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Name : syahrul ariffin

NIM : 1803277092
Class : 3B/S1 Nursing
Lesson : B. Inggris


Recently, the government has made it compulsory for residents to take Covid 19
vaccinations. Then there are pros and cons .. Try to see why it happened? What makes people
disagree with vaccinations? Why do people agree with vaccinations? In this case you as a
nursing student, what do you think? Give the reason?

Why the pros and cons can occur because there is news stating that the COVID-19
vaccine has not passed the test and means it is not safe and the public believes that the news
is true because in the news it is stated that other countries also reject the COVID-19 vaccine
and they choose to maintain their health they. independent, and only in our country that
receives the vaccine, people become afraid why other countries can refuse, while our country
accepts maybe suspicions in people's minds arise about this and the news comes that some
areas have been vaccinated and complain that after their COVID-19 vaccine experiencing
symptoms of fever and seizures, making all unvaccinated people experience fear of
vaccination and many rural people who feel they do not need to be vaccinated because they
have never left the city and have never traveled far. Mrs. Ribka Tjiptaning, Minister of Health
(Menkes), First Person to Refuse Vaccines in Indonesia. and the government also says that if
you don't want to be vaccinated, you will be fined 3 million per person, and he prefers to be
fined over vaccination, and some people are increasingly convinced to reject the vaccine.

Because some people have fear and do not believe that vaccines are safe to distribute
and also people feel that they have never left the city / traveled far during this pandemic.

and some of the people who agree to be vaccinated maybe they are more obedient and
believe that the government is unlikely to hurt their people, and also they are not too
concerned about issues or information in cyberspace that are often identified with the word

In my opinion, as a health student, the government must understand or respect the

decisions of the people who do not want vaccines / refuse vaccines, and must not threaten
that people who do not want vaccines must pay, I know this pandemic is very threatening but
to avoid a government conflict must respect the community's decision to choose to maintain
health at home and always apply health protocols, and for people who want to be vaccinated
please just maybe they often travel out of town, or they don't always follow health protocols.

That is all and Thank you

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