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Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Examination Electrical Engineering Section Review ‘August 31, 2009 Exam Format ‘The FE examination is 8 hours long, divided into two four-hour sessions. During the morning session, all examinees take a general exam consisting of 120 questions. The topics covered in the morning session are intended to be general and are drawn from twelve different areas, one of which is Electricity and Magnetism. In the morning session, approximately 9% of the questions relate to Electricity and Magnetism, During the afternoon session, examinees can opt to take a general exam or a discipline specific exam consisting of 60 questions. ‘The review material presented tonight is devoted primarily to the subjects covered in the ‘morning session and general exam in the afternoon session. References Principle and Applications of Electrical Engineering, Giorgio Rizzoni, Fifth Edi McGraw-Hill, 2007 ion, Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications, Allan R. Hambley, Fourth Edition, Pearson/Prentice-Hall, 2008 Prepared by: Dr. Ravel F. Ammerman August 31, 2009 Electrical Engineering Session Reference Materi: Fundamental Electrical Quantities Q (Charge) unit 1 (Current) unit iO) = da(tldt V (Voltage) unit Wi) = dwidg W Energy) uni w(0 = [pdt P(Power) units: PAO = WOH) = aw(oyidt Circuit Elements Resistor: A passive circuit element that dissipates energy in the form of heat. The resistance of a resistor is expressed in ohms (9). 1 For a conductor of length L, electrical resistivity p, and area A, + | the resistance is: R= pL/A VSR Ohm's Law: V=IR; v()=i(QR Conductance G= 1/R. units: Siemens (S) Inductor: An clement that stores energy in a magnetic field. The inductance of an inductor is measured in Henries (H). I L=Noi _ | Faraday's Law: v(0)~ L di/dt Energy Stored: W(t) = 4Li2() I Capacitor: An element that stores energy in an electric field. The capacitance of a ‘capacitor is measured in Farads (F). I | C=eAd € = dielectric constant : 7 HD= Cv; = Cdvelde c at - Energy Stored: W(t) = 4Cv¢%(1) ¥ T Energy Sourees Ideal Voltage Source: This type of source supplies voltage with the polarity specified ‘The circuit that is connected determines the current that the source must supply. Ideal Current Source: This type of source supplies current in the direction indicated. ‘The circuit that is connected determines the voltage that appears across the current source, $l or Dependent (Controlled) Sources: The output of the source (voltage or current) is a fanction of some other voltage or current in a circuit, Source type Voltage controlled voltage source (VCVS) 5 A ‘Current controlled voltage source (CCVS) s . Voltage controlled current source (VCCS) Current controlled current source (CCCS) Circuit Analysis Principles <+ Kirchhoff's Laws: These two laws of conservation govern the behavior of all circuits. Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL): Conservation of charge, 5 I= 0 (at any node). Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL): Conservation of energy, © V = 0 (around any closed path). Equivalent Resistance and Divider Principles: Series Circuits: Ry Series Resistors =Ri+Ry+... #Ry v5 © - Reg=Rr * 2 ; Ry Parallel Circuits: Parallel Resistors I Rgg = (UR) + 1/Ry +... + Rg) ‘OD * | 4 Current Division Principle Ty = Is(1/Ry/1 Req) Node Voltage Analysis: Writing KCL equations at the independent nodes using Ohm's Law to express currents in terms of the voltages at the nodes (I = AV/R). Mesh Current Anatysis: Writing KVL equations around the loops in a circuit using Ohm's Law to express voltages in terms of the mesh currents (V = IR). Superposition: In any linear resistive network containing two or more independent sources, any circuit voltage or current may be calculated as the algebraic sum of all the individual voltages or currents caused by the sources acting alone. When zeroing sources voltage sources are replaced by short circuits and open circuits replace current sources. Thévenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits: A simpler equivalent circuit consisting of a source and a resistor may replace any complex one-port network. Complex Network ‘Thévenin Equivalent Norton Equivalent Rr a a Linear [———°# Resistive =r =h ® Ry Network | _op b b ¥r=Voo WW=lsc Rr= Voollsc Ry= Voollsc Maximum Power Transfer Theorem: A Thévenin equivalent circuit can be used to determine the load that will draw maximum power from a one-port network. RL=Rr Pimax= Ve/4Rr RC and RL Transients: DC transients are caused when switching takes place in a circuit. The general form of the transient response for a first-order circuit with switched de sources is described below. Fort20, i(=1a+(Io- Le ¥() = Ve+ (Vo~ Vale Time Constant (t): RL Circuit: t=L/R; RC Cirouit: t= RC Initial Values: (Vo and Io) The voltage across a capacitor cannot change instantaneously (y ‘The current through an inductor cannot change instantaneously (ito. ros). ium). Final Values: (Vand Ie) In de steady state a capacitor looks like an open circuit and an inductor looks like a short circuit. v(t) = Vm cos(cr + ®y) Volts i() = Im cos(at +8)) Amps Average value: Vaya =(1/T) of" v(0) dt Effective (RMS) value: Vans = [(1/T) ol" (0) dt] ‘Sine-Cosine Relationships: sin (wf) = cos (w/ — 90 ‘V2 *) = — cos (or + 90°) Frequency Domain Analysis: The use of phasors and impedance greatly simplifies the analysis of ac circuits. Once an ac circuit is represented in the frequency domain, all the same methods of circuit analysis developed for de circuits apply. The only difference is that phasor and impedance quantities are complex numbers. ‘Complex Numbers: Complex Number A Rectangular Form: Polar Form: A=1rZ0 Exponential Form: A= re” =atjb R-P and PR Conversions £= (0 +b4)%; 6 = tan '(b/a) Re a=rcosd; b=rsind Phasors: V=Vne™=VnZ0y — 1= Ine = [m2 where j= V=1 Impedance: Z= VA = [Z| 20=R+jX (units: ohms(Q)) Admittance: Y= 1/Z. (units: Siemens(S)) Circuit Element Impedanees: Resistor: Zg=R=RZO° Inductor: Z, = jal = @L 290° Capacitor: jw = ~jfoC = oC Z-90" Impedance Triangle: Impedance Z= |Z| 20 = R+jX z lz ee R= Re(Z): AC Resistance —) X= Im(Z): AC Reactance R Capacitive Reactance: Xe=—MoC Inductive Reactance: X,= ol. Frequency Response: Electrical filters pass components in a specific frequency range to the output without changing the amplitude or phase and reject or attenuate components at other frequencies. The transfer function of a filter is the phasor output divided by the phasor input. The transfer function is a complex quantity having both a magnitude response (|H(ja) | and a phase response (ZH(ja)). HG) = Vow/Vin = |HGw)| ZHGa) Low Pass Filter ‘High Pass Filter ‘Band-pass Filter. Band-reject Filter Inge) Igo) | ~] Iga) oe oO © | a @ @ @; © Resonance: For a circuit to be resonant it must have both types of energy storage elements. Resonant circuits are used to produce band-pass and band-reject filters. Series Resonance: Resonant frequency: 0», = ILC; @,L= M/C); Zeg=R Quality factor: Q = @,L/R = 1/(0,CR) Bandwidth: BW = 0/Q AC Power AC Complex Power: The expressions shown below are valid for rms quantities. = |8]20=Pay+iQ Isl Plz| = Vv4IzI (Apparent Power (VA)) Za) Pav Vicos®=FR=Va"/R (Average Power (W)) Q= Visind = PX = V32/X (Reactive Power (VAR)) Pav Power Factor (pf) = cosd = Paw S| Inductive loads produce lagging power factors. Capacitive loads produce leading power factors. Ideal Transformers: A transformer is a magnetically coupled device. An ideal transformer has no losses. i Lo + “©O “i qu Primary: NN Equivalent Circuit source side fonda Voltage Transformation: V; Ny V2 Ne Current Transformation: Ty Np h N L Impedance Transformation: Z, [* ] 2 Nz Balanced three-phase systems: The information given below is in terms of rms quantities. Balanced Wye (¥) System: Kine 1 Nb Vonase 2 + Vine z + b Se Balanced Wye Relationships: \Vine! = V31Vphase!; 2Vine = 2Vphase + 30° Tine = Iphase NB Vinehine®0S0; Q= V3 Vinelinesin®; |S] = V3 Vineline Balanced Delta (4) System: Balanced Delta Relationships: Vine! = 3 lIphasels Zine = Zlphase— 30° ‘Vine = Vphase Pav=¥5 Vinclinetos0; Q= 3 Vinelinesin®; 1S] = V3 Vinchine Operational Amplifiers A very versatile Integrated Circuit (IC) that has many applications in electric circuits. Some common operational amplifier circuits are shown below. Inverting Amplifier Non-inverting Amplifier A, = volv, = -RpR, A,=1+Rp/Rs “Re Rr Rs Rs MN Yo vo Ys Difference Amplifier vp = Ry/Ry(- ¥1) Voltage Follower Ri Ry Vo = Vp WM — WW a vo Yo 5 ¥s R, Re Summing Amplifier Vo = —Re(vy/Ry + ve/Ro) Ry “0 Ya Re % Ry Lo vo Discrete Electronic Devices Electronic devices are nonlinear circuit elements. Circuits containing nonlinear circuit element are analyzed using two methods. Load-Line Analysis: Nonlinear device i-v characteristic Piecewise Linear Models: With this technique the nonlinear characteristic is divided into linear segments. An assumption is made regarding the region of operation and then the validity of the assumption must be checked, ‘Semiconductor Diodes: A diode conducts readily in one direction but prevents the flow of current in the other direction. In other words a diode is an electric circuit element that functions like a one-way valve for current. Rectifier circuits are a common application of diodes. Symbol Ideal i-v characteristics Real i-v characteristics ip i ip | ‘Anode aa On YD ~ | Cathode Off Adiode that is On is modeled as a short. A diode that is Off is modeled as an open. ‘Sample Questions of the Electrical Engineering Section of the FE Examination ©.1__ Assuming the connecting wires and the battery have negligible resistance, the voltage across the 25-9 resistance in Figure C.l is a25V b6OV ¢S0V dI5V &125V 2020 Figure C.1 ©.2_ Assuming the connecting wires andthe battery have negligible resistance, the voltage across the 6-8 resistor in Figure C.2is a6V b35V 6RV d8V e3V¥ 22 aw Figure c.2 ©.3_A.125-V batery charger is used to charge 2 75-V battery with intemal resistance of 1.5 9. I the charging current isnot to exceed 5 A. the minimum resistance in series with the ‘charger must be 210 b5S2 6385Q ddISQ ©8529 a isa ie Sav fn, Figure c.3 ©.4 Acoil with inductance of 1 H and negligible resistance carries the current shown in Figure C4, The maximum energy stored inthe inductor is 22) b0ST 6025) atl 6027 4A a saa Figura c.4 ©.5 The maximum voltage that will appear across the coil a5V bIOV ¢.250V 4. 500V «5,00 ©.6 A voltage sine wave of peak value 100 V isin phase with a curent sine wave of peak value 4 A. When the phase angle is 60" ater than atime at which the volage andthe current sre both zero, the instantaneous power is most nealy a 250W 20W 6400W 4. 150W © 100W ©.7 A sinuscdal volage whose amplitude is 2002 V is applied to 5-5 resistor. The root-mean-square value of the curtis 2565A b4A C707A 8A e10A {8 The magnitude ofthe steady-state root-mean-square voltage acrosthe capacitor inthe circuit of Figure C5 is a30V bISV cIOV d4sV e60Ov 10a 30.V ems) non. oa Figure c.6 ‘The next set of questions (Exercises C.9 to C.28) pertain to single-phase AC power joan 1000 nF Fra Figure PC2 PC13, The voltage v, shown in Figure PC.13 is most near! a5V b.75V ov a. 10V C14. The current flowing through the 5-7 resistor in Figure PC.14 is most nearly: a. 2Ams b. 4Arms e 1Arms 4. 0Ams PCL b; PC2. 4; PCS. a; PCA. b; PCS. b; 2 10V ms Figure PC.14 Eso PCLL b; PCI. a; PCI. 4; PCA. c;

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