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MEE 2005 Heat Transfer

MODULE 3 – Conduction II
Multi Dimensional Steady State Conduction and Unsteady Conduction

Lecture # 13: Lumped System

Dr K Karunamurthy
Associate Professor
School of Mechanical Engineering
Transient Conduction
• Biot in 1804, analysed the interaction
between conduction in a solid and convection at
its surface.
• Systems with negligible internal conductive
resistance are called lumped systems.
• For these systems temperature is a function of Jean-Baptiste Biot
only time
 T (t) Note:
• These lumped systems are identified by For transient
determining Biot Number. conduction 𝑄 is
not constant
• Biot Number is a non dimensional number and it
is the ratio of conductive resistance to
convective resistance.
Bi = h Lch/k
Bi = 𝑅𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑
• If Bi < 0.1 indicates system is lumped.
MEE 2005 - Heat Transfer
Lumped System
Expression for Temperature Profile

Consider cooling of a hot body (of an arbitary shape)

placed in a medium at time t=0,

Heat lost by the body = change in internal energy

MEE 2005 - Heat Transfer

MEE 2005 - Heat Transfer
MEE 2005 - Heat Transfer
MEE 2005 - Heat Transfer
MEE 2005 - Heat Transfer
MEE 2005 - Heat Transfer

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