The Becker County Dedicated Second Amendment County Resolution

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17 &o BECKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION 04-21-20 “DEDICATED 2nd AMENDENT COUNTY” WHEREAS, the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads "A well-regulated Mila, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” and WHEREAS, the people of Becker County, Minnesota, have the right to utilize all safe forms of firearm ownership for; self-protection, recreation, hunting, and shooting sports within Becker County, which include using all types of firearms under the United States 2 Amendment.” and WHEREAS, Becker County has invested significant resources to encourage outdoor recreation, firearms safety, and safety of the public; and WHEREAS, the Becker County Commissioners wishes to express opposition to any proposed legislation that would restrict the constitutional rights of the citizens of Becker County to keep and bear arms; and WHEREAS, the Becker County Commissioners declares its intent to oppose any infringement on the constitutional right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED. That the Board of County Commissioners of Becker County, Minnesota hereby supports the following, That the Becker County Board of Commissioners declare the County as dedicated to supporting the Second Amendment, and That the Becker County Board of Commissioners hereby express its support for the Second ‘Amendment rights of the citizens and its visitors of Becker County, Minnesota, and That the Becker County Board of Commissioners hereby declare its intent to support law- abiding citizen's constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Duly adopted this 20” day of April, 2021, at Detroit Lakes, MN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Becker County, Minnesota ATTEST: Isl Michael Brethorst isl Barry Nelson Michael Brethorst Barry Nelson County Administrator Board Chair State of Minnesota ) )ss County of Becker )

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