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STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy

Pre- and post-assessments are used to assess the learning that takes place from participating in a
learning activity. The pre-assessment is given to students before instruction, in order to
determine their prior knowledge of the topic, or inaccurate knowledge, which is sometimes the
case. After students have participated in the unit, they are given the post-assessment, which can
be the same as the pre-assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures
the same concepts.
Formative assessment is acceptable, work with your mentor teacher to determine the best way to
collect data in your classroom.

Pre-Assessment - Copy and paste the pre-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’
knowledge of the topic prior to implementing the unit lessons. Include the scoring criteria used
to determine whether the student is Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient, Minimally
Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.

Na m e: Fa v or it e Food:

Poet r y Pr a ct ice Da y On e
Pa r t 1 – fill in th e KWL ch a r t. Ma ke su r e to fill in th e L section a fter th e lesson .

Wh a t do you k n o w a bou t Wh a t do you w a n t t o k n o w a bou t Wh a t h ave you l e a r n e d a bou t
Poetr y? Poetr y? Poetr y?

Pa r t 2 - Use com plete sen ten ces to fill in th e section below.

After lis ten in g a n d r ea din g all th e poem s , wh a t ar e two th in gs you

n oticed?

Cr ea ted by: Ha n n a h Sta tezn y 2 0 2 1

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Scoring Criteria:
 Part 1- 5 points (Looking for complete sentences, correct capitalization, and punctuation)
 Part 2- 5 points (Looking for use of G (grammar) R (restate) A(answer) D(detail))
 Participation in class + completion- 5 points
15 total points

Pre-Assessment Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ knowledge on the topic,
collect and analyze the pre-assessment data to determine if you will need to modify the standards,
learning goal, or measurable objectives that will be addressed during instruction.

Number of Students

Highly Proficient (90%-100%) 11 students 100%

3 students 93%

Partially Proficient

1 student received a zero. This student is the only

online student remaining in this class and chose to
refrain from filling out the KWL chart. This student
was given directions, verbally told the directions,
messaged when there was a lack of the chart being
completed, and again reminded to complete and
Minimally Proficient submit the KWL chart.
(69% and below)
1 student absent
Pre-Assessment Analysis: Whole Class

This class did such a wonderful job on the pre-assessment. I was overall very impressed with the depth
that the students went into when it came to what they knew about Poetry before the lesson and what they
want to know about poetry. I received many students understanding that poetry always contains rhymes. I
modified my instruction to include teaching the students that Poetry does not always have to rhyme and
when creating their own poem, they could choose if they wanted it to rhyme or not. We focused on why
poems often contain rhyme and how fun and easy to read all the rhyming words make the poem.

Post-Assessment – Copy and paste the post-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’ knowledge
of the topic after implementing the unit lessons. The post-assessment can be the same as the pre-
assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures the same concepts. Include the
scoring criteria used to determine whether students are Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient,
Minimally Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.

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Students will create a poem of their own that will be turned in and graded based on the description and
captions on the Brainstorm worksheet. In class as the Poetry Day 3 Brainstorming worksheet was handed
out, we went over and highlighted all the aspects listed that must be included in each poem. Students will
receive a grade on this worksheet for completing directions and highlighting what is expected. When
writing their poems students have their Brainstorming sheet right next to them to help guide and ensure all
the important aspects make it into their Narrative Poem.
Na m e: Fa vor it e Sea s on :

Poet r y Pr a ct ice Da y Th r ee
It’s tim e to cr ea te a Na r r a tive Poem of you r own . Befor e th e fu n of wr itin g ca n be gin , we n e ed to ta k e
s om e tim e to Br ain s to r m ideas . On th e ch ar t be low sta r t th e wr itin g pr oces s by listin g idea s in ea ch
section for you r own pe r s on a l Nar r a tive Poem . Focu s on th e s ettin g of you r poem , sp ecific
ch a r a cter s in you r poem , h ow you plan on tellin g a stor y with you r poem , a n d a n y r h ym i n g wor ds if
you wou ld lik e you r poem to r h ym e. Each n a r r a tive poem m u st h ave a begin n in g, m iddle, an d en d
wh er e you r ch a r a cte r s fa ce a pr oblem a n d com e u p with a solu tion to fix it.

Fill ou t ea ch section . Br a in stor m idea s to cr ea te a Nar r a tive Poem .

Settin g Ch a r acter s
(Place an d Tim e)

Tells a Stor y
(Begin n in g, Middle, En d)
Na r r a tive Rh ym e?




Cr ea ted by: Ha n n a h Sta tezn y 2 0 2 1

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STEP Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning
During the design phase, you will carefully construct activities that are geared toward improving learning outcomes in your specific
disciplines. Each activity should align to instructional goals and demonstrate your understanding of the pre-assessment data results,
contextual factors, student learning needs, and management strategies.

Collaborate with your Cooperating Teacher/Mentor to design a unit of instruction that aligns to state content standards. Be sure to
include technology integration and demonstrate how you will differentiate your lessons to meet the needs of individual students.

Note: When implementing the unit of study, you will be choosing one of these activities to video record, review, and reflect on your teaching in
the STEP process.

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Unit/Subject: Narrative Poems

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

List specific grade-
level standards that CCSS.ELA- CCSS.ELA- CCSS.ELA- CCSS.ELA- CCSS.ELA-
are the focus of the LITERACY.RL.3.5 LITERACY.RL.3.5 LITERACY.RL.3.5 LITERACY.RL.3.5 LITERACY.RL.3.5
lesson being
Specific Learning  Students will be
Target(s)/Objective able to identify  Students will be  When called  Student will be  Student will be
s Based on state who Amanda able to both ask upon students able to write able to write
standards, identify Gorman is and and answer will be actively complete complete
what is intended to be some facts questions engaged and Narrative Narrative
measured in learning. about her throughout the able to give an poems with a poems with a

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 Students will large group answer to the beginning, beginning,
use complete presentation. question. middle, and middle, and
sentences with end. end.
proper  Students will
 When called complete a  Students will  Students will
capitalization upon students
and punctuation worksheet each successfully successfully
will be actively day throughout complete a self- complete a self-
throughout engaged and
entire the unit. In this edit and peer edit and peer
able to give an work sheet edit using the edit using the
worksheet. answer to the students will editing check editing check
 Students will question. use full list/editing list/editing
complete a
complete marks list. marks list.
worksheet each  Students will sentences and
day throughout complete a complete both
the unit. In this worksheet each parts.
work sheet day throughout
students will  Students will
the unit. In this brainstorm with
use full work sheet
complete full ideas in
students will order to
sentences and use full
complete both translate that
complete into a full
parts. sentences and Narrative Poem
complete both throughout the
parts. next few days.
Academic  Poetry  Narrative  Brainstorm  n/a  n/a
Language General  Youth Poet Poetry  Poetry
academic vocabulary  Rhyme  Rhyme  Rhyme
and content-specific 
 Repetition Repetition  Repetition
vocabulary included in
the unit.  Rhythm  Rhythm  Rhythm
 Imagery  Imagery  Imagery
 Simile  Simile  Simile
 Metaphor  Metaphor  Metaphor
 Verse  Verse  Verse
 Stanza  Stanza  Stanza
 Line Break  Line Break  Line Break

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Unit Resources,  Teacher  Teacher  Teacher  Teacher  Teacher
Materials, Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer
Equipment, and  Projector  Projector  Projector  Projector  Projector
Technology  PowerPoint  PowerPoint  PowerPoint  PowerPoint  PowerPoint
List all resources, Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
materials, equipment,
 Worksheet Day  Worksheet Day  Worksheet Day  Pencil  Pencil
and technology to be
used in the unit. 1 2 3 (Brainstorm)  Paper (Poem)  Red Pen
 Pencil  Pencil  Pencil (Editing)
 Paper (Poem)
Depth of  What do you know  What do you know  What does it look  What is the setting  What is the setting
Knowledge Lesson about Poetry? about Narrative like to brainstorm? of a story/poem? of a story/poem?
Questions  What do you want Poetry?  What are some  Who are the  Who are the
What questions can be to know about  What do you want ways to come up characters of your characters of your
posed throughout the Poetry? to know about with ideas when poem? poem?
lesson to assess all
 What have you Narrative Poetry? you are drawing a  What is the  What is the
levels of student
understanding? learned about  What have you blank? beginning, middle, beginning, middle,
 Level 1: Recall Poetry? learned about  What is the setting and end to your and end to your
 Level 2:  What are three Narrative Poetry? of a story/poem? narrative poem? narrative poem?
Skill/Concepts things you have  What is the  Who are the  Does your poem  Does your poem
 Level 3: Strategic learned about character(s) in this characters of your rhyme? Why did rhyme? Why did
Thinking Amanda Gorman? poem? poem? you choose to have you choose to have
 Level 4: Extended  Discuss how his  How do his actions  What is the it rhyme? it rhyme?
Thinking poem made you feel affect the sequence beginning, middle,  What are some self-  What are some self-
and why you think of events? and end to your editing marks you editing marks you
it made you feel  What is Narrative narrative poem? use to improve your use to improve your
this way. writing?  Does your poem piece of writing? piece of writing?
 What are some  What is the problem rhyme? Why did  What are some  What are some
elements of poetry the character(s) face you choose to have partner editing partner editing
you are seeing in the poem? it rhyme? skills you skills you
throughout the  What is the solution know/use? know/use?
poems we are they choose to fix
reading? the problem?
 What is the
beginning, middle,
and end of this

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Anticipatory Set  KWL  Students will  What does it  Starting with  Starting with
How will students’ Chart activate their look like to questions like, questions like,
prior knowledge be  Think prior brainstorm? “Who can “Who can
activated as well as about knowledge When have you remember what remember what
gain student interest in
what through brainstormed Narrative Narrative
the upcoming content?
you explaining what for a piece of Poetry is” Poetry is”
already the writing in the
know, characteristics past?
pair of Narrative  What is the
with a writing are. setting of a
partner story, who can
and tell me?
Presentation of Content
Multiple Means of  Modification of  Modification of  Modification of  Modification of  Modification of
Representation expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations
Describe how content when it comes when it comes when it comes when it comes when it comes
will be presented in to written to written to written to written to written
various ways to meet responses and responses and responses and responses and responses and
the needs of different verbal verbal verbal verbal verbal
responses. responses. responses. responses. responses.
 Additional  Additional  Additional  Additional  Additional
explanation explanation explanation explanation explanation
given to given to given to given to given to
students in need students in need students in need students in need students in need
while walking while walking while walking while walking while walking
around the around the around the around the around the
classroom. classroom. classroom. classroom. classroom.
 Several levels  Several levels  Additional help  Additional help  Additional help
of poems of poems + time provided + time provided + time provided
provided for provided for with the with the with the

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different levels different levels students during students during students during
of readers and of readers and Brainstorming Brainstorming Brainstorming
student student + writing. + writing. + writing.
understanding. understanding
Multiple Means of English Language English Language English Language English Language English Language
Representation Learners (ELL) Learners (ELL) Learners (ELL) Learners (ELL) Learners (ELL)
Differentiation  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
Explain how materials Students with Special Students with Special Students with Special Students with Special Students with Special
will be differentiated Needs Needs Needs Needs Needs
for each of the  Paraprofessiona  Paraprofessiona  Paraprofessiona  Paraprofessiona  Paraprofessiona
following groups:
l brought in. l brought in. l brought in. l brought in. l brought in.
 English
Language  Modified  Modified  Modified  Modified  Modified
Learners expectations on expectations on expectations on expectations on expectations on
(ELL) worksheet. worksheet. worksheet. poem. Verbal poem. Verbal
 Students with Verbal response Verbal response Verbal response response response
special needs accepted. accepted. accepted. accepted. accepted.
 Students with Students with Gifted Students with Gifted Students with Gifted Students with Gifted Students with Gifted
gifted abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities
Early finishers (those  Higher level  Higher level  Higher level  N/A  N/A
who finish early and discussion discussion discussion Early Finishers Early Finishers
may need additional questions while questions while questions while  When finished  When finished
walking around walking around walking around with poem with poem
during small during small during small students can students can
group group group read silently or read silently or
discussions. discussions. discussions. get out their get out their
i.e., Why do Early Finishers Early Finishers Chromebook Chromebook
you think a  N/A  N/A and work on and work on
poem would Amplify Amplify
make you feel reading. reading.
Early Finishers
 N/A
Application of Content
Multiple Means of  Students are  Students are  Students are  Students are  Students are
Engagement able to sit and able to sit and able to sit and able to sit and able to sit and
How will students listen to listen to listen to listen to listen to

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explore, practice, and information be information be information be information be information be
apply the content? presented presented presented presented presented
 Students are  Students are  Students are  Students are  Students are
able to engage able to engage able to engage able to engage able to engage
in hand raising in hand raising in hand raising in hand raising in hand raising
+ sharing to the + sharing to the + sharing to the + sharing to the + sharing to the
whole class whole class whole class whole class whole class
 Students are  Students are  Students are  Students are  Students are
able to engage able to engage able to engage able to engage able to engage
in small group in small group in small group in small group in small group
student student student student student
discussions discussions discussions discussions discussions
 Students are  Students are  Students are  Students are  Students are
able to give able to give able to give able to have able to have
both verbal and both verbal and both verbal and individual individual
written answers written answers written answers learning/writing learning/writing
to questions. to questions. to questions. time while they time while they
fill out their fill out their
Brainstorming Brainstorming
worksheet and worksheet and
write their write their
Narrative Narrative
Poems. Poems.
Multiple Means of English Language English Language English Language English Language English Language
Engagement Learners (ELL) Learners (ELL) Learners (ELL) Learners (ELL) Learners (ELL)
Differentiation  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
Explain how materials Students with Special Students with Special Students with Special Students with Special Students with Special
will be differentiated Needs Needs Needs Needs Needs
for each of the  Same  Same  Same  We worked on  We worked on
following groups:
worksheet worksheet worksheet writing + writing +
 English
however however however coming up with coming up with
Learners expectations expectations expectations words that words that
(ELL) will be will be will be rhyme. We rhyme. We
 Students with modified. One modified. One modified. One talked about Dr. talked about Dr.
special needs student with student with student with Suess and how Suess and how
 Students with special needs I special needs I special needs I he writes he writes

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gifted abilities had write down had write down had write down poems. One of poems. One of
Early finishers (those her favorite her favorite her favorite the students had the students had
who finish early and poet she knew poet she knew poet she knew their Dr. Suess their Dr. Suess
may need additional of, Dr. Suess! of, Dr. Suess! of, Dr. Suess! book with them book with them
 Verbal response  Verbal response  Verbal response so we read a so we read a
accepted accepted accepted few pages few pages
Students with Gifted Students with Gifted Students with Gifted together. together.
Abilities Abilities Abilities Students with Gifted Students with Gifted
 N/A  N/A  These students I Abilities Abilities
Early Finishers Early Finishers focused on the  These students I  These students I
 N/A  N/A challenge of focused on the focused on the
making their challenge of challenge of
poem Rhyme. It making their making their
is more poem Rhyme. It poem Rhyme. It
advanced to is more is more
come up with advanced to advanced to
words that both come up with come up with
rhyme and words that both words that both
make sense rhyme and rhyme and
throughout the make sense make sense
poem. throughout the throughout the
Early Finishers poem. poem.
 N/A Early Finishers Early Finishers
 When finished  When finished
with poem or with poem or
worksheet worksheet
students can students can
read silently or read silently or
get out their get out their
Chromebook Chromebook
and work on and work on
Amplify Amplify
reading. reading.
Assessment of Content
Multiple Means of  KWL Chart  KWL Chart  Brainstorming  Written Poem  Written Poem
Expression  Worksheet  Worksheet Worksheet turned in and turned in and

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Formative and  Small group  Small group  Graphic graded based on graded based on
summative discussion discussion Organizer teacher teacher
assessments used to questions while questions while  Think-Pair- expectations expectations
monitor student
I walk around I walk around Share
progress and modify
listening. listening.
 Think-Pair-  Think-Pair-
Share Share
Multiple Means of English Language English Language English Language English Language English Language
Expression Learners (ELL) Learners (ELL) Learners (ELL) Learners (ELL) Learners (ELL)
Differentiation  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
Explain how materials Students with Special Students with Special Students with Special Students with Special Students with Special
will be differentiated Needs Needs Needs Needs Needs
for each of the  Verbal  Verbal  Verbal  Verbal  Verbal
following groups:
Response Response Response Response Response
 English
Language  Can the  Can the  Can the  Can the  Can the
Learners students answer students answer students answer students answer students answer
(ELL) questions at questions at questions at questions at questions at
 Students with their level? their level? their level? their level? their level?
special needs  Work sheet not  Work sheet not  Work sheet not  Work sheet not  Work sheet not
 Students with graded- graded- graded- graded- graded-
gifted abilities students students students students students
Early finishers (those exempt. exempt. exempt. exempt. exempt.
who finish early and Students with Gifted Students with Gifted Students with Gifted Students with Gifted Students with Gifted
may need additional Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities Abilities
 Same  Same  Ask these  Same  Same
expectations for expectations for students more expectations for expectations for
Worksheet Worksheet in-depth poems poems
assessments. assessments. questions while Early Finishers Early Finishers
Early Finishers Early Finishers they are  N/A
 N/A  N/A brainstorming.
This affects
their poem as
well as helps
me understand
how much they
have learned.

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Early Finishers
 N/A

Extension Activity and/or Homework

Identify and describe n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
any extension activities
or homework tasks as
appropriate. Explain
how the extension
activity or homework
assignment supports
the learning
targets/objectives. As
required by your
instructor, attach any
copies of homework at
the end of this

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STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit
You will implement all lesson activities, correlating formative assessments and the summative
post-assessment. Choose one of the lesson activities to video record a 5–10-minute segment,
review, and reflect on your teaching. Have your cooperating teacher/mentor review the recording
and provide feedback, if possible.

Use an online video platform such as Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video.
Be sure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submitting.

Video Recording Link:

Summary of Unit Implementation:

This Unit implementation went very well overall, however like every good unit throughout the days I had
to be flexible and come up with different timings and such. The week I was teaching this unit we ended
up getting a snow day on the Monday I was supposed to begin. We had eLearning days on every single
snow day thus far throughout the year, so I preemptively modified my lesson to be able to be given
online. This was great practice for myself when it comes to my future classroom, however the school
district ended up calling a no eLearning snow day. When we came back to school Tuesday, I began lesson
1. The students absolutely loved it, stayed engaged, asked and answered such wonderful questions, and
more. Because of the change in days, I had to modify my original plans due to different specials during
different days of my writing unit. I was able to complete the 5-day unit over 5 days and each student has
completed 3 worksheets and written a poem of their own. I overall loved learning and practicing the true
flexibility it takes to become a successful teacher.

Summary of Student Learning:

I was beyond impressed with my 3rd grade students throughout this lesson with them. I loved the
excitement, passion, and connection the students were showing throughout this entire unit. I had students
without me asking bring poetry books into class throughout the week I taught the unit. They wanted to
read these Poetry books during free read time as well as show me all of their favorite poems. We also
discussed such an empowering woman named Amanda Gorman who found her love of poetry in the 3 rd
grade. This connection really impressed my 3rd grade students and the discussions led much into free time
like recess and lunch. Students showed me what they learned each day through discussion but also
through reading what they filled out in their L section of the KWL chart each day. This helped me
understand not only something I need to reteach or say again but also what exactly the students were
taking from the lesson each day. Student learned about some amazing poets, the effects poetry can have
on the reader, Narrative Poetry a specific type of poetry, how poetry can rhyme but doesn’t have to, and
more. When reading/grading each assessment throughout the week I was blown away by student growth
and what they were taking away from my lessons. It brought some more confidence into my teaching
abilities and truly was such a positive experience for myself and the students.

Reflection of Video Recording:

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When watching back this video recording there are many positives, I see however I also see so much
room for growth. I believe that as a teacher constant growth is a must. Being able to practice reflecting on
my teaching has been one of the many positives I have taken away from my student teaching experience
thus far. I believe that some positives from this video recording include classroom management, student
engagement, and high energy. Jumping into someone’s classroom means they already have a classroom
management system in use, however learning their way of keeping the classroom managed and doing so
in an effective and similar way has been a strength throughout student teaching. I have paid close
attention to how my mentor teacher maintains such strong classroom management and truly this is a
wonderful class. Another strength I see is how engaged the students were throughout this lesson and the
unit overall. I had students on their own decide to bring in books with their favorite poems or look up
more information about Amanda Gorman. The students were having fun learning this lesson and I believe
it’s so apparent how much fun I am having as well. Some ways for growth that I and my mentor teacher
reflected on include my timing, higher in-depth questioning, and strengthening my student discussion
time a tad. Throughout my entire student teaching experience thus far I have been working on timing.
This is such an important aspect and throughout more experience I am becoming more and more
comfortable with it. My mentor and I discussed truly falling into my lessons and letting those in-depth
growth questions that come into my head flow into my lesson. She gave me the tip of writing down at
least 3 questions before or during the lesson to keep track and make sure I am asking all the questions I
am wanting to. Overall, I believe this lesson was so fun to create, teach, and see how much growth came
from myself and my students.

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