Tullimonstrum gregarium and Opabinia regalis’
trunk, flexible proboscis with a jaw like appendage, and flexible side fins. While any close link between
the two organisms, separated by over 200 million years, is unlikely; it could present an example of
convergence. The similarity in the body plans might have evolved to support similar functions. Opabinia
likely ploughed the bottom mud with it proboscis driven by movement of the lateral lobes. The proboscis
is believed to have been used to explore the mud for food and bring it to mouth. The “eyes” are
presumed to have been capable of detecting movements in the surrounding waters. Tullimonstrum, living
in a similar environment, could have utilized its proboscis in the same fashion (Whittington, 1975;
Johnson and Richardson, 1969).

Figure 9: Tullimonstrum gregarium Figure 10: Opabinia regalis (Whittington, 1975)

Principles of Paleobiology

The trunk does not provide much detail for interpretation. The midline impression that has been
inferred as a single straight intestine could be a misinterpretation of an alternative support structure. The
fins located along the tail show signs of their ability to “ripple” as we see in squids and cuttlefish. The
highly wrinkled and overlapping folded appearance indicates this possibility.

Figure 11: Pterotrachae hippocampus (Seapy, 2009)

There are several features of Tullimonstrum that also resemble organisms that are alive today.
Pterotrachea hippocampus (sea elephant) possesses a slender, soft-tissue body that is highly flexible and
a set of fins along the length of the body that are capable of providing mobility through an undulating
process of ripples. Pterotrachae have a mobile proboscis with a radula at its anterior end. This resembles
the proboscis found in Tullimonstrum. The differences in stylets could be the result of selection pressures
for food sources. Tullimonstrum being the predatory variation with alternating conical shaped stylets that
prevent food sources from escaping. Of note is the presence of eyes on stalks that provide good vision for

Figure 12: Pterotrachea hippocampus proboscis. (Speary, 2009)

Principles of Paleobiology

Figure 13: Pterotrachea hippocampus eye stalk (Speary, 2009)

This suggests that Tullimonstrum may have a place in the Phylum Mollusca, Class Gastropoda,
and Order Pterotracheoidea. The similarities between the two lend for further investigation and analysis
of collected specimens to find the possibility of better resources.

Baird GC, Shabica CW, Anderson JL, Richardson ES. (1985). Biota of a Pennsylvanian Muddy Coast:
Habitats within the Mazonian Delta Complex, Northeast Illinois. Journal of Paleontology, 59, (2), 253-

Chen, J., D. Huang, and D. J. Bottjer. "An Early Cambrian Problematic Fossil: Vetustovermis and Its
Possible Affinities." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272.1576 (2005): 2003-007.
NCBI. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.

Foster M.W. A reappraisal of Tullimonstrum. In: Nitecki M.H, editor. Mazon creek fossils. Academia
Press; New York: 1979. pp. 286-292. Retrieved from:

Hickman, Carole S. "Analysis of Form and Function in Fossils." Integrative and Comparative Biology
28.2 (1988): 775-93. JSTOR. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.

Jacklet, J.W. (1991). Photoresponsiveness of Aplysia eye is modulated by the ocular circadian pacemaker
and serotonin. Biological Bulletin, 180(2), 284-294.

Johnson, R. G., & Richardson Jr., E. G. (1966). A remarkable Pennsylvanian fauna from the Mazon
Creek area, Illinois. The Journal of Geology, 74(5), 626-631.

Johnson, Ralph Gordon, and Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. "Pennsylvanian Invertebrates of the Mazon Creek
Area, Illinois: The Morphology and Affinities of Tullimonstrum." Fieldiana Geology 12.8 (1969): 119-

Principles of Paleobiology

49. Biodiversity Heritage Library. Internet Archive, 30 June 2008. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.

Mikulic, D. G., & Kluessendorf, J. (2010, April 19).Geobit 5: Illinois' state fossil Tullimonstrum
gregarium. Retrieved from

Miller, J.A. (1990) A matter of Taste. BioScience 40(2),78-82.

Norenburg, Jon L. 2004. Nemertea. Ribbon Worms. Version 16 April 2004 (temporary). in The Tree of Life Web Project,

Richardson, E. S. "Wormlike Fossil from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois." Science 151.3706 (1966): 75-76.
JSTOR. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.

Seapy, Roger R. 2009. Pterotracheoidea Rafinesque, 1814. Heteropoda Lamarck, 1812, heteropods, sea
elephants. Version 09 October 2009 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,

Sepik, G.F., R.B. Owen, & M.W. Coulter. 1981. A Landowner's Guide to Woodcock Management in the
Northeast. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Misc. Report 253.

Sweet, W. C. "A Pennsylvanian Biota." Science 206.4414 (1979): 54. JSTOR. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.

Whittington, HB. (1975). The Enigmatic Animal Opabinia regalis, Middle Cambrian, Burgess Shale,
British Columbia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological
Sciences, 271, (910), 1-43.

Chen, J., D. Huang, and D. J. Bottjer. "An Early Cambrian Problematic Fossil: Vetustovermis and Its
Possible Affinities." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272.1576 (2005): 2003-007.
NCBI. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.

Geology Department of University of Maryland.

Johnson, Ralph Gordon, and Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. "Pennsylvanian Invertebrates of the Mazon Creek
Area, Illinois: The Morphology and Affinities of Tullimonstrum." Fieldiana Geology 12.8 (1969): 119-
49. Biodiversity Heritage Library. Internet Archive, 30 June 2008. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.

Norenburg, Jon L. 2004. Nemertea. Ribbon Worms. Version 16 April 2004 (temporary). in The Tree of Life Web Project,

Principles of Paleobiology

Seapy, Roger R. 2009. Pterotracheoidea Rafinesque, 1814. Heteropoda Lamarck, 1812, heteropods, sea
elephants. Version 09 October 2009 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,

The Field Museum. (2012) “Mazon Creek Flora”


Whittington, HB. (1975). The Enigmatic Animal Opabinia regalis, Middle Cambrian, Burgess Shale,
British Columbia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological
Sciences, 271, (910), 1-43.

Wilson, Mark. "Wooster's Fossil of the Week: A Tully Monster! (Late Carboniferous of Illinois)."
Wooster Geologists. College of Wooster, 1 Jan. 2012. Web. 2 Dec. 2012.


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